Week 4 discussion post - 2. Discuss an observed example of excellence in nursing practice to be emulated, PDF

Title Week 4 discussion post - 2. Discuss an observed example of excellence in nursing practice to be emulated,
Author Lydia Vanoster
Course Professional Role Development
Institution University of Akron
Pages 1
File Size 60.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 114
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2. Discuss an observed example of excellence in nursing practice to be emulated, or an observed example of a deficit in nursing practice to be avoided. Do not give any personal information such as names, or place such as a hospital. ...


2. Discuss an observed example of excellence in nursing practice to be emulated, or an observed example of a deficit in nursing practice to be avoided. Do not give any personal information such as names, or place such as a hospital.

As a nurse, I believe it is vital to keep up on the ever-changing healthcare world and be open when new and innovative evidence-based practices are presented. I would continue to advance my competency and education through seminars and conferences as well as doing class work that would be continuing my education and teaching these new ideas. I believe I would benefit from learning these changes and finding an effective way to implement them into the system the hospital already has in place. By implementing evidence-based practice measures, a nurse would be practicing in ways that have been proven to be effective. Also, “a large majority of nurses reported positive intent to change practice (88.6%) and actual practice change (89.1%) following participation in the CE (continuing education) courses. Qualitative analysis revealed four themes related to types of practice change, including becoming certified, improved leadership, enhanced role performance, and educating or mentoring others,” (Bryant & Posey, 2019, paragraph 3). I believe all four of these themes are vital for the nursing profession, so for hospitals to offer continuing education options, the hospital is building better nurses and from that, a better hospital. One observed example of excellence is when a nurse is willing to sit with a patient that has just received traumatic news. Nurses have a million things to do at times and can always be on the go but being there when a patient is told that they will probably not regain full function of their eft leg or when they are told they will be wheelchair bound means the world. Especially when COVID-19 was new and we restricted no visitors, patients were receiving this information when they were alone. Having no one to lean on or talk through this was devastating, so the nurse taking extra time to be there with the patient would make the patient feel less alone.

Bryant, T., & Posey, L. (2019). Evaluating Transfer of Continuing Education to Nursing Practice. Journal of continuing education in nursing, 50(8), 375–380. https://doi-org.ezproxy.uakron.edu:2443/10.3928/0022012420190717-09...

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