Week One Discussion Two PDF

Title Week One Discussion Two
Author Vikki Graboyes
Course Global Psychology
Institution National University (US)
Pages 3
File Size 76.9 KB
File Type PDF
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Discussion board...


What are the advantages and disadvantages of both?

Ther ear eanumberofpot ent i aladv ant ageswheni tc omest ogr oupt hi nk .Gr oupt hi nkc anl eadt o mor ef a v or abl eout comest hr oughs y ner gy ,whi c hi st hebel i eft hatt hewhol ei sal way sgr eat ert han t hes um ofi t spar t s .Gr oupt hi nkenabl esr educ edconfl i c tbet weeni ndi v i dualmember sandpr ov i des anov er al ldi r ect i on.Thr ought hi s ,gr oupmember sc anex pl or eal lt heas pect sofapr edet er mi ned s ol ut i onbas edont hei runi quei nf or mat i onandex per t i s e.Howev er ,di s adv ant agesofgr oupt hi nk i nc l udedi ffus i onofr espons i bi l i t ywher ei nt her ei sal ac kofacc ount abi l i t yamongmember s .I tal l ows t hem denyper s onalr es ponsi bi l i t yandbl ameot her sf orbaddec i s i ons .Ex t r emel oy al t yt ot hegr oup c anal s ol eadt oal os sofi ndi v i dualc r eat i v i t y ,uni quenes s ,andi ndependentt hi nki ng.I naddi t i on, gr oupt hi nkt endst oi s ol at emember soft hegr oupf r om t heout s i dewor l d.

How does Groupthink and Autonomy manifest itself in human relationships, the workplace, social circles, organizations, the classroom, etc.?

Gr oupt hi nki st hephenomenonwher epeopl ei ngr oupl oos esc r i t i c alt hi nk i ngamdt r yt oc onf or mt o t hegr oup.Theydoesnotr epor tt hei rhones topi ni onr at hert hant heyj us tobeygr oupor der s .Henc e, i tl eadst ol ossofaut onomy . I nhumanr el at i ons hi pi ti smani f es t edi nf or m ofnev erc r i t i c i s i ngt hegr oupmemberandgi v i ngnodt o i mpr udenti deasal s oev eni gonef eel sdi s at t i s fied. Atwor kpl ac e,peopl et endt oopi neswi t houtanyc onf t ont at i onorfi ffr r i ngopi ni on,spec i al l yqi t h s eni or s.Ther ehav ebeencas eswhenempl oy eewasawar eofl acunasbutdi dnott el latt i me bec aus eofgt oupt hi nk ,i . e.y ov ongor m bygr oup. I ns oc i alci r c l es ,onet hi nk st hatadi ffer i ngopi ni oni scons i der edadi s sentandc r eat esanegat i v e i mageofonei nc i r c l e.Soonef ocus esonmai nt ai ni ngcohes i onr at hert hanhi v i ngj us tandhones t s ugges t i on I nc l as sr oom s t udentt r yt ocompl ybyt eacberor derandi nhi bi ty hei rt houghtwhi c hgener at esnov el i deasj us tt omai nt ai nac ohesi v egr oupofs t udent .onehasf earofl os si ngt hes uppor tandbec omi ng oddone What are examples in our own culture where we are encouraged to practice Groupthink? Autonomy?

What cultures around the globe practice Groupthink. What might be the problems of the autonomous thinking U.S. forming an alliance with these countries?

If you had a business or personal relationship with a Groupthink person, what problems or misunderstandings might arise?

-Pos s i bl epoi nt sofi nt er es tofgr oupt hi nkwi l lbeExpandedi magi nat i on,i mpr ov edex ecut i on,bet t erchoi c esandl essbl under s ,e xpanded r espons i bi l i t y ,ands oc i alhav i ngapl ac e

-Pos s i bl ei mpedi ment sofGr oupt hi nk St r i f e,mi ndl es sc ompl i anc e,s oc i all oafi ng,c ongr ui t y ,c oor di nat i onmi s f or t une. As si gnments t r i f e:whatt odoandhow.Coul dbet er r i bl e Soci alc l ash:i ndi v i dual snotget t i ngal ong. Exper t s :•I ti mpr ov espar t i ci pat i oni nsi deagat her i ng.•Ther ei scongr ui t yandl es scl ash. •Tas k sar efini shedi naconv eni entway . CONS: •I tc andes t r oyc onnec t i onsov eras i gni fic ants t r et c hoft i me,par t i c ul ar l ywhenone' sf eel i ngsar e c ons t ant l ydi v er t edofwhatt hedomi nantpar ts uppor t s . •I nnov at i onmayonc ei nawhi l ebeabused. •Pr obl emsc oul dbeunr av el edi nawas t ef ulwayont hegr oundst hatnotal lc onc ei v abl eout c omes ar ec onsi der ed.

