WF Spring 2019 BUS 209 Syllabus, Sec 3 PDF

Title WF Spring 2019 BUS 209 Syllabus, Sec 3
Author Daniel Chin
Course Written Communication in Business
Institution University of Hawaii at Manoa
Pages 7
File Size 378.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 7
Total Views 153




BUS 209: Written Communication in Business (NI, WI) 

Sec. 003: WF, 10:30-11:45 AM, BUSAD E-203, CRN 82776*

Spring 2019: January 7 to May 10, 2019

*See last page of syllabus for alternate class meeting site in case of disruptions.

Instructor Wesley Lucas

[email protected] Office: BUSAD E-601h Office Hour: Wednesday, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM and by appointment Email is the only way outside of class to reach me—I will try to respond within 24 hours on weekdays, but please do not expect an instantaneous response. Course Catalog Description: BUS 209 Written Communication in Business (3). An interactive writing class stressing persuasive writing in the context of memos, letters, and business reports. A-F only. Pre: ACC 201 and ENG 100. Students may not earn credit for both BUS 209 and ENG 209. Attendance/Participation: We will work together throughout the term and help each other to plan, prepare, and edit a variety of business documents. Because this is an interactive writing class, regular attendance is mandatory and I take attendance. Absence due to illness or family emergency? Bring a doctor’s note or a note from the Student Health Center. Attendance is worth 5% of your grade. To receive the 5%, you must attend class regularly; you can get up to two (2) unexcused absences without effect on your grade; three (3) unexcused absences will result in a 0% grade for attendance; four (4) or more unexcused absences will constitute grounds for failure of BUS 209. Arrive on time. Each instance of tardiness will count as half (1/2) an absence. I will take roll from the first day of class. Beginning with the third week of class, I will pass out a sign-in sheet to take attendance. If you are more than 7 minutes late, you will be “late” for class. The Writing Process: One of the goals of this course is to give you insight into the writing process so that you will be able to generate documents on your own both in the Shidler College of Business and in the work world. In order to write such documents, you must develop a thorough understanding of all elements of the writing process. These elements include mastering strategies empowering you to:       

Generate ideas and producing drafts through processes such as freewriting, brainstorming, and clustering. Understand the requirements for various types of business documents. Determine types of audiences and audience expectations to distinguish between effective and ineffective business writing. Deploy techniques to write persuasive documents for various audiences. Use technology to make your business documents have the desired impact on your audience. Work efficiently to complete documents by important deadlines. Acquire sufficient knowledge of grammar and mechanics to polish your documents.

Going through the process of drafting such documents is important—you are trying to master skills that will empower you to complete the heavy amount of writing required for the average business degree. If you turn in a paper without doing the preliminary work of drafting that paper or without participating in the group work, I will not read your paper. Required Text Shwom, B, & Snyder, L. (2019.) Business communication: Polishing your professional presence. 4th Edition. Boston: Pearson.

How to Access Your Course Materials for Pearson’s MyLab & Mastering Using the Access Code For this course we will be using Pearson's MyBCommLab for Business Communications: Polishing your Professional Presence by Shwom 4th edition. The digital access for the course is being delivered through our bookstore's Interactive Digital Access Program (IDAP). The cost of your digital materials will automatically be charged to your student account at a deeply discounted price of $61.72. You are responsible for paying for charges applied to your student account. To access your course materials: 1. Go to

