Units inglese 2018-2019 Fina PDF

Title Units inglese 2018-2019 Fina
Course Lingua Inglese A
Institution Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
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I tre testi preparati dalla Professoressa Fina e che sono materia d'esame. Include: testo in lingua, traduzione, glossario....



anno accademico 2018/2019

UNIT 10 DEFINING THE RENAISSANCE Mention the Renaissance, and most of us will think of the genius of Brunelleschi, Michelangelo or Leonardo da Vinci. lndeed for many Leonardo is the Renaissance, a man synonymous with the idea of the polymath whose interests and knowledge know no bounds. But there is more to the Renaissance than beautiful pictures and brilliant individuals; Leonardo's career alerts us to this in his work as inventor and technical advisor for the military ambitions of the Dukes of Milan. The more we look into the term Renaissance, literally 'rebirth', the more slippery we find its meaning. It was first used retrospectively by Giorgio Vasari in his Lives of the Artists (1550) to define what he saw as a break with the barbarities of gothic art. Vasari claimed that the arts had fallen into decay with the collapse of the Roman Empire, arguing that it was Tuscan artists, starting with Cimabue (1240-1301) and more significantly Giotto (1267-1337) who began to reverse the decline. Vasari saw antique art as pivotal to the rebirth of Italian art, both in inspiring the imitation of nature and as a model for constructing ideal forms able to surpass the 'imperfections' of nature. Parallel with the transformation in art was the revival of classical values in the study of the humanities. The word 'humanist' meant something very different in the Renaissance to its meaning today. Renaissance humanist scholarship entailed a search for lost classical texts, the purging and re-editing of known but corrupted classical texts and the application of classical models and values to contemporary problems. Humanists were men with a mission, intensely selfconscious that they were making a definitive break with the lamentable Latin and obscurantist thinking of the medieval age. Indeed, they invented the term 'the middle ages' in order to signal their rejection of what to them seemed a time of stagnation. As with Vasari's conception of artistic revival, the humanists of the 15th century were equally certain that the inspiration for change was Tuscan, and specifically Florentine; for Leonardo Bruni, (13701444), civic official and historian of Florence, his City was the republican heir to Rome. Like Vasari, the humanists looked back for evidence of the first glimmerings of change, and they recruited Petrarch (1304-74) as the first of their number.



anno accademico 2018/2019 Traduzione DEFINIZIONE DEL RINASCIMENTO

Parlando di Rinascimento, la maggior parte di noi penserà al genio di Brunelleschi, Michelangelo o Leonardo da Vinci. Inoltre, per molti Leonardo è il Rinascimento: un uomo assimilabile all’idea di uomo universale i cui interessi e conoscenze non hanno avuto limiti. Ma c’è di più del Rinascimento oltre ai meravigliosi dipinti e le brillanti individualità; la carriera di Leonardo ce lo sottolinea in tal senso con il suo lavoro come inventore e consulente tecnico per le ambizioni militari del Duca di Milano. Più approfondiamo (scaviamo) il termine Rinascimento, letteralmente “rinascita”, più il suo significato diventa scivoloso. Fu usato per la prima volta da Giorgio Vasari nel suo “Vite degli artisti” per definire ciò che vedeva come una rottura con la barbarie dell’arte gotica. Vasari sosteneva che le arti erano cadute in rovina con il crollo dell’Impero Romano, sostenendo che fossero gli artisti toscani, iniziando da Cimabue e a maggior ragione con Giotto che cominciò la fase discendente del declino. Vasari vide l’arte antica come fondamentale per la rinascita dell’arte italiana, sia ispirando l’imitazione della natura sia come modello per la costruzione di forme ideali capaci di superare le imperfezioni della natura. Parallelamente alla trasformazione nell’arte fu la riscoperta dei valori classici nello studio delle discipline umanistiche. La parola “umanista” aveva un significato molto diverso nel Rinascimento rispetto alla sua accezione odierna. La ricerca degli umanisti del Rinascimento comportava la ricerca dei testi classici perduti, l’epurazione e la riedizione di classici noti ma corrotti e l’applicazione dei modelli e dei valori classici ai problemi contemporanei. Gli umanisti erano investiti da una missione, prestando molta attenzione visto che erano artefici di operare una cesura definitiva del deplorevole latino e pensiero oscurante del Medioevo. Infatti, gli umanisti coniarono il termine “età di mezzo” allo scopo di rimarcare il loro rifiuto di ciò che appariva loro un periodo di stagnazione. In linea con la concezione vasariana della riscoperta artistica, gli umanisti erano allo stesso modo certi che l’ispirazione al cambiamento provenisse dai toscani, più precisamente dai fiorentini; per Leonardo Bruni, funzionario pubblico e storico di Firenze, la sua città era l’erede repubblicana di Roma. Proprio come Vasari, gli umanisti cercavano nel passato i primi barlumi del cambiamento, riconoscendo in Petrarca il loro precursore.

