Week 7 psy260 - weekly discussion PDF

Title Week 7 psy260 - weekly discussion
Author CapRedBeardX
Course Introduction to Psychology
Institution Estrella Mountain Community College
Pages 4
File Size 99.9 KB
File Type PDF
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weekly discussion...


Explain why researchers who are operating in theory-testing mode might not try using a random sample in their study. What validity are they prioritizing? What aspects of their research are they emphasizing (for now)?

Internal validity is prioritized by theory-testing researchers. They might not utilize a random sample since they are testing a hypothesis rather than the reality in a population. Mostly because they usually manipulate the individuals and are more concerned in the causal impact. Researchers in the theory-testing phase may not attempt to use a random sample in their study because their primary focus is on testing the hypothesis itself. They do not concentrate on proving or disproving the truth or applicability in a certain community or key demographic. Their focus is on causal and associational claims. These two claims are used to assess the amount of support for the hypothesis under consideration.

I believe you did a great job on your response to the discussion question. I really enjoyed reading your post. I found your post very informative. I completely agree with everything that you had stated in your post. I believe that you had covered all the questions very well in your response. Overall great post, keep up the good work and have a great week!

Hello Lexy, I appreciate you reading my response to this week's discussion question. I try to make sure my posts are enjoyable to the reader. Pinpointing the important information is alway my key goal to ensure that the reader does not have to do additional research. It is great that you completely agree with what I stated in my post. Most of the time with my responses I try to cover all aspects of what is being asked in the most efficient way possible. Thank you for acknowledging my effort and for the well wishes for the rest of the week. Kind Regards, Juan G.

Your post about this subject matter was concise but well done. I was wondering if you could expand on what you meant by the second statement you made about the random sampling? I was a bit unclear about what you meant; I look forward to hearing from you!

Hello Kalynn, Thank you for taking the time to read my post. My post was in fact brief but I ensured to fulfill the required tasks along with answering the questions completely. In regards to your question about expanding on random sampling in the second statement I will do my best to clear up your confusion. Researchers are testing a specific hypothesis so the subjects chosen for the test are targeted in order to obtain the desired result, so using random sampling would not benefit the researchers if the predetermined parameters are not met. Kind Regards, Juan G.

I enjoyed reading your response to this discussion question regarding theory testing and researchers. It was

thorough, interesting, and well done. I appreciated that you first explained what type of validity these types of researchers would use in this circumstance. I think the fact that you explained it first helped the rest of your response because it explained what type of study was being done. I also appreciated the way you explained why random sampling the best in this situation would not be because random sampling is testing for a larger population, though theory testing is not testing for the population. I lastly appreciated that you explained the casual and associational claims. Overall, well done, keep up the good work. Hello Megan, I appreciate you reading my post regarding theory testing and researchers. It is good to hear that you enjoyed reading my post as I always aim to make sure my posts are interesting but also helpful. The reassurance that my post was well done and interesting really made my day. Explaining the type of validity regarding the circumstance being looked into is key in order to set a good background to ensure the reader is well informed of what the post will be easier to comprehend. I am glad that you were able to understand my explanation as to why random sampling is not used because I was set back by a previous reply to my post that said it was unclear. Thank you again for reading my post and hope you end this last week strong. Kind Regards, Juan G.

Summarize the goal of cultural psychology. What does this field suggest about working in theory-testing and generalization modes?

There are a few goals of cultural psychology. The major goal of cultural psychology is to expand the amount of cultures that contribute to psychological theories. Through expanding the amount of cultures that are contributing to theories, there are more relevant predictions that can be made. Each culture is different and can bring different findings in each regarding psychology. The western culture is usually what is most studied and tested. There needs to be a wider expansion of study in order to find the difference in results between cultures that are present. Applying generalized findings from the western culture can be heavily inaccurate when trying to be applied to different populations.

