WHAP Notes AP AP Notes AP AP AP Notes for World History AP (WH(Advanced Placement)) from A(1) AP WHAP AP Class in Mr. Esc(A)ndell’s Cl(A)ss about WH(AP) World History AP (WH(AP)) related to (A)ll of ( PDF

Title WHAP Notes AP AP Notes AP AP AP Notes for World History AP (WH(Advanced Placement)) from A(1) AP WHAP AP Class in Mr. Esc(A)ndell’s Cl(A)ss about WH(AP) World History AP (WH(AP)) related to (A)ll of (
Author Andrew Lu
Course The Holocaust In Literature An
Institution University of Northern Iowa
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AP WHAP Notes “The exports of Libya are numerous in amount. One thing they export is Corn, or, as the Indians call it, ‘Maize’. One famous Indian was Crazy Horse. In conclusion, Libya is a Land of Contrast” Dr. Bart Simpson (P.H.D. in Communications) WHAP Notes AP AP Notes AP AP AP Notes for World History AP (WH(Advanced Placement)) from A(1) AP WHAP AP Class in Mr. Esc(A)ndell’s Cl(A)ss about WH(AP) World History AP (WH(AP)) related to (A)ll of (W)orld (H)istory  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JN_L0ebLCg (sums up everything in 16 minutes) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA_aLid-SjypBuLrd-OMhx1Ydex7kZ ErS (made a playlist with help for DBQ and quick overviews)  General Tips Possible Topics for the Final (Disclaimer: these are just predictions.) SAQ MQ Online Practice Tests Acronyms Similarities (usually on SAQ) Spread of religion SAQ MC Period 4 LEQ and SAQ Main Ideas Period 1 Main Ideas Vocabulary Period 2 Main Ideas

10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 14 14 14 14 15 15 16


Vocabulary Period 3 Main Ideas

t 17 17

Vocabulary Period 4 Main Ideas Vocabulary

18 19 19 21

Period 5 Main Ideas Vocabulary

21 21 23

Period 6 Cold War Culture Consumerism

23 23 24

Neoliberalism Latin America, The Cold War, and Decolonization FDR Ernesto “Che” Guevara

24 25 25 25

Lazaro Cardenas. United Fruit Company (UFCO) Jacobo Arbenz Guzman Nicaragua Argentina and Brazil Chile Condor US in the Cold War JFK Cuban Missile Crisis Address Walter Cronkite India and Pakistan (know this) Mughal Britain British East India Company (BEIC) Sepoy Mutiny Social Darwinism Government of India Act 1858 and 1919 Indian National Congress 1885 Muslim League India Councils Act 1909

25 25 26 26 26 26 27 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 31


Muhammad Ali Jinnah 1930s Voluntary Transfers 1940s Decolonization Similarities Cold War Biafra Samuel Huntington WW2 Indonesia Egypt Democratic Republic of the Congo Rwandan Genocide Other Countries During Cold War China Iran Bandung Generation/Non-Aligned Meeting Indonesia India/Pakistan Egypt Nations Armenia Ottomans Kurds Time of Upheaval 1968 Revolutions Death and Dictatorship in Latin America The Great Proletarian Revolution SALT Late Cold War Globalization Asian Tigers (Mostly Japan) & China European Union Contemporary Movements Greenbelt Movement Anti-Nuclear Crisis ETA/IRA

31 31 31 31 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 34 34 35 35 35 36 36 36 36 37 37 37 37 38 38 38 39 39 39 39 39 40 40 40 40 41


Rohingya Crisis White Australia Biafra Act Green Revolution Cholera Outbreaks Family Planning in Latin America Apartheid LGBTQ Rights in Europe Islam Renewal Movement Cold War Timeline Period 1 Neolithic Revolution Ancient Societies

41 41 41 42 42 42 42 43 43 43 45 45 46

Hunting and Gathering Jericho Civilization Characteristics Sumerians

46 46 46 46

Sargon the Great Babylon Egypt Indus Valley

47 47 47 47

Yellow River Olmec of Mesoamerica Chavin of South America Hititties

48 48 48 49

Nubians Mycenaeans Phoenicians Carthage Greeks Persia Ancient Religion Animism Legalism, Confucianism, Daoism Legalism Confucius Daoism

