Universiti Teknologi MARA PDF

Title Universiti Teknologi MARA
Course Tourism Planning 2
Institution Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Pages 19
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTWe have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the kind support and help of many individuals. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to all of them.First of all, we take this opportunity to express our profound gratitude and deep regards to...



We have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the kind support and help of many individuals. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to all of them. First of all, we take this opportunity to express our profound gratitude and deep regards to our lecturer, Sir Azrul Syafiq bin Zulkifli, for his exemplary guidance, monitoring and constant encouragement throughout the planning and conducting process of this tour. The blessing, help and guidance given by him time to time have makes it possible for us to conduct the tour successfully. The chance given by our lecturer has made it possible for us to plan and conduct our own tour. Secondly, we would like to dedicate our special appreciation for the excellent effort and cooperation given by the tour’s committee members. Without their effort and cooperation, this tour would not be as successful as it had.


The main aim for this report is to explain about the tour that has been organized by the student of Tourism Management, HM111 5B in conjunction with the subject of Tour Planning and Design (HTT350). This subject is one of the compulsory subjects for part 5 students of Tourism Management and the tour is one of the compulsory activities to be carried out by the students who took this subject. Through a few series of discussion held among group members, we had come to an agreement to choose Langkawi Island as the destination for our tour. A few debates have occurred regarding the destination for our tour but through series of discussions and meetings held, majority of the group members have agreed to choose Langkawi Island. Main reason for this choice is because of the fact that most of the group members have never visited Langkawi Island before and we thought that this tour will be a good platform for us to go and discover the Langkawi Island, which is one of the most popular islands in Malaysia. Besides that, budget and time constraints also play vital roles in the choice of Langkawi Island as the destination for our tour. As tourism students, it would be a good exposure for us to explore the places of interest in Malaysia that attract tourists coming to this country. Trip to Langkawi Island has certainly helped us a lot in understanding the reasons that derive the motivation for the tourists to come to Malaysia. The theme for our Langkawi Island tour is focusing on the natural attraction of Langkawi Island. This can be reflected through the activities carried out throughout our tour in Langkawi Island and also in creating our itinerary. We chose the activities that could reflect the theme of our tour. Since Langkawi Island is famous for its beautiful island and the preservation of its nature, we decided to make these features as the focus of our tour. We had visited many places and carried out many activities throughout our journey in Langkawi Island such as Eagle Square, Langkawi Cable Car, Beras Terbakar, Gamat Factory, Underwater World and Island Hoping. We chose Adina Drive-In Motel as our place of accommodations for two nights during the tour. The decision to stay at Adina Drive-In Motel was made after a few researches on the Internet have been carried out. The good reviews and high rating given by the previous guests of this motel act as the main reason on why we choose this motel as our place of accommodation.

Our journey began in the early morning of the 23rd August 2013. We leaved for Kuala Perlis Jetty by bus from UiTM at 7.30 am. We then took a ferry to Langkawi Island from the Kuala Perlis Jetty. It took us nearly one hour to arrive at the Langkawi Jetty. Our main transportation in Langkawi Island is the tourist van that we rent for the use throughout our tour in Langkawi Island. On the first day, we are headed to the one of the largest marine and fresh water aquaria in South East Asia named as Underwater World. It was started operation on 26 August 1995 for 34 701 square foot. It is open daily from 10.00 am until 6.00 pm. The uniqueness is it have the 15 metre long walk through tunnel that consist of 500 000 litre of seawater and houses the Giant Green Turtle. After that, we went for Island Hoping activities that enable us to visit some of the beautiful beaches around the island using boat. The first island that we visited on this tour is Dayang Bunting Island or also called as the Lake of the Pregnant Maiden. The second island that we visited was the Singa Besar Island that was named after a legend of the giant who possesses a lion as a pet. It is also called as the Island of the Big Lion and have oldest rocks in Malaysia which are about 500 million of years. Eagle feeding and eagle watching from inside the boat are the main activity carried out at this island. The third island is Beras Basah Island or also known as The Island of Wet Rice. Because of its beautiful white sandy beaches with crystal clear blue water, this island has become the main tourists spot for swimming and sunbathing activities. On the second day, we went to Langkawi Cable Car that located at the Oriental Village. It has opened to public in October 2002 and it is the steepest cable car in the world. We ride this cable car to the top of the mountain called as Mat Cincang. It takes visitors to height of 708 metres and about 15 minutes of journey to the mount. While sitting in the cable car, we can see the beautiful scenery outside the cable car because we saw everything from above. We saw the waterfall on the mount the top of mount we can see the beautiful beaches surrounded the area of mount. Top of mount also provide many facilities for the tourist such as toilet and food court. After that, we went to visit one of the most famous gamat factories in Langkawi Island. Visiting gamat factory has become a must for visitors who come to Langkawi Island. Gamat was believed can help to cure many problems in the human body or outside human body for example for beauty purpose. The healing nature of gamat has made it popular not only among

