2019 Fall Syllabus - Bus 100 PDF

Title 2019 Fall Syllabus - Bus 100
Author Zach Thornton
Course Topics In Contemp Chemistry: Adv Chem Demo: Gas Proplawrea
Institution Illinois State University
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Download 2019 Fall Syllabus - Bus 100 PDF


State Farm Hall of Business

SYLLABUS FOR BUS 100—ENTERPRISE 2019 FALL SEMESTER COLLEGE OF BUSINESS MISSION STATEMENT To be a highly respected college of business that develops professionals with personal dedication, ethics, and lifelong learning capabilities needed to succeed professionally and to serve society. We work as a diverse community promoting excellence in learning, teaching, scholarship, and service. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Students enrolled in College of Business classes are expected to maintain high standards of ethical conduct within the classroom and when completing assignments, projects, and/or exams. Plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty such as cheating will not be tolerated. Students are expected to provide appropriate citations for non-original writing even if the original work is paraphrased. Penalties for plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty are severe. PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS Students are expected to be familiar with and abide by the "College of Business Standards of Professional Behavior and Ethical Conduct." (http://www.cob.ilstu.edu/standards/). Only bottled water may be consumed in the classroom wing of the College of Business Building. All cell phones and other electronic devices should be turned off and stored away during classes, unless permission is otherwise granted by the instructor. During classroom lectures and discussions, laptops are not allowed to be used. COURSE INFORMATION Course: BUS 100—Enterprise (3 Credit Hours) Course Date: August, 2019 Course Time: Class Starts Promptly at 8:00am – 9:15am; 9:35am – 10:50am; Prerequisites: ENG 101 or COM 110 or concurrent registration. May not be taken for credit if had BTE 100 or BEA100 INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION Instructor: Richard T. Gordon Instructional Assistant Professor Office: COB 104 Office Hours: 12:30pm – 2:00pm Tuesday and Thursday or please make an appointment. Phone: Office: 309-438-5188 Cell Phone 309-533-2738 [email protected] e-mail: COURSE MATERIALS Textbook: Business Essentials, Eleventh Edition, Ronald J. Ebert & Ricky W. Griffin. ISBN-13: 978-0-13-345442-0 ISBN-10: 0-13-345442-8 Digital Edition recommended.


COURSE OVERVIEW Welcome to the College of Business! Enterprise is another name for business, with connotations of growth, dynamism, entrepreneurship, and creativity. The goal of the course is to introduce you to the exciting and interesting world of business. We hope to whet your appetite and give you a taste of the topics and skills necessary to lead a firm to compete in the global and changing world of business. In today’s business world, the greatest success and financial reward will go to the person who is able to make decisions, think critically, understand and successfully engage in relationships, bring out the best in others, and communicate effectively as well as understand the content and context of the business environment. The overriding purpose of this course is to illuminate ideas and values that lead to successful business practices. This course will help you begin to develop skills that will serve you while you are enrolled in Illinois State University’s College of Business and for a lifetime. COURSE INTENTIONS:  To establish and communicate the College of Business’s expectations for student responsibilities and behaviors within the learning process.  To provide an understanding of how the different business functions interrelate within an organizational environment, inter-firm relationships, and business’s role in society.  To facilitate students’ identification of a career interest through active exploration of a wide range of possibilities by providing an overview of business disciplines, including an understanding of terminology.  To facilitate student selection or confirmation of a business major while emphasizing the students’ responsibilities for using university and college resources to establish a course of studies that lead to successfully gaining desirable entry level positions.  To develop an understanding of working in a successful team environment and provide activities for students to model appropriate group behaviors.  To facilitate the students understanding of what it means to be an entrepreneur in our economic system. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Competencies By the end of the semester, our students should be able to:  Define the roles of different functional areas of a business, their interrelatedness, and how their responsibilities support organizational effectiveness.  Delineate different career paths available to College of Business graduates.  Articulate the role of business in society, the impact that business practices and ethics have on society, and how businesses may address societal issues.  Articulate inter-firm relationships, their impacts on each other and in the bigger picture the impact of business’s role in society.  Create, manage, and compete with a business that they have created. Movement By the end of the semester, our students have increased their:  Effectiveness in analytical and critical thinking (summarizing, analyzing, and synthesizing).  Effectiveness in working with others to achieve goals in a team environment. Experience Our students will have gained experience in:  Self-assessing personal skills and characteristics to determine how these can be applied to appropriate careers and academic majors.


