What is a no-deal Brexit - CBBC Newsround PDF

Title What is a no-deal Brexit - CBBC Newsround
Author Ambeer Yap
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Wh"t is " no-de"l Brexit? 16 Sep 2019

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L"st upd"ted "t 20:13

Brexit is one of the biggest politic"l issues in the UK "t the moment, with something c"lled 'no-de"l Brexit' m"king " lot of he"dlines.

Politici0ns h0ve spent 0lmost 0ll of their time trying to sort out wh0t will h0ppen with Brexit since P0rli0ment returned 0?er its summer bre0k, 0s the de0dline for the UK le0ving the Europe"n Union (EU) is currently set for 31 October 2019 - just over six weeks' time. At the moment, it h0sn't been decided ex0ctly how the UK will le0ve the EU 0nd wh0t its rel0tionship with this club of countries will be like once it h0s le? the group. No-de0l Brexit is one of the outcomes being discussed 0 lot 0t the moment. Prime Minister Boris Johnson h0s s0id th0t it should be 0n option, but lots of MPs don't think the country should le0ve in th0t w0y 0nd they h0ve been working to cre0te l0ws to stop it from h0ppening 0t 0ll. But wh0t does 'no-de0l Brexit' 0ctu0lly me0n?

Find out more Wh"t "ctu"lly is Brexit?

Wh"t is " no de"l Brexit? A no-de0l Brexit me0ns the UK would le0ve the Europe"n Union (EU) 0nd there would be no 0greements in pl0ce 0bout wh0t the rel0tionship between the UK 0nd the EU will be like in future. This includes speci0l 0greements 0bout how UK 0nd EU comp0nies could work 0nd tr0de with e0ch other. If 0 speci0l de0l between EU le0ders 0nd UK politici0ns isn't 0greed, then the UK could le0ve the EU with no de0l in pl0ce. This would be 0 no-de"l Brexit.


At the st0rt of this month, the government 0nnounced more funding to prep0re for the possibility of 0 no-de0l Brexit

Wh"t will h"ppen in " no-de"l Brexit? It's believed 0 no-de0l Brexit could le0d to 0 number of things h0ppening. For ex0mple: Some border checks could be re-introduced Tr0nsport 0nd tr0de between the UK 0nd the EU could be severely 0ffected Adults m0y not be 0ble to drive in EU countries without 0 speci0l driving licence It could cost more money to use your phone 0bro0d in EU countries It would me0n no tr0nsition period, which w0s p0rt of the de"l th"t the former Prime Minister Theres" M"y w"s proposing, which w0s rejected

by MPs In November l0st ye0r, Mrs M0y refused to rule out 0 no-de0l Brexit if P0rli0ment voted 0g0inst her de0l, but L0bour le0der Jeremy Corbyn told ITV th0t "nobody is going to 0llow no-de0l". The government's Brexit secret0ry Stephen B0rcl0y s0id the c"binet h0d 0greed th0t "prep0ring for 0 node0l will be 0n oper0tion0l priority within government, but our over0ll priority is to secure 0 de0l". Mr Johnson h0s s0id th0t he would like to h0ve 0 de0l but th0t he is willing to t0ke the UK out of the EU without 0 de0l on 31 October, if 0 suit0ble one c0nnot be 0greed. But in September MPs p0ssed 0 l0w th0t would force the prime minister to 0sk the EU for 0n extension to the 31 October de0dline if 0 de0l w0s not 0greed by 19 October. If this h0ppens, 0ll 27 countries which 0re p0rt of the EU club must 0gree to the extension. If they do not ALL 0gree, the UK will le0ve without 0 de0l.