the local people but also among the tourists. This has led to the high demand of gamat products and Langkawi Island is the place where many of the famous gamat products manufaturers are located. Then, we continued our journey to Beras Terbakar located at Kampong Raja at Padang Matsirat. We still can see the burnt of rice in a black colour on that place and reminds us about the hardship of people from the past to protect the land from the intruders. It was believes that the chieftains of Langkawi ordered to burn the granary in order to starve the enemies. Then, the burnt of granary is still remain until nowadays and we can see it. At the end of the journey, we went for shopping as our last activity on that day.

On the last day of the tour, we headed to Dataran Lang or also known as Eagle Square. It is the most prominent landmark of Langkawi Island. It is the very first landmark that comes across the sight of visitors, arriving by ferry, to Langkawi. The main feature of this landmark is the massive 12-meter statue of a reddish brown eagle all geared for a flight. We then went to Langkawi Jetty and took a ferry back to Kuala Perlis Jetty. Our three days and two nights’ tour ended once we reached Kuala Perlis Jetty.


Project leader and assistant project leader is a person who will lead the group before the tour and during the tour. Their jobs as a lead had starts before the tour started. The first thing first, as a leader their have to ensure all the activities that have plan will run smoothly, to sure thing that has been plan will run like what exactly plan, she need to divide the task. Lead has to inform all group members that will involve during the tour what task they have to do during the tour. The divide of task is to being fair to all member which everyone have their own task and responsibilities. Besides that, leader also will held meeting and brainstorming activity before the tour. The function of meeting is to make sure the leader know what the progress of the tour. During meeting also can be a discussion session about the problem that member faces during do their tasks. Leader also have to be a supervise to all member which the leader need to control and give an advise on the work done by the committee members. As a leader, it is leader responsible to make sure that every person in the group are contributing their effort in the planning and preparing for the trip. Head of location is a person who will give a command on the location. Every single thing that happen on location is she responsible to take action. If anything happen and any problem arise it is being the head of location responsible to take action and do something. At the same time the entire group member should seek to the head of location if unexpected thing happen which need to take action immediately. Besides that, head of location also have a responsible to make sure that all activities that have been planned carried out successfully. Head of location have to make sure all the activities run on the time and have to make sure the activities not delay from the schedule because if one of the activities is not done on time that will affect the next activities and also all the activities for the whole day also will be effected. A person who do a lodging and accommodation tasks have a responsibilities to contact and negotiate with hotels. She needs to do a few surveys for search the most suitable hotel to stay during the tour. She needs to do a checklist what exactly the kind of hotel that she needed. She have to make sure the hotel that have been chosen is the best hotel and the hotel also have provided all the facilities needed by the group member such as iron, water heater, towel and so on. However, she needed to communicate to the group members to tell them the hotel that she suggests and tells them that their approval is needed. The reason why she need