COURSE REQUIREMENTS, ASSESSMENTS and EVALUATION: Assignments Areas and Tests Area 1……….The Entrepreneur Project or TEP for short is a big part of your grade and an important part for learning the material presented in this class. Essentially, TEP is the creation of your “own business” based on what you are good at or interested in and you need to manage it properly throughout the semester. The profit from TEP is a good grade in this class. The first part of the TEP project is to create your own business based on the instructions in the assignment. The second part of the assignment will be to update the TEP project as we go through the various chapters of the textbook as it pertains to your business. You will be asked to integrate into the business you created important class concepts like Accounting, Ethics, and Investing. The first part will be due at the end of week 2. The 2nd part of the work will be due at the end of week 4, 8, 12 and 15. They will be considered your “quarterly business reports”. Please remember that this is YOUR BUSINESS and you need to answer the questions as it pertains to YOUR BUSINESS. See the TEP assignment sheet for TEP assignment details. Included in the TEP project will be two different Stock Market competitions. Each Winner will receive 7.00 cash. PLEASE HAND IN ALL WORK using a word processor and putting the answers in the “ANSWER CHART” and do not hand in assignment in folder of any kind. Part A of TEP is worth 100 points. Part B of TEP is worth points as shown below: Quarterly Report 1 is worth 210pts. Quarterly Report 2 is worth 220pts. Quarterly Report 3 is worth 240pts. Quarterly Report 4 is worth 130pts. Please note……..Each TEP Part 2 Quarterly Report will have a different worth based on the amount of work that needs to be completed for that report. Total Value is 900pts. Part C. Text Book Work 200pts. At the end of each TEP report are the necessary textbook assignments consisting mostly of simulations and some videos. You simply need to complete them at a rate of at least 70% for full credit. Area 2………… Daily Class Participation (DCP) & Miscellaneous Enhancement Assignments. 1. Almost Daily Quizzes. (200 pts.) With the philosophy of the instructor being that 90% of success in life is a result of just showing up every day and in my quest to help you be a success in this class, students will receive credit for attending class, being on time, participating when possible, and presenting when necessary. It is a Capitalistic Grading System and students will be rewarded for their DAILY efforts. During the semester, BEFORE CLASS BEGINS….., students will need to pick up the quiz for the day and put their initials on the sign in sheet. That sheet will be used to input the quiz grade for the day. The quiz will be covered quickly in class and students can keep the quiz for future study for tests. Each quiz is worth 10pts whether the answers are right or wrong. There are a total of 20 quizzes to take during the course of the semester. Any conscientious student taking all 20 quizzes will receive a bonus of 10pts. Students working on ‘hand in” quizzes will need to take the quiz before the start of class for that particular day and hand in a copy of the results at the beginning of class. It is expected that students show up to class on time. The Business world expects you to be on time. The Hand in Quizzes along with the in class quizzes CANNOT BE TURNED IN BEFORE THE DAY THEY ARE DUE NOR CAN THEY TURNED IN AFTER CLASS OR LATER FOR CREDIT. ALL QUIZZES CANNOT BE MADE UP. If you are not there for any reason (except an ISU activity) equals NO CREDIT for that day. Those who do not hand in a quiz during class will receive a zero for that quiz day.

Redbird Career Portfolio. Included in TEP Project. The Redbird Career Portfolio is designed to begin the process of enhancing your chances of obtaining a satisfying job when you graduate. You will be easily able to enhance your RCP in this class. 3. Business Writing Essentials and Exam 100pts. To be explained. 4. INSTA CAREER Night Mandatory Attendance 50pts. Choice of two evenings. Area 3………….B. (100pts) Whats New Who YOU Presentation. See assignment page for specifics. http://whatsnew4bus.wikispaces.com/ 100pts. Your In-Class Presentation (Go to the Class Wiki to schedule.) One time during the semester, you will be assigned to make a presentation about yourself and something that is new to business or technology world. It will be a formal presentation. Students will have from 4 – 5 minutes to complete their presentation. Area 4……C. (200 pts) Accounting Cycle Review Problem. Taxes are a fact of Business and Consumer Life. The Tax problem will help you to understand our tax system. Accounting is the heart and soul of a business. It is a discipline you must understand in order to be a competent business person. Each student will submit two completed Accounting Cycles. Grade will be based on accuracy.

Total Points




Area 5…………. Individual and Group Dough Making Competition Project… Part A … Individual, Part B Group Presentation. To be Explained Later. Area 6………….Textbooks, Mid Term Exam & Final Exam (somewhat comprehensive). One test will be at the mid-term and the other test will be administered on the last day of regular class. The First Test will be worth 290 pts and is worth 11% of your grade. The second test will be worth 260 pts and is worth 10% of your grade.


