Unit Guide PSY3051 - Summary Perception and Cognitive Psychology PDF

Title Unit Guide PSY3051 - Summary Perception and Cognitive Psychology
Course Perception and Cognitive Psychology
Institution Monash University Malaysia
Pages 20
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File Type PDF
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Unit Guide 

PSY3051 Perception and cognitive psychology Semester 1, 2020 

We acknowledge and pay respects to the Traditional Owners and Elders - past, presentand emerging - of the lands and waters on whichMonash Universityoperates.   Handbook link: http://monash.edu.au/pubs/2020handbooks/units/PSY3051.html


Table of contents Unit handbook information




Mode of delivery


Class Timetable


Workload requirements


Unit relationships








Enrolment rules


Chief Examiner(s)


Unit coordinator(s) Academic overview

5 5

Learning outcomes


Teaching approach


Live streaming


Assessment summary


Assessment requirements




Assessment tasks


Referencing requirements


Assignment submission


Returning assignments


Resubmission of assignments


Special Consideration


Extensions and penalties




Examination material or equipment Feedback to you

14 14

Unit Schedule


Your feedback to us


Learning resources


Required resources


Technological requirements


Other information





Academic Integrity


Special Consideration


Clinical/Fieldwork Placement Procedures and Behaviour Guidelines


Word Count Guidelines


Honours Guidelines


Research Project and Minor Thesis Guidelines


Professional Editing Guidelines


Immunisation and Infection Risk


Police Checks


Working with Children Check Guidelines


Graduate Attributes Policy (within Course Design Policy)


Student Charter


Student Services


Monash University Library


Student Support


Disability Support Services



Unit handbook information Synopsis The first half of this unit covers sensory, the first half of this unit covers sensory processes involved in vision, audition and speech perception. Coding mechanisms common to different modalities are emphasised to help students understand general mechanisms of sensory coding and perceptual processing. The second half encompasses the acquisition, organisation, and retrieval of knowledge and aims to cover cognitive psychology more generally. It includes emphasis on contemporary research techniques, cognitive architecture, attentional processes, models of learning and memory, mental imagery, language and higher-order thinking.

Mode of delivery Clayton (Off-campus) Clayton (On-campus) Malaysia (On-campus)

Class Timetable Follow thislinkto view the scheduled times for your unit's learning activities for this teaching period.

Workload requirements Attendance at online or on-campus laboratory classes is recommended in order to successfully complete in-class activities and related assessment tasks.

Unit relationships Prerequisites None

Prohibitions None

Co-requisites None


Enrolment rules Prerequisites: PSY2031 and PSY2051 or PSY2061

Chief Examiner(s) Associate Professor Matthew Mundy Name: Associate Professor Matthew Mundy Campus: Clayton Room: 532, 18 Innovation Walk Phone: +61 3 990 51035 Email: Email:[email protected] Consultation hours: By appointment

Unit coordinator(s) Dr Adrian Willoughby , Mr Jake Hoskin Coordinator - Malaysia Name: Associate ProfessorAlexandre Schaefer Campus: Malaysia Email: [email protected] Consultation hours: hours:By appointment Coordinator - Australia Name: Jake Hoskin Campus: Clayton Location: 35 Rainforrest Walk, Room D426 Phone: +61 3 990 34043 Email: Email:[email protected] See Moodle for list of tutors and their contact details.

Academic overview Learning outcomes On successful completion of this unit you should be able to: 1. Understand the most important applications of cognitive psychological research and theory

2. Demonstrate an understanding of the practical and theoretical skills underlying several major methods for conducting cognitive and perceptual psychological research


3. Explain the central problem faced by any perceptual system and be able to use this as a framework to think about the evolution of perceptual principles and current theories of perception

4. Summarise the broad principles of perception which apply to all modalities including neurophysiological mechanisms at the levels of receptors, pathways, and brain structures; top-down and bottom up processing, and feature detection, and the constructive nature of perception 5. Describe the sensory and perceptual processes specific to vision, audition and speech perception

6. Summarise and evaluate the major theoretical and research approaches within cognitive psychology

7. Review historical and current theory on basic cognitive processes, such as learning, memory and attention 8. Understand topics related to the application and manipulation of cognitive information, such as language, problem solving and decision making.

Teaching approach There are two major modes through which PSY3051 is taught: on-campus and off-campus. The unit is also offered at a number of different campuses, including: Caulfield (off-campusonly), Clayton (on and off-campus) and Sunway in Malaysia (on-campus only). There will necessarily be some differences in the way the content is delivered to you, depending on your mode or campus. However, all PSY3051 students have access to the same unit Moodle site (discussion forums, etc.), study the same core content and complete the same assessment tasks. On-campus study mode The on-campus program consists of 1 x 2 hour lecture per week and 6weeks x 2 hour practical (laboratory) classes over the semester. Lectures and laboratory classes begin in Week 1. Check the Unit Schedule (in this Unit Guide and on the unit Moodle site) for guidance on which weeks you have Lab classes and those weeks when do not. If you have not already done so, make sure you visit the allocate+ website https://allocate. timetable.monash.edu/ and allocate yourself into a lecture and a lab class. Attendance at the lab classes is highly recommended is linked to assessment. The labs are where you will develop the practical skills you will need to complete the assessment tasks. Off-campus study mode