to have their approval because during the tour you do not want to hear any complaint about the hotel and at the same time to give their freedom to chosen for their comfortable. A day before the tour she need to make sure that she had prepare the room list for the hotel which the room list will make she work more easier. During the tour, she is the person who will do a check-in and check-out for everyone. The responsibilities of security bureau are to ensure the safety of the group. To make sure all the group member has steak together in a group she needs to do a headcount consistently at every location. Every location that the group stop she need to headcount to make sure no person has leave behind. She also needs to ensure all the group member has together at the place at the same time. Besides that, have been the responsible of security bureau to manage on the security of belongings during the whole tour. If the tour have stopped to eat she need to be a last person to leave the place because she need to make sure nothing have leaves by their group member. The responsible of runner is to do an advertisement for the trip. She need to make a flyer about the trip and giving out flyers and affixed poster to inform about the trip. She needs to make sure the flyer and poster that she made can attract other interest to join the trip together. Besides using the flyer and poster as the marketing strategies for the tour, she also need to active to do spread from mouth to mouth about the trip. It is she responsible to make sure have a few persons that want to join the trip. Person who handles the transportation need to make sure during the tour day the transportation has been prepared. Therefore, she needs to apply for UITM bus so the tour does not have to pay more on the transportation because it is free. She also responsible to find the suitable transportation that the tour needs to be use in Langkawi Islands. She need to make sure at Langkawi Islands the tour operators that co-operate to handle the tour had prepared the transport for the tour. She needs to know what exactly the transportation that tour operator provides because she has to ensure the transportation can bring all the group tour at the same time. She can negotiate with them for the rent of the van. However, she need to communicate the decision with the group members for make sure all member are comfortable with the decision. Photographer is the important person whom capture all the memory in just one click she responsible to take pictures for all the activities. The picture is needed to include in the report

as a proof of organizing the trip and as the evident, the tour successful organizes. Besides that, the picture will be important memory for every group members. Lastly, person who responsible to do a report about the tour responsible need to take note on every important details of the tour because all the important thing happen during the tour or before the tour needed to state in report. It is her responsible to prepare a complete report on the tour and she need to compile all together in one perfect report.


Determine What Our Intended Group Wants Before we choose to go to Langkawi, our members group has made the discussion about the place that we want to visit. We begin the discussion with the suggestion from our group members about the place that they want to visit. Many of us suggest to go to Langkawi because it is the only place that our members never have been and also the only destination that close with our location. Our group interested to go to Langkawi because there are many Small Island and attraction place over there. In addition, our group members budget are not exceeding RM 250, so after searching in the internet the lowest budget that we could get, we found that the budget for go to Langkawi not exceeding our budget. This is the strong reason why we choose Langkawi as our travel place. Determine What Day of the Week Our Tour Should Leave We as student of UiTM Penang busy with our classes from Monday to Thursday. We choose to leave UiTM on Friday because it is the beginning of our weekend and it is suitable for us to relieve our stress. Usually on Friday until Sunday is our free time to do our own things. So, we fill our time to go to the Langkawi at 23 August until 25 August 2013. Our trip to Langkawi begins from Friday morning until Sunday afternoon. We believed that we already choose the suitable time for us to have some vacation and enjoyed with our group members. Determine How Many Days Our Tour Should Run It requires only three days for us to enjoy our trip at Langkawi because we could take only few days to travel the whole island. We begin our journey from UiTM Penang to jetty Kuala Perlis that take only one hour and thirty minutes. From jetty Kuala Perlis we take ferry to go to jetty Kuah, Langkawi. It is only take one hour to reach Langkawi Island. We do not need to waste our time or wait for longer time to reach our destination. For the first day of our trip we do island hopping that only take a few hours and also do some activities. Next day, we go to some interest places and shopping. For the last day, we went to eagle square to take some picture also enjoyed our last moment in Langkawi. So, it is a simple and pretty fun trip for us to enjoy our short vacation us a student. We could do a lot of activities in only few

days. It is obviously show that Langkawi Island is the small island that we can travel in only few days. Choose the Appropriate Format for Our Itinerary We decided to set our tour itinerary as a one way itinerary that begins from UiTM to Kuala Perlis Jetty by bus. From Kuala Perlis Jetty we take a ferry to Langkawi Jetty. We stayed at Langkawi in few days and leave Langkawi from Langkawi Jetty. From Langkawi Jetty, we need to take a ferry to Kuala Perlis Jetty and lastly take a bus to go back to UiTM.