200 300 550

--------BONUS Pts. This Instructor likes to handout Bonus points for extra effort and good work and for the opening contest that he will conduct at the beginning of class. The amount of bonus pts one can earn for one semester is approximately 50pts. At the end of the semester, this instructor does not round up. 90% = A, 80%=B, 70%=C, 60%=D. Total Points


2600 3



Assignment Due Dates: ALL REPORTS MUST BE KEYED IN and NOT HANDWRITTEN. 25% will be taken off if the report is Handwritten, turned in online or via email (unless you get instructors permission) and/or if student does not stay for the entire class on the day it is due. 75% off is the assignment is late (not handed in at the beginning of the class period). It can be then resubmitted anytime until the last day of regular class for 25% of what it was originally worth.

It is expected that students show up to class on time. The Business world expects you to be on time.

This is a tentative schedule for the semester. Class # /Date 1. Class 1 Aug 20

Topic -TAKE YOUR PASSION AND MAKE IT HAPPEN! -Introduction, Overview class, Financial Literacy Test. The Economic Wheel. Become a Capitalist Immediately. Business Overview. - Game 1 of the VSE starts. - Start Part A of TEP Project.

2. Class 2 Aug 22

Focus Chapter 1 & 17 continued – Economic Indicators and their relationship with the Stock Market. Finish Financial Literacy, Finish Part A of TEP. Overview with Stocks. Explain 1st Stock Market Game. WHATSNEWWHOYOU.-https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=11li6Iw4TeY&list=PLCA387F4B6747F6F9 After viewing the video, you need to go to the following website and take the quiz. Turn in the score you earned on the quiz. The website is http://www.quia.com/quiz/2454318.html

3. Class 3 Aug 27

Apply to TEP Focus – Chapter 1 & Chapter 17 Overview with Stocks. Explain 1st Stock Market Game.

Due Dates for all work! Week 1 Quiz 1 – Survey (anyone completing all quizzes will receive 20 bonus pts.) Students need to complete the following…. --Get a textbook --Start on TEP Part A. --Begin VSE. --Complete Quiz 2 for Class 2 and hand in at the beginning of class. Answers will be provided. It is non graded! Quiz 2-Financial Literacy HAND IN QUIZ. Students need to complete the following: a. set up VSE account and invest in at least 5 stocks b. Complete House Of Cards Quiz and Video. (Ethics) Turn in Quiz Verification Sheet for the next class. Competition can start on the first day of class. Students must be entered by end of first week. (Friday) c. Work On TEP part A. d. Decide on WHATSNEWWHOYOU Week 2. Quiz 3- Turn in House of Cards Quiz Form.

4. Class 4 Aug. 29

Chapter 3. Small Business TAX Problem. Not available in textbook. Explain Part B of TEP Project. Four Quarterly Reports on Your Business.

PART A OF TEP IS DUE TODAY. 75% off if handed in late. Due at the beginning of class. Start Part B Quarter One.

Guest Speaker Mark Fauble. 5. Class 5 Sept 3

-Explain Redbird Career Portfolio… WHATSNEWWHOYOU. Focus Chapter 16, Finish Chapter 17. Banking and the Fed. VSE Game 1. Stocks and Mutual Funds. Divide Into Teams. Come up with a TEAM NAME. Continue on

Week 3 Quiz 4


Investments. MANDITORY InstaCareer. Must attend for 50pts. Non-education majors: DATESTO BEANNOUNCED. Sept emberandSept ember 4-7p. m. admission from 4 - 6 p.m. BoneSt udentCent er

6. Class 6 Sept. 5

7. Class 7. Sept 10

First INSTACAREER OPPORTUNITY starting at 4:00pm Any team going as a team….5 bonus pts. InstaCareer Date: Time: 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm. Students can be admitted before 6 pm and finish the training. Website: https://careercenter.illinoisstate.edu/events/InstaCareer.sh tml Event Description Attending an upcoming career fair or planning on connecting with an employer? Then participate in one of these sessions to learn the skills you need to be successful when you meet potential employers or professional contacts. InstaCareer will help you gain the confidence and skills you need to achieve career success. Rotate through a series of stations and hear first hand from actual recruiters and career advisors how to: Make a good first impression and dress appropriately for the situation. Research employers before you meet with them. Pitch yourself through a thirty second commercial and solid handshake. Follow-up with employers and people you meet to stay connected Focus … Chapter 8 Prezumes begin. Create your stump speech and presentation using the Prezume program at www.prezi.com . Due date is at your choosing by going to class wiki. Employee Behavior & Motivation. (Being on a Team!) WHATSNEWWHOYOU. Suitable.co RCP reps to answer questions. Finish up Investments…Buckets and how to invest….Fidelity ContraFund Regular IRA and ROTH IRA.

