Unit2 Emails-đã chuyển đổi PDF

Title Unit2 Emails-đã chuyển đổi
Author Dương Thùy
Course Tiếng Anh Chuyên Ngành 1
Institution Trường Đại học Ngoại thương
Pages 28
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Ngô Thị Thùy Dương - 1913340203 EXERCISES UNIT2: EMAILSExercise 1: Answer the following questions (10 minutes). Name 3 areas of business communication which can be unsuitable for using email. Email can be unsuitable for several areas of business communication, e:  messages of congratulation, condol...


Ngô Thị Thùy Dương - 1913340203 EXERCISES UNIT2: EMAILS Exercise 1: Answer the following questions (10 minutes). 1. Name 3 areas of business communication which can be unsuitable for using email. Email can be unsuitable for several areas of business communication, e.g:  messages of congratulation, condolence, complaint  confidential documents  documents for legal or insurance purposes.

2. How should you write your subject line? Why? A suitable subject line need only be a few words; too many words will get truncated when the line appears in your recipient's email box.

3.    

Give 5 rules in organizing an email message? Provide the most important information first. Organize your ideas in short paragraphs (3 – 5 sentences) Separating paragraphs by one blank space. Format your message clearly and attractively, using numbers, bullets if possible.  End your message with a signature file, including your full name, job title, company and contact information.

4. What must you double check before clicking “Send”? Double check the addresses and attachments.

Exercise 2: 1. Read the article below and choose the best word in brackets. Most emails that you get go straight to your ( 1. Drafts / Inbox / Contacts). This is where you decide which emails to read and which to delete. But if your server doesn’t recognize the address of a sender, it will probably put the email in the (2. Deleted / Sent / Junk email) mail folder. This is where all those annoying adverts usually go. But sometimes good emails go there too, so remember to check from time to time. Do you ever worry because you just deleted an email by mistake? Don’t worry – just look in the (3. Deleted / Drafts / Contacts) folder. It’s probably still there. Sometimes it can be difficult to find an old email. So why not put them into ( 4. Folders / Junk email / Sent) to make them easy to find? You can do this for any emails you wrote too – you can find them in (5. Inbox / Sent / Deleted). Some people keep hundreds of business cards with people’s email address and phone number. You don’t need to do this – use your ( 6. Folders / Contacts / Drafts) as an address book, and it can store all these details for you. Have you ever found it difficult to finish writing an email? Don’t worry – just save it under (7. Deleted / Junk email / Drafts) and finish it later. 2. Choose the correct answers to complete the email. Dear Ms. Köpke,

I have been advised/given/promised your name by Maëlle Corbineau in Paris, who has recently used your agency for the recruitment of three Czech engineers. We are soon/planning/hopeful to open a new R & D unit in Poland in three months' time, and we are interested/interest/interesting in your playing a headhunting role for us in that country. I would therefore be recognized/appreciate/grateful if we could meet up some time soon to discuss our needs in more detail. Please inform/make/let me know when and where this might be possible. I look forward to hearing/reading/calling from you shortly. Yours sincerely, Didier Bergougnoux Trollberg Engineering 3. Choose the correct answers to complete the email. Hi Mark, Just/Only/Now writing to say thanks again for agreeing to take my place at the fair next week. I've just got the video and would/will/could send it round so you can have a look at it. It's better than the old one. Joe wasn't sure if he'd be free, but he can go with you after all/after this/after everything so you'll have help. He'll pick you up at home in the van. Is there any way you/idea/thing could get Rita to go with you too - her German is pretty

good, isn't it? Our contact guy over there - Norbert Kaufmann - is very helpful, so I won't/don't/couldn't think you'll have any problems. Thanks again for that/all/everything. Leo

4. Read through each email and decide which is “formal / neutral / informal.” Give reasons to support your answers EMAIL #1: Dear Mr. Watkins, With reference to your letter on March 15th, unfortunately I am unable to attend the video conference meeting on Friday due to a previous engagement. However, I would be very grateful if you could send me a copy of the agenda. Please find attached the marketing document. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Yours sincerely, David Bell EMAIL #2: Hi Simon, Great news! Got the contract! Let me know if you’re interested in working with us on this one. I’ll keep you posted over the next couple of days to check out your needs so I can tell HQ. Attached are the pics of our recent holiday party. What you think? Best wishes, Paul

EMAIL #3: Hey Joe, I am writing to ask you about your opinion of the new summary of the final report (Chapter 7). We will make an individual document for your internal use. Could you possibly send me the marketing strategy for the new product being produced on assembly line eight? I am sorry about the website; we are experiencing some technical difficulties. If you have any questions, contact me on my office number. Look forward to hearing from you. Denise

5. Complete the following gaps with the most appropriate word or expression from either the formal, informal or neutral email on the previous page.

