Unit Outline HMC220 PDF

Title Unit Outline HMC220
Course Chinese 2B
Institution University of Tasmania
Pages 13
File Size 655.5 KB
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Unit outline for 2018...


School of Humani Humanities ties College of Art rts, s, Law and Education

HMC HMC22 22 220 0 CHINES HINESE E 2B Semes Semester ter 2, 2018 Unit Outline

Dr Isabel Wang Ms. Vienna Li

CRICOS Provider Code: 00586B

CON ONTAC TAC TACT T DE DETA TA TAIL IL ILSS Unit coordina oordinator tor Unit coordinator: Ms. Vienna Li (Dr. Isabel Wang) Campus: Newnham Email: [email protected] Phone: 6226 2556 Room location and number: Social Science 328 Consultation hours: By appointment

Other tteaching eaching staff Tutor: Mr Matthew Grist Campus: Sandy Bay Email: [email protected] Room location and number: Social Science 317 Consultation hours: By appointment

© The University of Tasmania 2016











































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HMC220 Chinese 2B

WHAT IS THE UNIT ABOUT? Unit descri ption* escription* HMC220 is designed to further develop students’ skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening of Chinese language from the foundation of HMC101/2 Chinese 1A and 1B and following on in sequence from HMC219 Chinese 2A.

Intend ed LLearnin earnin omes * ntended earningg Outc utco mes* On completion of this unit, you will be able to: 1. recognize and write Chinese characters introduced in the textbook material. 2. use sentence structures in Chinese from the textbook material. 3. write structured practical writing tasks. 4. read texts within the topics learnt in textbook and supplementary materials with the aid of dictionary. 5. undertake conversation competently in Mandarin Chinese within the topics learned in textbook and supplementary materials. 6. make a brief speech and express thoughts and comments on familiar matters or given topics in Mandarin Chinese.

Graduate Quality Statement Successful completion of this unit supports your development of course learning outcomes, which describe what a graduate of a course knows, understands and is able to do. Course learning outcomes are available from the Course Coordinator. Course learning outcomes are developed with reference to national discipline standards, Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), any professional accreditation requirements and the University of Tasmania’s Graduate Quality Statement. The University of Tasmania experience unlocks the potential of individuals. Our graduates are equipped and inspired to shape and respond to the opportunities and challenges of the future as accomplished communicators, highly regarded professionals and culturally competent citizens in local, national, and global society. University of Tasmania graduates acquire subject and multidisciplinary knowledge and skills, and develop critical and creative literacies and numeracies and skills of inquiry. They demonstrate the ability to apply this knowledge in changing circumstances. Our graduates recognise and critically evaluate issues of social responsibility, ethical conduct and sustainability, are entrepreneurial and creative, and are mindful of their own wellbeing and that of the community. Through respect for diversity and by working in collaborative ways, our graduates reflect the values of the University of Tasmania. Page 2

HMC220 Chinese 2B

tudent feedback* Alterations to tthe he unit as a result of stude nt feedbac k* The University of Tasmania regularly requests feedback from students through the eVALUate Surveys process. Changes to units stemming from student responses to texts and teaching strategies are regularly implemented in the School of Humanities.

nowledg &/or Prior knowle dge & /or skills HMC219 Chinese 2A or equivalent as a prerequisite, otherwise unit coordinator permission is required.

HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED?* Assessm ent schedul e* Assessment chedule* Assessment task

Dat e due Date

Percen Percentt weighting

Links to Intended Learning Outcomes

Assessment Task 1: Listening MyLO quizzes

Week 3, 9

10% x 2=20%


Assessment Task 2: Reading and writing MyLO quizzes

Week 5, 7,11

10% x 3=30%


Assessment Task 3: Speaking tests

Week 4,6,8,10

2.5% x 4=10%


Assessment Task 4: Final spoken exam

Week 14



Assessment Task 5: Final written exam

Exam period



Assessment Assessm ent details* Assessmen Assessmentt task 1 Task description

Listening comprehension quiz

Measures Intended


Learning Outcome


Correct usage of vocabulary words and grammar; ability to understand spoken Chinese

Task length

1 hour

Due by date

3 August,21 September 2018 5pm

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HMC220 Chinese 2B

Assessmen Assessmentt task 2 Task description

Grammar and essay writing

Measures Intended


Learning Outcome


Correct understanding of written Chinese rendered into grammatically correct English and vice versa; ability to create relatively complex grammatical structures to compose appropriate phrases and expressions

Task length

2 hours

Due by date

17 August, 31 August, 5 October 2018 5pm

Assessmen Assessmentt task 3 Task description

Speaking test 1-4

Measures Intended


Learning Outcome


Correct usage of vocabulary words and grammar; ability to speak clearly in Mandarin; use of communicative strategies such as body language.