49 49 49 49 martin luther49 49 50 50 50 50 50 51


Period 2 Greek Classical Period Greece Athens Socrates Plato Aristotle Indian and Hindu Philosophies Vedas Indian Materialism Lokayata/Carvaka Jainism Empires Persian Empire (Achaemenid) 550-330 BCE Maurya Empire Han China Ancient Religion II Silk Road Judaism Christianity Islam

52 52 52 52 52 53 53 54 54 54 54 54 54 55 55 56 56 56 56 57

Period 3 Church and State Umayyad Dynasty Abbasid Caliphate Buddhism Tang Dynasty Japan Europe Europe & Middle East Social and Political Structure Vikings King of France

58 58 58 58 59 59 59 60 61 61 61

Charlemagne Otto 1st Feudalism Social Structures and Mongols Islamic Empire

61 61 62 62 62


Mongols Golden Horde Yuan Dynasty Ming Dynasty Timur the Lame Crimean Khanate The Americas Tenochtitlan (1000 BCE-750 CE) Mayan (250 - 900 CE) Toltecs (900 - 1160 CE) The Aztecs Chavin (900-250 BCE) Moche (200-700 CE) Chimu (800-1465 CE) Tiwanaku (500-1000 CE) Wari (500-1000 CE) Inca (1200-1533 CE) Intensification of Trade Hangzhou Zheng He Malacca Mombasa Baghdad Timbuktu Ibn Battuta Novgorod Venice & Constantinople Cahokia Chaco Canyon Period 4 Main Ideas Muscovite Empire The Renaissance Italy 100 Years War Ottoman Empire Philosophy and Culture

62 64 64 65 65 65 65 65 66 66 66 67 67 67 68 68 68 69 69 69 70 70 70 70 71 71 71 71 71 71 72 72 72 73 74 74 76


1492: Exploration and Exploitation The Americas in 1491 Columbian Exchange Spanish Race Naval Technology Caravel Carrack Galleon Navigation Impact of Christianity Wars of Religion Counter-Reformation Puritans Church of England

77 77 78 78 79 79 79 80 80 80 80 81 81 81 82

Jean Calvin Martin Luther Safavid Empire Charles the 5th

82 82 83 83

Charting Scientific Breakthroughs Enlightenment Public Sphere Elizabeth the 1st Parliaments King Charles the 1st Glorious Revolution King Louis XIV Russia Mughal Empire 1526-1857' Qing Dynasty 1644-1912 Thomas Hobbes and John Locke Baron de Montesquieu Jean Jacque Rousseau Denis Diderot Voltaire Thomas Paine Adam Smith

84 85 86 86 86 87 87 87 88 88 89 89 90 90 90 90 91 91


Mary Wollstonecraft Catherine the Great Period 5 Revolutions French Revolution Brazil’s Revolution Mexico Haiti Wars Napoleon and Spain Age of Industrialization Price Revolution Second Agricultural Revolution Capitalism Technologies Luddites England Transportation Communist Manifesto 1848 Revolutions Imperialism India Indonesia China Opium Wars Taiping Rebellion The Great Game Crimean War Reactions to Imperialism Japan Mexico Egypt South Africa Australia U.S. Imperialism Spanish American War Panama Canal

91 91 91 92 92 94 94 94 95 95 95 96 96 96 96 96 97 97 97 97 98 99 99 99 99 100 100 100 100 100 101 101 102 102 103 103 103


Boer Rebellion Revolutionary Alliance Mexican Revolution WW1 Timeline Black Hand All Terms Lists - 120 Terms First 6 Weeks Second 6 Weeks Third 6 weeks Terms List IV Terms List V Quizlet

