Week one doc - Unit information PDF

Title Week one doc - Unit information
Course Psychopharmacology of Addictive Behaviour
Institution Queensland University of Technology
Pages 7
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Unit information...




PYB260 Psychopharmacology of Addictive Behaviour Week 1 Unit Information – Semester 1, 2014 Lecture: 2 hours

Thursday 2pm – 4pm in KG H101

Tutorial: 1 hour

From Week 2, Wednesdays 12pm – 4pm, KG H301


Dr Melanie White:

Office: O Block, B Wing; Room 528, KG campus


[email protected] *You must send ALL queries about PYB260 to this email address, including requests for appointments.


Sherrie-Anne Kaye


RATIONALE This unit will develop your understanding of behavioural pharmacology, with particular emphasis on the psychopharmacology of addictive behaviours. Substances covered will include those that are most widely associated with problems of dependence and addiction, such as alcohol and nicotine, as well as substances used in the treatment of addictive behaviours and mental illness.

AIMS The unit aims to develop and extend your understanding of issues relating to behavioural pharmacology, with a particular focus on substances commonly associated with addiction, including substances used in the treatment of addictive behaviours and mental illness.

OBJECTIVES 1. To obtain a thorough understanding of introductory behavioural pharmacology and concepts of chemical dependency; 2. To understand the psychopharmacology of substances associated with problems of dependence and addiction and with their treatment; 3. To gain an understanding of research methods used in behavioural pharmacology.

APPROACHES TO TEACHING AND LEARNING Lectures This unit is designed around a series of lectures and tutorials. Lectures are intended to introduce you to the theories, concepts, methods and basic findings in this subject area. Lecture recordings may not be available in this unit. If and when lecture recordings are made, they will be edited and some sections of the lecture may not be recorded (e.g., for copyright, security, and confidentiality reasons). It is expected that you will attend lectures and tutorials. Recordings are intended for revision purposes only. Private recordings of the lectures and tutorials should not be made without the explicit consent of the lecturer. Tutorials All students are expected to attend one tutorial each week (except those indicated in the program as a tutorialfree week), beginning in Week 2. The tutorials will be focussed around supporting and preparing you to complete assessment tasks (lab report and final exam). The format of tutorials will include small group discussions based around key concepts and debates in this area. Discussions and activities will build on issues raised in recent journal articles. It is essential that you download and read the relevant required reading on the Course Materials Database (CMD) for the unit prior to attending the tutorial.

Please note that the information in this Week 1 Unit Information document is subject to change You will be advised of any changes, should they occur PYB260, Semester 1, 2014 (MW)


PYB260 PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY OF ADDICTIVE BEHAVIOUR: LECTURE & TUTORIAL PLAN Lecture: KG, H101, Thursday, 2PM – 4PM http://blackboard.qut.edu.au/

Week (dates refer to lectures) 1. Feb 27


Text Ch.

Tutorial* (Wednesdays 12-4pm) Bring your textbooks & any required pre-reading! No tutorial



2. March 6

Review of neurobiology & neurobiology of reinforcement


3. March 13

Research methods in behavioural pharmacology, including drug licensing


Bring your caffeine readings Preparatory tutorial 2: summarising previous research.

4. March 20

Action & effects of caffeine


Bring your caffeine readings Preparatory tutorial 3: Designing a caffeine & behaviour study.

5. March 27

6. April 3

7. April 10

Action & effects of tobacco & nicotine


Action & effects of major stimulants: amphetamines & cocaine Action & effects of cannabis


Preparatory tutorial 1: reading & understanding caffeine studies

Bring your caffeine readings Writing week – no formal tutorial. Spend this week finalising your literature review tables and writing the Introduction section of your lab report.


Tutorial 4: Briefing on the selected method and design Writing week – no formal tutorial. Spend this week on the Method section of your lab report.

