Virtual Mentor Documentation PDF

Title Virtual Mentor Documentation
Author Sales Softlogique
Course Master in Business Administration - ethics and taxation
Institution DAV University
Pages 43
File Size 3.4 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 105
Total Views 149





Description: A Training Management Portal to help train the agents recruited by Clients all across the US country to improve their sales skills.

Demo Server Credentials: URL - Admin Login details Email Id – [email protected] Password - Pass@123 Manager Login Details Email Id – [email protected] Password - Pass@123 Sales Agent Login details Email Id – [email protected] Password - Pass@123

Types of Users: 1.) Administrator (User Type in DB – 1): Administrator is only one user that is main admin that can add subdomain, managers and sales agent. 2.) Sub admin (User Type in DB – 3): Sub admin has same authorities like main Admin except few stripe payment gateway and dialler settings. 3.) Manager (User Type in DB – 0): Manager can manage like add/edit sales agents 4.) Sales Agent (User Type in DB – 2): Sales agent can manage only their profile data.

Modules and Features of Admin/Sub admin Panel:

1.) Admin Dashboard: Display user summary like how many Managers and sales agents active and inactive in the software. Display Listing of all users like Manager, Sales Agents, and Sub admin. Admin can filter sales agent on the basis of their managers.

2.) Master Forms: All forms which are used to manage master data in the software. Following given master forms: - Health Category on the basis of tiers (For managing Health categories used in health policy creation)(Teir 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4)

- Tobacco Categories (For managing tobacco categories used in health policy creation)

- Height and weight Management: This form is used to manage height and weight range ratio. This height and weight range is also used at the time of health policy creation.

- Insurance Company: Managing insurance companies which provide particular policy as per the

criteria defined in the policy.

- Product management: Health Policy display according to their tier levels.

- Insurance Policy: For managing insurance policies according to health criteria set per policy.

3.) Video URL Settings: -Challenge Demo Link: This is used to edit email template that is used to send video link to the contacts in the challenge module.

-Training Video: This section used to manage the YouTube Video Url setting which is used to set as training video in the left sidebar of Mangers and Sales Agents Login panel.

4.) Promotion Banner: For managing promotion banner display in manager and sales agent header.

5.) User Management: This section used to manage all users add/edit/delete, Assign Access to modules, Sending emails to user in bulk on the basis of modules activity, Assigning agents under Managers and checking login activity in the software. -User Master: Add/Edit/Delete users. There is also a checking that if user has been assigned any module then that user cannot be deleted until that user is unassigned from that module.

-Assign Modules to User: This section allows admin to assign multiple modules to multiple users at a time. Admin can assign only those modules to Sales agent which are assigned to their Manager except Career Builder Module. This module is individually assigned to Managers and Sales Agents.

-Send Mail To User: This section allows admin to send mails to Managers/Sales Agents in bulk on the basis of Modules assigned to them.

- Assign Agents under Manager: This Section allows Admin/Subadmin to assign multiple agents to Managers at a time. This section also displays that how many agents have assigned to each Manager.

- Login Activity: This section allows admin to check all login history of all users.

6.) Career Builder: This Section allows Admin to Edit subscription plan for career builder, stripe API settings, Landing Page Url parameter settings, Active subscriptions for career builder module and reports for all Users career builder activity. - Subscription Plan: This section allows admin to change subscription plan for career builder modules. From there admin can change subscription plan’s base amount and per career builder account cost.

-Stripe API Key Settings: This section allows to set stripe account API keys in which admin want get payments for the subscription plan by Managers and Sales Agents for Career Builder Module.

-Landing Page Url Settings : This section allows admin to set Landing Page Url Parameters that will automatically append in the landing page url which is set by Managers/SalesAgents in their Career Builder email templates.

-Active Subscriptions : This Section allows admin check how many active subscriptions are running for career builder module.

-Reports : There are two types of reports for career builder module, First is Pulled resume reports and second is Email Summary report. Pulled resume reports display the number of resume pulled by selected user’s(Manager/Sales Agent) career builder account in a selected date range.

Email Summary reports display the number of emails sent to the candidates pulled from selected user’s(Manager/Sales Agent) career builder account in a selected date range.

Modules And Features of Manager/Agent Panel:

1.) Insurance Recommender :This section allows Manager/ Sales Agent to find the policies which are available as per the health creiteria filters, state, height, weight and Tobacco and Non-Tobacco Users.

