Smartbook two of week one PDF

Title Smartbook two of week one
Author Ali Abshire
Course Psychology of Personality
Institution Liberty University
Pages 30
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_______ means that the dream image is replaced by some other idea only remotely related to it. - Displacement As an internal stimulus, _____ differ from external stimuli in that they cannot be avoided through flight. - Drives Which of the following characteristics are found in people with psychological maturity? (check all that apply.) - Their superego moves beyond parental identification and control. - Their ego-ideal is realistic and congruent with their ego. - Their ego controls their id and superego. Positive transference: permits patient to more or less relive child experiences within the nonthreatening climate of the analytic treatment. Negative transference: must be recognized by the therapist and explained to patients so that they can overcome any resistance to treatment. The ______ is brought about partly by parents’ attempt to punish or discourage sexual activity in their young children. - Latency stage Manifest content: surface meaning or the conscious description given by the dreamer Latent content: the unconscious material of a dream In the context of the headings under which the drives are grouped, Sigmund Freud used the word _______ to represent energy from the sex drive. - Libido According to Sigmund Freud, which of the following statements are true of a drive? (check all that apply.) - Its aim is to seek pleasure by removing an excitation or reducing a tension - Its source is the region of the body in a state of excitation or tension According to Sigmund Freud, a drive’s _______ is the person or thing that serves as the means through which an aim is satisfied - Object Sigmund Freud believed that _______ ________ is often expressed by pre-Oedipal girls as a wish to be a boy or a desire to have a man. - Penis envy

The source of conscious elements called the perceptual: what is perceived through sense organs, if not too threatening, enters into consciousness The source of conscious elements from within the mental structure: includes nonthreatening ideals from the preconscious as well and menacing but well-disguised images from the unconscious. According to Freud, identify the major heading under which the various drives can be grouped. - Sex - Aggression According to Sigmund Freud, the one mechanism that helps both the individual and the social group is known as _______. - Sublimation James Strachey, one of Freud’s translators, invented the term _______ to refer to what many people now simply call “Freudian slips.” - Parapraxes Manifest content: surface meaning of the conscious description given by the dreamer Latent content: the unconscious material of a dream According to Sigmund Freud, the phase in which children take a friendly interest toward their feces, an interest that stems from the erotic pleasure of defecating is known as the _______. - Late anal period Which of the following characteristics are found in people with psychological maturity? Through hypnosis, Sigmund Freud became convinced of a __ and ___ origin of hysterical symptoms Psychogenic and Sexual While using catharsis, Sigmund Freud gradually and laboriously discovered the ____ technique, which soon replaced hypnosis as his principal therapeutic technique Free association When overt sexual love for members of one's family in repressed, a second type of love comes into existence. aim-inhibited ____ refers to the need for sexual pleasure by inflicting pain or humiliation on another person sadism ____ experience sexual pleasure from suffering pain and humiliation inflicted either by themselves or by other masochists According to Sigmund Freud, the final aim of the aggressive drive is self-destruction According to Sigmund Freud, only the ___ can produce or feel anxiety

ego ____ anxiety is defined as apprehension about an unknown danger neurotic identify the type of anxiety that stems from the conflict between the ego and superego moral anxiety ____ anxiety is closely related to fear realistic according to Sigmund Freud, which of the following is served by the id? -Epigenetic principle -Pleasure Principle -Conservative principle -Reality principle pleasure principle a true statement of the id is that it is ____ unrealistic and unorganized the ____, or I, is the only region of the mind in contact with reality ego As the sole region of the mind in contact with the external world, the ___ becomes the decision-making or executive branch of personality. ego the ____, or above-I, represents the moral and ideal aspects of personality superego The ____ develops from experiences with rewards for proper behavior and tells people what they should do ego-ideal Identify a characteristic of the superego -Ignorant of the practicability of its requirements -chaotic -amoral -produces repressions by itself and is stronger than the id Ignorant of the practicability of its requirements According to Sigmund Freud, ___ Operates as a constant motivational force drives According to Freud, identify the major headings under which the various drives can be grouped. (which apply) -aggression -sex -compassion -fear sex and aggression According to Sigmund Freud, a drive's impetus is

