Course BS Accountancy
Institution Holy Angel University
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Continue the phrase of "we are just a speck of dust..". It is part of the lesson of Big History...


We are just a speck of dust…

We are just a speck of dust in this universe. Everything that we can see even the things we cannot see with our naked eye was a part or speck of dust of a star. My life started after a star exploded wherein our solar system was formed and earth was part of it. Earth became home to all living creatures that we know. In my existence, what amaze me the most is how the right time comes and to what they called fate works which humans connect it with the stars and to the movement of our solar system. Older people always tell youth that do not rush things, right time will come. They also said if something happened to you that you are not satisfied with the outcome, it is because of the fate. Since I was a little kid, I already believe in fate. Up until now I still believe on it. Like in choosing my course, BSA was not the course that I want, and Civil Engineering is what I love. But maybe because my fate is in this course, it makes my parents as its instrument to go in this path. Maybe I was really born to be an Accountant, and this is what the universe wants me to be. Like how solar system was born. It was born for us living creatures to be formed and live on earth which we called home. It is also amazing how right time works. An example of it is when my older brother was going out to deliver something but before he can leave our house, he sipped the coffee of our mother. Because of that one sip of coffee at the right time, his life was saved. If he did not sip that coffee, he will be hit by the gunshot. After he sipped the coffee, the shotter was already running away. This amaze me how the right time came. Like how the earth rotate to its axis and revolve around the sun. Also, how the right timing of the moon blocks the sunlight which result to a beautiful phenomenon called solar eclipse. Lastly, I am lucky that I have my sun who is God that tells everytime through His sunlight that I have a reason to wake up, to never give up to my dreams and be a winner with my own problem. I also have my moon and stars which are my parents. They are the one who guides me when I am at my darkest phase. While my water and land are my siblings who help me to survive in this planet by providing some of my basic needs. This is how amazing how the minds and happenings on the surroundings of humans connected to the events outside our planet. Having this beautiful connection, I must learn to cherish earth and our solar system like how they give the needs of all living creatures....

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