Langkawi Island Tour 23Aug – 25Aug 2013

Full Itinerary:

1st Day: 0800: Depart from UiTM Penang by coach

1500: Gather at Awana base for island

1010: Arrived at K. Perlis Jetty


1030: Ferry ride to Langkawi Island

1800: Heading back to Cenang Island


: Check-in at Adina Drive-In Motel

1130: Arrived at Langkawi Island Jetty : Lunch at nearby restaurant 1215: Heading to Underwater World Langkawi for a tour 1430: Perform Zohor prayer

: Free activity 2100: Ice breaking activity by the beachside 2230: End of the first day activities : Briefing on the second day activities

2nd Day: 0800: Gather at the hotel lobby for breakfast

1430: Continue with the island tour

0900: Full-day island tour around Kuah Town -

Langkawi Cable Car


Gamat Factory

1300: Lunch at nearby restaurant & perform Zohor prayer






Shopping in Kuah Town

1800: Heading back to hotel : Free activity

3rd Day:

1040: Heading to Langkawi Island Jetty

0930: Check-out from hotel

1100: Ferry ride to Kuala Perlis Jetty

0945: Heading to Eagle Square

1215: Heading back to UiTM Penang by

1000: Brief tour at Eagle Square


disturbing the running of the trip 3



Underwater World Langkawi Cable Car Langkawi Island hopping Sightseeing Subtotal GENERAL






TRANSPORTATIO N Request for UiTM Coach Van charter for 3 days Ferry to Langkawi Island Transportation Subtotal

1 bus / MYR 0.00 RM26.40 RM36.00

Escort Salary (RM300/25pax) Supplies, advertising & overhead General Subtotal

because it also has the full itinerary on RM28.00 RM15.00 RM25.00 = RM68.00

The first aid kits we bring along

RM12.00 RM5

trip it can help the tourist. For example if the tourist is injured himself then we can use the first aid kits on the situation


like that. Maybe it not gives a big help but at least it give a little help for the



tourist on the time when they need it.

The brochures and flyers are very = RM62.40


important because the people can use as

also can read the additional information RM80.00

2 nights stay at Adina Drive-In Motel Accommodation Subtotal

their time and make it comfortable.

because if anything happen while on

a guide for day to day on the trips. They 2

it. Then they will know how to allocate

through it before they go to the place as their general information. Then, there

= RM80.00

will not have any problem for them to adjusting their own time without


Langkawi Island Tour 23Aug – 25Aug 2013

: Briefing on the second day activities

Full Itinerary: 1st Day: 0800: Depart from UiTM Penang by coach 1010: Arrived at K. Perlis Jetty 1030: Ferry ride to Langkawi Island Jetty 1130: Arrived at Langkawi Island Jetty : Lunch at neary restaurant 1215: Heading to Underwater World Langkawi for a tour 1430: Perform Zohor prayer

Organized by: HM111 5B

1500: Gather at Awana base for island hopping 1800: Heading back to Cenang Island : Check-in at Adina Drive-In Motel


: Free activity

2nd Day: 0800: Gather at the hotel lobby for breakfast 0900: Full-day island tour around Kuah Town -

Langkawi Cable Car Gamat Factory

1300: Lunch at nearby restaurant & perform Zohor prayer 1430: Continue with the island tour -

MakamMahsuri BerasTerbakar Shopping in Kuah Town


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