Task length

2-3 minutes

Due by date

10 August,24 August,14 September,28 September 2018 5pm

Final Exam Description / conditions

Measures Intended

An aural/oral exam will be carried out in week 14. This exam will have two parts: a group listening exam (30 minutes) followed by a one-onone speaking exam (10 minutes). There is also a two-hour closed book written exam that covers topics dealt with in the course, comprising 20% respectively of all total marks as indicated in the assessment outline above. A mock exam paper will be conducted in the class in week 13. ILO1,2,3,4,5

Learning Outcome Criteria

Correct usage of vocabulary words and grammar; ability to speak and compose clearly in Chinese; use of communicative strategies such as body language.


The final exam is conducted by the Student Centre in the formal examination period. See the Examinations and Results page on the University’s website, or access your personal exams timetable by

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HMC220 Chinese 2B

logging into the eStudent Centre - Personal Exams Timetable for specific date, time and location closer to the examination period.

How your final result is determine d* rmined* To pass this unit, you need to demonstrate your attainment of each of the Intended Learning Outcomes. To pass this unit you will need to achieve 50% or more in the total score of your assessed work. Grades will be awarded based on University guidelines; namely: Grade

Final Percentage Score

High Distinction

80% and above









Submis sion of assignmen ts* Submissio assignments* Speaking tasks need to be recorded and uploaded to MyLO. Detailed information to be advised in Week 1.

Request Requestss for extensio ensions ns Requests for extensions of written work are not generally granted as a matter of policy, except on medical grounds, supported by appropriate medical certificate, or on other serious grounds acceptable to the unit coordinator. All matters concerning late submission and extension should be referred to the unit coordinator. Students must seek extensions before the due date of the written work.

Penalt Penalties ies ies* * Failure to submit an assessment task by the due date and time, without the granting of an extension of time from your tutor or unit coordinator, will incur the following penalties: 2% of the total possible mark for that piece of assessment for each business day (Monday to Friday 9:00am-5:00pm) past the deadline AND 2% of the total possible mark for that piece of assessment for each period of consecutive non-business days (including weekends, long weekends, Easter and/or Christmas break), up to a maximum penalty of 30% of the total possible mark for that piece of assessment. Your unit coordinator will specify dates after which work without an extension will not be accepted.

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eferencing erencing* Academic ref erencing * In your written work you will need to support your ideas by referring to scholarly literature, works of art and/or inventions. It is important that you understand how to correctly refer to the work of others, and how to maintain academic integrity. Failure to appropriately acknowledge the ideas of others constitutes academic dishonesty (plagiarism), a matter considered by the University of Tasmania as a serious offence. The University library provides information on presentation of assignments, including referencing styles and should be referred to when completing tasks in this unit. Please read the following statement on plagiarism. Should you require clarification please see your unit coordinator or lecturer.

Plagia Plagiarrism Plagiarism is a form of cheating. It is taking and using someone else's thoughts, writings or inventions and representing them as your own; for example, using an author's words without putting them in quotation marks and citing the source, using an author's ideas without proper acknowledgment and citation, copying another student's work. If you have any doubts about how to refer to the work of others in your assignments, please consult your lecturer or tutor for relevant referencing guidelines. You may also find the Academic Honesty site on MyLO of assistance. The intentional copying of someone else’s work as one’s own is a serious offence punishable by penalties that may range from a fine or deduction/cancellation of marks and, in the most serious of cases, to exclusion from a unit, a course or the University. The University and any persons authorised by the University may submit your assessable works to a plagiarism checking service, to obtain a report on possible instances of plagiarism. Assessable works may also be included in a reference database. It is a condition of this arrangement that the original author’s permission is required before a work within the database can be viewed. For further information on this statement and general referencing guidelines, see the Plagiarism and Academic Integrity page on the University web site or the Academic Honesty site on MyLO.

miscondu isconduct* Academic m iscondu ct* Academic misconduct includes cheating, plagiarism, allowing another student to copy work for an assignment or an examination, and any other conduct by which a student: Page 6

HMC220 Chinese 2B

a. seeks to gain, for themselves or for any other person, any academic advantage or advancement to which they or that other person are not entitled; or b. improperly disadvantages any other student. Students engaging in any form of academic misconduct may be dealt with under the Ordinance of Student Discipline, and this can include imposition of penalties that range from a deduction/cancellation of marks to exclusion from a unit or the University. Details of penalties that can be imposed are available in Ordinance 9: Student Discipline – Part 3 Academic Misconduct.

WHAT LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES ARE THERE? MyLO MyL O MyLO is the online learning environment at the University of Tasmania. This is the system that will host the online learning materials and activities for this unit. You will use MyLO to: •

access the essential and supplementary resources for this unit;

participate in formative assessment in the form of online quizzes;

submit speaking assessment tasks;

view feedback and receive results for assessment tasks.

