UNV-104 T1 Brainstorming and Beginning Research Worksheet 1 PDF

Title UNV-104 T1 Brainstorming and Beginning Research Worksheet 1
Author Merilin Frroku
Course University Success
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 10
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Download UNV-104 T1 Brainstorming and Beginning Research Worksheet 1 PDF


Name: Merilin Frroku Course: UNV-104 Date: 07/6/2020 Instructor: John Steele

Expository Essay: Brainstorming and Beginning Research Before you begin any writing assignment, it is often necessary to complete several “pre-writing” activities necessary for completing your expository essay including selecting a topic, brainstorming, research strategies, and research. Follow the instructions to complete these pre-writing activities. Make sure you complete all sections of this worksheet.

Part 1: Select a Topic – Pick One Below are lists of essay topics to use for the expository essay please highlight/bold your topic choice so your instructor will know your selection. 1. Three services Veterans need to successfully return to civilian life 2. Three characteristics of good leaders 3. Three ways bullying can negatively impact children 4. Three ways technology can impact communication 5. Three issues found in a large classroom 6. Three services the Christian church can provide the community

Part 2: Brainstorming Strategies Read: Topic 1 Lecture. Review: “Invention: Finding Your Ideas” section of “The Writing Process” media piece: https://lc.gcumedia.com/unv104/the-writing-process/index.html Complete: In box 1, use the brainstorming method of “Free Writing”.

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Brainstorm Method: Free Writing: Set a timer for 10 minutes and complete your free write brainstorm activity in this box to show your work. Good leaders are people who listen to understand rather than to reply. Good leaders make you feel safe and understood. I believe being a good leader means putting others needs in front of your own. Leadership must contain empathy, integrity, and accountability. Empathy to know what someone is feeling and how the world is effecting their day to day lives. Integrity to be truthful and honest, always. Accountability to know when to apologize and right your wrongs. Everyone makes mistakes and its okay to take responsibility for them.

Part 3: Research Strategies – Key Words & Phrases Step 1: Pull keywords that were generated from your brainstorming activity in part 2. These keywords need to pertain to the topic selected from part 1. Step 2: Combine keywords to come up with Boolean search terms. Boolean Search Possibilities: Boolean search terms utilize AND phrases and is covered on page 15 of the course eBook. An example table is provided below to demonstrate how you should complete this. Please do not use any part of the example as part of your own table. Example Tables Keywords pulled from brainstorming 1. Online Learning 2. Student Success Keywords pulled from brainstorming 1.Integrity 2.Accountability 3. Empathy

Boolean: Phrases from Keywords 1. Online Learning AND Education 2. Online Learning AND Student Success Boolean: Phrases with Keywords – Boolean search terms utilize AND phrases. This is covered on page 15 of the course eBook 1. Integrity AND leadership qualities 2. Accountability AND leadership Qualities 3. Empathy AND communication in leadership

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Part 4: Define Sub-topics State three potential sub-topics you want to write about based on the topic you selected in Part 1. Subtopics are the main ideas you plan to use to explain your chosen topic.

1. Sub-topic 1: The importance of Integrity in leadership 2. Sub-topic 2: The importance of Accountability in leadership 3. Sub-topic 3: The importance of Empathy in leadership Part 5: Navigating the GCU Online Library Overview: The GCU Library will be a vital resource for you during your academic career. The Library contains a wealth of resources that will help you find, research, and broaden your understanding on any given topic. Learning to correctly use resources to support your writing is an essential component of your academic success. Before starting this section, review the short walk-through tutorial on the GCU Library. http://tutorials.gcumedia.com/mediaElement/library-walk-through-tutorial/library-walk-through-tutorial-v1.1.php

Step 1: How to Access the Library There are a number of ways to access the library’s website; here is one path to reach the Library Research & Resources page: Please click on the following link: http://library.gcu.edu/

Question 1: On the Library Research & Resources Page, list three ways in which you can contact the library for assistance if needed. If at any point, you find yourself searching more than 15 minutes with no results: STOP and contact a librarian. 1. Call them at: 800.800.9776 ext. 6396641 or 602.639.6641

2. Send an email through Ask-a-Librarian

3. Chat live with us - just follow the "Chat With A Librarian" link found on library.gcu.edu

© 2016. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

Step 2: Finding Journal Articles For this section, you will be searching using LopeSEARCH. LopeSEARCH is a federated search that allows you to search many databases across many subjects with one search. Follow the instructions below to access and begin searching in LopeSEARCH. 1. On the Library Research & Resources page, click the link Find Journal Articles. 2. Under the LopeSEARCH type in your first Boolean Search Phrase. This should include your main topic and one of the subtopics you created in Part 4. Check the box beside Peer Reviewed and click SEARCH 3. Sign in if prompted, using your GCU Username and password.

