Unit 7 text questions PDF

Title Unit 7 text questions
Author Ashley Sinclair
Course Criminology
Institution Florida Atlantic University
Pages 2
File Size 34.9 KB
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Text questions and answers for unit seven....


Review Questions 1. What are the two models of the criminal justice system that Packer identified? Describe each model. The crime control model revolves around the goal of the criminal justice system to apprehend and punish convicted criminalists. The due process model argues that the criminal justice system has to protect individuals that may be accused of faulty errors and accusations. 2. What is community policing? Community policing is where programs and policies can partner with law enforcement to better serve the community. 3. What are police-community relations programs? Police-community relations programs are specifically made to change the community’s perceptions of law enforcement, while not changing polices. 4. What two challenges can an attorney make for potential jurors that he wishes to exclude? Describe each challenge. An attorney can make peremptory challenges, which are objections to a juror for which no reason has to be offered or make challenges for cause, which are objections surrounding the conflicts of interests toward jurors. 5. What is a wrongful execution? Why can this happen? Wrongful executions occur when a person is executed for a crime he/she did not commit. This can occur from people being framed, presented evidence, false testimonies, bad defense lawyers, or racial bias. Critical Thinking Questions 1. Which criminal justice model do you feel is most important—the crime control model or the due process model? Why? I believe the due process model is more important because if people are convicted wrongly, then that defeats the purpose of punishing convicted criminals. Also, people should be proven guilty rather than be proven innocent to ensure they are indeed guilty of a specific charge. 2. What factors do you think influence whether a police officer arrests a person or not? If there is a warrant, then the police officer will definitely arrest a person. If a police officer deems a person who fit for society, such as over intoxicated, then he may indeed

arrest them. I believe the type of crime influences police officers decision. I have seen in videos that people who were spit on went to police and the police did nothing about it. I once heard that in rough areas of New York, they hardly prosecute any assaults that did not require stitches or were serious injuries. 3. Do you think community policing programs are useful at deterring and reducing crime? Why or why not? I believe they are helpful in defeating a specific purpose. They also may record data used to help reduce other crimes. They also help the community by combining projects with law enforcements to help create an even better society. 4. Why do you think the selection of the jury in a trial is so important? If you were an attorney, what would you look for in a good juror? I believe it is very important because many people make decisions based on personal beliefs and opinions rather than based on facts. Many people also tend to favor one race over another or one religion over another. There needs to be some diversity in the court room in not just physical appearance but also in terms of mid sets. 5. Do you think the death penalty deters crime? Why or why not? I believe it does deter crime because it threatens people that if they take part in an illegal act, they will be executed. There is also no coming back after the death penalty. It is a permanent conviction procedure that should make people feel very frightened....

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