Glossario Polymath.

a person who knows a lot about many different subjects


limits of an activity or behavior


Renato SORIANO Slippery.

anno accademico 2018/2019

not having one clear meaning and able to be understood in different ways

To reverse.

to change something, such as a decision, judgment, or process so that it is the opposite of what it was before


more important than anything else in a situation (key)


the knowledge, work, or methods involved in serious studying (uncountable)

To entail.

to involve something as a necessary part or result


nervous or uncomfortable because you are worried about what people think about you or your actions, too self-aware (embarassed)


very unsatisfactory or disappointing


the act of not accepting, believing in, or agreeing with something


the person who will take over a position or job after you, or who does things or thinks in a similar way to you


a small sign of thought or feeling

To recruit.

to persuade someone to work for a company or become a new member of an organization, especially the army


someone who is in a position of authority in an organization

Questions What type of text is it? The text is more complex, the aim is to analyze in detail the Renaissance. The text was published on an academic web-site, in a data-base which collected essay about general topic. The aim of the text This text tries to add something new about the topic the aim of the author is to express stans (=opinioni) about Renaissance. He reviews information and he criticizes the common idea of Renaissance. Type of audience written for For people who already know something about the Renaissance. We have to know who Vasari is, Bruni is less famous than Vasari. Moreover, a lot of element was not defined. Type of audience interested to For students undergraduate, it could be a text in a magazine for expert reader and for people who already know the Renaissance. Language register There is some difference in the register, text is more formal and complex.



anno accademico 2018/2019

UNIT 8 THE 1984-85 MINERS' STRIKE After a period of relative stability in the Second World War and the early postwar period, the British coal industry (nationalised in 1947) underwent a massive contraction from 700,000 employed in 1957 to 300,000 by 1970, as alternative fuels were used to produce energy. The two highly successful national strikes of 1972 and 1974 then catapulted the miners up the pay league, and the international oil crisis of late 1973 made coal an attractive proposition once again for electricity generation. Employment generally stabilised for the rest of the 1970s, but the economic recession of the early 1980s, by cutting the demand for coal, exposed the less productive pits. The Conservative government's long-term agenda, the privatization of the energy sector, required a restructuring of the coal industry. An attempt at large-scale closures in 1981 was dropped when unofficial strikes spread rapidly, and government ministers found themselves unprepared to fight at the time. This situation had changed by 1984 and the National Coal Board (NCB) had a new chairman, Ian MacGregor. In March 1984, when five pits were announced for closure without proper review, official area strikes started in Yorkshire and Scotland. These were endorsed by the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) executive which called on other areas to support them. It believed that there was a large hit list of vulnerable pits and that a stand had to be taken before the heart was ripped out of the industry and coal communities were shattered. Many of the other coalfields stopped work as a result of pickets, sometimes from other areas, though this was not generally successful in Nottinghamshire, where many miners considered their jobs safe. Calls for a national ballot (which was the NUM tradition, well before it ever became law later that year) foundered on the activists' view that no miner has the right to decide that another should lose his job. Where only a minority of the union was affected by closures at any one time, what would happen if a national ballot was called and lost?