Question 2: Provide the title of the first journal article that is listed in the results.

Perceived leader integrity as a mediator between ethical leadership and ethical climate in a teaching context

Step 3: Article Details In addition to the actual full text of the article, the databases will provide valuable information about an article. You will see things such as authors, source, subject terms, and abstract. The abstract is a brief summary of the article you found. 1. Click on the title of the first article you found in Step 2. 2. Scroll down this page and find the Article Abstract.

Question 3: Copy and paste the abstract from the article you have found in the space below AND explain how an abstract is valuable to your research process and how it will save you time. © 2016. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

Abst r ac tBackgr oundSc andal ousi nci dent soccur r i ngi npr omi nentor gani s at i onsi nt hewor l dhav ebr oughtt ol i mel i ghtt her ol eofl eader si n shapi ngt heet hi calcl i mat eoft hei ror gani s at i ons.Asar esul t ,s ev er als t udi esac r ossdi ffer entor gani sat i onal / occupat i onalcont ext sand cl i meshav eex ami nedandunani mous l ypr ov ent hatet hi call eader shi pwaspos i t i vel yr el at edt oet hi calcl i mat e.Howev er ,t her ei sr ar el y anyoft hes es t udi est hatwasc onduct edi nt eachi ngcont ex t .Besi des ,t hemec hani smsi nv ol vedbet weenet hi call eader shi pandet hi cal cl i mat eseemsnott ohav ebeenaddr essedi nl i t er at ur e.Thus ,t hi spaperr epor t st hefindi ngsofas t udyt hati nv es t i gat edt hemedi at i ngr ol e ofper cei v edl eaderi nt egr i t yi nt heet hi c all eader shi p–et hi calc l i mat er el at i onshi pamongt eacher s .Met hodsDat awer ec ol l ect edf r om 336 t eacher s( 105mal eand231f emal e)i nt hr eet i meper i odsus i ngmeas ur esofet hi call eader shi p,per c ei v edl eaderi nt egr i t y,et hi cal cl i mat e,anddemogr aphi cs.Resul t sTher esul t sf r om OLSr egr es s i onbasedpat hanal ys i sshowedt hat :1)et hi call eader shi pwas posi t i v el yr el at edt oper cei v edl eaderi nt egr i t y,2)per c ei vedl eaderi nt egr i t ywaspos i t i v el yr el at edt oet hi cal cl i mat e,3) et hi call eader shi pwasposi t i v el yr el at edt oet hi calc l i mat e ,and4)t hepos i t i v er el at i onshi pbet weenet hi call eader shi pandet hi calcl i mat e wasmedi at edbyper cei vedl eaderi nt egr i t y.Concl usi onsThec ur r ents t udyext endst hesoci all ear ni ngt heor ybyi dent i f y i ngper cei v ed l eaderi nt egr i t yasamec hani sm under l yi ngt her el at i ons hi pbet weenet hi call eader shi pandet hi c alcl i mat e.Thefindi ngshav esome i mpl i c at i onsf orper sonnelsel ect i onespeci al l yi nr el at i ont osel ect i onofet hi cal l eader s .

An abstract is important because some of these journals tend to be countless pages. Rather than spending time reading countless articles, you can just read the abstract and get an idea if the article is indeed a good one for your assignment. Step 4: Permanent and Persistent Links Databases are designed as powerful searching tools; unfortunately, this means the website link located at the top of any page in a database is temporary and is based on your search at the time. Should you try to save that link as a bookmark or copy and paste it to use at a later time, it will not work. However, the databases have links that are tied directly to the articles you find. Follow the steps below to find the permalink (persistent, durable link, or document URL) to the article you accessed in Step 2. 1. On the same page where you found the abstract, look to the right for the Tools column. 2. Click on the link that says Permalink. 3. A box will pop up above the article title with a permanent link.

Question 4: Copy and paste the permalink to the article you have found in the space below AND explain why a permalink could be an important item to copy.

© 2016. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

https://lopes.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx? direct=true&db=edsgov&AN=edsgcl.627466969&site=edslive&scope=site&custid=s8333196&groupid=main&profile=eds A permalink can be important if you need to go back to an article to potentially get more information or for any sort of citing purpose. Step 5: Using Library Databases to Cite Articles Another important option under the tool bar is the Cite button. In academic writing, citing your sources is very important. It will tell your reader that the information that you are using is the property of someone else. It will also show your reader exactly where you found this information and how to access this information again. This is a necessary step in avoiding academic dishonesty issues like plagiarism. Note: Remember, GCU Style required for your undergraduate coursework is a simplified version of APA. It is possible for there to be errors in the reference citations available in the GCU Library database, so check the GCU style manual located in the Student Success Center: The Writing Center to ensure your reference is properly formatted. 1. On the same page where you found the abstract look to the right for the Tools column. 2. Click on the link that says Cite. 3. A box will pop up above the article title with different citation styles.