8. Class 8 Sept 12

9. Class 9 Sept 17

WHATSNEWWHOYOU Focus Chapter 4. Global Business Focus Chapter 15. (The Heart and Soul of a Business and the most important chapter in the Book! Cycle One WHATSNEWWHOYOU Focus Chapter 15. (The Heart and Soul of a Business and the most important chapter in the Book! Cycle One

Quiz 5 Rookie Game Ends. Go over VSE Game in TEP.

Week 4 INSTACAREER Quiz 6 “Veterans” Stock Game is open for investing. Game lasts until the end of the semester. You must buy at least 5 stocks.


Week 5TEP part B. 1st Quarterly Report Due by the Beginning of class. 75% off if not handed in on time. Chapters 1-4


10. Class 10 Sept 19

WHATSNEWWHOYOU Go over Report 1 and Introduce Report #2. Focus Chapter 15.

Go Over Merchandise Inventory

11. Class 11 Sept 24 12. Class 12 Sept 26

Accounting Continued. Assign Cycle Three. Go Over Accounting Overall. Technical Analysis of Stocks. Study Sessions TBD WHATSNEWWHOYOU Review……Accounting…… Focus….Chapter 16, Pages 495 - 499, Financial Management and Ratios. INSTACAREER, TBD! WHATSNEWWHOYOU Business Formation and Library Research TEP PROJECT

Start Quarter 2 of TEP Project Go Over Basis Business Writing Modules and EXAM DUE at the end of Class 16 . Quiz 8

Week 6 Quiz 9 Review Session……To Be Scheduled. Turn in Cycle 3 Accounting Problem.

Assignment from College of Business. Milner Library Research Tools. Guest Speaker: Danielle Futoran

13. Class 13 Oct 1 14. Class 14 Oct. 3

WHATSNEWWHOYOU Focus Chapter 6 Business Communication. Business Writing Skills Focus …Chapter 2 Business Ethics/Soc Resp PRME Explanation.. PRME – The Principles for Responsible

Week 7 Quiz 10 Turn in Cycle 4 Accounting Problem.

Management Education (http://www.unprme.org/) is the UNinitiated global guiding framework for academic institutions to advance the broader cause of corporate social responsibility, and COB is among the first business schools in the United States to be its signatories.

15. Class 15 Oct. 8

WHATSNEWWHOYOU Focus Chapter 3 Go Over Cycle 4 Small Business Clean up and Review For Mid Term Exam.


16. Class 16 Oct. 10

Mid Term Test Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8,16, & 17 Taxes, Investing, , VSE, Consumer

17. Class 17 Oct. 15

Go Over Mid Term IBD Secrets to Success! Look at TEP 3rd Quarter Report

18. Class 18 Oct. 17

Start Dough Project Part A. Introduce Dough Project Business Problem Solving Thinking Outside the Box. Review stock market. BONUS POINTS! Review Deadline for RCP extra credit.

TEP 2nd Quarterly Beginning of Class. 75% off if not handed in on time. Week 9Start TEP 3rd Quarterly Report. Mid Term Exams Returned. Quiz 12 Start Dough Project. DOUGH Making ProjectImportant Class Day. Quiz 13

19. Class 19 Oct. 22

WHATSNEWWHOYOU Marketing Focus Chapter 11. Water Bottles!

Week 10 Quiz 14

20. Class 20 Oct. 24 21. Class 21 Oct. 29

DOUGH PROJECT Worktime WHATSNEWWHOYOU Focus Chapter 12 Marketing Overview and Product Promotion

Week 11 Part One of Dough Project Due. 6

22. Class 22 Oct. 31

23. Class 23 Nov. 5

WHATSNEWWHOYOU Focus Chapter 13 Price and Place. Dough Project…. Begin Part Two - Team Dough Project. WHATSNEWWHOYOU Personal Selling. Professional Sales Institute.

Quiz 15

Week 12 Quiz 16

Team Time To Work on Part 2 of Dough Project

24. Class 24 Nov. 7

25. Class 25 Nov 12

26. Class 26 Nov 14

WHATSNEWWHOYOU Focus Chapter 5. Business Management. Powerpoint…Appendix in Textbook. 20pts. Extra Credit for Taking all 20 Quizzes. Go Over Dough Part 2 TEAM TIME WHATSNEWWHOYOU Focus Chapter 7 Operations Management…Chain Game.

Quiz 17 TEAMS TURN IN PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT- 10pts. Students must be in attendance to earn the 10pts Week 13 Quiz 18 MY BIZ LABS DUE AT THE ...

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