2.) Product management: Health Policy display according to their tier levels.

3.) Challanges: This section Allows managers to create challanges for their Sales Agents for particular number of days and then check reports for the progress of

those sales agents to which those challanges has been assigned. Check status for the contacts of sales agent. -Manage Status: By default Managers get 6 status and they can add more status as per their requirement. They can edit all default status except No contact status that is default status given to the contacts at the time of any challange started by Sales Agent. For sending mails and text manager get points against each status.

-Challange List: This section allows manager to create challanges for Sales Agent and schedule text messages and mail as per the statuses to the contacts added by assigned sales agents.

-Contacts: This section show listing of all contacts added by Agents for the each statuses under that particular Manager.

-Challange Reports: This section allows Managers to check performance and activity of each agent for their challanges.

-Messaging Template : This Section allows to set messgaing templates which is used during scheduling mails and text messages

-Contact Notification: This section allows manager to see all the notifications like reply back from any contact to agent/manager.

4.) Activity Tracker Module: This module allows agent to track all the activities done by Sales Agent for a Goal assigned to them as per the tracking activities monthly ,weekly and yearly. -Activity Dashboard: Show all activity track yearly, monthly and weekly as team activity and Agents Acitvity.

-Add Activity: In this section Manager get 9 Activities by default and they can edit and delete them as per their requirement and Manager can also add more activities.

-Goals: This section allows Manager to add goals to which manager can link activity as per their goal requirement and assign them to the Sales Agent and can define the duration of Goals.

-Activity Reports: This section allows to check report as per the filter provided for the search.

5.) Career Builder Module:

Career API module can only be turned on by the admin and can be turned on for the sales agent and the manager levels.If agent and manager have been given access to career builder by admin, then they will have career builder menu in left sidebar and submenu to buy subscription for career builder accounts setup.

After buying subscription agent/Manager will have access to Career Modules: 1 Email templates 2 Career builder accounts 3 Saved Searches 4 Subscription Details 5 Reports 6 Billing History

Manager/Agent can update/cancel their plan from subscription details section. If User cancel their subscription then in that case user all searches will be deactivated.

- Email templates:(By default agents/Manager will have few default templates which they can modify as per their requirement.) They can add email templates too.

-Career builder Account: Manager/ Agent can add /edit /delete career builder accounts . They can add only that number of accounts for which they have purchased subscription.These career builder accounts are used in the searches to pull resumes from those career builder accounts.

-Saved Searches : The agent should be able to create and save scheduled searches / pulls. A.They should be able to define various keywords strings (below is an example) i.) Ambitious sales salesperson hardworking "high integrity" "Business Owner" "Regional sales director" "Independent sales" "Business Leader" successful confidence relentless optimistic caring "highly motivated" B. They should be city/states with a radius around each location (below is an example of what our current software looks like. The look is not important here, only functionality.) 3. The agent/manager should be able to create an unlimited number of saved / scheduled searches and use the same careerbuilder accounts or different careerbuilder accounts.

These searches should have the ability to be scheduled to run automatically every day at a specified time. The agent/manager should also have the ability to run the search manually. For example, if the automated search only pulled 200 of the 300 allowable candidates (this is a CareerBuilder limitation), the agent should be able to modify the keywords or locations and run the search again manually to get the additional 100 candidates. Once the data is pulled, it should send them all an email immediately from the agents email. The agent should be able to create 12 email templates. They should be called “Initial Email”, “Month 2”, “Month 3”, “Month 4”, etc. I can provide you with the default templates, but they should be able to

modify them. Please make the email templates look like they do under the Dialer module under Lead Scripts, as seen below.

9. Reporting - please create reporting so the agent can see the results of each saved search. They should see the following: Agent Level Daily pulls from each search and the total pulls for that day. They should also be able to do the same for Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly Total emails that were sent: Daily, Monthly, Yearly Manager level Manager should be able to see the above info for each agent Admin level Admin should be able to see above info for agent level and manager level Also total pulls for everyone and total emails sent for everyone

PAYMENT GATEWAY USED: Stripe API integration for payment for dealer and career builder subscriptions. Reference Url for Stripe API:

Other API Used in the Software: 1. Twillio API for text and voice messages 2. Career Builder API for Pulling resume from Career Builder

Reference URL for Career Builder API: 1.) 2.)

Technology Used – PHP MVC Codeigniter Ajax MySql...

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