8. April 17

Action & effects of alcohol


Data collection session (in O-B439) (data will be available following day; start writing Results & Discussion sections of your report now)


May 1

10. May 8

Mid-semester Recess Action & effects of anxiolytics & 7 sedative-hypnotics (LJ)

Lab report consultation (report due end of next week: finish writing full draft by end of this week)

Lab Report th due Friday 9

Action & effects of psychotropic medication (antipsychotics, antidepressants) (LJ)

12 & 13

Writing week – no formal tutorial.

11. May 15

Current research applications (SB)


Preparatory review activity I

12. May 22

Action & effects of opiates

13. May 29

Review and feedback

Spend this week on final edits to report (due Friday). (Weeks 1-6; Bring your text & notes)


Preparatory review activity II (Weeks 7-12; Bring your text & notes)

Review activity

Notes. Class schedule is subject to change – any changes will be advised via the unit’s Blackboard site. *Guest lecturers: Dr Luke Johnson (LJ) email: [email protected] Professor Selena Bartlett (SB) email: [email protected] TUTORIAL SCHEDULE - There are no tutorials in weeks 1, 5, 7, & 10 *Remember to check the Tutorial Resources page on Blackboard for any required pre-reading (e.g., researc h articles) prior to your tutorial each week. PYB260, Semester 1, 2014 (MW)


ASSESSMENT Assessment tasks include a laboratory report and a final exam. The laboratory report is designed to give feedback on progress (formative assessment) and also contributes 40% of the final mark. The final exam is summative (60%) and will assess the overall standard of achievement on completion of this unit. The written assignment (lab report) is intended to enhance your understanding of a particular topic in this unit and extend your skills in critical thinking, the reviewing and understanding of original research articles, research design, th laboratory report writing, and the ability to produce coherent documents in accordance with the APA (6 Ed.) guidelines.


Percent (%) total mark

Laboratory Report


(Due) date and time

Examination/Submission Details

Week 10 th May 9 , Friday

Assignment Minder by COB AND Blackboard Upload by same time NB: Submit identical versions

End of semester (centrally 2hr exam of multiple choice timetabled exam period) questions covering all content Please refer to the Assessment Policies below and at the end of this document for information regarding assessment and extension policies, penalties for exceeding word limits, attendance at examinations, retention of work samples, personal and ethical conduct, non-discriminatory language, academic integrity, information for students with particular needs, and APA style. 60

Final exam

1. Lab Report – 40% of total mark Due Date: Due Time:


Week 10, Friday, May 9 By Close of Business (COB) for hard copy to Assignment Minder By same day and time for Blackboard Electronic Upload Length: 2000 words (excluding references in reference list, but including citations and headings within report) Objectives: 1, 2, & 3 Both a paper copy and an electronic copy via the Blackboard online submission link must be submitted by the due time indicated.

Description: Your laboratory report (up to 2000 words) will be based on an experiment you conduct in class that is focused on the effects of caffeine on human performance/behaviour. Information concerning the design, conduct, and writing up of this experiment will occur in tutorials. Data analysis results will be provided on Blackboard. Starting articles are provided on the unit’s CMD site (access via Blackboard link) and form required reading for the tutorial program. You must also attach a copy of your completed literature review summary table (a blank copy will be provided in tutorials) of these starting articles as an Appendix to your lab report. You are expected to source additional original refereed research articles for use in your report, with an emphasis on more recent research. Reliance on undergraduate textbooks , the popular press and unrefereed Web sites will result in a reduced grade. It is important that your report reflects your understanding of the research articles and this topic (i.e., do not plagiarise) and that you present this understanding in a logical and coherent fashion and according to APA (6th Ed.) guidelines. See Blackboard site for further details and marking criteria and start working on this assignment early and regularly to maximise your opportunity to do well (refer to Lecture and Tutorial plan on p.2 for a suggested timeline for completion of each component). A hard copy of your report (including summary literature table as an Appendix) should be submitted through Assignment Minder by close of business on the due date. Reports must also be uploaded electronically through the Blackboard site on the same day and time that they are due in hard copy. An assignment upload link will be available under the “assessment” area of the unit Blackboard site. Please upload all aspects of your assignment by the due date, and be cautious to ensure that all submitted work (hard copy and electronic forms) is your own (i.e., does not contain plagiarised work). You must keep a copy of all written assignments you submit. Lab reports must be submitted to Assignment Minder and uploaded electronically by COB May 9th 2014

