Unit 8 assignment 1 - Recruitment and selection process for a business PDF

Title Unit 8 assignment 1 - Recruitment and selection process for a business
Author Richard Kolo
Course Business Finance
Institution Brunel University London
Pages 9
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Recruitment and selection process for a business...


P1 Explain how a large business recruits and selects giving reasons for the processes. NatWest An organisation like NatWest needs to follow a recruitment process in other to find the appropriate staff for the company. First of all NatWest will have to identifying the vacancies in the business. Vacancies can occur because an employee has to be replaced either because he/she retired, was promoted, moved to a different job, or was recruited to a different department. In addition, vacancies can be a result of new department or a new product was introduced into the business. Secondly, NatWest need to make a job description, this will highlight duties and responsibilities that they job requires. For example a bank cashier work in for NatWest has to interact with customers by helping them, the job is also fairly sales-orientated, so you’ll need to think on your feet and spot potential sales leads to help the branch meet its targets. You will also be required to perform basic bank transactions such as: cashing cheques, checking statements, processing payments, making money transfers, updating account details. So if NatWest want to find the best people for the job then they job description needs to be detailed and it needs to make it clear what is expected from employees. Next, NatWest has to write a person specification. The person specification is a description of the qualifications, skills, experience, knowledge and other attributes that a candidate must possess to perform the job duties. The purpose of the person speciation is to make it easier for NatWest to find the most qualified people. For example, if a person is applying for a position in NatWest as bank manager they are required to have good communication skills, have to be well organized and have basic computing skills like word processing, databases and emails. They bank manager has to be experienced in managing a team or individuals, project management. They qualifications required to become a NatWest manager include a degree or postgraduate degree in Finance, Banking or Economics or other relevant disciplines. After this, NatWest has to advertise the any vacancies in order to attract skilled employees. NatWest can use internal methods to advertise a vacancy; internal recruitment means that employees that are already in the business fill up the vacancy. An example of an internal method would be job posting inside the business; Job posting is when an employer alerts current employees about a future job opening, advertisement may appear on the company’s bulletin board. This is often done when a department in the company requires extra help to meet its deadline. However, NatWest also have the option to advertise vacancies externally, this means that vacancies will be advertised to people outside of the business. This can be done by posting about current vacancies on the NatWest website, NatWest can also place posters to draw attention of workers. Next, Candidates have to apply for the position. NatWest allows candidates to apply for jobs through their website, candidates find the role they want, and click the ‘Apply’ button to open the application form. They will then be asked to upload their CV and enter personal information, including your email address. You can use your email address later to log in and

track your application. Candidates will have to provide information on why they are the right person for the job. The next, candidates are shortlisted depending on their application form, candidates that fit the jobs have application forms that fit the job description and person specification. For example if a person is applying for a place as bank manager they need communication skills, leadership skills, need to be well organized etc. NatWest conducts interviews dependant on the role the candidate is applying to do. Some jobs will require a face-to-face interview while orders require a video interview. Major roles have to face a face-to-face interview, this is because they role is more important so it is essential for NatWest to hire the right candidate. When doing a face-to-face interview it is easier to observe things like appearance. Other roles like branch-based and telephony roles will require the candidate to complete a video interview, as After NatWest has decided exactly what skills you are looking for in an employee they tailor the interviewing and selection process to hone in on people with those skills. They look at what strengths your current team is missing. For example if NatWest have five people who are great at written communications but struggle presenting to a large audience, select a person who can help fill that gap. If you don’t find a match during the first round of interviews, start again.

P2 Explain how and why a business adheres to recruitment process which are ethical and comply with current employment. Rules and legislations have been set by the government to conduct the recruitment and selection process. These acts ensure that every candidate has an equal opportunity at getting the job. The equality act 2010 The equality act protects people from discrimination in the workplace. The act use to be split into several parts, this includes Sex Discrimination Act 1975, Race Relations Act 1976, Disability Discrimination Act 1995. This meant that if you were a victim of inequality you would have to refer to a specific act, for example if you experienced racial abuse in the work place then the Race Relations Act 1976 will apply. After October 2010 all inequalities were put under the equality act 2010. The equality act covers: Age Gender Disability

