Week 2 - Assignment PDF

Title Week 2 - Assignment
Course American National Government
Institution The University of Arizona Global Campus
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week two, assignment...


Week Two Annotated Bibliography Worksheet Reminders: Each of the four sources here, will need to be peer-reviewed scholarly sources obtained through the AU Library Databases. Before you begin, be sure you have critically read ALL of the instructions and that you have watched the video tutorial for creating an APA formatted Annotated Bibliography and reviewed the Model APA formatted Annotated Bibliography example . A.

Topic: The Higher Education Act (1965 – reauthorized 2008)

1. The Higher Education Act was created to give people with less money the same opportunity as everyone else. It allows for people to qualify for financial assistance for schooling. However, the Higher Education Act is for post-secondary students, meaning students who have graduated high school. In other words, this act is for less fortunate people to qualify for financial assistance for college. This act is important because everyone deserves the same chance to go to college and make a career and life for themselves no matter how much money they have. B. Annotated Bibliography Sources (Title of Source 1 goes here): The Higher Education Act of 1992: Skills, Constraints, and the Politics of Higher Education Act 1. Source 1 Related to the Historical and Constitutional Basis of the American Government’s Structure (enter full APA citation here). Hannah, S.B. (1996). The Higher Education Act of 1992: Skills, Constraints, and the Politics of Higher Education Act. The Journal of Higher Education, 67(5), 498527. Doi: 10.2307/2943866 Retrieved from https://www-jstor-org.proxylibrary.ashford.edu/stable/2943866?seq=3#metadata_info_tab_contents 2. This source is about the Higher Education Act of 1992, it discusses and explains the reauthorization process of this Act. This source also explains the key elements in the federal policy process. This source is important because it explains to you more about the process they needed to go through in order to reauthorize the Higher Education Act. This source will be used to support my argument because it shows and explains the Higher Education Act and everything that comes with it along with the voting and everything of this Act. C.

Annotated Bibliography Sources (Title of Source 2 goes here):

1. Source 2 Related to how Checks and Balances will directly come into play in relation to your overall topic and/or policy (enter full APA citation here). 2. In a minimum of 5 sentences, write a paragraph that explains what the source is about AND detail how and why this source is important and how it will be used to support the argument you are making for this first main point of the final research paper.

D. Annotated Bibliography Sources (Title of Source 3 goes here): Here’s What the Trump Administration Wants to Change in Higher Ed’s Landmark Law 1.

Source 3 Related to how public policy, elections AND the media impact your overall topic and/or policy (enter full APA citation here).

Johnson, S. (2019). Here’s What the Trump Administration Wants to Change in Higher Ed’s Landmark Law. Chronicle of Higher Education, 65(27). Retrieved from http://eds.b.ebscohost.com.proxy-library.ashford.edu/eds/detail/detail? vid=1&sid=ccb2b46b-fd9b-4e39-90aa-69a0dd59e566%40pdc-vsessmgr05&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmUmc2NvcGU9c2l0ZQ%3d %3d#AN=135965934&db=a9h 2. This source is about how President Donald Trump wanted to change the student-loan repayment process as well as he wanted to end loan forgiveness. This source is important because although you are able to get loans and help to go to college through the Higher Education Act, you still need to repay them within a timely manner, even if you can’t repay much at a time, you can still repay a little at a time. This source is also important because it is explaining how the people who give these loans are regulated and makes checks and balances make a bit more sense. This source will be used to support the argument that I am making because it will help explain how checks and balances play a role in the process of receiving loans and repaying the back. E. Annotated Bibliography Sources (Title of Source 4 goes here): House Votes to Reauthorize Higher Education Act. 1.

Source 4 Related to how voting and the election process impacts your overall topic and/or policy (enter full APA citation here).

Pluviose, D. (2006). House Votes to Reauthorize Higher Education Act. Issues in Higher Education, 23(6). Retrieved from http://eds.a.ebscohost.com.proxylibrary.ashford.edu/eds/detail/detail?vid=6&sid=ece724ac-c575-4951-a5aa5601fc2da559%40sdc-vsessmgr03&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmUmc2NvcGU9c2l0ZQ%3d %3d#AN=21070813&db=f5h 2. In a minimum of 5 sentences, write a paragraph that explains what the source is about AND detail how and why this source is important and how it will be used to support the argument you are making for this first main point of the final research paper. This source is about how the House of Representatives took a vote to reauthorize the Higher Education Act. This source is important because it better explains the voting process that is needed to be done for things to be reauthorized or even created in the first place. This source is interesting because it also tells you how differently everyone at the House of Representatives reacted to the wanting to reauthorize the Higher

Education Act. This source will be used to support my argument because the voting process of reauthorizing things is more than we all seem to think, and it can be very difficult sometimes. Sometimes voting in the House of Representatives can become a success and sometimes it can not be successful.

Annotated Bibliography Example: This is an example of how your annotations should look on the Week 2 Annotated Bibliography Worksheet once completed. Please note this is an actual source, but NOT one applicable for your final research paper.

Source: Brown, K., Royer, S., Waterhouse, J., & Ridge, S. (2005). Virtual workforces and the shifting frontier of control. The Journal of Industrial Relations, 47(3), 310-325. Retrieved from EbscoHost database. Paragraph: The political process has a significant impact on virtual workforces. Brown, Royer, Waterhouse, and Ridge (2005) studied how organizations innovate and create new technology to allow remote employees to communicate virtually. This has changed a great deal since 2005, but the important aspect of rethinking how employees and managers do business and manage assignments within the virtual workplace is discussed. As online education continues to evolve, more changes will be necessary within online colleges and universities to keep up with the changing technology and to restructure their workforce to meet the needs of students. These changes can result in new organizational structures that lead to the need for less hierarchy within an organization (Brown, Royer, Waterhouse, & Ridge, 2005)....

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