US GOV Unit 1 hw - Unit 1 homework for US Government class PDF

Title US GOV Unit 1 hw - Unit 1 homework for US Government class
Author Maya Cheung
Course American Govt
Institution University of Southern California
Pages 11
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Unit 1 homework for US Government class...


Homework due Tuesday, August 30th Textbook: Barbour, pp 3-7 (Start with What is Politics and End with Politics and the System of and the Concepts of Citizenship) Video:  Two Brief Introductions to AP Gov · Trqvhrz8H ·

 !/AKPPmfqFnVjZw3zX-WL4

Questions (these are the questions which I may or may not collect) · How do the concepts of “politics” and “government relate to each other? Politics is a process or an activity through which power and resources are gained and lost Government has the authority over a body of people to conduct politics Government is shaped by the process of politics · Why are rules and institutions important to US society? The rules and institutions have a profound effect on how power is distributed and who win and loses in politics Rules influence which people get what most often Institutions are where government power is exercised · What is the fundamental difference between laissez-faire capitalism and regulated capitalism? In laissez-faire the government has no role in economics while in regulated capitalism the government is allowed to regulate the economy Homework due Wednesday, August 31 Textbook: Barbour, pp.7-12 (Start with the System of and the Concepts of Citizenship and end with Origins of Democracy in America) Please answer the following questions, · What is the fundamental difference between authoritarian and non-authoritarian systems? In an authoritarian government, the government yields total power over its subjects. The government can make substantive decisions on how people live their lives. In a non-authoritarian government, citizens have power over the government by making the government protect their freedoms. The government can make rules but the citizens have control. · What is the basis of democracy? Popular sovereignty is the basis of democracy. In a democracy people have the power over the government, since it is their choice whether to follow the rules of the government.

· Describe the three theories of democracy Elite democracy os when the leader is chosen democratically. Pluralist democracy is the idea that citizens hold political power by joining groups (ex. unions). Participatory democracy that citizens should directly control all aspects of society and their lives. We will also be discussing the summer reading in class on Wednesday Homework due Thursday, Sept 1 Textbook: Barbour,  pp 12-19 (Start with Origins of Democracy in America and make sure you read the infograph on page 19) Questions to think about (ie I will not be collecting them) · How did European thinkers affect the development of American democracy? John Locke gave the idea of the social contract. Athens gave the idea of citizenship. The Protestant Reformation and enlightenment gave way to rational thinking · What was Madison’s opinion of democracy? Madison did not believe pure democracies were possible. He also believed that only property owners could vote/ participate in politics. · Describe Madison’s issue with “factions” Primary source: Madison, Federalist #10 Please answer the following questions, which I WILL collect · What is a faction? · According to Madison, what are the problems with factions? · How does Madison propose to deal with the problem of factions? Can faction be eliminate? How can it be controlled? · Why is a large republic more likely to control the effects of factions than a small republic? Video: Putting the entire US Population into Perspective ·   Homework for Thursday, Sept 8 Textbook: Barbour, p73-84 (start with The Articles of Confederation and end with In Your Own Words) Questions to consider, which I won’t be collecting:


How did the Anti-Federalist faction insert its views on government into the Constitution? 

The Anti-federalists pushed for a bill of rights. · Describe one of the faults that the Articles of Confederation featured. The Articles of Confederation could not tax nor could they draft men into the military. · What plans did delegates from NJ and VA put forward as resolutions to the conflict between large states and small states?

The Virginia plan called for a strong national government with bicameral legislature based off of population. The New Jersey called for reinforcing the Articles of Confederation with a unicameral legislature where each state had one vote. · Describe the compromise(s) that Northern states and Southern states made in the Constitutional Convention. The had the ⅗ compromise, which meant that a slave represented ⅗ of a person Homework due Friday, Sept. 9 Primary Source: · James Madison, Federalist # 51 · Anti-Federalist George Mason Outlines His Objections to the Proposed Constitution, 1787 For BOTH readings please fill out the attached SOAPtone worksheet, which I will collect. AP studying hint à In addition to Federalist 10 , James Madison’s Federalist 51 on the separation of powers is a popular topic for both the multiple-choice and free-response sections.