Race Sex Sexual orientation Region Marriage or civil partnership Working time regulation Workers cannot work for more than 48 hours If under 18 you can’t work for more than 8 hours a day and more than 20 hours a week People that work night shifts should receive free health assessments 11 hours rest a day a day off work per week 4 weeks of paid leave per year Employment act 2002/2008 The Employment Act 2002 contained new rules on maternity, paternity and adoption leave and pay, and changes to the Tribunal system in the United Kingdom. Some changes made: Employees on fixed term contracts must be treated the same as a permanent employee An increase in statutory maternity leave to six months paid leave and a further six months unpaid leave. Introduction of two weeks paid paternity leave for working fathers. This is at the same rate as maternity pay. Working parents if young or disabled children can request to work flexibly Employment act 2008 can into act in April 2008 removing the minimum statutory Disciplinary & Grievance Procedures. These were replaced with the new ACAS code of practice on Disciplinary & Grievance Procedures. National minimum wage act The national minimum wage act provides decent minimum wage to employees. When first introduced in April 1999 the rate was £3.60 per hour (£3.00 for 18 to 21-year-olds). Previous rates: Year

21 and over

18 to 20

Under 18













21 and over

18 to 20

Under 18












Current rates: Year

25 and over

21 to 24

18 to 20

Under 18


April 2018 (current rate) £7.83





April 2019






Data protection act This aims to protection the personal data of individuals. Data like medical information, addresses, salary, bank details, date of birth, and training must be secure, up to date and correct. Individuals have a right to know what information is being stored about them, access the information, preventing their information from being passed to other organizations for marketing purposes. Companies only allowed to store information that is relevant. Ethical issues Make sure all candidates are asked the same questions In order for the recruitment to be fair all candidates must asked the same questions. This makes sure that every candidate has an equal opportunity and also makes it easy for a business to find the right person for the job. Interviewers most not be related to the candidates If the interviewers are married or related to the candidates in any way, because then the interview will bias. Less qualified people might end up getting the job while more qualified candidates will get rejected. Interviewers that are related to candidates will make the recruitment process biased Altering the job description In an attempt to make the position look more inviting, the recruiter may write a job description with strategically deceptive changes. The most obvious way is to inflate the

salary and other compensation. Or perhaps make the responsibilities seem more prestigious than they actually are. Advertising non-existing jobs Recruiters advertise jobs that are not real or that are already taken. This is to acquire resumes to use later when they have a vacancy.

Conclusion A business like NatWest will follow legislation and ethical issues in their recruitment methods. By following legislation set by the government NatWest will avoid legal issues and fines, also if NatWest do not follow acts like the equality act then they will receive bad publicity and they will lose customers and candidates as they will be considered unfair. If NatWest do not follow the employment act or the minimum wage act then they are at risk of facing lawsuits and losing candidates, NatWest will have to follow rights given to employees. Unethical business practice can cause hue issues for a business like NatWest. If NatWest is caught doing unethical practices then lawsuits can be a big problem, also in the business world of banking it is very competitive this means customers can easily switch to another bank. M1 Analyze the different recruitment methods used in a selected business. One method of recruitment NatWest uses is internal recruitment. Internal recruitment is when a business uses current work force to fill up a vacancy. An example would be an internal job board. Advantages of internal recruitment Recruitment costs are lowerIf budgets are tight, then hiring internally will save cash as a result of you won’t ought to use recruitment agencies or advertise You know what you’re getting- People can give great interviews and then turn out to be terrible at the job. People also lie or embellish their CV and accomplishments. By recruiting internally, you already know how productive a person is and have a good record of their performance, especially if you’re using HR software to keep track of your staff. Disadvantages

Can create conflict amongst colleaguesOpening up a role to internal employees can have a negative impact on morale. If you already have someone in mind, other staff who apply for the role can feel like you’re simply paying them lip service and not recognizing their hard work.

You will have to hire someone to replace the person that you have promoted Another method to recruitment used by NatWest would be external recruitment. This is when a business looks for recruitment outside its current work force. Advantages of external recruitment Higher range of candidates to settle on from The new candidates might have new ideas Potential for brand new skills to be brought into the organization Helps to settle on the best candidate obtainable Disadvantages of external recruitment It is time consuming as you need to advertise the vacancy and also you will have to wait for candidates to apply Candidates will not have much understanding about your company as this is their first time working with the company It is expensive to advertise An example of external recruitment used by NatWest is online recruitment. Candidates can go on the website and search for their desired roles; they can then apply for these roles using an online application form. They will need to upload their CV and also personal information. Advantages of online recruitment Cost Effective – usually free to use, it is cost effective because most platforms allow you to post your job openings for free, it also minimizes labor cost. In addition, it can reach candidates from all around the world, so more applications will be received. This means NatWest will save money as well as reach more skilled candidates Online recruitment can be more effective as it is easily accessible. Ads for jobs can be easily shared on different platforms. More Effective – online recruitment is easily accessible to individuals making it a more effective method of getting your posts noticed. Online job ads can be quickly shared on multiple platforms. Reach a Bigger Audience - you can target a so much wider audience while not having to pay further or alter your recruitment strategy. 46% of the complete world’s population uses the net; in developed countries up to 80% of individuals have access to the web. If you are searching for younger recruits, than e-recruitment is maybe the best and most effective strategy, because of virtually 100% of the 18-29 age bracket are daily web users. Flexibility – the net provides you far more flexibility with regards to controlling your posts and also the applications you receive. If you post in a newspaper, however you wish to