the amount of force is exerts In the context of the sexual drive, Sigmund Freud believed that the entire body is invested with ____ libido True or false; The ultimate aid of the sexual drive is changeable and the path by which the aim is achieved remains constant false according to Sigmund Freud, ____ can take many forms, including narcissism, love, sadism and masochism sex the condition in which infants are primarily self-centered, with their libido invested almost exclusive on their own ego is known as primary narcissim during puberty, adolescents often redirect their libido back to the ego and become preoccupied with personal appearance and other self-interests. This condition is known as secondary narcissism In the context of the defense mechanisms identified by Sigmund Freud, whenever the ego is threatened by undesirable id impulses, it protects itself by using repression one of the ways in which in a repressed impulse may become conscious is through adopting a disguise that is directly opposite its original form. this defense mechanism is called reaction formation ____ also is involved in dream formation, as when the dreamer's destructive urges toward a parent are placed onto a dog or wolf displacement True or false; when children introject what they perceive to be their parents' values, they are relieved from the work of evaluating and choosing their own beliefs and standards of conduct true Sigmund Freud defined ___ as a felt, affective, unpleasant state accompanied by a physical sensation that warns the person against impending danger anxiety identify a characteristic of the id -advanced -has direct contact with reality -illogical -entertains only compatible ideas illogical The ego is governed by the ___ principle, which it tries to substitute for the pleasure principle of the id realiity the ___ results from experiences with punishments for improper behavior and tells people what they should not do conscience

Sadism and masochism possess generous components of the ___ drive aggressive Which of the following characteristics are found in people with psychological maturity? (all that apply) -their superego has remnants of antagonism or incest -their id impulses contain traces of shame or guilt -their ego controls their id and superego -their ego-deal is realistic and congruent with their ego -their superego moves beyond parental identification and control -their ego controls their id and superego -their ego-deal is realistic and congruent with their ego -their superego moves beyond parental identification and control ____ refers to the fact that the manifest dream content is not as extensive as the latent level, indicating that the unconscious material has been abbreviated before appearing on the manifest level condensation James strachey, one of freud's translators, invented the term _____ to refer to what many people now call "Freudian slips" parapraxes positive transference permits patients to more or less relive childhood experiences within the nonthreatening climate of the analytic treatment negative transference Must be recognized by the therapist and explained to patients so that they can overcome any resistance to treatment manifest content surface meaning or the conscious description given by the dreamer latent content the unconscious material of a dream dreams of people with a traumatic experience follow the principal of ____ rather than wish fulfillment repetition compulsion Sigmund Freud believed that a portion of the unconscious originates from the experiences of people's early ancestors that have been passed on through hundreds of generations of repetition. He called these inherited unconscious images peoples ___ _____ phylogenetic endowment the contents of the precociousness come from two sources namely, ___ and the ___ conscious perception and the unconscious _____ can be defined as those mental elements in awareness at any given point in time consciousness According to Sigmund Freud, a way through which ideas can reach consciousness is through a system, which is turned toward the outer world and acts as a medium for the perception of external stimuli. This system is known as the _____ ______ system