The nature of off-campus learning means that students are generally not available to physically attend weekly on-campus classes. In place of physical attendance at lectures, a live stream of the lecture and audio recordings will be made available for you to listen to online. The face-to-face teaching for off-campus students is attendance at fortnightly ZOOM classes. This is equivalent to the on-campus laboratory program. If you have not already done so, please visit Allocate+ (https://allocate.timetable.monash.edu/) immediately to allocate into an onlineclass. Attendance and participation in the online ZOOM classed is highly recommended, so make sure you can attendto the class you have been assigned to. It is highly recommended that you have access to a webcam and microphone to get the most out of the ZOOM classes. The online classes arewhere you will develop the practical skills you will need to complete the assessment tasks.

Live streaming If you are allocated to a lecture activity as a livestream unit you do not need to come to campus. A link to the livestreams will be available in your Moodle unit. For information on how to participate in your lectures via live streaming you can review this guide created by the library:https://guides.lib.monash.edu/learning-tools/video If you have any technical issues please contact the service desk:https://www.monash.edu /esolutions/contact If you need more information on timetabling you can visit their site:https://www.monash.edu /timetables/fix-problems

Assessment summary ● ● ●

2 x Lab assignments (worth 20% each) (40%) 1 x Class presentation (10%) Examination (25% Perception; 25% Cognition) (2 hours and 10 minutes) (50%)

Assessment task


Due date

Perception Article


Monday 20th April 2020, 4pm

Cognition Report


Wednesday 27th May 2020, 4pm

Oral Presentation


In-class assessment



To be advised


Assessment requirements Students are required to note the Faculty’s assessment policy (item 1.2.1) regarding threshold standards/hurdles at: https://www.monash.edu/medicine/study/student-services/policies/assessment-policy Students are required to refer to the University Academic Integritypolicy and procedure at: http://www.policy.monash.edu.au/policy-bank/academic/education/conduct/student-academic-integrity-policy.html The procedures state that: Proofreading: The process of identifying errors and suggesting corrections to a text. This must not involve rewriting passages of text in order to clarify meaning; amending the words used by the author (except to identify the correct spelling of the word used); rearranging passages of text or code, or reformatting other material; contributing additional material to the original; and checking calculations or formulae.

Academic Integrity and Technology In line with the Acceptable Use of Information Technology Facilities by Students Procedures, students are not permitted to use Information and Communications Technology facilities to sell, purchase or offer to write assignments or other assessable work, or to request help with such work. Furthermore, students are required to take steps to minimise opportunities for others to cheat by, for example, not saving work to a shared network drive that is accessible by others and not sharing work on social media sites. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in disciplinary action under Part 7 of the Monash University (Council) Regulations for collusion or general misconduct, as appropriate in the circumstances. Students should be aware that the University will monitor and act on information received about the use of cheat sites, paper mills and other online resources that promote dishonest academic conduct. If a student has been found to have used any of these sources to breach the Student Academic Integrity Policy, the University will pursue the matter in accordance with Part 7 of the Monash University (Council) Regulations.

Participation Attendance at lectures and laboratory classes is not a hurdle to pass the unit. However attendance at lectures is strongly recommended as your exam will be based upon the lecture material. Attendance at laboratory classes will be required to gain key information associated with the perception and cognition written reports and completion of the oral presentations. The information relevant to assessments that is provided during laboratory classes will not be made available to students outside of class.

8 PSY3051 Perception and cognitive psychology - Semester 1 (S1-01) - 2020

Assessment tasks IMPORTANT: All assessment tasks must be attempted and submitted. Assessment title:Perception Article Alignment with learning outcome(s): Addresses learning outcomes 1-5 Details of task: Details for this task will be provided on Moodle Release date: N/A Due date: Monday 20th April 2020, 4pm Word limit: 2000 words. This word limit includes in text citations and headings. The references and any tables/figures are not included in the word count. There is no 10% leeway on the word limit for this assignment. Value: 20% Presentation requirements:Formatting The article should be presented in the style of an Academic Magazine. Examples of this will be provided on Moodle. You may choose to use Word, PowerPoint or other presentation packages to prepare your article, however, please note the submission requirements below. Submission The Articlewill be submitted online by uploading a file to the PSY3051 Moodle website. Check the PSY3051 Moodle website for more detailed information about the submission process. Assignments must be submitted as either a Word document or a PDF, depending on the style of article that you chose to use. When submitting your assignment, please ensure you have run and interpreted an originality report via Turnitin.You must ensurethat you submit your assignment via Moodle, and accept the Student Statement on Academic Integrity.Assignments left in draft form will be subject to a penalty due to not accepting the Student Statement.  Submissions via email, hard copy, fax, and by mail are not appropriate forms of submission and will not be accepted. Estimated return date: 3 weeks from submission Hurdle requirements: N/A Individual assessment in group tasks: N/A Criteria for marking: marking:Criteria for marking and a Rubric will be provided on Moodle. Additional information: N/A 

