Verbal communication and Non verbal PDF

Title Verbal communication and Non verbal
Course Cell Biology
Institution King's College London
Pages 4
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The differences between verbal and non verbal communication and how the medical team use it....


Verbal communication is seen as the management of spoken language in order to transmit a premediated message to the individual who is a listener. What verbal communication consists is what the individual writes and speaks and how are things are stated meaning the way it’s said for instance the tone and the volume ties the message; in case welcoming words is passed through in a short-tempered tone. The tone, volume, pitch, fluency and the tempo of the speech or unknown tone can add extra meaning to the words. Non-verbal communication is seen as the body language of an individual, the body language of an individual shows the engagement and interest of the communication that is been given between patient and nurse, even though the correct message is being passed through our body language can be lost which can suggest something different may be thought. Non-verbal communication and verbal communication are both used together this is due to body language substructure spoken communication, in a healthcare setting both of these can be used. By communicating face to face with an individual it includes a connection between body language and spoken words (Nursing times, 2019). What the Royal college says that it is vital when communicating. Royal College of Nursing says it is vital when communicating with a patient or the patient’s family, the message is passed to them clearly and it is said in a manner where patient and the patient’s family can understand what is been said, it should be ensured that whatever information is given to patient is honest and accurate. An example is there is wide ranges of patient and they all have different understanding levels, not all patients are like others, they go into many ranges like some are able to understand what is been said and some are unable to understand, so it is important to understand patient level of understanding and appropriate language. When nurses communicate with patients, they should ensure to be respectful for example call patients what they preferred to be called. Nurses should always stay calm and peaceful when speaking to their patient or when communicating with the patient’s family. (,2019). There are many ways verbal communication can be delivered in many ways. For example, verbal communication can be used when asking the patient if they need PRN medication for example like pain killers. The nurse will communicate with the patient by using their voice and asking the patient is okay or in pain and if the patient needs any relief. Dementia is not a disease; it is a group of symptoms related with a failure in the memory or any thinking skills that is extreme enough to minimize the individual’s ability to complete normal daily routine activities. The symptoms of dementia are memory loss, communication and language and the ability to focus and pay attention. Dementia could appear from Alzheimer’s disorder. The WHO organisation states that dementia is mostly common in elderly’s over 65 years old and the chances of getting dementia rises with age. An individual with dementia can find it hard to hold their identity this is because they may lose self-confidence when doing their normal routine like hobbies and duties. Patients with dementia can be affected as they are unable to do there essential day to day tasks which are eating, drinking, using the toilet and sleeping. If the symptoms get poor this means the individual can feel stressed, anxious and have memory loss and this can mean the individual will not be able to communicate with another individual and have a full conversation. Memory aids are used by nurses in order to help patients with dementia, it is used in order to help patients help where their properties are stored. For instance, the nurse will put a label on patient’s bedside cupboard, label medications and communicate with patient and tell them their medication is stored there. This helps patient remember where their medication is stored, the nurse would also explain to the patient about their medication and this would make the patient feel more interacted with their care plan this is called verbal communication. Individuals with dementia can often forget their meal times and forget to eat because of this reason nurses should ensure patient is eating and drinking well enough, this means the nurse has to