Perceptual conscious According to Sugmund Freud, the ____ level of the mind contains all those elements that are not conscious but can become conscious either quiet readily or with some difficulty preconscious In the context of Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytical theory, identify the true statements about the theory -the theory cna be falsified easily because its research evidence cannot be explained by other models -the theory is neither parsimonious nor needlessly cumbersome -the theory has moderate ability to organize knowledge into a meaningful framework -The theory has moderate ability to generate research despite the fact that it is difficult to test Freud's assumptions the theory is neither parsimonious nor needlessly cumbersome -the theory has moderate ability to organize knowledge into a meaningful framework -The theory has moderate ability to generate research despite the fact that it is difficult to test Freud's assumptions Sigmund Freud believed that ____ ____ is often expressed by pre-oedipal girls as a wish to be a boy or a desire to have a man penis envy The desire for sexual intercourse with the father and accompanying feelings of hostility for the mother are known as the _____ simple female oedipus complex Sigmund freud believed that from the 4th or 5th year until puberty, both boys and girls usually go through a period of dormant pysychosexual development, known as latency stage the ____ contains all those drives, urges or instincts that are beyond peoples awareness but that nevertheless motivate most of their words feelings and actions unconscious the method in which patients are required to verbalize every thought that comes to their mind, no matter how irrelevant or repugnant it may appear is known as free association Sigmund Freud believed that a portion of the unconscious originates from the experiences of people’s early ancestors that have been passed through hundreds of generations of repetition. He called these inherited unconscious images people’s _____ ______ - Phylogenetic endowment.

Sigmund Freud hypothesized that people who grow into anal characters, develop anal eroticism which then transforms in to the ____ ______ of orderliness, stinginess, and obstinacy that typifies the adult anal character. - Anal triad _______ anxiety is defined as an unpleasant, nonspecific feeling involving a possible danger. - Realistic James Stachey, one of Freud’s translators, invented the term ______ to refer to what many people now simply call “Freudian slips” - parapraxes When the prospect of taking the next step becomes too anxiety provoking, the ego may resort to the strategy of remaining at the present, a more comfortable psychological stage. Such a defense is called _____. - Fixation The aim of the destructive drive, according to Sigmund Freud, is to return an organism to an inorganic state. - True _______ is a defense mechanism whereby people incorporate positive qualities of another person into their own ego. - Introjection ____ becomes a perversion when Eros becomes subservient to the destructive drive. - Masochism Identify a purpose of psychoanalysis, according to Sigmund Freud - To strengthen the ego The purpose of free association is to seek pleasure without regard for what is proper or just - False A manifestation of Eros is ______, which develop when people invest their libido on an object or person other than themselves. - Love As the ego develops, children usually give up much of their _____ and develop a greater interest in other people. - Primary narcissism

At the core of personality and completely unconscious is the physical region called the _____. - Id _____ is the only level of mental life which is directly available to individuals. - Consciousness According to Sigmund Freud, infants respond to others through biting, cooing, closes their mouth, smiling, and crying during the ______. - Oral-sadistic phase The ____ stage is marked by a dichotomy in psychological gender development, a distinction that Sigmund Freudhy believed to be due to the anatomical difference between the sexes. - Phallic Josef Breuer taught Sigmund Freud about ____, the process of removing hysterical symptoms through talking them out. - Catharsis In the context of Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, identify the true statements about the theory - The theory has moderate ability to organize knowledge into a meaningful framework. - The theory has the ability to generate such research despite the fact that it is difficult to test Freuds assumptions - The theory is neither parsimonious nor needlessly cumbersome. During the ______ phase, infants feel no ambivalence toward the pleasurable object and their needs are usually satisfied with a minimum of frustration and anxiety. - Oral-receptive Sigmund Freud objected to the term ______ complex, sometimes used by others when referring to the female Oedipus complex, because it suggests a direct parallel between male and female development during the phallic stage. - Electra Regressive behavior is similar to fixated behavior in that it _____. - Rigid and infantile In the context of the drives as recognized by Sigmund Freud, the aim of the sex drive is _____. - Pleasure The period in which children receive satisfaction by destroying or losing objects is known as the ______ period. - Early anal