MyLO will also be used to communicate unit updates or announcements to students, so you are expected to visit the unit’s site regularly.

Gettin Gettingg help with MyLO It is important that you are able to access and use MyLO as part of your study in this unit. To find out more about the features and functions of MyLO, and to practice using them, visit the Getting Started in MyLO unit. For access to information about MyLO and a range of step-by-step guides in pdf, word and video format, visit the MyLO Student Support page on the University website. If something is not working as it should, contact the Service Desk ([email protected], phone 6226 1818), or Request IT Help Online.

Resource Resourcess Require Required d read eading ing ingss •

Liu,Xun New Practical Chinese Reader (Textbook 2), 2nd ed, Beijing Language and Culture University Press, Beijing 2010.

Liu,Xun New Practical Chinese Reader (Workbook 2), 2nd ed, Beijing Language and Culture University Press, Beijing 2010.

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HMC220 Chinese 2B

Recommended read eadings ings •

Ross, Claudia & Ma, Jing-heng Sheng, Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar: A Practical Guide, Routledge, 2006.

Read Reading ing Lists Reading Lists provide direct access to all material on unit reading lists in one place. This includes eReadings and items in Reserve. You can access the Reading List for this unit from the link in MyLO, or by going to the Reading Lists page on the University Library website.

Activities Learn Learning ing expectat xpectations ions The University is committed to high standards of professional conduct in all activities, and holds its commitment and responsibilities to its students as being of paramount importance. Likewise, it holds expectations about the responsibilities students have as they pursue their studies within the special environment the University offers. Students are expected to participate actively and positively in the teaching/learning environment. They must attend classes when and as required, strive to maintain steady progress within the subject or unit framework, comply with workload expectations, and submit required work on time.

Deta Details ils of teac eaching hing arrangem rrangements* ents* The unit adopts a blended learning approach, which includes one (1) hour lecture and four (4) hours of tutorial per week. All sessions are video linked between Hobart and Launceston, with additional online materials and the expectation that students will practice character-writing independently each week. The assessment mode integrates all the macro-skills, listening, speaking, reading and writing with opportunities for self-directed learning, including individual and group assessment tasks.

Speci Specific fic attendance/ attendance/perf perf performance ormance requirement quirements* s* •

The minimum attendance of 70% is required to be eligible to sit for the Final Examination.

It is necessary to submit all assessment tasks in order to be eligible to pass this unit.

In this unit, your active engagement will be monitored in the following way: 1. Week 3 Listening MyLO quiz

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2. Week 4 Speaking test 1 If you do not demonstrate evidence of having engaged actively with this unit by completing these two activities by Week 4 of semester, your enrolment may be cancelled or you may be withdrawn from the unit.

Work Healt ealth h and Safety (WHS) The University is committed to providing a safe and secure teaching and learning environment. In addition to specific requirements of this unit you should refer to the University’s Work Health and Safety website and policy.

Communicatio unication Comm unicatio n Students should regularly check their UTAS email account and the MyLO site for any news, announcements, important information, and/or additional material. If you have a question, in the first instance students should consult the unit outline. Otherwise, student concerns should be raised in person during a lecture or tutorial or by making an appointment for a student consultation, or email the unit coordinator directly. Staff will respond to emails within 72 hours.

omplaints Concerns and ccomplain omplain ts The University is committed to providing an environment in which any concerns and complaints will be treated seriously, impartially and resolved as quickly as possible. We are also committed to ensuring that a student may lodge a complaint without fear of disadvantage. If you have a concern, information about who to contact for assistance is available on the ‘How to resolve a student complaint’ page.

ormation Further infor mation aand nd aassistance ssistance If you are experiencing difficulties with your studies or assignments, have personal or life-planning issues, disability or illness which may affect your course of study, you are advised to raise these with the unit coordinator in the first instance. There is a range of University-wide support services available to you including Student Learning Support, Student Advisers, Disability Services, and more which can be found on the Student Support and Development page of the University website. Should you require assistance in accessing the Library, visit their website for more information.

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chedule Unit sched ule WEEK




NPC NPCR R2 Less Lesson on 21 Our team me members mbers ar are e from different count countries ries (T (Text ext One)

Grammar: The construction “是…… 的”; Location words; Sentences indicating existence

NPC NPCR R2 Less Lesson on 21 Our team me members mbers ar are e from different countries (Te (Text xt Two)

Talking about direction and location; Asking for directions and discussing sports

NPC NPCR2 R2 Les Lessson 22 Hav Have e yo you u watch watched ed a SShaox haox haoxing ing o opera pera (Text One One))

Grammar: Past experience; The complement of frequency: The construction “虽然… 但是/可是…”

NPC NPCR2 R2 Les Lessson 22 Have you watch watched ed a SShaox haox ...

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