Urban Planning and UDGL.pdf PDF

Title Urban Planning and UDGL.pdf
Author Handini Pradhitasari
Pages 18
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Overview of Urban Planning System in Indonesia and Urban Design Guideline (UDGL) in Jakarta Handini Pradhitasari JUTPI-2 Hierarchy of Spatial Planning • National Spatial Plan (RTRWN) Macro Plan • Island Spatial Plan (RTR Pulau/Kepulauan) Mezzo Plan • Provincial Spatial Plan (RTRW Provinsi) • Regency...


Overview of Urban Planning System in Indonesia and Urban Design Guideline (UDGL) in Jakarta

Handini Pradhitasari JUTPI-2

Hierarchy of Spatial Planning Macro Plan

• National Spatial Plan (RTRWN) • Island Spatial Plan (RTR Pulau/Kepulauan)

Mezzo Plan

Micro Plan

• Provincial Spatial Plan (RTRW Provinsi) • Regency/City Spatial Plan (RTRW Kabupaten/Kota)

• Detailed Spatial Plan (RDTR) • Urban Design Guidelines (RTBLp • Masterplan of an Area

National Spatial Plan (RTRWN) Level of detail: 1 : 1.000.000

Regulated by: Government Regulation (Peraturan Pemerintah/PP) Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW Kabupaten) Level of detail: 1 : 50.000

Regulated by: Regional Regulation (Perda)

Detailed Spatial Plan (RDTR) Level of detail: 1:5000 Regulated by: Regional Regulation (Perda)

Provincial Spatial Plan (RTRW Provinsi) Level of detail: 1 : 100.000

Island Spatial Plan (RTR Pulau) Level of detail: 1: 500.000

Regulated by: Presidential Regulation (Perpres)

Regulated by: Regional Regulation (Perda)

Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW Kota) Level of detail: 1 : 25.000 – 1:10.000

Regulated by: Local Regulation (Perda)

Urban Design Guideline (RTBL) Level of detail: 1:1000 Designed for a specific area or neighborhood that is going to be developed.

Specific/Thematic Planning General Plan

Detail Plan (Operational/Specific)


National Plan

Island (s)/ Archipelago Plan National Strategic Area Plan

• •

RTR Pulau Jawa, Pulau Sumatera RTR Jabodetabekpunjur

Provincial Plan

Provincial Strategic Area Spatial Plan

RTR Kawasan Strategis Provinsi*

Regency/City Spatial Plan

City Strategic Area Plan Detailed Spatial Plan and Zoning Regulation

• • •

RTR Kawasan Strategis Kabupaten* RTR Kawasan Strategis Kota* RDTR Provinsi DKI Jakarta

Note: *strategic area of province, regency and city have been determined and indicated in each RTRW document

City Strategic area of Kota Tangerang

Specific Area (Area Part of City – BWP) consists of Sub Area Part of City (BWP).

Position of Detailed Plan on National Planning System Development Plan

Spatial Plan

Detailed Spatial Plan

National Long Term Dev’t Plan

National Spatial Plan

Island (s) Spatial Plan National Strategic Area Spatial Plan

National Mid Term Dev’t Plan Provincial Long Term Dev’t Plan Provincial Mid Term Dev’t Plan

Provincial Spatial Plan

Provincial Strategic Area Spatial Plan

Regency Spatial Plan

Detailed Plan of a Regency Spatial Plan of a Regency Strategic Area

Urban Spatial Plan

Detailed Plan of a City Spatial Plan of a City Strategic Area

Local Long Term Dev’t Plan

Local Mid Term Dev’t Plan

Correlation between Regency/City Planning, Detailed Plan, and Urban Design Guideline

Detailed as Scope of Plan Divided into Area of Planning

Spatial Plan

Area of Planning

City/Regency Spatial Plan (RTRW)

City/Regency Area

Detailed Spatial Plan (RDTR)

Specific Area of City/Regency (BWP)

Urban Design Guideline (RTBL)

More Specific Area of City/Regency

Strategic Area in DKI Jakarta • Strategic area is determined by its impact to the nation’s sovereignty, defense, security, economic, social, culture, and/or environment, including the area which stated as the world’s heritage. • Strategic area in DKI Jakarta consists of: • National strategic area/ Kawasan strategis nasional (KSN) • Provincial strategic area/ Kawasan strategis provinsi (KSP)

• Determination of strategic area is based on its impact and/or strategical value given for the region’s development. • Purposes of determining strategic area are:

• To improve service, management and infrastructure system • To stabilize the prioritized area to encourage Jakarta as the service city and international cooperation • To enhance the carrying capacity of strategic area towards trade and services activity to improve the quality of life • To allocate the space for informal sector to be integrated with formal activities • To design the strategical area to be conducive for investment

Considerations for determining regional strategic areas Strategical area was stipulated based on: • Policy and spatial planning strategy in provincial area • Strategical value from several aspects such as externality, accountability, and efficiency of area management • Agreement from stakeholders based on the defined policy • Carrying capacity of the environment

Criteria for Determining Regional Strategic Areas • Considering the special factors of spatial planning in provincial area • Taking into account the existence of national strategic area in the provincial level • Area which has a clear demarcation between central and local authority. • An area with some strategical values from economic perspective which impacted the provincial economic growth: • • • • •

Fast growing area Leading sector, export potential Infrastructure and facility support High technology Improving the level of production and energy resource

• An area with some strategical values from socio-cultural interest • • • •

A sanctuary and preservation place to develop the culture A priority to enhance socio-culture quality Preserved and protected asset A preservation to the cultural heritage.