Assessment items submitted after the due date without an approved extension will not be marked and will receive a grade of 1 or 0%. If special circumstances prevent you from meeting the assessment due date, you can apply for an extension. If you don't have an approved extension you should submit the work you have done by the due date and it will be marked against the assessment criteria. Re fer to the Assessment Policies enclosed at the end of this document for further details. Note that any work submitted must adhere to academic integrity principles and not contain plagiarised work. A breach of academic integrity is regarded as Student Misconduct and can lead to the imposition of penalties.

PYB260, Semester 1, 2014 (MW)


2. Final exam – 60% Date & Time: TBA (end of semester centrally timetabled examination period) Duration: 10 minutes perusal time, 2 hours working time Objectives: 1, 2, & 3 A 2-hour final examination will be scheduled in the end-of-semester central examination period and can take place on any day in that examination period. The exam will consist of multiple-choice questions based on material presented throughout the semester (i.e., lectures, compulsory textbook and other required readings, and tutorials).

TEXTS AND RESOURCES http://blackboard.qut.edu.au/ Unit Web site: Please check this site weekly for lecture notes, tutorial material, assessments, and other notices. Required texts 1. McKim, W.A., & Hancock, S.D (2013). Drugs and behavior: An introduction to behavioral pharmacology (7th ed.). New Jersey: Pearson.

CONSULTATION In person/phone: The unit coordinator is available for consultation by prior appointment either in person or by phone (3138 4714) during consultation time – this is scheduled following the lecture, from 4pm-5pm Thursdays (lecture weeks) in KG O-B528 (email Melanie at [email protected] to arrange an appointment). In Melanie’s absence, Sherrie-Anne Kaye will act on her behalf and be available for consultation in that timeslot by prior appointment (also email [email protected] to book). Your tutor, Sherrie-Anne Kaye, is also available in tutorials if you have questions. However, all email queries should be sent to the pyb260 email address. Email*: address your email to [email protected] (both Melanie and Sherrie-Anne will have access to this mailbox). Remember to use the subject line to identify the nature of the query. Please remember that although email is an instantaneous service, you should not expect an instantaneous response - we will try to respond as soon as practical. Short questions that require long answers are best handled in person or by phone. • General student administration queries: https://ask.qut.edu.au/ or [email protected] • Tutorial-related queries: your tutor (during your tutorial) • All other PYB260 specific queries: [email protected] • Before emailing*, please check: 1. The answer to your question is not already available in the Week 1 Unit Information document (Blackboard site, Unit Details page), or elsewhere on Blackboard/lecture slides – e.g., queries re extension/deferral requests, over-length penalties, lecture schedule are all detailed in the Week 1 Unit Information document. 2. We have not already answered it on the Blackboard Frequently Asked Questions page. 3. Ensure you send it to the most appropriate address (as above), use the subject field to identify the nature of your query, and provide your full name and/or student ID number.

ASSESSMENT POLICIES & INFORMATION You should be familiar with QUT’s Student Rules and with the information about assessment and other university policies and procedures: QUT | QUT Handbook | Student Rules, Policies and Procedures You should also be familiar with Faculty of Health assessment policies, which can be found at: http://www.hlth.qut.edu.au/study/forcurrentstudents/policies.jsp SUBMITTING ASSIGNMENTS Except in exceptional circumstances, Psychology and Counselling assignments must be submitted through Assignment Minder. You can submit your assignments via Assignment Minder on any campus; however, you must collect your marked assignments from the campus at which you are enrolled for the unit. You should submit your assignment in an A4 manila envelope, and attach a bar-coded cover sheet, which can be generated via the Assignment Minder website at: http://www.am.qut.edu.au/. For PYB260, you are also required to upload an identical electronic file of your assignment to the Blackboard site at the same time as hard copy submission (by the due date and time). ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Assessment at QUT is designed to promote and safeguard academic standards and academic integrity. You are expected to exhibit honesty and act ethically and responsibly when undertaking assessment. Any action or practice on your part which would defeat the purposes of assessment is regarded as academic dishonesty.