anno accademico 2018/2019

Traduzione LO SCIOPERO DELLE MINIERE DEL 1984-85 Durante la II Guerra Mondiale e il primo dopoguerra, l’industria carbonifera britannica, nazionalizzata nel 1947, conobbe un periodo di relativa stabilità. Tuttavia, quando incominciarono ad essere usati combustibili alternativi per produrre energia, ci fu una drastica riduzione del personale: dai 700 mila del 1957 si passò ai 300 mila entro il 1970. In seguito ai due scioperi nazionali di maggior successo del 1972 e 1974, la retribuzione dei minatori scalò la classifica degli stipendi, mentre la crisi internazionale del petrolio della fine del 1973 portò il carbone ad essere ancora protagonista della produzione di energia elettrica. All’approssimarsi degli anni 80, dopo un periodo di stabilità occupazionale, la recessione economica portò a una riduzione di richiesta di carbone, colpendo le miniere meno produttive. Il programma di lungo termine del governo conservatore, che prevedeva la privatizzazione del settore energetico, fece in modo che le industrie carbonifere si riorganizzassero. Un tentativo di chiusura su larga scala nel 1981 fu abbandonato quando gli scioperi non ufficiali crebbero e, allo stesso tempo, il governo li trovò impreparati alla lotta. La situazione cambiò prima del 1984 e la NBC ebbe un nuovo presidente, Ian Mc Gregor. Nel marzo del 1984, dopo che senza un riadeguato riesame di 5 miniere ne fu annunciata la chiusura, cominciarono in Yorkshire e in Scozia una serie di scioperi ufficiali. Essi furono pubblicamente appoggiati dall’esecutivo del Sindacato Nazionale dei Minatori, il quale richiese il supporto di altre regioni. Esso riteneva che ci fosse una lunga lista nera delle miniere sacrificabili e che una presa di posizione fosse necessaria prima che all’industria fosse strappato il cuore e le comunità dei minatori fossero distrutte. Molte altre miniere fermarono il lavoro, a causa dei picchetti provenienti qualche volta da altre aree. Nonostante ciò, in Nottinghamshire, dove i minatori erano convinti che il loro lavoro fosse al sicuro, gli scioperi non ebbero un grande successo. Chiamati a un referendum nazionale di categoria (che era nella tradizione del sindacato ancor prima di diventare legge l’anno successivo) l’idea degli attivisti che nessun minatore avesse il diritto di decidere se altri dovessero perdere il loro lavoro naufragò. Cosa sarebbe potuto accadere in quei posti dove solo una minoranza di lavoratori rischiava la chiusura in qualunque momento, se si fosse perso il referendum?



Renato SORIANO Strike.

anno accademico 2018/2019

a period of time when a group of workers deliberately stop working because of a disagreement about pay, working conditions

Post war.

happening or existing after a war, especially the Second World War


a hard black mineral which is dug out of the ground and burnt to produce heat

To undergo.

if you undergo a change, an unpleasant experience etc, it happens to you or is done to you


a substance such as coal, gas, or oil that can be burned to produce heat or energy

Pay league. Employment. Demand.

??? the condition of having a paid job a very firm request for something that you believe you have the right to get


a coal mine

To spread.

it becomes larger or moves so that it affects more people or a larger area


a group of people in a company or other organization who make the rules and important decisions


someone, especially a man, who is in charge of a meeting or directs the work of a committee or an organization

To endorse.

to express formal support or approval for someone or something

Trade union.

an organization, usually in a particular trade or profession, that represents workers, especially in meetings with employers


someone who works in a mine

Hit list.

the names of people, organizations etc that a person or group plans to harm

To take a stand. to state your opinion clearly and not be persuaded to change it To rip out.

to tear something out of someone or something

To shatter.

to break suddenly into very small pieces


when a group of people stand or march in front of a shop, factory, government building etc to protest about something or to stop people from going in during a strike


an area where there is coal under the ground


a system of voting, usually in secret, or an occasion when you vote in this way

To founder.