103 103 103 104 105 105 106 106 111 115 122 126 129


General Tips Possible Topics for the Final (Disclaimer: these are just predictions.) SAQ ● I’m going to guess each teacher wrote one question (3 + 4 count as 1 question) ● Each period will be represented ○ Period 6 ■ Consumerism (Tip from Escandell and DiGioia) ■ Guess: green rev (since we had a DBQ on it) ■ Maybe - huge maybe - neoliberalism (Small tip from Escandell) ■ Guess: Decolonization ■ Guess: Pan Arabism? ○ Period 1 ■ Guess: Not ancient law ■ Guess: Not social structure ■ Guess: Maybe about ancient trade? (overlaps with periods 1,2,3) ● Like that practice DBQ we didn’t really do ○ Period 2 ■ Classical empire power structures (overlaps with periods 2+3, good SAQ questions already about it, pretty important to history, tip from DiGioia) ● See “A  cronyms” ● Examples: (guess) ○ Ashoka/India ○ Roman ○ Han China ○ Qin China ■ Guess: Social structure (since we covered it but haven’t been tested) ● Chivalry, Bushido (Similarities/Diffs)


■ Confucianism/Daoism/Legalism (we covered it a lot but we haven’t been SAQ’d on it, also a tip from Escandell) ● Know about ren + li ● Know similarities/diffs between Confucianism + Daoism + Legalism ○ Period 3 ■ Guess: trade between empires ● Mongols ● Islam ● Indian Ocean Basin

MQ ● Period 3 ○ Zheng He (tip from Escandell)

Online Practice Tests If there is a name in parentheses after a link it is the person who originally found it. These were moved here to remove the clutter at the beginning of the document. Multiple choice h ttps://www.whiteplainspublicschools.org/Page/20410 (Pranav Bingi) Old practice test: https://secure-media.collegeboard.org/digitalServices/pdf/ap/ap-world-history-ced-practice-exam .pdf (Alan Baade) 320 multiple choice http://www.crackap.com/ap/world-history/ (Jeriah Yu) 

Acronyms ● River valley civilizations: O MY ICE (oh my ice): ○ Olmec, Mesopotamia, Yellow river, Indus, Chavin, Egypt ● Dynasties of China: QHWSuTSYM (quiet ham will suffer to sing “YMCA”) ○ Qin, Han, Warring states, Sui, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming ○ Here’s a song to help remember the dynasties in chronological order ○ https://youtu.be/xJis9TSw1rE ● Ancient empires: Q HAM GGRP (que ham grip) ○ Qin, Han, Abbasid caliphate, Mauryan, Gupta, Greek, Rome, Persia


Similarities (usually on SAQ) Spread of religion ● Usually needed trade routes to spread ○ Examples: Buddhism + silk road, Islam 1 + silk road ○ Counterexamples: Christianity, Zoroastrianism ● When religion is adopted by a leader of an empire, it’s usually widespread throughout the empire ○ Examples: Constantine + Christianity, Ashoka + Buddhism, ○ Counterexamples: Empress Wu + Buddhism, Mongols + Mongol Animism ● When people get conquered within an empire, they usually convert to the official religion of the empire ○ Examples: Greek Pantheon + Rome, Zoroastrianism + Persia, Islam + Umayyad/Abbasid caliphates, Aztec religion + Aztec ○ Countertexamples: Mongols + Mongol Animism ● Most of the time, when you force someone to convert to the empire’s main religion, it backfires ○ Examples: Christianity + Rome, Judaism + Rome (kind of) ○ Counterexamples: there are a lot I’m sure

SAQ ● ● ● ● ●

● ● ●

Know your trade routes Know similarities Connect your response to the stimulus Make it clear and concise in how you state answer ○ But the content of your answer can be general Read through all parts of the question before you start writing ○ Most of the time you can’t use a part of your answer for part a) in part b) ○ You kinda have to plan it out. They can tell when you don’t Will most likely be on continuity/change, similarities/differences, etc. There are always many different ways to answer the same question Study the terms lists at the bottom of this document