PYB260, Semester 1, 2014 (MW)

5 For information on academic integrity including plagiarism you should consult the QUT Library resources (e.g., http://www.citewrite.qut.edu.au/academic_integrity/atQUT.jsp and QUT | Library | Study Smart | 6.5 Plagiarism).You should also read the QUT cite|| write booklet at http://www.citewrite.qut.edu.au/about/whereprinted.jsp . This booklet contains additional information and examples on how to correctly cite others’ work and avoid plagiarism. If you are at all uncertain about whether your use of references is correct, please seek advice from the library or teaching staff. You should be aware that many Psychology and Counselling units use SafeAssign which is a text matching and citation checking tool. We use this tool because academic integrity is important to us all and it helps us address the problem of plagiarism. You can find out more information about SafeAssign including a student Tipsheet here: http://www.els.qut.edu.au/blendedlearning/blackboard/safeassign.jsp Details of QUT’s policy for dealing with cases of academic dishonesty can be found at: at: http://www.mopp.qut.edu.au/C/C_05_03.jsp . Advice for students on how QUT will deal with cases of academic dishonesty can be found at: http://www.student.qut.edu.au/studying/assessment/academic -misconduct. This website contains links to relevant sections of QUT’s Student Rules, including the penalties for academic dishonesty. EXTENSIONS AND LATE WORK POLICY Late submission of assessment is not a normal concession, except where extenuating circumstances exist. This practice exists to ensure fairness to students. The University’s Late Submission of Assessment Policy is available here: http://www.mopp.qut.edu.au/E/E_06_08.jsp. In general, extensions will only be considered if: • You have made a written request for an extension prior to the due date for the assessment item; and • You have submitted documentary evidence of individual extenuating circumstances that are reasonably likely to have prevented completion of the assessment item by the due date. From 2014, applications for extension can be made online: http://www.student.qut.edu.au/studying/assessment/extension If you require assistance with your application, we can help. Advice is available from the Student Information Centre, Level 6, B Wing, O Block, Kelvin Grove. Applications should be received prior to the assignment due date. You are strongly advised to give as much notice as is possible. When you request an extension you will receive a receipt for your request. Within five working days you will receive a decision on your request. •

If your extension is approved, submit your work on the revised date, with evidence of the approval.

If you have not yet heard…In the event that you have not received a response but your assignment is due, submit the work that you have completed on the due date, with evidence of your request (i.e., your receipt). If the application is subsequently approved, you can submit your work again on the approved date, with evidence of the approval.

If on the due date you do not have an extension (e.g., you run out of time), you should submit the work that you have completed by the due date so that it can be assessed according to the criteria and standards for the assessment item. If you were unable to apply by the due date, and your situation merits it, you could be eligible for Special Consideration. Applications for Special Consideration can be submitted prior to, or normally no more than three working days after, the submission date of the assessment item. If you think that you are eligible for Special Consideration, you should apply for it, but still submit your work on the due date, even if it is not complete. Special consideration will be applied to the work that you submit. If you do not submit your work on the due date, or the revised date (i.e., because you have an approved extension), you will be awarded a fail grade of 1 (0%).

If you think that you may need help with time management, or if there are other factors that you anticipate could be a problem, seek advice early. The University provides a number of support services and resources that may help, including time management advice for study: www.student.qut.edu.au/studying/learning-support In general the length of extension granted will reflect the extent of incapacity (for example if the supporting documentation states two days of illness the extension is granted for two days and will not normall...

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