Criteria for Determining Regional Strategic Areas • An area with some strategical values in accordance with the development necessity • Proposed for knowledge and technology development • Having a strategic natural resource • Functioned as the location for high technological utility

• An area which has a strategic value from the environmental perspective • • • • • •

Preserving biodiversity Preserved area for eco-system protection Balancing the water resource Protecting the balance of macro climate Demanding a high priority for environmental quality enhancement Disaster – prone area

• Other area with strategic values in accordance with the development interest of DKI Jakarta

Category of Provincial Strategic Area 1. 2. 3. 4.

Provincial Strategic Area for Economic Interests Provincial Strategic Area for Environmental Interests Provincial Strategic Area for Social-Culture Interests Northern Coast Strategic Area

Strategic Area in DKI Jakarta Province Economic


Sentra Primer Barat (West Primary Center), b. Sentra Primer Timur (East Primary Center), c. Segitiga Emas Setiabudi, d. Manggarai, e. Jatinegara, f. Bandar Baru Kemayoran, g. Dukuh Atas, h. Mangga Dua, i. Tanah Abang, dan • Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK) Marunda

a. West Canal (Banjir Kanal Barat); b.East Canal (Banjir Kanal Timur); and c. Ciliwung RIver


Social-Culture a. Kota Tua (Old Town); b.Menteng; and c. Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM) d.Kawasan Kebayoran Baru e. Kawasan Situ Babakan

North Shore (Pantura) • Pantai Utara • Reclamation area and the main land side

Economic Strategic Area 1. Sentra Primer Barat, 2. Sentra Primer Timur, 3. Segitiga Emas Setiabudi,

8. Mangga Dua, 9. Tanah Abang, and 10. Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK) Marunda

4. Manggarai, 5. Jatinegara, 6. Bandar Baru Kemayoran, 7. Dukuh Atas,

Environmental Strategic Area 11. West Canal (Banjir Kanal Barat); 12. East Canal (Banjir Kanal Timur); and 13. Ciliwung RIver

Socio-Culture Strategic Area 14. Kota Tua (Old Town);

15. Menteng; 16. Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM); 17. Kebayoran Baru 18. Situ Babakan

North Shore Area (Pantura) 19. North Shore/Pantai Utara (Pantura)

Urban Design Guideline (UDGL)/ Rencana Tata Ruang Bangunan (RTBL) • UDGL is a planning tool that bridging city planning and architectural design in forming the physical part of cities that integrated with transportation system which considered physical components, economy, social-culture, and environment to realize the sustainable urban environment. • UDGL intended to control the utilization of space, structuring buildings and the environment, and contain the principal provisions of the building program and environment, general plans and guidelines for the draft of investment plans, provision of control plans and control guidelines implementation of environmental/regional development. • UDGL is necessary to create an integrated environment, and to realizing the same perception and consistency from the plan maker and local government. • UDGL is derived from detail spatial plan (rencana detail tata ruang/RDTR), and the formulation of UDGL shall referred to RDTR.

Requirements for UDGL • UDGL is defined as a guideline for site planning that consists of technical description regarding criteria, requirement of standard of dimension, standard of quality that gives the direction for site development which determined in relation to function, building, infrastructure and public facility, social facility, utility, and environmental facility. • Some criteria that needs to be fulfilled when applying the UDGL: • The area that has more than 5 Ha • The areas that is considerably necessary to be maintained regarding to their special endowment or specialization as the area’s identity which conducted by the central government, local government, state-owned company, localowned company, or enterprise • Strategic areas that have been stipulated by the regulation.

Special Zoning Implementation (TPZ) • Zoning Implementation Technique /Teknik Penerapan Zonasi (TPZ) consists of development bonus, transfer development right (TDR), development agreement, development control, preservation of Heritage Area. • Having a special characteristic which existence is maintained by the government, Some special TPZ which has been stipulated are: • • • • • • • •

Taman Medan Merdeka (Taman Monas) in Kecamatan Gambir; Istana Presiden (Presidential Palace) di Kecamatan Gambir; ASEAN area in Kebayoran Baru District; Areas used for defense purposes; Pertamina Depot in Plumpang, Tanjung Priok District; Tanjung Priok Port in Tanjung Priok and Cilincing District; Strategic Economic Area of Marunda in Cilincing District; and Area of cultivation of rice fields in Cakung District and Cengkareng District.

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