Unit 4 Operation & Management Level 5 HND PDF

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Unit number and title Unit 4: Operation & Management

Pearson BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals in Business

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Operation & Management

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Contents Define and compare the different roles and characteristics of a leader and a manager..............................5 2

9 difference between being a leader and manager.............................................................................5 Analyze and differentiate between the role of a leader and function of a manager by effectively applying a range of theories and concept..................................................................................................................7 Critically analyze and evaluate the different theories and approaches to leadership in given contexts....10 Examine examples of how the role of a leader and the function of a manager apply in different situational contexts...................................................................................................................................13 Apply different theories and models of approach, including situational leadership, systems leadership and contingency.........................................................................................................................................18 Assess and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to situations within the work environment..............................................................................................................................................21 Situation leadership model................................................................................................................21 Systems leadership models................................................................................................................22 Task oriented approach.....................................................................................................................23 Relationship oriented approach.........................................................................................................24 Chaos theory......................................................................................................................................24 Management by objectives................................................................................................................25 Explain the key approaches to operations management and the role that leaders and managers play....26 Total quality management.................................................................................................................26 Customer concentrate.......................................................................................................................26 Strong leadership...............................................................................................................................27 Systematic approach to management...............................................................................................27 Continual improvement.....................................................................................................................27 Factual approach to decision making.................................................................................................27 Mutually beneficial supplier relation.................................................................................................27 Just in time inventory........................................................................................................................28 Six Sigma approach............................................................................................................................29 Explain the importance and value of operations management in achieving business objectives..............30 Control and distribution systems.......................................................................................................30 Transformation of raw materials into finished goods and services....................................................30 Evaluate how leaders and managers can improve efficiencies of operational management to successfully meet business objectives...........................................................................................................................32 Assess the factors within the business environment that impact upon operational management and decision-making by leaders and managers................................................................................................34 3

Value system......................................................................................................................................34 Mission and objectives......................................................................................................................34 Organizational structure....................................................................................................................34 Analyze how these different factors affect the business environment and wider community...................35 Culture...............................................................................................................................................35 Value..................................................................................................................................................35 Ethics.................................................................................................................................................36 Sustainability.....................................................................................................................................36 Stakeholders meeting........................................................................................................................36 Critically evaluate application of operations management and factors that impact on the wider business environment..............................................................................................................................................38 Control and distribution.....................................................................................................................38 Transformation of raw materials........................................................................................................38 Capacity of management...................................................................................................................39 Bibliography...............................................................................................................................................40

Define and compare the different roles and characteristics of a leader and a manager. 9 difference between being a leader and manager: when you are promoted into a role where you are managing people, you don’t automatically become a leader. 4

There are important distinctions between managing and leading people. Here are some important differences that set leaders apart.[CITATION For \l 1033 ] Leaders create a vision, managers create goals: leaders paint a picture of what they see as possible and inspire and engage their people in turning that vision into reality. They think to the out of the box. Although they activate people to be part of something bigger. They know that high functioning teams can accomplish a lot more working together then individuals working autonomously. Managers concentrate on setting measuring and achieving goals. They control situations to reach or exceed their aims. [CITATION For \l 1033 ] Leaders are change agents; managers maintain the status quo: leaders are proud disrupters. Innovation is their mantra. They embrace change and know that even if things are working, there could be a better way forward and they understand the facts about the changing to the system often create waves. Managers stick with what works, refining systems, structures and processes to make them better. [CITATION For \l 1033 ] Leaders are unique, manager’s copy: leaders are willing to be themselves. They are self-aware and work actively to build their unique and differentiated personal brand. They are comfortable in their own shoes and willing to stand out. They’re authentic and transparent. While managers mimic the competencies and behaviors they learn from others, although they adopt their leadership style rather than defining it. [CITATION For \l 1033 ] Leaders take risks, managers control risks: leaders are willing to try new things even though they fail like miserably. They know that failure is often a step on the path to success. Managers work to minimize risk. They seek to avoid or control issues rather than embracing them.[CITATION For \l 1033 ] Leaders are in it for the long haul, managers think short term: leaders have intentionality. They do what they say they are going to do and say motivated towards a big, often very distant goal. They remain motivated without receiving regular rewards. Managers work on shorter term goals, seeking more regular acknowledgment or accolades. [CITATION For \l 1033 ] 5

