URT - Uncertainty Reduction Theory PDF

Title URT - Uncertainty Reduction Theory
Author Elizabeth Masciola
Course Introduction to Communication Theory
Institution James Madison University
Pages 5
File Size 97 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 17
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Uncertainty Reduction Theory...





Introduction. A.

Charles Berger notes that the beginnings of personal relationships are fraught with uncertainties.


Uncertainty reduction theory focuses on how human communication is used to gain knowledge and create understanding.


Any of three prior conditions—anticipation of future interaction, incentive value, or deviance—can boost our drive to reduce uncertainty.

Uncertainty reduction: To predict and explain. A.

Berger’s emphasis on explanation (our inferences about why people do what they do) comes from the attribution theory of Fritz Heider.


There are at least two types of uncertainty. 1.

Behavioral questions, which are often reduced by following accepted procedural protocols.


Cognitive questions, which are reduced by acquiring information. Cognitive uncertainty is what Berger is addressing.

An axiomatic theory: Certainty about uncertainty. A.

Berger proposes a series of axioms to explain the connection between uncertainty and eight key variables.


Axioms are traditionally regarded as self-evident truths that require no additional proof. 1.

Axiom 1, verbal communication: As the amount of verbal communication between strangers increases, the level of uncertainty decreases, and as a result, verbal communication increases.


Axiom 2, nonverbal warmth: As nonverbal affiliative expressiveness increases, uncertainty levels will decrease. Decreases in uncertainty level will cause increases in nonverbal warmth.


Axiom 3, information seeking: High levels of uncertainty cause increases in information-seeking behavior. As uncertainty levels decline, information-seeking behavior decreases.


Axiom 4, self-disclosure: High levels of uncertainty in a relationship cause decreases in the intimacy level of communication content. Low levels of uncertainty produce high levels of intimacy.


Axiom 5, reciprocity: High levels of uncertainty produce high rates of reciprocity. Low levels of uncertainty produce low levels of reciprocity.


Axiom 6, similarity: Similarities between persons reduce uncertainty, while dissimilarities produce increases in uncertainty.




Axiom 7, liking: Increases in uncertainty level produce decreases in liking; decreases in uncertainty produce increases in liking.


Axiom 8, shared networks: Shared communication networks reduce uncertainty, while a lack of shared networks increases uncertainty.

Theorems: The logical force of uncertainty axioms. A.

Through pairing axioms, Berger creates 28 theorems.


These 28 theorems suggest a comprehensive theory of interpersonal development based on the importance of reducing uncertainty in human interaction.

Message plans to cope with uncertain responses. A.

Berger concluded that most social interaction is goal-driven: we have reasons for saying what we say. 1.

Berger claims plans are hierarchically organized with abstract representations at the top of the hierarchy and progressively more concrete representation toward the bottom.


Switching strategies at the top of the hierarchy causes changes down the hierarchy, altering behavior.


Uncertainty is central to all social interaction.


There is an interaction between uncertainty reduction theory and plan-based message production that suggests various strategies individuals use to cope with uncertainty and hedge against risk when deploying messages. 1.

Uncertainty reduction theorists have outlined four approaches we can use to reduce uncertainty. a.

Using a passive strategy, we unobtrusively observe others from a distance.


In an active strategy, we ask a third party for information.


With an interactive strategy, we talk face-to-face with the other person and ask specific questions.


The extractive strategy involves searching for information online.


The complexity of a message plan is measured in two ways—the level of detail the plan includes and the number of contingency plans prepared in case the original one doesn’t work.


Berger catalogs a series of planned hedges that allow a somewhat gracious retreat to “save face” when at least one of them miscalculated.




The hierarchy hypothesis: When individuals are thwarted in their attempts to achieve goals, their first tendency is to alter lower-level elements of their message.

Reducing uncertainty in ongoing relationships: Relational turbulence theory A.

Can uncertainty also wreak havoc in ongoing relationships?


Leanne Knobloch suggests that uncertainty in close relationships arises from whether we’re sure about our own thoughts, those of the other person, and the future of the relationship.