The brain stem, and the ascending activating system in particular, is the part of the brain most directly associated with _____ consciousness or unconsciousness in the sense of not being. - Core According to Sigmund Freud, during _____, the feminine nature in a male child leads him to display affection toward his father and express hostility toward his mother, while at the same time his masculine tendency disposes him toward hostility for father and lust for mother. - The complete Oedipus complex In the context of the defense mechanisms as identified by Sigmund Freud, the most basic is _____ because it is involved in each of the others. - Repression According to Sigmund Freud, which of the following often create feelings of anxiety, and the anxiety in turn stimulates repression? - Punishment and suppression Identify a characteristic of the superego - Ignorant of the practicability of its requirements The basic assumption of Sigmund Freud’s dream analysis is that nearly all dreams are _____. - Wish fulfillments ______ is the repression of the genital aim of Eros by substituting a cultural or social aim. - Sublimation During the early anal period, the ______ nature of the sadistic drive in infants is stronger than the erotic one. - Destructive When the libido has passed a developmental stage, it may, during times of stress and anxiety, revert back to that earlier stage. Such a reversion is known as _____. - Regression ______ is defined as seeing in others unacceptable feelings or tendencies The sexual aim of the ____ is to incorporate or receive into one’s body the object-choice, that is, the nipple. - Early oral activity A defense mechanism that arises when psychic energy is blocked at one stage of development, thus making change or psychological growth difficult, is known as _____. - Fixation

When an internal impulse provokes too much anxiety, the ego may reduce that anxiety by attributing the unwanted impulse to an external object, usually another person. This defense mechanism is referred to as _____. - Projection The state of not being aware or awake is known as _____ consciousness, whereas the state of being aware is known as _____ consciousness - Core; extended

Which of the following statements is true about psychodynamic theories? (a) they assume that negative experiences foster psychological growth and are part of the human condition (b) they hold that the unique and long-term tendencies to behave in particular ways are the essence of human personality (c) they emphasize that what people think, feel, and do is always an interaction between nature and nurture (d) they see the unconscious mind and motives as much more powerful than the conscious awareness (d) they see the unconscious mind and motives as much more powerful than the conscious awareness _____ assume that not only are people driven by a search for meaning, but also that negative experiences such as failure, awareness of death, death of a loved one, and anxiety, are part of the human condition and can foster psychological growth. existential theorists A useful theory should be parsimonious, meaning that it should be simple _____ focused on the importance of early childhood experience and on relationships with parents as guiding forces that shape personality development. psychodynamic theories The personalities, cognitive processes, developmental histories, and social experiences of personality theorists help shape their theories. The discipline that deals with these factors is called the psychology of science Which of the following statements is true about personality theories? (a) they are former principles that have been proven true (b) they are useful tools of science to the extent that they are value free (c) they originate from the historical, social, and psychological world of their originators (d) they should not be open to falsification (c) they originate from the historical, social, and psychological world of their originators Which of the following theories emphasizes that what people think, feel, and do is always an interaction between nature and nurture? (a) learning-cognitive theories

(b) dispositional theories (c) psychodynamic theories (d) biological-evolutionary theories (d) biological-evolutionary theories If scores on an instrument that measures introversion correlate highly with a number of other measures of introversion—for example, shyness and inhibition—then that instrument is said to have convergent validity Which of the following is not a dimension used by the authors to assess a theorist's concept of humanity? (a) pessimism vs optimism (b) conscious vs unconscious (c) order vs disorder (d) determinism vs free choice (c) order vs disorder Which of the following is not a function of a useful theory? (a) it will be consistent with one's philosophy of life (b) it serves as a guide to action (c) it organizes observations (d) it will generate research (a) it will be consistent with one's philosophy of life In Jungian psychology, repressed, forgotten, or subliminally perceived experiences are part of the personal unconscious In the context of Carl Jung's personality theory, which of the following statements is true about the collective unconscious level of the psyche? the collective unconscious refers to humans' innate tendency to react in a particular way whenever their experiences stimulate a biologically inherited response tendency According to Carl Jung, the confession of a pathogenic secret in psychotherapy involves the cathartic method According to Carl Jung, the archetype that manifests itself as one's social role is the persona Which of the following statements is true ...

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