Leaders grow personality; managers rely on existing, proven skills: leaders know if they aren’t learning something new every single day. They aren’t standing still, although they also remain curious and seek to remain relevant in an ever changing world of work. They seek out people and information that will expand their thinking skills. Managers often double down on what made them successful, perfecting existing skills and adopting proven behaviors. [CITATION For \l 1033 ] Leaders build relationships, managers build systems and processes: leaders concentrate on people—all the stakeholders they need to influence in order to realize their mission. They know who their stakeholders are and they spend most of their time with them. They build loyalty and trust by consistently delivering on their promise. Managers concentrate on the structures necessary to set and achieve goals. They concentrate on the analytical and ensure these systems are in place to attain desired outcomes. They work with individuals to achieve their goals and objectives.[CITATION For \l 1033 ] Leaders coach managers direct: leaders know that people who work for them have the answer or are able to find them. They see their people as competent. They are optimistic about their work. They resist the temptation to tell their people what to do and how to do it. Manager assigns tasks and provides guidance on how to accomplish them. [CITATION For \l 1033 ] Leaders create fans managers have employees: leaders have people who go beyond following them. So their followers become their raving fans and fervent promoters. Helping them build their brand and achieve their goals. Their fans help them increase their visibility and credibility. Managers have staff that follow directions and seek to please the boss.[CITATION For \l 1033 ] There are several comparisons between leaders and managers are as follow: Leaders are a skillful person who can able to lead the team. Manager is artist who organized the organization with the help of employees to achieve their goals. Leaders make trust with their followers. Managers control their organization and order their employees that you may complete this task in this period. Leaders are inspiration for their employees, although manager activates their employees for different and critical situations. Leaders have influence to lead their team and 6

achieve their aims and goals, but manager set their goals and rule it for achieve their goals and aims. Leaders encourage their followers to how to discipline their life; in this case managers bring satiability to do this work by their employees. Leaders are proactive in every single situation but managers are reactive and they dependent to their employees. Leaders give guidelines to their followers and share some principles regarding this; managers make policies and procedures for their employees. Leaders require good relationship with their followers in short they are friendly with their followers. Managers have a short range for their perspective regarding their task and to achieve their aims. [CITATION Dif \l 1033 ]

Analyze and differentiate between the role of a leader and function of a manager by effectively applying a range of theories and concept. A leader is innovative in nature which means that he continuously seeks for new inn ovations in his tasks whereas the manager is administrative in nature which means he is limited to a certain boundary only. It suggests that the leader follows situational leadership techniques while the manager’s follows classical management theory. Leader is a monitor by nature whereas the manager helps in maintains the individual regarding a task which is suggested that the leader follows charismatic leadership model whereas a manager follows transactional leadership model. A leader concentrates on trust whereas a manager concentrates on control which describes that the leader is relationship oriented whereas the manager is task oriented. A leader concentrates on the people which suggested that he is relationship oriented in nature whereas the manager concentrates on systems and procedures which suggested that he is task oriented in nature. A leader concentrates on the horizon of the task whereas the manager concentrates on the bottom line of the task which suggested that the leader concentrates on long term goals whereas the managers concentrates on short term goals which suggested that the leaders are action created in nature while the managers are not. A leader poses a long term perspective while a manager follows a short term perspective. This indicates that the leader is more visionary in nature while the manager is less visionary in nature which indicates that leaders follow style and contingency theory whereas managers follow classical theory. A leader is 7