Question 5: Copy and paste the APA reference you have found from the article in the space below. According to the GCU Style Guide, where should you include this information in your essay? Ref er ences Enwer euz or ,I .K. ,Onyi shi ,I .E. ,Al bi Opar aoc ha,F.C. ,&Amaes hi ,K.( 2020) .Per cei v edl eaderi nt egr i t yasa medi at orbet weenet hi call eader shi pandet hi c alc l i mat ei nat eac hi ngc ont ex t .BMC Ps y chol ogy,1.

Your citation should be at the end of your essay in the references page.

© 2016. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

Part 6: Gather Resources Step 1: Go to the GCU Library website and start a search for peer-reviewed journal articles.  On the Library Research & Resources page, click the link Find Journal Articles.  Under the LopeSEARCH type in your first Boolean Search Phrase. This should include your main topic and one of the subtopics you created in Part 4. Check the box beside Peer Reviewed and click SEARCH  Sign in if prompted, using your GCU Username and password. Step 2: Complete the table below using the 3 most relevant peer-reviewed journal articles you found on the topic chosen from part 1. An example table is provided below to demonstrate how you should complete this portion. Please do not use any part of the example as part of your own table.

Example Peer-reviewed article 1 Permalink Abstract

Title of Resource: Factors influencing adult learners' decision to drop out or persist in Boolean terms/ Keywords Used: Online Learning online learning. AND Student Success http://library.gcu.edu:2048/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=44785109&site=ehost-live&scope=site The number of adult learners who participate in online learning has rapidly grown in the last two decades due to online learning's many advantages. In spite of the growth, the high dropout rate in online learning has been of concern to many higher education institutions and organizations. The purpose of this study was to determine whether persistent learners and dropouts are different in individual characteristics (i.e., age, gender, and educational level), external factors (i.e., family and organizational supports), and internal factors (i.e., satisfaction and relevance as sub-dimensions of motivation). Quantitative data were collected from 147 learners who had dropped out of or finished one of the online courses offered from a large Midwestern university. Dropouts and persistent learners showed statistical differences in perceptions of family and organizational support, and satisfaction and relevance. It was also shown that the theoretical framework, which includes family support, organizational support, satisfaction, and relevance in addition to individual characteristics, is able to predict learners' decision to drop out or persist. Organizational support and relevance were shown to be particularly predictive. The results imply that lower dropout rates can be achieved if online program developers or instructors find ways to enhance the relevance of the course. It also implies that adult learners need to be supported by their organizations in order for them to finish online courses that they register for. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

APA Reference Park, J., & Hee Jun, C. (2009). Factors influencing adult learners' decision to drop out or persist in online learning. Journal Of Educational Technology & Society, 12(4), 207-217.

Peer-reviewed Article 1


Title of Resource: Ther el at i onshi p bet ween behavi or ali nt egr i t yandl eadereffect i veness medi at edbycogni t i vet r ustandaffect i vet r ust .

Boolean terms/ Keywords Used: I nt egr i t yANDl eader shi pqual i t i es


© 2016. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

Abstract Leader shi pt heor i eshaveshi f t edovert hel astf ewdecadesf r om f ocusi ngonobj ect i vemeasur esofper f or mance t owar dssubor di nat es' eval uat i onoft hei rl eader s' behavi or ,r el evantt ot eam per f or mance.Behavi or ali nt egr i t y,whi ch r ef er st os ubor di nat es' per cept i onoft hepat t er nsofwor ddeedal i gnment ,i soneoft hemosti mpor t antf act or st hat i nfluencesubor di nat es' eval uat i onoft hei rl eader s' effect i v eness.Weext endpr evi ousr esear chbyar gui ngt hatt he i mpor t anceofbehavi or ali nt egr i t yonl eadereffect i v enessi smedi at edbyt wof or msoft r ust :cogni t i v et r ust ,whi ch r ef er st ot r ustt hati sbasedonper f or mancer el evantcogni t i onssuchascompet ence,r el i abi l i t y ,anddependabi l i t y;and affect i vet r ust ,whi chr ef er st ot heemot i onalbondsbet weeni ndi vi dual st hatar egr oundedupont heexpr essi onsof genui necar eandconcer nf ort hewel f ar eoft heot herpar t y .Tot estt hehypot heses,wecol l ect eddat af r om 215 empl oyeesi nt heser vi cei ndust r y .Usi ngpar al l elmul t i pl er egr essi onbyPROCESS,wefindt hatt her el at i onshi p bet weenbehavi or ali nt egr i t yandl eadereffect i v enessi sf ul l ymedi at edbycogni t i v et r ust( b=0. 73,p...

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