If you were raised in a Groupthink culture, how would your life be different from the way it is now?

 

1.Nor malorcommon Res ponsesToSt r es s Pr of oundl ev ell i k enes s escanhel pmak eas ol i dgr oupc ul t ur e,howev ert heyc anl i k ewi se i mpr ov et hei mpac t sofmi ndl es sc ompl i anc e,asc ompar abl er eac t i onst os t r et c h.For i ns t anc e,i fev er y bodyt ur nsoutt obemor ehaz ar ddi s i nc l i nedunders t r ai n,y ourgr oupma y nott ak eadv ant ageofcer t ai nl uc kybr eak s .Bui l di ngupanunmi s t ak abl ebas i cl eader shi p pr oc edur ecanhamperi nc l i nat i onsandi mpr ov eex ecut i on.

2.Poi nt sofconfi nementAndI nc l us i on

Fi gur ey ouc anber ec ept i v e ?Weasawhol ehav ement all i mi tc ons t r ai nedbywhatweknow andt hel anguageofourspec i al t y .Thi smak esr eadyt omi ndl es sobedi ence.I thasas ense ofs ecur i t yandnor malt oi nv es tener gywi t hot herpeopl ewhofi gur et hemanneri nwhi c hwe do,soweneedt ocons c i ousl ypi c kv i l l ai n' spr omot er sori ndi v i dual swi t ht hei rv er yown di v er sel anguage,at t i t udeandper s pect i v ef orourgat her i ngs .

3.Conc ent r at i ngOnl yOnWhatI sKnown

Ti meandagai n,bunc heswi l li ngener als pot l i ghtonwhati sbyandl ar gek nownr at hert han s pot l i ghtonbas i cdat at hathasnotbeenatt hi spoi ntexpl or ed.Lear nt ov al uet hei nt ens i t yof t hei nqui r yi ns t eadoft heneedt or ac et oanswer s .

4.The" Cor por at eNod"

Agr eei ngSus anSc ot t ,c r eat orofFi er c eConv er s at i ons ,obl i v i ousobedi encepr ompt sa c ul t ur eoft he' c or por at eges t ur e. 'T r ans par entdi s c us s i onsar enoti nev er yc as esi mpl e,but

t hent heyar ees s ent i alf orhi er ar c hi c al / s el f i mpr ov ement .Pi c k i ngupandr egar di ngv ar i ous c oncl usi onsi sev er y body ' sdut y ,r egar dl es sofwhet heri nanaut hor i t yposi t i onornot .The ' c or por at eges t ur e' i ss t ay edawayf r om wi t hbonafi deand' s av age' di s c uss i ons . 

5.Ter mi nat i on

Onegenui neandcombi nedi mpac tofmi ndl es sobedi enc ei st er mi nat i on— er adi c at i onofan or gani z at i on,i t em oradmi ni s t r at i ont hatnegl ect st oadj us tt oc hangi ngbus i nes ss ec t or el ement sorshopperneeds .Onemet hodf ork eepi ngawayf r om obl i vi ousobedi enc ei st o per mi twor k er st heoppor t uni t yt oai rpr ot es t sandques t i onsunaf r ai dofbac kl as hwhi l et ak i ng par ti npr oduc t i v edi s c our sewi t hout si demas t er .

6.Daz eCommi t ment sTo" Bes tPr ac t i c es "

Becaus et hi ngshav ebeendoneaspec i fi cwaygener al l y ,does n' ti mpl yt hatt heyshoul dk eep onbei ngdoneal ongt hesel i nes— not wi t hs t andi ngwhenev er y bodyappear st oc onc urt hat t hi ngsar e" gr eat "asi s .Bus i nes s esc anabs t ai nf r om maki ngbl i ndr es pons i bi l i t i est obest pr ac t i c esbybei ngopenandv er s at i l et oc hange,whi c hgi v espl ac eofr ef uget oc r i s ppoi nt s ofv i ewt obet obepr esent edandgr as pedbyt hes y s t em.

7.Abs enceOfEngagement

Keepi ngawayf r om mi ndl es sobedi encec anbeass t r ai ght f or war dasdev el opi ngac r os s ut i l i t ar i an,cr oss v er t i c al" adv anc ement "gr oup.Byr eques t i ngt hatt hem c onc ept ual i z e, ar r angi ngandac t ual i z i ngsi gni fi c antt ask si dent i fi edwi t hy ourass oc i at i on' sv i t alt ar get s ,y ou wi l lbet t erdr awi nc ol l eaguesf r om al ls t affl ev el s .Theywi l lf eel hear d,api eceoft he as s oci at i on' sdev el opment ,andi npar t i c ul ar ,f eeli nc r eas edi nv al ue...

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