What are the key messages that farrat is trying to get across PDF

Title What are the key messages that farrat is trying to get across
Author Anonymous User
Course vce english
Institution Mooroolbark College
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vce unit 4 for the dressmaker and crucible...


what are the key messages that farrat is trying to get across? -He wants the town to not blame tilly for teddys death like they blame her for Stewart’s death - He tells them to love tilly and accept her the same teddy did. “but of course you couldn’t love her” - He tells the town how their morals are compromised and that they need to be better - He wants everyone to know that to some extent they are all responsible for teddy’s death. “if you had included her teddy would have always been with us” “He made a terrible mistake, and we need to forgive him for that mistake” this has a double meaning because her is trying to say that the town needs to forgive her for what happened to Stewart and that it was a mistake. Themes social hierarchy - The towns people are blaming the outcast for teddy’s death which shows the prejudice that exist against the poor and powerless. They also blame her because of her past with Stewart. - The different groups in the town are sitting in different areas which shows the division of power in the town they do not want to sit with tilly. - Sargent Farrat wants the town to forgive tilly for what happened with Stewart Characters + turning points - Sargent farrat is now openly supporting tilly and is advocating for her in the town where as before he was always nice to her but still sided with the town. Construction -



The white coffin shows teddy’s purity and kindness as he was the only one that would treat tilly as an equal and did not gossip about people behind their back. “ covered by a mountain of wreaths” showed how much the town loved teddy and how they missed her. “ a black and shocking time grief sickened the air” she is trying to create a sad atmosphere and to show how people feel after his death and shows how much he was loved by the town. “ soaked in stunned rage and wretchedness” overwhelmed feeling of anger and intense, they are angry at tilly for teddy’s death( a negative emotion coming from the towns people” “ it was as though she were watching through a motion picture camera” she was there but no one acknowledged her presence, she felt like she was detached from the event. She thinks the town is acting there kindness and that they did not care about teddy. Unexpected – separated from reality she is unable to accept the reality. She is consumed by grief.

The similarity and difference between the speech ( farrat and hale) The love of teddy is similar to the religious beliefs of hale they both have good intention however it always leads to death. Similarity

Both farrat and hale want their speech to be a catalyst for change Differences farrat wants the whole town to change their mindset however hale wants proctor to change his mindset and want him to be humbler. Farrat feels the town is responsible for the death of teddy whereas the hale feels he is also responsible for the death of the people in Salem “ what I touched with my bright confidence it died” . The circumstance in which the speeches are different hale is in jail with Procter trying to save him where as farrat is at teddys funeral. However, hale refers to religion beliefs, whereas farrat does not. Hale is giving a warning where as farrat is reflecting on what has happened in the past. Similarity Both farrat and hale comment on the social hierarchy of the towns and how it is effecting them. Both farrat and hale want people to leave their position in the towns hierarchy, however hale wants Procter to step down to save his life whereas farrat wants the whole town to be more inclusive to improve the town as a whole. Differences Hale thinks that the religious hierarchy is responsible for the death in the town whereas farrat is saying the towns power structure and their hate for the outcast is responsible for what is happening in the town.

-Internal conflict both books have internal conflict, in the crucible this can be seen in john Procter his internal conflict is that he can either die an honest man in the eyes of the town however he still thinks of himself a sinner because he ( cheated o his wife) or he could live by telling a lie, the conflict is that in gods eyes he is still a sinner regardless of what he does. In the dressmaker tilly feels responsible for teddy’s death because she thinks is “cursed”. Sense of guilt and blame hale feels that he is responsible for the death of the people in the town whereas farrat blames the town for the death of teddy. Forgiveness both books have forgiveness because john wants his wife to forgive him and farrat wants the town to forgive tilly for teddy’s and Stewart’s death. while both proctors and tilly want forgiveness john asks his wife for forgiveness where as tilly does not ask anyone for forgiveness., Judgment Leadership There is a lack of leadership in both town and both formal leaders are corrupt however the informal leaders of the town are more responsible the difference is that hale and proctor feels Similarities both hale and farrat fail to achieve what they wanted to with there speech hale could not convince proctor to confess and farrat could not change the towns view towards tilly. “murders and witches” both book use witches a negative symbolism. both town people lock away those they consider evil the people of salem lock away those

accused of witchcraft and the people of Dungatar socialy and physical isolate tilly and her mother. Both the towns people take away thing from the accused or “ cursed” the people of Salem take away the witches land and assets the people of Dungatar take away tilly and her mothers freedom and there access to basic necessity like food.

List key events and write a quote for each: The towns people ignore Farrat’s speech of forgiveness and begin to gossip about Tilly and treat her worse than before.

Links to key themes (social hierarchy, grief, love/forgiveness, guilt/blame):

Social hierarchy: Without Teddy’s support, Tilly becomes the targeted “outcast” of the town and is harassed and attacked by others to try and get her to “They had salvaged nothing of his sermon, only their leave again. continued hatred” Grief: Everyone in the town blames tilly for the death of “Faith shoved her when she saw her standing their “priceless full forward” and cope with their grief searching the shelves, and someone ran up behind by picking on Tilly. her and pulled her hair.” Love/forgiveness: Sergeant Farrat is the only one who “People threw their rubbish into the smouldering pit supports Tilly and Molly and forgives her. He shows love so that the stench wafted up The Hill and filled the by bringing them food and taking care of them while house.” they are unable to leave the house.

Sergeant Farrat brings Tilly and Molly food.

Character development, quotes and turning points:

Construction- Historical and social context, author views and values, language:

Metaphor: Metaphor “Sergeant Farrat moved amongst his flock, monitoring “ their hate piercing her heart” shows how much they them, listening” (201) this show he still considers the dislike tilly. town his own and show that he is not part of the “crannies about her chariot” her wheel chair shows outcast how scared she was for her life and her future. “They had salvaged nothing of his sermon, only their “bitterness rested on tilly’s soul” shows her resentment towards the town, how she feel like she has been continued hatred” (201) show the town has not unfairly treated. changed

“She made him jump. She murdered him. She is cursed. She gets it from her mother.” (201)

What does the title of the crucible mean? The definition (dictionary) a situation of severe trial, or in which different elements interact, leading to the creation of something new. Where gods law and peoples evil intentions interact leading to the death of the innocent people....

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