UNT - BCIS Exam 1 Review PDF

Title UNT - BCIS Exam 1 Review
Course Basic Information Systems
Institution University of North Texas
Pages 7
File Size 110.9 KB
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Great 74 question review. I took this class in the spring of 2018 with professor white....


Exam 1 1.5-component model of information: -Hardware -Software -Data -Procedures -People (components interact to produce information) 2.Ability to experiment: Create and test promising new alternatives 3.Abstract Reason: Ability to make and manipulate models 4.Activities in value chain: -acquire parts -produce -ship -market and sell -service customers 5.Actors of 5-component model: Hardware and people 6.asynchronous communication: Members not meeting at the same time 7.AUTO-NUMBER ALWAYS NECESSITATES AN ENTRY: ... 8.BASIC QUERIERS ARE BEST CREATED USING THE QUERY WIZARD: ... 9.Bell's Law: - New class of computers establishes a new industry each decade - New platforms/programming environments/IS 10.Bridge of 5-component model: Data

11.Characteristics of good information: -Accurate -Timely -Relevant -Just barely sufficient -Worth its cost 12.Closed source software: Source code is protected and only available to certain employees 13.Collaboration: People working together to achieve a common goal, result, or work product 14.Concept of Primary/Foreign key: P: first table F: one table that uniquely identifies the row of another table 15.Difference between hardware and software: -hardware = computer, keyboard, monitors (IBM, Cisco) - software= applications on computer (Microsoft, Oracle) 16.Difference between structured and unstructured decisions: Structured: understood and accepted method for making the decision Unstructured: No agreed on decision making method 17.Different operating systems: Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Symbian, Blackberry, iOS, andriod 18.Doing phase: Perform the tasks 19.Examples of data: information 20.Finalizing phase: Determine completion 21.Four purposes of collaborations: 1. become informed 2. make decisions 3. solve problems 4. manage projects

22.Hackman's three criteria for team success: 1. do it within time/budget allowed 2. did the team get better 3. nature of team goals is meaningful/rewards 23.Horizontal market application: Software provides capabilities to common across all organizations 24.How do business processes generate value?: Transforming inputs into outputs 25.How do most users enter data into a database?: through forms 26.How do wildcards behave?: can stand in for unknown characters in a text value 27.Instructions of 5-component model: Software and procedures 28.Kryders Law: - The storage density on magnetic disks is increasing at an exponential rate 29.Linux: version of Unix used for anything 30.List the phases of project development: -starting -planning -doing -finalizing 31.MacOS/ iOS: iPhone/Pad/Pod 32.Managerial Level (definition/how decisions are made): Allocation of utilization of resources 33.Metadata: -Manages the product - schedules, budgets, tasks 34.Metcalfe's Law: -Network value equal to square number of users connected to it - V=U^2 -More digital devices are connected together

35.module uses the VBA programming language: true 36.Moores Law: -The number of transistors per square inch on an integrated chip doubles every 18 months - Computers getting faster 37.Most important component: YOU, only humans produce information 38.Nielsons Law: - Network connection speeds for high-end users will increase by 50% per year 39.ONE-TO-MANY IS THE MOST COMMON RELATIONSHIP TYPE: ... 40.Open source software: A program that is available to the public 41.Operational level (definition/how decisions are made): Day-to-day activities 42.Parts of the computer: -Central processing unit (the brain) -RAM (main memory) - Storage hardware (saves data/programs) 43.Planning phase: determine task and dependencies 44.Porters definition of value: set of activities that an organization carriers out to create value for its customers 45.Porter's four competitive strategies: cost/industry-wide/focus/differentiation 1. lowest cost across the industry 2. lowest cost within an industry segment 3. better product/service across industry 4.better product/service within industry segment 46.Primary criteria for judging team success: - successful outcome - growth in team capability -meaningful and satisfying experience

47.Principals of competitive advantage: -enhances existing products -differentiates products -locks in customers -raises barrier to market entry -increases profit margins by decreasing cost/errors 48.Project Data: Data that is part of the collaborations product 49.Starting phase: set team authority and establish roles 50.Strategic Level (definition/how decisions are made): Support broad-scope organization issues 51.Strong non-routine skills (reasons and explanations): - Abstract reason - Systems thinking - Collaboration - Ability to experiment 52.support activities in value chain: -manage supplier relationships -investigate new designs -hire/support employees -manage company resources 53.Symbian: Nokia/ samsung phones 54.synchronous communication: When all members meet at the same time 55.Systems thinking: -Ability to model system components, connect inputs/outputs among components to reflect structure and dynamics - Ability to discuss, illustrate, critique systems. apply to different situations

56.Three main methods to create a data base: 1. create with templates 2. create blank 3. import existing data into access & save as database 57.Tradeable job: job not dependent on particular location can be offshore/outsourced 58.Version management systems: Tracks changes to the document and provides features/functions that accommodate current work (google drive) 59.Vertical market application: software serves the needs of a specific industry 60.What are benefits of self-driving cars?: people cant drive, less wrecks from careless decisions, 61.What does a pencil symbol in the left of a record indicate: The current record has already been saved 62.What does Porter's five forces model assess?: competitive strategy/advantages 63.What is Google Project Loon: Plan of providing Internet access to rural and remote areas. Users of service connect to balloon network using internet antenna attached to their building 64.What is the business user's role in information systems: -ensure systems meet their needs -how IS are constructed -consider users' needs during development -learn how to use IS -remember ancillary requirements (security/backups) 65.What is the difference between a thin/think client: Thin: designed to run within browser (chome, firefox) Thick: written to use particular operating system (microsoft on windows) 66.What is the function of validation rule?: To limit/control what users can enter in a table field or control on a form

67.What language does an android/mac application use?: A: Java M: swift 68.When does access save a record?: it does automatically 69.WHEN YOU FIRST DESIGN A DATABASE, FIELD NAMES ARE NOT CRITICAL: ... 70.Which logical operator would return the fewest records?: LEAST ( ) 71.Why do teams collaborate: - work together to achieve common goal -feedback and iteration 72.Why would someone want to enforce referential integrity?: if you want two tables to remain synchronized during updates or deletes 73.Windows: Personal computer clients 74.YOU ONLY NEED TO SAVE AN OBJECT WHEN YOU CHANGE ITS STRUCTURE: ......

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