6. Correct the grammar mistakes (G) and the spelling mistakes (S). Dear Ms. Becket, In reply of your advertisment who were in today’s edition of The Times, I (1S/3G) am writing to apply for the position of Customer Servise Manager in you company.


I graduate from Milan University on 2008 and I has four years of expierince


working in customer services in many company in Italy and Great britain.


I am currently working in the Customer Service department of a large IT (0S/0G) company in Turin. I am responsible of the day-to-day running of the department


and I manage a team of tree employees. Last year, I implemented a new (2S/0G) systeme for deal with customer complains which has been extremely success. I would


like develop my proffessional skills and take on more responsibilities. I am also


interesting in working in London because it will give me the oportunity for


improve my English.


I enclose a copy of my resume for you reference. I would be happy to


going for an interview at any time but I would need a week’s notice to made any


nesessary travel arrangements.


Yours sincerely,

Marco Brucato

Dear Lisa Morgan, Thank your four your email on Febuary 12th, 2013. We haven’t receive


a reply from our shipping department but we are currently working on a (0S/0G) solution to your issue. I would be greatful if you can send me a copy of your perchase


receipt so that I can track the package. If you don’t not receive the package bye


tomorrow, we will reimburse half the cost of your order and send a new (0S/0G) package with overnight shipping. Our company value your customer loyalty and is


comited to providing great service to our customers. I wood like to apologize


again for the inconvenience. If you have any further questions, please don’t


hesitate to contact I. We look forward to serving you again on the future. (0S/2G) Pablo Martinez 7. Choose the correct word in the e-mail below (words to choose from are in bold): Hi Mark Sorry you couldn’t be at the meeting on Friday. I’m sure you’ll get the minutes fairly soon but I’ll just give you a brief outline of what was discussed. Due to the dramas that occurred last year, sales have been affected/effected (as you know)











advertisement/advertising agencies to try to improve its image and appeal. In order to do this however, the company has had to borrow/lend more money from the bank and there are likely to be some cutbacks in the company itself. No need to panic yet though as there may not be any negative affects/effects in your department. We’ll

just have to wait and see. Most certainly however, prices on our products will raise/rise and that will affect/effect you/your job.

I received a number of applications for the position we advertised. I will show them to you on Thursday but there was one applicant in particular who looked promising. She has a degree in economics/economy and had a job/work with ABC before moving to Oslo. I am really interested/interesting in getting her in for an interview but of course I need to see what you think first. Remember/Remind me to show you her CV as soon as you arrive. Well, I hope you have a good journey/travel home and I look forward to seeing you back in the office. Oh, by the way, the breakfast meeting that we had scheduled on Thursday has been cancelled/postponed until the following Thursday. I am sure you will be glad to hear that piece of news! Regard s Julie 8. Examples & Exercise: Can't attend a meeting emails Read the following three short emails where the writer is informing the person they can't attend/go to a business meeting. Two are written in a formal style and one in a less formal style. The first email is turning down (not accepting) an invitation to a meeting, whilst the last two are informing someone they are no longer able to attend after they have accepted an invitation. You will be tested in the quiz that follows on the words/phrases that are in bold in the three emails. So, from the context try to guess what both the meaning and the purpose/use of these words/phrases are.

Email 1

nvitation to the i-eview meeting on the 12 July. Unfortunately, due to a prior commitment that I am unable to change, I will not be able to attend t

ntact me, please do not hesitate to do so on my mobile, nconvenience this may cause. Yours sincet ely,

Email 2

rything's going well over there*

I can’t make tomorrow's meeting. Something very important has just come up and I'm going to be very busy tomorrow. he short notice, but I just found out this mot ning. Is them e any chance we can put the meeting back until Friday* Let me know if that's OK for yo

1.An informal way to say 'I can't

6. A very formal way to ask if it's

attend' a meeting or an event, is

possible to have the meeting on a later day, is

due to a prior due to personal reasons

commitment I can't

Would you object if we make postponed what day would be Something very important has just come up

convenient for you


Allow me to apologies for

2. A reason you can't attend a


A reason why you can't attend a

meeting/event because something serious

meeting that means you have to do

has happened in your private life (e.g. with

something urgently (but doesn't say

your family etc...), is

what), is

any chance we can put the meeting

what day would be convenient for

back due to personal reasons

you I can't make

Would you object if we postponed

Something very important has just come

what day would be convenient for

up Allow me to apologies for


8. A formal way to ask someone what day they would prefer to have a 3. When someone is informed of changes

meeting on, is

to something just before it is planned to happen, it is any chance we can put the meeting

I can't make

back due to personal reasons

Something very important has just come

Would you object if we postponed

up what day would be convenient for busy


short notice

4. A reason you can't do/attend

9. An informal way to ask someone if

something because you already have

it's possible to have a meeting later,

a previous arrangement/plan, is


due to a prior

any chance we can put the meeting back

due to personal

commitment I can't reasons make Would you object if we postponed Something very important has just come what day would be convenient for

up you busy 5.