amend the job advert, it's difficult, and in most cases, you'd have to buy a completely new ad. With online posts, most platforms can enable you to edit, update and take away your job post whenever you would like. Longevity – newspapers or alternative styles of written media have a restricted period, depending on their commercial enterprise cycle. Most classified publications have a bi-weekly commercial enterprise cycle, which means that your ad can solely be seen for that small amount of time. Online job posts on the hand can keep alive till the author or the web site removes it. Accessibility – regardless of wherever you are if you have a web enabled device and connection, then you'll be able to do things like modify your job posting, see the amount of replies you have got and even answer candidates

Disadvantages of online recruitment Hard to Target – typically, with online recruiting, it will be troublesome to focus on a particular group of candidates, and your job post are seen by several people who can waste your time. Technology Issues- If your hiring method involves filling out an application, you will miss out on qualified candidates that prefer sending a resume. Some candidates might not wish to take the time or might not be assured enough with the safety of an internet application. There is forever the likelihood that your application system could operate slowly or lose data throughout the submission method. Poor web site -In several cases, candidates that see your job posting are counting on you web site to realize further info concerning your company, its mission and methodology of operation. If your web site is poorly designed or out of date, the candidate might not even trouble to reply. There is also the likelihood that the website will not have relevant info relating to the candidate's space of interest. Finally, the last recruitment method that NatWest uses is outsourcing. This is when an employer uses a third party organization to help and recruit candidates. Advantages of outsourcing improved target core business activities - outsourcing will liberate your business to target its strengths, permitting your workers to focus their main tasks and on the long run strategy

increased efficiency - selecting associate outsourcing company that specializes within the method or service you wish them to hold out for you'll be able to assist you reach a additional productive, efficient service, usually of bigger quality increased reach - outsourcing will provide you with access to capabilities and facilities otherwise not accessible or affordable

Disadvantages of outsourcing Expensive as company will need to pay the recruitment agencies as well as the candidate that is recruited Poor Performance Many companies outsource to limit costs; however, decreased costs often result in decreased quality of performance by the outsourced provider. The human resources department is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the company and any poor performance from the outsourced provider causes an overall negative impact on the company as a whole

An example of an outsourcing method would be Recruitment agencies. Recruitment agencies are a third party organization that provides temporary and permanent recruitment Advantages of Recruitment agencies Specialist expert knowledge of target recruitment market Only pre-screened and pre- referenced candidates, therefore of a higher quality Vacancy won’t be publicly know Disadvantages of recruitment agencies Costly for NatWest, fees typically 20% of the appointee’s salary. Candidates may prefer to deal directly with the potential employer D1 Evaluate recruitment processes used and how the contribute to the success of the selected business In order for a business to be success, its recruitment process must be effective. NatWest recruitment process allows them to be able to recruit candidates that fit the position. Recruiting NatWest has an effective recruitment process; it looks at internal and external candidates. NatWest do not make the easier choice of hiring a less appropriate person simply because they are an internal candidate. Encourages current employees to recommend people for the job. According to a study by Development Dimensions International the "Internet and employee referrals are the most popular and effective methods for recruiting." NatWest spend time researching which advertising method will target the audience you are hoping to attract.

NatWest’s job description clearly highlights the rights and responsibilities a candidate most follow when working in a certain position, this will be important as it will set standards for the quality required therefore more skilled workers will be attracted, and more skilled workers will help the company reach its goals . The person specification also contributes to the success of the business; for example, a bank manager has to have good communication skills, be well-organized and also basic computing skills. All of these requirements will make sure that NatWest finds the right person for the job. Interviews for more prestigious position in the company have to be done face to face, this is because interviewers have to assess everything that takes place during the interview and body language as video interviews are less reliable as interviewers will only see the top half of the candidates and body language will be hard to observe. In addition, video interviews require internet connection, this is not always reliable as bandwidth could be low and latency can be high which makes the interview run less smoothly. NatWest have to make sure that candidates will find it easy to apply. This is because if more candidates apply then NatWest will have more options and more of a chance to find the person that they are looking for. After the interviews have been carried out NatWest have to consider what skills all the candidates have and which candidate best fits the position. NatWest can look at the job description and the person specification and decide which person matches the requirements....

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