Week09b RSA1 slides - cghj PDF

Title Week09b RSA1 slides - cghj
Author kanish gupta
Course Metrics, Quality And Reliability
Institution La Trobe University
Pages 12
File Size 569.2 KB
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Public Key Algorithms - RSA

Established Public Key Algorithm Families Public key (asymmetric key) cryptography schemes are all built from one common principle, the one-way function. One-way function A function f () is a one-way function if: y = f (x) is computationally easy, and x = f −1(y) is computationally infeasible. A function is easy to compute if it can be evaluated in polynomial time, i.e., its running time is a polynomial function of the length of the input parameter.

Established Public Key Algorithm Families 1.

Integer factorisation schemes: are based on the fact that it is difficult to factor large integers Example: RSA


Discrete logarithm schemes: based on the fact that it is difficult to compute discrete logarithms. Examples: Diffie–Hellman key exchange Elgamal encryption Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA)


Elliptic curve schemes

Key Lengths and Security Levels An algorithm is said to have a “security level of n bit” if the best known attack requires 2n steps to succeed with certainty (with probability 1). For symmetric algorithms considered to be secure, security level = key length. For asymmetric algorithms the above relation does not hold.

key length

Shamir Rivest

Adleman RSA

Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman

RSA and Modular Arithmetic • RSA encryption and decryption is done in the finite integer ring Zn. • Modular computations play a central role. • RSA encrypts plaintexts x, where we consider the bit string representing x to be an element in Zn = {0,1, . . . ,n−1}. • As a consequence the binary value of the plaintext x must be less than n. The same holds for the ciphertext.

A ring is an algebraic system like a field – defined over a set of elements and has two operations (+, ). The difference is that in a ring we do not require every non-zero member of have a multiplicative inverse. , with + and  as modulo 26 addition and multiplication operation respectively, is a finite ring.

What do we need to study? •

How encryption and decryption are done.

How keys are generated.

Establish the correctness of the algorithms – decryption gives us back the original (plaintext) message, which was encrypted.

Computational efficiency of the encryption and decryption processes if the respective keys are known.

Computational infeasibility of decryption without the knowledge of the private key.

RSA encryption and decryption RSA Encryption

RSA Decryption

Given the public key = kpub and the plaintext x, the encryption function is:

Given the private key = kpr and the plaintext x, the decryption function is:


where x, y


The value e is sometimes referred to as encryption exponent or public exponent.


where x, y


The private key d is sometimes called decryption exponent or private exponent.

RSA – key generation Algorithm outputs: 1.

A public key: kpub = and


A private key: kpr =

Steps: 1.

Choose two large primes p and q.


Compute n = p · q.


Compute Φ(n) = (p−1)(q−1).


Select the public exponent e

{2, . . . ,Φ(n)−1} such that

gcd(e,Φ(n)) = 1. 5.

Compute the private key d such that d · e ≡ 1 mod Φ(n)


Proof of Correctness For the scheme to work as intended, for n, e and d chosen according to the RSA key generation protocol, and for all x Zn ,it must be true that: ௞೛ೝ

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We will not go through the proof here, but Eq. 1 can be proved easily, using the modular arithmetic we know: ௘ௗ

[Eq. 1]

Equation 1 establishes the correctness of the RSA scheme.


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