2. Register with our specific course ID  Sec. 003: WF, 10:30-11:45 AM, BUSAD E-203, CRN 82776 = lucas95731 3. Use our course specific access code MYBCOM-BLUFF-SCUDO-BLURB-DOLBY-MINES If you have issues accessing the course materials, visit Pearson’s tech support page at Either search for an immediate answer or choose “Contact Us” in the top right corner to chat with a tech support team member. If you decide to opt-out of IDAP and lose access to the required digital course materials, please do one of the following: 1. Click the "Opt-Out" button in the left-hand navigation bar of your Laulima course to submit your request, or 2. Choose “Opt-Out” in this link If you opt-out before the deadline, the IDAP Rental Charge will be refunded to your MyUH account. By opting-out you will lose access to the required course materials. If you have any questions about IDAP or this charge to your student account, contact the bookstore. Important Note: You may want to bring your text to class. We will refer to it frequently during every class session. Grading—Important Points: 1. BUS 209 final grades will be based on the +/- scale. The teacher may also use the +/- scale to grade individual assignments. 2. Any assignment one-class period late will be reduced by two letter grades; I will not accept any assignment turned in thereafter. Miscellaneous Writing Issues You will complete several grammar and style exercises to help you to improve the overall mechanics of your writing, and then take two online tests. Mechanics—spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization—matter in written business communication! If you want respect in the work place, you will have to show the proper respect for the conventions of standard written English—it’s that simple. For spring 2019, we will combine classroom discussion of textbook examples with computerized self-study exercises via the Pearson MyBCommLab. Finally, you will take two online grammar tests on

our Pearson class site and I will grade you on the results of these tests. These two tests will count for 5% of your grade. End-of-chapter Simulation Exercises You will keep up on your readings—you should complete the readings that appear on the syllabus by the date of the class meeting. At the end of each chapter, you will complete the end-of-chapter simulation exercise that corresponds to that chapter. There are 12 chapters, and we will go through all 12 chapters, but we will do only 10 of the simulation exercises. Each simulation exercise will count for one point, and the ten simulation exercises will account for 10% of your grade. Final Exam You will take a comprehensive 100-question final exam during the class’s assigned final exam time. I have also listed our final exam dates and times. The final exam will account for 20% of your grade. Written Assignments This is a Writing Intensive (WI) class for a reason: various formal written assignments will account for 60% of your grade. Group work is an essential component of the final project; group work is critical to your success in many Shidler classes; and most importantly, group work may make or break your career in the real world. Final Notes 1. Your instructor fully endorses the following statement provided by the Kokua Program: If you feel you need reasonable accommodations because of the impact of a disability, please 1) contact the KOKUA Program (V/T) at 956-7511 or 956-7612 in room 013 of the QLCSS; 2) speak with me privately to discuss your specific needs. I will be happy to work with you and the KOKUA Program to meet your access needs related to your documented disability. 2. We all need to respect our differences with regard to ethnicity, race, gender, class, sexual identity, and relationship to land and place. We all—faculty and students—therefore have a responsibility at the University of Hawai‘i to ensure that learning takes place in an environment that allows intellectual freedom while also promoting intellectual safety without hostility. Scholastic Dishonesty Students throughout the University of Hawaii are expected to conduct themselves according to the University of Hawaii Student Code: If you have not done so, take a moment to read pages 9 to 12 of the Student Conduct Code. Any acts of plagiarism that violate the student code will result in immediate dismissal from this section of BUS 209, a course grade of “F,” and the reporting of such violations to the Dean of the Shidler College of Business. For this section of BUS 209, plagiarism will include not only assignments that you turn in to the instructor, but also assignments that you share amongst yourselves. I will give two examples. First, you will need to exchange drafts of assignments in the process of sharing them. One of your group members sends you a solid draft of the assignment; however, you have yet to send your draft of your assignment to your group members. You use your group member’s solid draft as the basis of your own draft—you copy facts, formatting, organization, the phrasing of certain sentences, or any part thereof. Is this behavior plagiarism that your group member may report to the instructor, who in turn will report you to the Dean? Yes, it probably is. Second, you may need to examine sample reports or assignments from prior semesters that I may make available in the class’s Laulima site. You read those reports, and one of the reports is very close to the topic and points of the companies you are researching. If you copy this report—facts, formatting, organization, the phrasing of certain sentences, or any part thereof—is this plagiarism and may your instructor report you to the Dean? Yes, it probably is.