Reminder à Your first Vocab quiz is on Sept. 12th


Homework due on Monday, Sept 12 Textbook: Barbour, pp 91-99 (stop when you get to The Judicial Branch) Questions to consider, which I will NOT collect: · Why does Congress have a bicameral structure? · What is the importance of the “necessary and proper” clause? Congress has few restrictions · How were the founders divided about the role of the executive branch? They were divided on whether have more than one leader, whether the leader can seek reelection/ how long lead, whether they should be elected directly by people or indirectly by legislature. Homework due for mini-sections (APGUa is on Monday and APGUb is on Tuesday)

Textbook: Barbour,  pp 99-104 (start at The Judicial Branch and end at In Your Own Words) Questions to consider, which I will NOT collect: · What is judicial review? In notes · Describe the difference between separation of powers and checks and balances. In notes Homework due on Tuesday, Sept 13 Textbook: Barbour, pp 105-11 (start with Federalism and end with Federalism Today) Questions to consider, which I will NOT collect: · In your own words, how does the Constitution set forth the relationship between the federal government and the states? The federal government is supreme over that the state government. The federal government can do whatever as long as it is necessary for them to complete their duties. The state government can have any power that is not given to the federal government solely. · What are two trends that have become apparent about American federalism over time? · ·

Explain the importance of McCullough v. Maryland a nd Gibbons v. Ogden? Since the Civil War, how have court cases defined the role of the federal government?

AP US Government APGU Remindersà · Sept 21 is your candidate presentation · Sept 23 is your next vocab quiz · Sept 26 is the first debate · Sept 29 is your first test Homework due Monday, Sept 19 (B Day) Textbook: Barbour, p 112-118 (Start with Federalism today and end with Amending the Constitution Video: Constitutional Battle Ground State  h ttp:// Questions to Consider, which I will NOT collect: · Describe the ways in which the federal government can influence the states · In what ways can the Harborside Company in California be seen as a respected business? In what realm is Harborside an unlawful business? How are the state and federals laws at odds? Homework due Tuesday, Sept 20 (C Day)

Textbook: Barbour, p 112-118 (Start with Federalism today and end with Amending the Constitution Questions to Consider, which I will NOT collect: · Describe the ways in which the federal government can influence the states Homework for Mini-Sections Primary Source: · New York Times,  “Rights Bill for Disabled Sent to Bush” · New York Times, “ An Act that Enabled Acceptance” Background: This last year was the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act In 1990, Congress enacted the American with Disabilities Act, which President George H. W. Bush signed. The ADA is a wide-ranging civil rights law that prohibits discrimination based on disability. It affords similar protections against discrimination to Americans with disabilities as the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which made discrimination based on race, religion, sex, national origin, and other characteristics illegal. In addition, unlike the Civil Rights Act, the ADA also requires covered employers to provide reasonable accommodations to employees with disabilities, and imposes accessibility requirements on public accommodations. For homework you will be reading two different New York Times . The first one, “Rights Bill for Disabled is Sent to Bush” was written in 1990 and the second is an opinion piece entitled “An Act that Enabled Acceptance” was written in 2015. As you read these articles think about impact that this bill has had on Americans’ lives and how the government used an unfunded mandate to achieve its goals. Homework due Wednesday, Sept 21 (D day) · Work on your candidate presentations. You have no additional AP Gov homework

 P US Gov A APGU Remindersà · Sept 23 is your next vocab quiz · Sept 26 is the first debate · Sept 29 is your first test Homework due September 23 (F day) Charts and Graphs:

Please review the two charts that show how the availability of federal grant money has changed over time and which states benefit the most from this system. We will be discussing both of these charts in class. One of the charts is attached to this email. The other you can access using this link § Why yes, this is a light homework load! Use your time wisely to start reviewing for your test. J Homework due September 26 (A day) Textbook:  p. 119-125 (Start with Amending the Constitution and end at the end of the chapter) Questions to consider, which I will not be collecting: · What is the process for amending the Constitution? · What would be the challenges associated with making the Constitution easier to amend? What would be the benefits of doing so? If it’s easier to amend it will the constitution will become a political tool for the strongest interest groups. Since people are fickle they may not want to amendment later. Also the constitution would be amended more often · How is citizen participation different on a state level than on a federal level? Homework due September 27 (B day) § Live tweet the presidential debates!! They are start at 9pm on almost every channel. Please make sure you follow me and that I am able to see your tweets too. I will also have firstclass open so if you are unsure about anything feel free to email me. Homework due September 28 ( C day) In class we are going to be spending some time talking about how to write an FRQ (Free-Response Question). Your homework is designed to give you some background knowledge on how to answer an FRQ. Video:  How to do an FRQ Reading: 1) Mastering The AP Government Free-Response 2) Exam Tips: AP US Government and Politics Mini section

Textbook: Barbour, pages 31-42(stop at Who, What, How. You do not need to read Profiles in citizenship) Questions to consider, which I will not collect: · How does one become an American citizen? Birth, if your parents are American, naturalization · What is the difference between an immigrant and a refugee? · What is the current state of US immigration policy? (FYI the material that we will be going over in mini-section will be on the NEXT test) Homework due September 29 (D day) § It is your first test. Please study! AP Gov APGU Homework due Monday, October 3 Textbook: Barbour, p.43-46 (Start with Ideas that Unite Us and Stop at Ideas that Divide us) Questions to consider, which I will not collect: · What is political culture? · What ideas help to unite Americans into a common political culture Secondary Source:  “The American-Western European Values Gap” o  h ttp:// o we are going to be talking about this reading in class so please be prepared to discuss it Online Activity: Finding out who your Congressional Representative is: Please go to the following MA Website on Elections and Voting · The site will ask you to enter in your home address, please do so. You do not have to be registered to vote in order to do this. · It will then tell you not only were your polling location is but who all of your elected officials are. · Please scroll down until you can see who your Congressional Representative is and which district you are in. · Once you have done this please email me the name of your Congressional Representative and your district. AP US Government APGU

Reminder: · VP debate on Oct 4 at 9pm · Vocab quiz on Oct 7th Homework due Oct 4th (A Day) Textbook Barbour, pp 46-55 (start with Ideas that Divide us and read until the end of the chapter) Please answer the following questions which I will NOT be collecting: · What are important differences between liberals and conservatives? · According to your text, what TYPES of liberals and conservatives exist in America? Watch the VP debate on Oct 4th at 9pm. · Please tweet at least 5 times about the VP debate · Like the Presidential debates this one will start at 9pm and go until 10:30pm. You are only required to watch the first hour · It will be aired on all major networks and news channels · Please remember to make sure that I can see your tweets. This can involve me either following you or for you to change your settings to public. A few of you have asked if I could just permanently follow you. Yes, I will do this if you like. Please let me know if you would like me to keep following you otherwise I will unfollow you once the debate is over · Please use our hashtag #NCDSAPGGOV There is no additional homework due for Oct 5th Homework due Oct 6th (C day) Textbook:  Barbour, pp 397-402 (start at the beginning of chp 11 and stop after Who, What, How) Primary Source: Edmund Burke, Speech to the Electors of Bristol Please answer the following questions, which I WILL BE COLLECTING: · According to your book, how is public opinion important in both the theory and practice of politics? Public opinion is important, because · What are “key citizen values”? ·

Describe Edmund Burke’s argument about the role of public opinion in a democracy 

Homework due for Mini-Section (APGUa on C4 and APGUb on D2) Textbook: Barbour, pp. 403-412 (Start with What Influences Our Opinions about Politics and end with Measuring and Tracking Public Opinion) Questions to consider, which I will not collect: · What is political socialization and how does is occur?