MC ● Usually eliminate answers that don’t have to do anything with the stimulus ● Read it REALLY FAST, but clearly ○ Actual AP will have 55 questions in 55 min *NOT 70 questions* ○ 6000 words for 55 questions ● Skim stimuli (passages) not questions or answers ○ Most questions or answers change with a single word, don’t skim them ● Read the sourcing and any captions for stimuli ○ They usually are extremely useful and can even indirectly answer questions or parts of questions ○ Also look at any legally required sourcing for images, they will be in smaller text and have where the image was found and a name which can be incredibly useful especially if there is no caption ○ For example there could be an image with the question “How did the pictured device change navigation” Knowing that the device is for sure a compass as stated in a caption could prove useful. ● Don’t overthink things ○ The direct answer is usually the correct one ● Look at the exact phrasing of the test ○ For example if there is a passage about the capture of chinese peoples for their knowledge of paper production. A talks about an increase of coerced labor in china, B talks about transfer of technology through china. The answer is B because there is no evidence of an increase of coerced labor, simply evidence it exists. Read carefully ● Know that the mongols were in the 1200s ce. ○ They frequently invade other periods on the AP because they are just that badass ● Know when to guess and come back and when to take your time ○ The AP is a fast paced test, pick your battles. Staring at a hard question for five minutes and missing out on four freebies is bad. Usually there are two answers that are easy to eliminate 50-50 is good odds, just take a guess. ○ That being said, be willing to reread the stimulus on a couple questions as most questions are easy enough that they can be answered in less than a minute. This gives you wiggle room on some harder ones ○ Basically just keep an eye on the clock. ● Don’t panic ○ And bring a towel


Period 4 LEQ and SAQ ● On the following ○ Reformation ○ Debates (Japanese Isolationism and New World slavery) ○ Slave Trade ○ Ottomans/safavids ○ Scientific revolution ○ Absolutism/Constitutionalism ○ Enlightenment

Main Ideas ● This is just a big-picture summary of major ideas from each period, complete with good outside evidence to cite

Period 1 Main Ideas ● Development of agriculture ○ Neolithic revolution ● Urbanization ○ River valley civilizations: Indus Valley, Yellow River, Egypt, and Mesopotamia ● conflicts between nomads and cities ○ Epic of Gilgamesh ● Development of law codes as a result of urbanization ○ Hammurabi of Babylon’s law code ● Development of social hierarchies as a result of agriculture ○ Men have more upper body strength and so can push the plow ○ Patriarchy develops ■ Used to be egalitarian or even matriarchal ● Development of diseases


○ Cause the bubonic plague in Europe and also killed off the native Americans in America ○ Normally spread through trade People start to specialize ○ They can do things other than gathering food ■ Excess food supply means not everyone needs to be a farmer, etc ○ Develops a wider range of jobs, people can do science for a living Development of written languages ○ Phoenician alphabet ○ Egyptian alphabet (Egyptian hieroglyphs) ○ Cuneiform (Mesopotamian language) ○ Sanskrit ■ What the Vedas are written in Transition from animism to polytheism ○ Hinduism develops, more important in period 2 though ○ Animism: belief in local spirits, nature gods, etc... ○ Polytheism: belief in many gods Development of ancient Chinese philosophies ○ Legalism: people are bad, so have harsh punishments ■ Qin dynasty ○ Confucianism: People are ignorant, so teach them. Patriarchal, conservative ○ Daoism: cities are unnatural, go with nature. Limited governmental involvement.

Vocabulary ● Legalism: people are bad, so have harsh punishments ○ Qin dynasty ● Confucianism: People are ignorant, so teach them. Patriarchal, conservative ● Daoism: cities are unnatural, go with nature. Limited governmental involvement. ● River-Valley Civilization: a civilization centered around a river (in a valley). The earliest civilizations. ○ Big 4 of these: Egypt, Mesopotamia, Indus river valley, and Yellow River valley ● Cosmopolitan: Shared cultures and lifestyles when similar groups are in contact ● Shamans: People who could contact ancestors. Important in animistic religions. ● Shang Dynasty: The first real empire in China, more than a river valley civilization. A monarchy. ● Zhou Dynasty: Overthrew the Shang dynasty, invented the mandate of heaven. Last until ~200 BCE


● Mandate of heaven: A kind of divine right to rule, invented in China. Each new dynasty claims the mandate of heaven to establish legitimacy. A continuity until the ROC in the 20th century ● Syncretism: The merging of beliefs between cultures creating new beliefs. ● Diffusion: The spread of mostly unchanged beliefs.