Think before you copy your work from another source or from another student: It is better to receive a “0” on an assignment than possibly to fail BUS 209 and to be reported to the Associate Dean of Student Services. Here is a rough breakdown of how I will assign grades for the course: 05% 10% 02% 03% 05% 05% 05% 05% 05% 05% 05% 05% 05% 05% 02% 03% 05% 20%

Attendance (see above note on attendance) End-of-chapter simulation exercises (10 chapters) Assignment: Introducing Yourself to Your Instructor Chapter 1, Exercise 18: Analyzing communication effectiveness, p. 30 Chapter 2: Memo: What is organizational culture? Chapter 3, Exercise 9: Designing a professional format and delivery; Chapter 3, A Thank-you Letter for Receiving a Dolphin Scholarship Chapter 4: A memo to the tenants of Wesley’s Plaza Chapter 5: A flyer urging students to attend a workshop on using credit responsibly Chapter 6: Letter responding to John Fields’s request for a reservation Chapter 7, Exercise 15: Composing an infographic or video, p. 265 Chapter 8: Memo with annotated bibliography on CSR sources for two public companies in the same industry Chapter 9: Letter recommending whether to invest in a public company based on CSR—one revision allowed Chapter 10, Exercise 28: Evaluating SOS: An employee suggestion program, p. 408—GROUP EXERCISE—one revision allowed Chapters 10 & 11: Report deck based on Chapter 9 letter recommending whether to invest in a public company based on CSR Chapter 12: Your resume Chapter 12: Your cover letter Miscellaneous Writing Issues Assignment 2 Grade (MWI Assignment #1 is very helpful but optional) Final Exam BUS 209 Spring 2019 Tentative Schedule (subject to change)



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9-Jan 11-Jan






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Required Reading (prior to class)

Introduction to BUS 209; review syllabus Developing Your Professional Presence DUE: Assignment: Introducing Yourself to Your Instructor Developing Your Professional Presence Discuss Chapter 1, Exercise 18: Analyzing communication effectiveness, p. 30 Working with Others: Interpersonal, Intercultural, and Team Communications Discuss Chapter 2: Memo: What is organizational culture? DUE: Chapter 1 Simulation Exercise

Chapter 1

DUE: Chapter 1, Exercise 18: Analyzing communication effectiveness, p. 30 Working with Others: Interpersonal, Intercultural, and Team Communications Managing the Communication Process: Analyzing, Composing, Evaluating Discuss Chapter 3, Exercise 9: Designing a professional format and delivery; Chapter 3, A Thank-you Letter for Receiving a Dolphin Scholarship DUE: Chapter 2 Simulation Exercise

Chapter 2

DUE: Chapter 2: Memo: What is organizational culture? Managing the Communication Process: Analyzing, Composing, Evaluating Work on Chapter 3, Exercise 9: Designing a professional format and delivery; Chapter 3, A Thank-you Letter for Receiving a Dolphin Scholarship Managing the Communication Process: Analyzing, Composing, Evaluating Grammar review; discuss MWI #1 & #2 DUE: Chapter 3 Simulation Exercise DUE: Chapter 3, Exercise 9: Designing a professional format and delivery Chapter 3, A Thank-you Letter for Receiving a Dolphin Scholarship

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Appendix C

Appendix C








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18Mar 4:00 PM

To 22Mar 25-Mar





Grammar review; discuss MWI #1 & #2 Communicating Routine Messages and Building Goodwill Discuss Chapter 4: A memo to the tenants of Wesley’s Plaza Form response groups Communicating Routine Messages and Building Goodwill Discuss Chapter 4: A memo to the tenants of Wesley’s Plaza Share drafts of memo—no draft = -1 point DUE: Both tests of MWI #2 Share drafts of Chapter 4: A memo to the tenants of Wesley’s Plaza via email to complete checklists Return checklists of Chapter 4: A memo to the tenants of Wesley’s Plaza Communicating Persuasive Messages Discuss Chapter 5: A flyer urging students to attend a workshop on using credit responsibly DUE: Chapter 4 Simulation Exercise DUE: Chapter 4: A memo to the tenants of Wesley’s Plaza Communicating Persuasive Messages View “The Art of Persuasion” from How Art Made the World Share drafts of assignment: Chapter 5: A flyer urging students to use credit responsibly—no draft = -1 point DUE: Chapter 5 Simulation Exercise DUE: Chapter 5: A flyer urging students to attend a workshop on using credit responsibly Communicating Bad News Discuss Chapter 6: Letter responding to John Fields’s request for a reservation Communicating Bad News Share drafts of Chapter 6: Letter responding to John Fields’s request for a reservation—no draft = -1 point DUE: Chapter 6 Simulation Exercise Share drafts of Chapter 6: Letter responding to John Fields’s request for a reservation via e-mail to complete checklists Finding and Evaluating Business Information Discuss Chapter 8: Memo with annotated bibliography on CSR sources for two public companies in the same industry Return checklists of Chapter 6: Letter responding to John Fields’s request for a reservation Finding and Evaluating Business Information LIBRARY WORKSHOP LED BY DAVE FLYNN