communicate with the patient and tell the patient when its meal time and when to drink. When the nurse communicates with the patient, they should use simple sentences that the patient should be able to understand and when speaking to the patient they should speak slowly in order for the patient to understand. For instance, the nurse would say to the patient “what would you like to have for breakfast?” and the patient would answer this is an example of good verbal communication as the patient would able to process the information as the nurse has to put it in short sentence so patient is able to understand what the nurse is saying, the patient is asked what they would like to eat so the patient feels that they are not left out and they are included and asked what they’d like to eat and this will give the patient a chance to speak. By listening to the patient and saying what they said after them could be seen as effective communication as this will show the patient and let them know that the nurse has their full attention and is listening to the patient and also understanding what the patient wants to eat in order to meet the patients needs. It is seen that dementia is communal in elderly’s and this means there is help required for these patients in personal care for example washing their body. As nurses are holding dignity and respect, they should always keep the patients room closed and any windows or doors open should be closed and it should be explained to patient by the nurse that she/he is going to keep the doors closed and pull the blinds down and give the patient a wash. There is verbal communication which has been used here as the nurse is explaining briefly to the patient what he/she is going to do. The nurse will briefly communicate with the patient and ask the patient whether they prefer a bed wash or a shower, the nurse uses verbal communication here as the nurse is asking the patient what they prefer and this will enable to help the nurse know what the patient wants and nurse would respond also appropriately and meet patients needs. By patient making their own choice this will encourage conventionality. It is vital that the nurse tells the patient what has to be done within personal hygiene routine, this would be done by the nurse explaining to the patient what has to be done step by the step; this could benefit the benefit the patient as the patient would be able to remember the next time the next time the patient get a wash. On the other hand, a patient may not want a wash so this means the nurse has to rephrase her sentence and ask patient when they would like to have their shower or wash, this way patient would be able to say when (Nursing times,2019). An individual with dementia can have many different mood swings so this means the patient requires psychological help and this means the nurse would use communication skills and would listen to the patient in order to understand what the patient needs and make them feel better. What the Royal College of Nursing (2019) states is that when nurses are communicating with patient it is vital to give the patient full attention and what the nurse is saying to the patient should be clear, accurate, appropriate and honest. For instance, patients with dementia have a tough understanding ability and this may mean the information that is being said by the nurse can sometimes not process the individual’s brain or may take longer for the patient to understand this is due to their intellectual abilities. This means it is vital that the nurse uses effective communication and speak slowly, not with speed so that the patient is able to understand. By speaking slowly could help the patient understand better. Patients with dementia have a different range of understanding to others, meaning the patient will not be able to understand complicated words. However, this means that the nurse should be able to use simple words so that the patient should understand and the process information easily. Face to Face communication can be seen as verbal communication, however it involves spoken words and body language (The Nursing times, 2019). This means when nurses are communicating with dementia patient, they should give that patient time and ensure to be respectful. For instance, they should ask patient how the patient would like to be addressed, as sometimes the patient would like to be called something different to their real name. Nurses should always ask patients with dementia questions so that they are able to talk and request what they want or remember what they wanted to say, this could help the patient remember what they wanted to say. The way the nurse speaks to the patient should always be in a positive tone as this will help the patient feel comfortable, however if the patient feels that the nurse is in a rush or is using aggressive tone, this will make the patient feel that they do not want to communicate with the nurse as they feel they are

stopping the nurse from finishing her/his job and this will cause patient to feel unhappy as they are not being listened to (,2019).

Non verbal communication could be seen as facial expression.It can explain the way the individual is feeling even when individual is speaking. For instance, if the nurse has a aggressive face, this will give a idea to the patient that the nurse is annoyed due to the nurses facial expressions, this means the patient will feel that the nurse doesn't care for them. Nurses should always keep a smile on there face no matter what they are going through especially for patients with dementia, not just patients with dementia but all patients. For instance, the nurse may be giving the patient a wash, the patient wouldn't want a wash due to the nurse facial expressions and this will make the patient feel uncomfortable. However, this can affect the patients personal needs due to the nurses expressions. Another type of non verbal communication is a individual body language. Body language is vital as it is used to communicate. The common gestures is pointing, waving and using fingers to express number. A nurse may be using her fingers to express to the patient the amount of medication they are being given, this is used with patients with dementia as they take medication regularly (Cold et al.,2018). The nurse could highlight the section where it shows the amount that could be taken by the patient and the nurse could use hand gestures to explain how much the patient will be taken. The key thing is eye contact when nurse is communicating with their patient, by giving eye contact shows that you are alert on whats going on and that you are also listening carefully to what the patient is saying. This will give the idea to the patient that the nurse cares and is willing to help the patient. On the other hand if no eye contact was been given this would have made the patient feel that the nurse is careless and is not listening to what the patient has to say. Also, if the patient was speaking to the nurse and the nurse was focusing on something else or looking somewhere else this would upset the patient and give them the idea that the nurse does not care about the patient and is getting bored which will put the patient in a position of that the nurse is not happy to continue with patients care package. Patients with dementia should be given full eye to eye contact, if nurses isn't giving this type of contact this means that they may not understand what the patient is trying to say to the nurse which will make it harder for the nurse to understand what is going on. Dementia is common in elderly and sometimes it is common to come across patients who can not mobilise. When nurse is moving patient to the side of the bed the nurse should be able to give eye to eye contact with the patient in order to ensure that the patient is not in pain or is comfortable in the way they are being pushed over or being moved. To conclude, i think verbal communication is important. This is because if there isn't verbal communication or positive communication between the nurse and the patient this will make the patient feel uncomfortable and unhappy, this is because of the lack of communication that is being

passed down by the nurse,if there is verbal communication being used this will make patient feel that they are in safe hands and they are being cared for by the nurses. However if there is non-verbal communication being used this will make the patient feel they are useless and no one cares about them. This will affect the patient physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially....

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