Period 2 ● 600 BCE-600 CE

Main Ideas ● Development of classical empires ○ Romans, Maurya, Han China, Greece, Qin, Gupta ○ Empires were able to expand because of power vacuums and strong military advantages ● Development of new trade routes ○ Silk Road ○ Indian Ocean Trade Route (not as important atm) ○ Powerful empires at either end of the silk road protected trade and gave it legitimacy. ■ The Han and the Romans ● Development of monotheistic religions ○ Judaism (actually before period 2, just spread a lot during this time) ○ Christianity ○ Islam ○ Christianity and Islam spread fast because they were evangelizing religions. ● Fall of classical empires ○ Due to a combination of internal and external pressures ○ Internal: ■ Rebellion associated with governing a heterogenous territory ■ Power struggles often with dynastic succession ■ Economic issues ■ Spreading themselves too thin (hard for a centralized gov’t to maintain control of a great amount of land) ○ External ■ Invaders, other kingdoms and nomadic tribes ● Ex: Rome was destabilized by Germanic tribes


● Huns ● New philosophy ○ Plato, Aristotle, Socrates ○ Chinese Philosophies

Vocabulary ● Empire: A new system of government ruling over a largely diverse group of people who were conquered. ● Christianity: A new messianic religion developed in the 1st century CE. Quickly spread across the Roman world and beyond. Abrahamic. ● Islam: Another messianic religion that developed in the 6th century CE. Abrahamic. ● Messianic: A religion that promises a messiah, or someone who will come in the future and alleviate all of the problems people are facing. Makes a religion spread quickly, especially aided during times of strife. ● Evangelizing: A term for a religion that is not restricted to a certain group of people, and anyone can join. Makes a religion spread quickly. Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism are all evangelizing.

Period 3 ● 600-1400 CE

Main Ideas ● Conflicts between Church and State ○ Which one should have more power (State wins) ■ Due to Crusades, which gave more power to military powers ○ Islamic Caliphates applied religious thinking to law, and the Caliph (the leader) was also the leader of Islam. However, oftentimes the Caliph played a much more political role and the religious aspects were shouldered. ○ Tang Dynasty ■ Buddhism vs Confucianism ○ Japan ■ Shogunate = religious leader + political leader working together ■ Shogun = political leader ■ Political leaders always wielded more power ○ Europe ■ Catholic Church vs kings


● ●

● ●

■ Created the Schism of 1054 ● Eastern Orthodox split off, siding with the kings/council based ■ Crusades permanently weakened the church ● Resulted in more trade (also of ideas and disease) New political structures ○ Feudalism ■ Decentralized power ○ Occasional unifications (Holy Roman Empire) THE MONGOLS!!!! ○ Invaded and conquered the second largest empire the world has ever seen ○ Nomads ○ Revitalized the silk road ○ Adopted the religions of the places they conquered ○ Established more global connections ○ The Golden Horde in Russia ○ Yassa law code (kept a secret for some reason. Fairly tolerant) New cities and empires in the Americas ○ Incas, Aztecs, Mayans New agricultural developments in Americas ○ Chinampas, mountain terracing (Ardennes) ○ Expanded population (use of tribute system helped) Intensification of trade ○ Major Cities: Hangzhou, Malacca, Mombasa, Baghdad, Timbuktu, Novgorod, Venice, Constantinople, Cahokia, Chaco Canyon ○ Indian ocean trade dominates (Use of Dhow as a trading boat) ○ Hanseatic league: Trading league in Northern Europe ○ A desire for spices and textiles New navigation technologies ○ Compass, astrolabe, etc Religious syncretism ○ Mahayana Buddhism (China) from Theravada Buddhism (India) ○ Chan buddhism in China (Daoism and Buddhism) ○ Zen Buddhism in Japan (Buddhism and Shinto) ○ Islam and Christianity syncretize with local traditions ○ Monasticism from Buddhism to Christianity BLACK DEATH ○ Spread along the silk road ○ Killed 25% of Europe ○ Essentially ended Serfdom and Feudalism because everyone was dying


■ Strong political leaders were important especially following the crusades ● A strong warrior class ○ Samurai and Knights

Vocabulary ● Caliph: The religious and political leader of an Islamic caliphate. Took on more of a political role, as the State dominated the Church. ● Sharia Law: Applying the Quran to a law code. Developed by the Abbasid caliph...

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