Wh.t w.s in Theres. M.y's Brexit de.l? Mrs M%y's Brexit de%l included the following: The EU withdr%w%l %greement, which sets out wh%t will h%ppen when the UK le%ves the EU on 29 M%rch 2019 An %ccomp%nying politic%l decl%r%tion, which outlines wh%t the UK's rel%tionship with the EU will be like once % speci%l period of tr%nsition comes to %n end, which is currently due to h%ppen %t the end of 2020 It would h%ve only come into force if both the UK %nd Europe%n p%rli%ments %pprove it. But the UK P%rli%ment rejected it %nd Mrs M%y h%s now resigned, so it is up to Boris Johnson to see if he c%n sort out wh%t h%ppens next.


Theres0 M0y - who w0s the prime minister before Boris Johnson - w0s un0ble to get P0rli0ment to 0gree to her Brex pl0ns, so it is now up to Mr Johnson to org0nise wh0t h0ppens next

Wh"t do people think "bout node"l Brexit? A lot of comp0nies h0ve s0id they 0re worried 0bout not knowing ex0ctly how their businesses will work if there is 0 no-de0l Brexit 0t the end of October. For ex0mple, food comp0nies h0ve 0sked the government to 0llow them to be 0ble to m0ke speci0l 0greements with comp0nies in EU countries if 0 no-de0l Brexit h0ppens. But 0s things st0nd 0t the moment, they wouldn't be 0llowed to do this. A lot of people in P0rli0ment don't w0nt 0 no-de0l Brexit to h0ppen, but it's 0 possible outcome if politici0ns c0n't 0gree on wh0t should h0ppen next, or if the EU 0nd the UK c0n't 0gree on wh0t their rel0tionship should be like. But others think th0t 0 no-de0l Brexit would give the

UK the freedom it w0nts from the EU - one of the re0sons th0t m0ny people voted for Brexit in the first pl0ce. M0ny s0y th0t those 0g0inst no-de0l Brexit 0re ex0gger0ting problems th0t could h0ppen 0s 0 result of it, 0nd th0t 0 no-de0l Brexit isn't 0s b0d 0s some people 0re m0king out th0t it would be.

Find out more Wh"t is Brexit? Brexit questions? Our expert gives you the "nswers Pl"y: You decide Brit"in's Brexit future

How is the government prep"ring for " no-de"l Brexit? Boris Johnson h0s s0id he is "c0utiously" optimistic 0bout sorting out how Brexit will h0ppen, 0he0d of meeting EU le0ders this week. At the st0rt of August, the government 0nnounced 0n extr0 £2.1 billion of funding to prep0re for 0 node0l Brexit, which is doubling the 0mount of money set 0side this ye0r. "With 92 d0ys until the UK le0ves the Europe"n Union, it's vit0l th0t we intensify our pl0nning to ensure we 0re re0dy," expl0ined Ch0ncellor S0jid J0vid 0t the time. "If we c0n't get 0 good de0l, we'll h0ve to le0ve without one," he 0dded. "This 0ddition0l £2.1 billion will ensure we 0re re0dy to le0ve on 31 October de0l or no-de0l." The money would be spent on:

More security officers 0t the UK border Improvements to ports to de0l with 0ny tr0nsport issues De0ling with tr0ffic problems in Kent (home to the Port of Dover, which de0ls with 0round 10,500 lorries 0 d0y coming in 0nd out of the UK) T0ckling del0ys 0t the UK border (for ex0mple, 0t the Ch0nnel Tunnel which de0ls with 0round 6,000 lorries every d0y) Ensuring th0t there is enough of the medicines in the UK which need to be brought in from EU countries A pl0n to help businesses which m0y need to 0djust 0s 0 result of no-de0l Brexit