oriented in nature but the manager is imitative in nature which suggests that the leader poses trial theory of leadership while the manager does not. A leader challenges the status quo while the manager accepts the status quo which share that the leader is transformational in nature while the manager is transactional in nature. A leader takes risks in their tasks while managers avoid taking any risks in their task to achieve their goals and objectives. A leader is a role model for his/her fans; while manager is unique they give the instruction to his/her employees. A leader generally used to ask why and what is important for a task, moreover managers want complete tasks in any aspects. Leaders lead the team for a team work. Managers manage the team in their business. A leader will help their followers to achieve their goals furthermore managers gave the task to their employees and want complete in short period of time. Leader show friendly relationship with their followers but manager’s work as boss and want results in positive way. [CITATION Dif \l 1033 ] Theories of leaderships: there are several theories of leaderships. I will discuss few of them: Great man theory: in great man theory we are able to know that leaders are born not made. This approach emphasized that a person is born with or without the traits of leaderships; early explanations of leadership studied the traits of great leaders. According to this theory of leadership, leadership calls for curtain qualities like commanding personality charm courage intelligence persuasiveness and aggressiveness. [CITATION dif \l 1033 ] Trait theory: this theory considers that the leader must have these qualities like personality, social physical or intellectual traits to differentiate leaders from nonleaders. Leader must be honest and integrity, although they must have selfconfidence to achieve their goals. They also have knowledge to work hard as well as work smartly.[CITATION dif \l 1033 ] Theories of manager: there are several theories for managers; but I will discuss few of them in my work.


Scientific management theory: when the science to improve its productivity was becoming abundantly clear, Frederick Taylor developed the scientific or classical management theory. This approach uses data and measurement to make organization more effective. With the help of this we observe and evaluate the process in numerical terms, managers are able to distill information that helps them to run their organization efficiently and profitably. The process of gathering data led to standardization and a management strategy based on punishment and rewards. This approach worked for mechanized operations, but it did not do justice to the human element the role that personal play in innovation and the importance of keeping staff satisfied and engaged so they do smart work. [CITATION dif1 \l 1033 ] Bureaucratic management theory: the seminal sociologist max Weber built on Frederick Taylor’s scientific management theory with his theory of bureaucratic management, which takes the scientific principles that Taylor applied to production systems and applies them to human resources management as well. This theory is based on stresses clearly designated roles for employees and management based on hierarchies that is streamline authority and make it clear who is in charge and who is not. Moreover, Weber’s theory cannot be reduced simply to a mechanical systematized approach to managing human beings. He also covers the dangers inherent in unchecked hierarchical bureaucracy and stressed the role of emotion in a business landscape dominated by technology. [CITATION dif1 \l 1033 ]

Critically analyze and evaluate the different theories and approaches to leadership in given contexts. The different theories and approaches to leadership are as below; Trait theory of leadership: it is based on the traits and qualities of the leaders which leads to their effectiveness but if fail to establish the trait that should be common to all leaders. This theory is best applied to big business where there is a huge demand for their products and therefore the productivity of the workforce has to be controlled strictly. [CITATION dif \l 1033 ] 9

In this theory of leadership there are certain qualities of a person which help them to control and manage a situation accordingly in a unique manner which does not match with the characteristics of any other persons. The trait theory of leadership is followed in organization such as Microsoft where the employees of the organization work accordingly in order to fulfill the vision of bill gates who is not only the founder of the company but also their leader. Style and contingency theories of leadership: it is based on the situational approach and it has got no particular model. The approach is applied accordingly to the situation of the company they are facing. It contains several sub theories in it such as the Fred Fiedler contingency model, Hersey Blanchard situational model, path goals model and Vroom Yetton model. [CITATION dif \l 1033 ] This theory of leadership believes that the organizational change is a dynamic process and it can happen at any point of time, therefore the adaption of contingency style of leadership is very essential for organizations rather t...

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