Appendix C Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

DUE: Chapter 8 Simulation Exercse

SPRING BREAK: PLEASE DO NOT COME TO CLASS Last day for in-person restricted withdrawals (with “W” grade) DUE: Chapter 6: Letter responding to John Fields’s request for a reservation Finding and Evaluating Business Information Share drafts of Chapter 8: Memo with annotated bibliography on CSR sources for two public companies in the same industry via e-mail to complete checklists Using Social Media in Business Discuss Chapter 7, Exercise 15: Composing an infographic or video, p. 265

Chapter 8

Chapter 7






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Return checklists of Chapter 8: Memo with annotated bibliography on CSR sources for two public companies in the same industry Using Social Media in Business Work on Chapter 7, Exercise 15: Composing an infographic or video, p. 265 DUE: Chapter 8: Memo with annotated bibliography on CSR sources for two public companies in the same industry Preparing Persuasive Business Proposals Discuss Chapter 9: Letter recommending whether to invest in a public company based on CSR—one revision allowed DUE: Chapter 7 Simulation Exercise DUE via Laulima: Chapter 7, Exercise 15: Composing an infographic or video, p. 265—OK TO TURN IN BY END OF SEMESTER. Share drafts of Chapter 9: Letter recommending whether to invest in a public company based on CSR via e-mail to complete checklists (work in pairs) Return checklists of Chapter 9: Letter recommending whether to invest in a public company based on CSR DUE: First draft of Chapter 9: Letter recommending whether to invest in a public company based on CSR—one revision due at end of semester Preparing Business Reports Discuss Chapter 10, Exercise 28: Evaluating SOS: An employee suggestion program, p. 408—GROUP EXERCISE—one revision allowed

Chapter 7

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Chapter 10


19Apr 20Apr

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DUE: Chapter 9 Simulation Exercise OPEN DAY: Come to class Groups work on Chapter 10, Exercise 28: Evaluating SOS: An employee suggestion program, p. 408 DUE: Chapter 10, Exercise 28: Evaluating SOS: An employee suggestion program, p. 408—one revision due at end of semester Communicating Your Professional Brand: Social Media, Resumes, Cover Letters, and Interviews Discuss Chapters 10 & 11: Report deck based on Chapter 9 letter recommending whether to invest in a public company based on CSR Discuss Chapter 12: Resume and Chapter 12: Cover Letter assignments DUE: Chapter 10 Simulation Exercise—FINAL SIMULATION EXERCISE LAST DAY OF CLASS DUE: Chapters 10 & 11: Report deck based on Chapter 9 letter recommending whether to invest in a public company based on CSR Share drafts of Chapter 12: Cover letter

Chapter 10

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Section 3 Final Exam Date & Time: MONDAY, MAY 6, 9:45 AM - 11:45 AM



10 May at 4:00 PM

DUE VIA E-MAIL: (1) Revision of Chapter 9: Letter recommending whether to invest in a public company based on CSR (2) Revision of Chapter 10, Exercise 28: Evaluating SOS: An employee suggestion program, p. 408—GROUP EXERCISE (3) Chapter 12: Resume—2 points (4) Chapter 12: Cover letter—3 points (5) Chapter 7, Exercise 15: Composing an infographic or video—5 points


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