A very formal way to apologies that is

10.When you have a lot of things to do, you are

used at the end of an email, is

Something very important has just come

Something very important has just come up

up Would you object if we postponed what day would be convenient for you Allow me to apologies for

busy short notice any chance we can put the meeting back

9. Correct the Collocation Errors in Emails: 1. Thank you for bringing this to our notice. We’re working to solve this issue as quickly as possible. 2. I’m writing to show my dissatisfaction regarding the order I made on April 20. I am still anxiously waiting for the products to arrive. Please ship my order immediately or I will be forced to abandon my order. 3. As asked for, I have attached a copy of your purchase order. Please let me know if you require extra assistance. 4. Our records display that there is an outstanding balance of $150 on your account. Please send us your payment as soon as possible. If you have already sent your payment, please neglect this message and accept our thanks. 5. Just a kind reminder that today’s meeting has been suspended until next Wednesday at 11 a.m. 6. As you have been a faithful customer for years, we’ve decided to eliminate the late fee. 7. We warmly invite you to attend our annual holiday party. Your invitation is attached. We will have more details about the event in the approaching weeks. If you have any questions, feel free to be in touch with us. 8. In my former email, I forgot to communicate that I will be out of the office this Thursday, August 26. 9. Thank your for your fast response. Your comments and advice are deeply appreciated. 10. Pricing depends of the size of your order. If you plan to order a big quantity of widgets, you may be eligible for a quantity discount. 11. As I have recently ended my studies, I am currently searching a new position. I was wondering if you could write a letter of recommendation in my behalf.

12. Our hours of work are 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday. However, the store is shut tomorrow in observance of a national holiday. 13. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this has generated. Thank you for your steady business. 14. We regret to notify you that your application has been denied. We thank you for your interest on ABC Corporation, and we wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. 10. Choose the correct answers to complete the email. Dear


I feel you should be made translator

of the quality of the service offered by your

Ms. Angelo during our recent trip to Athens. As you know, we were accompanied by a potential client interested in outsourcing work to a local factory. During our visit to the site, it became obvious that her English was nowhere near the standard needed for such an important negotiation. This 2. to


breakdowns in communication. 3.


was absolutely 4.

services of a professional translator; we will have no 6. with you and contact another company. I look forward to hearing from you.

Bernard Tripp


of it

for all concerned to have someone highly trained in this

field. 5.

Yours sincerely,



we can be assured of the but to cancel our contract

11. You are keen to study English in London. Read the school advertisement and the notes from your teacher. Then write an email to Mr. Williams at the Big Ben Language School asking for details.

Language courses in London at the Big Ben

When you write to the

School of English

school make sure you find out:

Our well-equipped school offers English language courses in the heart of London.

● how many students

The school has a friendly atmosphere and organizes

there will be in the

a full range of sporting and social activities as well

school and in each

as excursions out of London.


The school is conveniently located near the museums and the river. Accommodation can be arranged with carefully selected British families. Contact




([email protected]) for further details.


● what qualifications the teachers have ● what resources the school has ● what is included in the price ● what amenities there are in the area

12. Read the below formal business email of request about a project in an airport from a client to an external project manager.

From the context, try to guess what the meaning of the words/phrases in bold are. Then do the quiz at the end to check if you are right. Dear Mr. Mitchell, I am writing in reference to the current situation with the Skipton Airport Project. We have a number of questions which we hope you could answer. First of all, could you please provide us with an update on where you are on the Skipton Airport Project? We would also appreciate it if you could clarify what the current issues with the delivery system are, and confirm when you expect them to be resolved. In addition, at the end of our last meeting we requested a copy of the latest project update report. Unfortunately, we have still not received it. We would appreciate it if you could forward this to us. Could you also please confirm whether the post-installation support covers the equipment 24 hours a day? And what is actually included in the support? In particular, we would like to have confirmation if the cost of parts and labor are included in the package? We require this information as soon as possible. And lastly, we are considering extending the period of the post-installation support from your company from 6 months to 12 months. We would be very grateful if you could provide us with a quote for this extension. I would really appreciate it if you could deal with these matters urgently. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Ian McAdam

Development Manager

1. A formal way to say that you 'asked the person for' something before, is 2. A formal way to say in an email 'we are thinking about' doing something, is 3. When you have more than one question to ask, you use this to introduce the first question. 4. A more formal way to say in an email 'also', is 5. A politer way to say 'we want', is 6. A polite way to ask the person to send you something (e.g. a file, a document etc...) by email, is 7. A phrase like 'specifically', which is used to say exactly what information you want them to give you, is 8. A verb used to ask the person to 'explain' something to you, is 9. A formal way to say that 'you would be pleased' if they do something for you, is 10. How you begin a question when you want the person to tell you if something will happen (or is included) or not, is 11. A polite phrase that introduces the section of the email where you ask the person your questions, is 13. Fill up appropriate words/expressions: 1. Thank...

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