Some life circumstances tend to generate relational uncertainty though it can occur at any point.


Couples also experience partner interference as they learn to coordinate their individual goals, plans, and activities in ways that don’t annoy each other.


In times of relational turbulence, we’re likely to feel unsettling emotions like anger, sadness, and fear.


Over time, turbulence leads to even more uncertainty and interference, which then creates more turbulence—a vicious cycle that could threaten the health of the relationship.


Knobloch’s research supports the relational turbulence theory across many types of romantic relationships, ranging from couples facing clinical depression to military spouses returning from deployment.

Critique: Nagging doubts about uncertainty. A.

Berger’s uncertainty reduction theory was an early prototype of what an objective theory should be and it continues to inspire a new generation of scholars today.


As Berger himself admits, his original statement contained some propositions of dubious validity.



Critics such as Kathy Kellermann consider theorem 17 particularly flawed.


The tight logical structure of the theory doesn't allow us to reject one theorem without questioning the axioms behind it.


In the case of theorem 17, axioms 3 and 7 must also be suspect.


Kellermann and Rodney Reynolds challenge the motivational assumption of axiom 3.


They also have undermined the claim that motivation to search for information is increased by anticipation of future interaction, incentive value, and deviance.

Michael Sunnafrank challenges Berger’s claim that uncertainty reduction is the key to understanding early encounters.

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He believes that predicted outcome value more accurately explains communication in early encounters.


Berger insists that you can't predict outcome values until you reduce uncertainty.


Walid Afifi thinks both theories are too narrow. In his theory of motivated information management, he suggests we’re most motivated to reduce anxiety rather than uncertainty.


Despite these problems, Berger's theory has stimulated considerable discussion within the discipline.

Charles Berger o A communication theorist at the University of California, Davis, who developed uncertainty reduction theory. Fritz Heider o As the founder of attribution theory, this psychologist argued that we constantly draw inferences about why people do what they do. Attribution theory o A systematic explanation of how people draw inferences about the character of others based on observed behavior. Uncertainty reduction o Increased knowledge of what kind of person another is that provides an improved forecast of how a future interaction will turn out. Axiom o A self-evident truth that requires no additional proof. Malcolm Parks and Mara Adelman o Communication researchers from University of Washington and Seattle University, respectively, who have demonstrated that there is a relationship between shared communication networks and uncertainty reduction. Theorem o A proposition that logically and necessarily follows from two axioms. Message plans o Mental representations of action sequences that may be used to achieve goals. Passive strategy o Impression formation by observing a person interact with others. Active strategy o Impression formation by asking a third party about a person. Interactive strategy o Impression formation through face-to-face discussion with a person. Extractive strategy o Impression formation by searching the Internet for information about a person. Plan complexity o A characteristic of message plan based on the level of detail it provides and the number of contingencies it covers. Hedging o Use of strategic ambiguity and humor to provide a way for both parties to save face when a message fails to achieve its goals. Hierarchy hypothesis o The prediction that when people are thwarted in their attempts to achieve goals, their first tendency is to alter lower-level elements of their message. Leanne Knobloch o Communication scholar at the University of Illinois who explores uncertainty in ongoing relationships and the resulting relational turbulence. Relational uncertainty

Doubts about our own thoughts, the thoughts of the other person, or the future of the relationship. Partner interference o Occurs when a relational partner hinders goals, plans, and activities. Relational turbulence o Negative emotions arising from perceived problems in a close relationship. Kathy Kellermann and Rodney Reynolds o Communication scholars who have questioned the motivational assumption of Berger's axiom 3 and the claim that motivation to search for information is increased by anticipation of future interaction, incentive value, and deviance. Michael Sunnafrank o A communication scholar from the University of Minnesota, Duluth, who believes that predicted outcome value more accurately explains communication in early encounters than does Berger's account of uncertainty reduction. Predicted outcome value o A forecast of future benefits and costs of interaction based on limited experience with the other. Walid Afifi o A communication scholar from the University of California at Santa Barbara who proposed the theory of motivated information management. o

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