9 PSY3051 Perception and cognitive psychology - Semester 1 (S1-01) - 2020

Assessment title:Cognition Report Alignment with learning outcome(s): Addresses learning outcomes 1, 6, 7, 8 Details of task: Details for this task will be provided on Moodle Release date: N/A Due date: Wednesday 27th May 2020, 4pm Word limit: 2000 words (excluding figures or tables of results, the reference list and appendix). Word limits include subheadings and in text citations. There is no 10% leeway on this assignment Value: 20% Presentation requirements: requirements:The report must be formatted using APA styleas set out by the publication guidelines of the American Psychological Association 7thedition. This assignment must be submitted as a Word document. Your assignment must be submitted online via the unit Moodle site. Before submitting your assignment, please ensure you have run an originality report via Turnitin, otherwise your assignment will not be marked. You must ensure that you submit your assignment via Moodle, and accept the Student Statement on Academic Integrity. Assignments left in draft form will be subject to a penalty due to not accepting the Student Statement.

Estimated return date: 3 weeks from submission Hurdle requirements: N/A Individual assessment in group tasks: N/A Criteria for marking: Criteria for marking and a Rubric will be provided on Moodle. Additional information: N/A 

Assessment title:Oral Presentation Alignment with learning outcome(s): Addresses learning outcomes 1, 2, 5 & 6 Details of task: For your oral presentation you will be required to choose a research article (NOT a review or textbook entry) on any topic that has been or will be covered in the lecture series. We are deliberately keeping this broad so you can select something that you think will be relevant and interesting for your peers andsomething that expands their knowledge of current research in these areas. In your lab class in either Week 6, 8, 10 or 12 you will give a 3 minutepresentation on your chosen article. Each week will have a different target audience, which you will have to adapt your presentation to suit. Please see Moodle for more information about what the different presentation styles will be, and to select your presentation week. Release date: N/A Due date: In-class assessment Word limit:N/A Value: 10%

10 PSY3051 Perception and cognitive psychology - Semester 1 (S1-01) - 2020

Presentation requirements: requirements:Your oral presentation will need to be designed to suit your target audience. Information about the different target audiences can be found on Moodle. It is recommended that you use PowerPoint (or equivalent) for your presentation. You must submit your slides to Moodle prior to your presentation.

Estimated return date: 2 weeks from the date of presentation Hurdle requirements: N/A Individual assessment in group tasks: N/A Criteria for marking: marking:Criteria for marking and a Rubric will be provided on Moodle. Additional information: N/A 

11 PSY3051 Perception and cognitive psychology - Semester 1 (S1-01) - 2020

Referencing requirements To build your skills in citing and referencing, and using different referencing styles, see the online tutorial Academic Integrity: Demystifying Citing and Referencing at www.lib.monash.edu/tutorials/citing/ All assignments are to follow the format for psychological publications, as set out by the publication guidelines of the American Psychological Association 7 th edition or Findlay 8 thed. (2019).

Assignment submission 1.Students are required to submit continuous formative/summative assessment items (where appropriate) via the University’s online Learning Management System - Moodle.If the assessment /plagiarism/collusion declaration is being used within Moodle for an assessment item a separate assignment a coversheet is not required. Where hard copy assessment submission is necessary, assessments must include a cover sheet. The cover sheet is accessible at:http://www.med.monash.edu.au/current/student-forms.html. 2. No hard copy submissions will be permitted for those assessments requiring online submission. 3. Students must retain a copy of the assessment for their records. Online submission Electronic Submission is done directly into the Moodle unit site. Students are required to check that their electronic submission has been successful.The step-by-step process for submitting your work is as follows: 1. Click on the assignment upload link and make sure that you begin uploading only after you have read the instructions very carefully 2. Click on ‘Upload Files’ 3. Either click ‘Add’ and navigate to where your file is located on your computer, or drag and drop your file as instructed. Files must be in a “.doc” or “.docx” format (or .PDF for the Perception Article and PowerPoint for the Oral Presentation) 4. Your file will automatically be uploaded to Turnitin and Similarity Report will be generated immediately. 5. Once you get the Similarity Report back, interpret the matches to ensure that the work is original and finalise the assignment. You willnot be able to generate another Turnitin report 6. Click 'Submit Assignment' 7. Click "I accept the Student Statement", then click 'Continue' 8. You will receive an email receipt when your submission is complete 9. Note that no modifications will be possible after your work has been uploaded. 10. DO NOT leave your submission in 'Draft' mode. You must agree to the student statement and finalise your submission for it to be graded. Draft submissions will NOT be graded.

NOTE: Once you click ‘Send for Marking’ your submission is no longer editable even if it is before the due date/time for the assessment. Please make sure you check your submission very carefullybefore you click this b...

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