to fail after a period of time because something has gone wrong




anno accademico 2018/2019

What type of text is it? The test aims to describe chronologically the events concerning mineworkers through ‘70s and ‘80s. It’s a labour historical text written to spread knowledge. It was written by a University teacher, who studied the relationship between industry and union, on NUM’s website. The aim of the text To summarize the events that came with the privatization and the decline of the coal mines during ’70 and ‘80s. Type of audience writing to Probably, it was written for University students and for anyone who would like to know more about this period and labour history. Public website = to everyone. Type of audience interested to People who loves history or miners who want to know what happened in the past, or political activists who need tips. Everyone who have e physical link with this topic. Language register The language used is appropriate for an adult audience. The register is formal with a lexicon that includes specific terms about both political and trade union sector. The style is not too simple. It’s too long for a journal article.



anno accademico 2018/2019


A few words of apology and explanation are called for if this book is to escape even more severe censure than it doubtless deserves. Apology is due to the specialists on various schools and individual philosophers. With the possible exception of Leibniz, every philosopher of whom I treat is better known to some others than to me. If, however, books covering a wide field are to be written at all, it is inevitable, since we are not immortal, that those who write such books should spend less time on any one part than can be spent by a man who concentrates on a single author or a brief period. Some, whose scholarly austerity is unbending, will conclude that books covering a wide field should not be written at all, or, if written, should consist of monographs by a moltitude of authors. There is, however, something lost when many authors cooperate. If there is any unity in the movement of history, if there is any intimate relation between what goes before and what comes later, it is necessary, for setting this forth, that earlier and later periods should be synthesized in a single mind. The student of Rousseau may have difficulty in doing justice to his connection with the Sparta of Plato and Plutarch; the historian of Sparta may not be prophetically conscious of Hobbes and Fichte and Lenin. To bring out such relations is one of the purposes of this book, and it is a purpose which only a wide survey can fulfil. There are many histories of philosophy, but none of them, so far as I know, has quite the purpose that I have set myself. Philosophers are both effects and causes: effects of their social circumstances and of the politics and institutions of their time; causes (if they are fortunate) of beliefs which mould the politics and institutions of later ages.



anno accademico 2018/2019

Traduzione STORIA DELLA FILOSOFIA OCCIDENTALE DI BERTRAND RUSSELL PREFAZIONE Alcune parole di scuse e di spiegazione sono dovute per evitare che questo libro subisca una ancor più severa critica di quella che senza dubbio merita. Le scuse sono verso gli esperti delle varie scuole di pensiero e dei singoli filosofi. Ad eccezione, forse, di Leibniz, ogni filosofo di cui tratto è meglio conosciuto da altri che da me. Tuttavia, se devono proprio essere scritti libri che coprono un vasto campo, è inevitabile, dal momento che non siamo immortali, che coloro i quali scrivono tali libri si ritrovano (dovrebbero) a dedicare meno tempo a ogni singola parte di quello che può essere speso da colui che si concentra su un singolo autore o un breve periodo. Alcuni, il cui rigore accademico è inflessibile, concluderanno che i libri che coprono un vasto campo non dovrebbero affatto essere scritti o, se scritti, dovrebbero consistere in monografie di una moltitudine di autori. Tuttavia, quando molti autori cooperano, qualche cosa si perde. Se c’è una qualunque consequenzialità della storia (susseguirsi degli eventi storici), se c’è un qualunque stretto legame fra ciò che viene prima e ciò che viene dopo, per esplicitarlo è necessario che i periodi precedenti e successivi siano sintetizzati in una singola mente. Chi studia Rousseau potrebbe avere difficoltà a rendere giustizia al suo legame alla Sparta di Platone e Plutarco: lo storico di Sparta potrebbe non essere profeticamente cosciente di Hobbes, Fichte e Lenin. Mettere in risalto tali relazioni è uno degli obiettivi di questo libro ed è lo scopo che solo un ampio studio può soddisfare. Esistono molte storie della filosofia ma nessuna, per quanto ne sappia, ha lo stesso scopo che mi sono posto io. I filosofi sono sia effetti che cause: effetti del loro contesto sociale e della politica e istituzioni del loro tempo; cause (se sono fortunati) di pensieri che hanno modellato la politica e le istituzioni del tempo passato.

Glossario Apology.

something that you say or write to show that you are sorry for doing somethi...

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