· How does education affect democratic enlightenment and democratic engagement? · Which sources of division in public opinion do you find to be most relevant today? Homework due for Oct 7 (D day) Textbook: Barbour, pp. 412-418 (stop at “Types of Polls”) Podcast:  On the Media, “Understanding Abortion Polling” · Please listen to the podcast which you can find at Questions to Consider, Which I WILL  Collect:  · Describe the problem of sample bias. Sample bias is the problem that occurs when a sample that represents a portion of the population. · Why might a pollster want to weight  a random sample when conducting a poll? A pollster might want to weight a random sample, because the sample may over represent or under represent certain groups. By weighing the sample to align with the demographics of each group, the sample will give more accurate representation. · Describe the essential characteristics of a valid, scientific poll. The poll should be weighted and consist of a random sample in order to reduce error. The pollers should consider the respondents knowledge on the question and how understandable the question is. They should calculate the sampling error in order to keep the poll as accurate as possible. · According to Tresa Undem why are polls concerning abortion don’t typically reveal much about people’s real, and often contradictory, views on abortion?” Undem believes that polling question on abortion is outdated, misleading, and does not reflect the actual experience of abortion. People are also uneducated about abortion and there is stigma against abortion that prevents people from understanding it. Undem believes that polls would be better more accurate if the dialogue around abortion changed to discussing facts on abortion, who has abortions, what are the laws pertaining to abortion, and how should abortions be conducted. AP GOV APGU We will be watching the Presidential debate on Sunday at 9pm · You have no additional homework due on Wednesday, Oct 12 (F day) · We will be using the same format as we have for the previous debates. · Please use the hashtag #ncdsapgov and tweet at least 5 times · I will like all of the tweets that I see so that you will know if I can see them · If you would like me to follow you (and I am not already) please let me know Homework due Thursday, October 13 ( A day)

Textbook:  Barbour, pp 418-428 (start with types of polls and read until the end of the chapter) Video clip: Daily Show, “Poll Bearers,” Please think about the following questions, which I will not collect: · What is the difference between national polls and campaign polls? · How are benchmark and tracking polls important to candidate’s efforts for election (or reelection)? · What are some ways in which polls are misleading or inaccurate? Homework due Friday, October 14 (B day) Textbook: Barbour, pp 512-522 (Start at Voting in a Democratic Society and stop at How the Voter Decides. You can skip Al Gore’s Concession Speech) Questions to consider which I will not collect: · What were the Founders’ intentions for citizen voting? Provide an institutional example. · What is the policy impact of elections? · Besides policy impact and the selection of leaders, what other roles do elections serve? · Which groups in American society tend to vote in higher rates than others? · Identify the factors that explain low voter turnout. · Does nonvoting have significant consequences in American politics? Explain Reminder à Your socialization papers are due on Monday, Oct 17. You must turn in a hard copy. Please put page numbers on your papers… numbers are strangely important to me. Also please remember to include and introduction where you tell me about the person you are interviewing and a conclusion where you sum up what you found. AP US Government APGU Reminderà The last debate is on Wednesday at 9pm and we will be live tweeting it Homework due Monday, Oct. 17th C day Video: Crash Course in US Government , “Political Campaigns.” · 8H&index=39 ·

Work on your socialization project 

Homework due for Mini-section (APGUa on C day and APGUb on D day) Textbook: Barbour, pp 524-534 (Start with how the voter decides and end with General Election) Questions to Consider, which I will NOT be collecting · What is the invisible primary ? What then occurs if a candidate “wins” that primary? · Explain how the presidential primary process works. · How do Republicans and Democrats differ in their method of distributing delegates? · What factors influence a presidential nominee’s decision about the vice presidential nominee? Homework due Tuesday, Oct 18th D Day Textbook: Barbour,  pp 534-539 (Start with the General Election and end with the media. You can skip the Profiles of Citizenship and the Don’t Be Fooled By) Questions to think about which I will not collect...

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