What is the relationship between motivation and emotion PDF

Title What is the relationship between motivation and emotion
Author Denise West
Course General Psychology
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 4
File Size 135.3 KB
File Type PDF
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What is the relationship between motivation and emotion? Provide an example of how emotions can motivate you to act in a certain way. Provide another example that illustrates how achieving something you were motivated to do (or not achieving it) provoked a particular emotion.

Motivation and emotions are closely related concepts because motives and the arousal of emotion activate behavior. Motives are often accompanied by emotions and emotions more often than not have motivational properties of their own. For example, anyone who has ever had a goal (like wanting to lose 20 pounds or run a marathon) probably immediately realizes that simply having the desire to accomplish something is not enough. Achieving such a goal requires the ability to persist through obstacles and endurance to keep going in spite of difficulties. One positive emotion related to me and being a student would be joy and a negative one would be anger. I would experience joy from receiving a good grade and positive feedback from my instructor which can be very motivational. This would increase my craving to do better and continue on the same road and make my next assignment better than the first. I could also experience anger for one of two reasons. I could be unhappy with the feedback I received from my instructor. Sometimes I may not always agree with the grade that has been given to me. We may not always see eye to eye, especially when I know I put my best foot forward. Another factor of anger could be personal issues that could affect my work; I may not do an assignment or just turn in very poor work.

This Motivation and Emotion PowerPoint helps in understanding emotional experiences. Emotions, feelings that generally have both physiological and cognitive elements and that influence behavior. Conveniently, as the PowerPoint points out, there are five main emotions; love, joy, anger, sadness and fear generally have both physiological and cognitive elements and that influence behavior. It is drive reduction that help overcome the challenges associated with the emotions mentioned above. Since drive is a desire that is felt strong enough to motivate a person to seek satisfaction, I would feel the need to overcome the emotion of, say for instance, anger. Drive would also aid me in seeking joy as well. Having that drive will make me perform at my best.

Hi Victoria Great post. I like when you say, “You have intrinsic motivation to finish school because of the goals I set and intrinsic motivation because I will be proud of myself for doing so.” Pride is a positive of being a student. For instance, I take pride in the works that I turn in each week. It gives me joy to realize that I actually understand what is going on and can do the assignments correctly. Pride I believe develops my incentive to achieve. I have the incentive to reach a goal

and I have the drive to reach that goal! It would be very difficult to reach any type of goal in school or otherwise without either of these motivational approaches. Hello Lashawn, thank God you came through your emotional breakdown successfully because emotions can affect our classroom performance in many ways. If a student suffers from a negative emotion, such as the loss of someone close to them or someone they love, it could make it difficult for the student to concentrate. When a student is emotional in a negative way it can cause their grades to drop and cause detrimental effects to the student’s academic career. I believe that the cognitive approach will help students with the positive and the negative emotions that can affect their academic lives. The cognitive method relates to a person’s feeling and thoughts. By focusing on our thoughts and expectations of ourselves we are able to overcome the obstacles and stay on track to achieve our goals and reinforce our motivation through our emotions. Consider some examples of personal stressors as well as daily hassles in your life. How do you manage or cope with these stressors? Do you use different coping strategies to address different types of stress such as personal stressors versus daily hassles? Explain.

We become stressed for a number of reasons and there's a common agreement that key events in our life contribute to this. While I don’t feel the effects of stress daily, some personal stressors in my life right now include the recent death of a love one. Also, dealing with the chronic illness of asthma. There are relatively minor events that comes as a result of day-today living that I consider to be daily hassles, for instance, not enough time, too many things to do, troubling thoughts about the future, and too many interruptions. There is a method I discovered recently that helps to cope with personal stressors and it is called the TARP method which involves, Tuning in, Analyzing, Response, and Prevention.

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The death of a loved one. Divorce. Loss of a job. Increase in financial obligations. Getting married. Moving to a new home. Chronic illness or injury. Emotional problems (depression, anxiety, anger, grief, guilt, low self-esteem) Daily hassles are relatively minor events arising out of day-to-day living such as losing your house keys and missing the college bus. Uplifts are positive everyday events.

A later survey conducted by Chamberlain and Zika (1990) in New Zealand, found a slightly different picture. In order of priority, their results revealed the following top ten daily hassles: Not enough time. Too many things to do. Troubling thoughts about the future. Too many interruptions. Misplacing or losing things. Health of a family member. Social obligations. Concerns about standards. Concerns about getting ahead. Too many responsibilities. Please review the attachment and share something you learned or were refreshed on. Thank you

Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI): the study of the relationship among psychological factors, the immune system, and the brain

After reviewing the attached power point presentation, I learned a new term I am not familiar with which is the word, Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI). PNI is the study of the effect of the mind on health and resistance to disease and the consequences. I understand that it is an important, relatively new field that provides reliable research to our understanding of the mindbody connection. In a nutshell PNI studies the connection between psychological processes and the nervous and immune systems of the body.

Hi Remi, Just wanted to share that in small doses, stress can actually be useful as it helps you to stay focused, alert and increases energy. But when stress becomes chronic though, it can damage our health, mood and relationships. Basically, our overall quality of life! Stress is sneaky! It can easily creep up on us so that being frazzled and overwhelmed starts to feel normal. We may not

even recognize how much it is affecting us so it is really important to recognize the signs and symptoms of stress and then take steps to stop feeling so overwhelmed. Try using the TARP method. Hi Brooklynn, Keep praying and I am praying for you. In today’s society, we thrive on performance, competition and perfection, which leads to an insidious increase in stress. Stress causes damage that is often underestimated. People used to say that “work is health,” but we now realize that this way of thinking is not so true anymore. These days, society and the workplace put an unparalleled level of pressure on people. The signs of stress are omnipresent, and its consequences are numerous. Unfortunately, no one can truly escape stress. However, some people are more deeply affected by its consequences, depending on their personal, psychosocial, professional and health background.

Philippians 4:6-7 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus

Hi Terri, As we all know, life is filled with highs and lows. With the ongoing recession in the country, it is safe to say that most people are all experiencing the low part of life right now. The economic situation combined with family issues, job worries, and other stressful things is enough to make anyone crazy. Thankfully, Christians do not have to worry so much or sink into depression, rather we can just turn to the Word of God for strength, hope and encouragement....

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