Week 3 Assignment - Psy 204 Psychology Of Industrial Organization Lazer Fall 2020 PDF

Title Week 3 Assignment - Psy 204 Psychology Of Industrial Organization Lazer Fall 2020
Course Introduction To Industrial And Organizational Psychology
Institution Pace University
Pages 4
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Psy 204 Psychology Of Industrial Organization Lazer Fall 2020...


Week 3 Assignment (Chapter 4) (5-page limit) 1. Find a recent news article (within the last year) on comparable worth, pay equity, or equal pay and summarize the article. Please identify and cite the article’s source, describe the situation, the outcome, and the consequences/implications for the plaintiff and defendants if litigation. Source: Corbett, H. (2020, August 13). Why Black Women’s Equal Pay Day 2020 Is So Important. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/hollycorbett/2020/08/13/why-blackwomens-equal-pay-day-2020-is-so-important/amp/ The article by Holly Corbett was written on Black Women’s Equal Pay day to highlight the importance of equal pay for Black women and the barriers they face. Black women must work “farther into the calendar year to…make the same amount that [their] white male counterpart made the previous year” (Corbett, 2020). The current social climate has shined a light on the social unrest and racial injustices that plague America. The pandemic has impacted people of color severely given that “women and minorities tend to be the first fired and the last rehired during an economic downturn” (Corbett, 2020). This makes it even harder for Black women to catch up given they commonly have the added responsibilities of caregiving as a single mother, being the family breadwinner, and under large amounts of student loans. Racial bias plays a major role in the workplace, as “Black applicants who use white-sounding names on resumes are more than twice as likely to be called for an interview” (Corbett, 2020). Companies need to acknowledge their role in perpetuating systemic racism and actively work to make hiring practices more inclusive and the


workplace equitable. Minorities make up the majority of essential workers, yet the financial inequity is insurmountable. This results in a racial wealth gap that puts Black women and other minorities at a huge disadvantage. 2. From your professional or academic experience, describe one case of OCB and one case of CWB. Please describe the situation, the relevant behaviors, and the result of OCB/CWB behavior on the people or company involved. My OCB experience comes from my time as a peer to peer educator at Pace’s LGBTQA and Social Justice Center. Groups of three to four Queerleaders would give Safe(r) Zone presentations to freshmen, faculty, and clubs on campus. The presentation discussed the ways in which audience members could be better allies and recognize how their own biases and earliest messages shape their views of the world. The overall environment was one where people were happy and eager to engage in the content. It was a space of open communication and one where audience members could ask questions without the fear of being judged. Everyone was there to make a positive change in the world and help others. This promoted an altruistic environment of wanting to help others for the good of the community. The Associate Director fostered an environment of growth, empowerment, and a strong sense of community. The result was a positive community space that students, staff, and faculty felt comfortable going to for resources, education, and support. Even though the Center was unorganized at times, employees were more tolerant and understanding of scheduling mistakes, being underpaid, etc. My CWB experience comes from my first job as a food server at Baskin Robbins sophomore year in high school. Most of the employees were in high school or college and had viewed the position as a temporary job for the summer. All my co-workers found the two store owners very difficult to work with. The owners micromanaged us, watching the store on CCTV


feeds in real time and calling us whenever something was not exactly how they wanted. They took record of each transaction and confronted us about returns, cancelled orders, purchases, and exchanges even if it was the POS system that had messed up not us. The staff had a shared group chat in which the owners would yell at employees, talk down to them in front of co-workers, and accuse us of stealing. It was an unpleasant work experience due to the owners and as a result turnover was extremely high. One employee was so angered and frustrated by the work environment that they tried to sabotage the health and safety inspection. They were caught and fired on the spot. The other food servers were pleasant enough to work with, but it was the owners that drove everyone to quitting. From having too heavy of a double scoop to filling the cups before the spoons, we were reprimanded for everything. 3. Define and describe the difference between job analysis and job evaluation A job analysis involves investigating the important tasks of a job and the attributes necessary to successfully complete the job. It is commonly done in order to create a job description, job specification, and job requirements. A job analysis can be conducted by observing the necessary tasks, interviewing employees in that position, having employees keep work diaries, or surveying a subject matter expert. Another method of conducting a job analysis is by looking at both good and bad critical incidents and identifying what led up to that specific success or failure (behavior and personality wise). A job analysis can also cover the mental processes and knowledge content of an individual. An analysis using think-aloud protocol requires an individual to verbally describe the thought processes they use to accomplish a task. Electronic performance monitoring is a newer technology sometimes used for job analysis. It has the potential to catalogue detailed and accurate work logs all while being very cost effective.


A job evaluation is conducted to inform the company how much they should pay employees. It is an investigation that deals with putting a monetary value to a position based on its importance to the company, what other companies are paying an employee of the same title, etc. This can be done both internally looking at similar positions within the company and externally comparing with outside companies. The job evaluation considers the skills, responsibility, effort, and working conditions of each specific job. A technical engineer in Silicon Valley might have a higher job evaluation due to the location, position competitiveness, and advanced facilities versus a technical engineer in Lansing, Michigan that does not have the same resources and less technically rich location. The results and findings of a job evaluation are for internal use only and not published to the general public. Companies want to stay competitive and provide a desirable wage in order to attract/maintain the right employees. The information from a job analysis is commonly used to inform what information is relevant to a specific job posting. The job posting (and relevant information from the job analysis) is made public and aims to attract/screen the candidates most suitable for that position.


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