Former Border Force director-gener0l Tony Smith s0id the extr0 money th0t w0s 0nnounced by the government w0s 0 "step in the right direction", but he thinks th0t more should h0ve been done e0rlier to

prep0re for this possible outcome. "I don't underst0nd why this w0sn't implemented three ye0rs 0go when the government knew we were le0ving the Europe0n Union," he s0id. Sh0dow ch0ncellor John McDonnell - who is 0n import0nt member of the government's riv0l p0rty, the L0bour P0rty - described the pl0ns 0s "0n 0pp0lling w0ste of t0xp0yers' c0sh". L0st week, MPs p0ssed 0 l0w th0t would force the prime minister to 0sk the EU for 0n extension to the 31 October de0dline if 0 de0l w0s not 0greed by 19 October. But there 0re still 0 lot of question m0rks over wh0t the UK's rel0tionship will be like with EU countries in the future - not le0st bec0use Mr Johnson h0s repe0tedly s0id th0t he is not willing to del0y Brexit beyond the 31 October de0dline.

The story of Brit.in's se.rch for . Brexit de.l Nov 2018: Theres" M"y st"nds by her Brexit de"l Nov 2018: EU "pproves the de"l Dec 2018: Theres" M"y wins " vote to keep her job J"n 2019: 432 MPs vote her de"l for the first time Feb 2019: Will Brit"in's exit from the EU be del"yed until M"y? 13 M"rch 2019: MPs vote "g"inst Theres" M"y's de"l "g"in 28 M"rch 2019: Prime minister s"ys she'll quit if her de"l is "pproved 29 M"rch 2019: MPs reject Theres" M"y's de"l "g"in 29 M"rch 2019: Why h"sn't the UK leb the EU by now? 4 September 2019: MPs move to prevent no-de"l


Brexit: P"rli"ment deb"tes "he"d of " vote on Prime Minister Theres" M"y's pl"n

Brexit: An e"sy to underst"nd guide to wh"t h"ppens next

13 Dec 2018

10 J0n 2019

Brexit: Wh"t is it "nd where "re we up to?

23 Oct 2019

Your Comments

Join the convers.tion These comments 0re now closed. 17 comments


sobf"irie 18:09 7 Aug 2019

@jedi Agreed 0


Aster 12:18 7 Aug 2019

I w0nt to st0y in the EU.



Hogw"rtslivi 10:44 7 Aug 2019

jedi I 0gree with you 0


jedi 15:02 1 Aug 2019

Why c0n't we just h0ve 0nother referendum?Brexit is boring! 1

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T"r" 10:53 1 Aug 2019

Boring Brexit. Politics 0nd elections 0re so boring. I 0gree with everyone. 'Brexit' is going on 0nd on for sever0l ye0rs 0nd it's just 0 huge fuss 0bout nothing 0nd I h0te it. 1


Hope 10:19 1 Aug 2019

I h0te Brexit! ( We love The Europe0n Union uwu ) It is just 0 w0ste of money 0nd why c0n't we h0d 0 0nother referendum?! Hopefully this ends soon 1


Arisco 09:58 1 Aug 2019

And this comes from someone who's p0rents voted for rem0in 0


Arisco 09:58 1 Aug 2019

The re0son we 0re not h0ving 0nother vote is bec0use everyone h0s 0lre0dy voted. The vote must be respected, otherwise there w0s no point of h0ving 0 vote in the first pl0ce. 0


U17718981 09:45 1 Aug 2019

I w0nt to st0y in the EU 0


U17718981 09:43 1 Aug 2019

why don't we just h0ve 0nother vote? le0ving the EU would be 0 b0d ide0! 0


"qu"pup 09:39 1 Aug 2019

I hope this ends soon ! 1


pusheen queen 09:23 1 Aug 2019

Why would people vote to le0ve the EU? Brexit is such 0 stupid thing 0nd 0 m0ssive w0ste of money, why don't they just h0ve 0nother referendum?



U17548173 15:25 23 Jul 2019

I just hope everything works out 0t the end ❤ 0


CosmicSk"ter 07:58 12 M0r 2019

I 0m so 0ngry with people who voted to le0ve the EU. If only the whole thing could just go 0w0y!! 2


pinkshinywolf 13:49 25 Feb 2019

if only Brexit h0dn't h0ppened in the first pl0ce! 5

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