There are a few core goals of cultural psychology; the primary purpose is to examine how varying cultures around the world can alter the results within research studies. The culture and enviornment that someone grows up in can greatly affect a the way that they think and behave; that being said, results can vary greatly from culture to culture. Overall, western culture is typically the most studied and theory-tested. This needs to be expanded and challenged because these results do not speak for the rest of the worldly population. If researchers try to generalize their findings to other populations, it may be inaccurate and not actually applicable to those other communities or populations. Morling, B. (2017). Research methods in psychology: Evaluating a world of information (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Norton Publishing.

Cultural psychology's main objective is to increase the number of cultures that contribute to psychological ideas. The objective of cultural psychology is to investigate how an individual's culture influences their cognitive

processes and behavior, as well as how an individual's style of thinking differs from one another (Morling, 2017). More relevant predictions can be produced by increasing the number of cultures contributing to theories. Each culture is unique, and each might yield distinct results in terms of psychology.Western culture is generally the most researched and theorized about. This has to be broadened and challenged because these findings do not represent the majority of the world's population. If researchers attempt to generalize their results to other groups or populations, their conclusions may be incorrect and inapplicable to those other communities or people.

Morling, B. (2017). Research methods in psychology: Evaluating a world of information (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Norton Publishing.

Hi Juan! Thanks for your insight on this topic, it helped me learn more about cultural psychology. Everything you said is all really good points! I definitely think that only conducting research on Western participants is unfair and even harmful in some situations. This is due to the fact that if research cannot be generalized to different groups of people, it has less external validity. Some might argue that it has less of a contribution to the world of psychology because it cannot be applied to diverse, real-world situations. What do you think about this? Do you agree? I would love to hear more thoughts from you.

Hello Kenzie! I appreciate you taking the time to read my post, which I am glad that it provided some insight in regards to cultural psychology. Thank you for validating my points as I try to provide the best detail possible. I concur that western participants are not a general enough population to be able to consider any of the findings applicable to other cultures or groups so it lacks external validity as you pointed out. You are on to something by saying that it cannot be diversey applied to many real-world situations. I completely agree, in order to conduct a effective experiment it must be able to maintain its validity through the test of time, which can lack in specific group testing. Kind Regards, Juan G. I think you did a good job on this DQ. I think that this discussion post helped me learn more about the goal of cultural psychology. I think that this topic, in general, is also interesting because there so much to learn about it. Cultural psychology is very important to the study of psychology. Cultural psychology is not just about What, but, more importantly, Why and How. It not only uncovers the diversity of human cognition and behavior but also provides theoretical and empirical insights into such diversity and in so doing greatly advances our general understanding of human cognition and behavior.

Hello Lexy, I also think I did a good job on this DQ and I appreciate you validating my response. Thanks for taking the time to read my post, and I hope it was informative in terms of cultural psychology. How we think, feel, and act is heavily influenced by our society. Everyone's culture has a distinct impact on them. Understanding the relationship between biological-cognitive limitations and

sociocultural scaffolding in influencing developmental outcomes requires recognizing cultural commonalities as well as variations in developmental studies. Kind Regards, Juan G.

Thank you for taking the time to respond so thoroughly to the aim of cultural psychology and what it entails in terms of theory-testing and generating forms of work. Furthermore, I liked how you emphasized how Western culture is the most researched, as well as how each culture differs, with people from one culture behaving differently than those from another. Because external validity is emphasized in generalization mode, the study's findings do not account for variations in cultural origins. Because of its variety, accounting for cultural background is extremely essential in the United States.

I feel much more informed on this issue after completing my study and reading your response. It's crucial to highlight, as you did, that western populations are generally composed of educated, industrialized, and wealthy people. Of course, there are exceptions to this generalization, but it encompasses a significant amount of western civilization. Conclusions drawn from this demography may or may not apply to a specific population in Zimbabwe, for example. Because there are substantial disparities between these groups of people, the results cannot be applied to all of them....

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