Why do sociologists find it important to differentiate between sex and gender PDF

Title Why do sociologists find it important to differentiate between sex and gender
Course Introduction to Sociology
Institution University of the People
Pages 2
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Why do sociologists find it important to differentiate between sex and gender...


Why do sociologists find it important to differentiate between sex and gender? In the western world, we look at gender as men and women, while there are three genders in some cultures. According to Little et al. (2014), gender stereotype considers attitudes, traits, and behavior patterns of both men and women and is a form of sexism. When differentiating between sex and gender, sociology looks at three theories, Structural Functionalism Theory, Symbolic Interactionism Theory, and Social Conflict Theory. (Lumen Learning, n.d.). Structural functionalism theory understands human behavior, helping to keep the society organized and functional (Lumen Learning, n.d.). From this perspective, gender organizes community into distinct roles that complement each other. Since men are physically stronger and do not have to worry about childbearing, it is easier for them to take on more physical roles, which has become the norm. The structural functionalism theory posits that the two genders should play complementary roles (Lumen Learning, n.d.). Boys and girls are socialized differently, which defines their roles and make it easy for them to complement each other and achieve stable families. Boys learn self-confidence and competitiveness, which helps to prepare them for the workforce. At the same time, girls are taught to express themselves and learn empathy, preparing them to care for their families. With the Symbolic interaction approach, the focus is on how gender forms part of everyday life. Gender is something a person does rather than something imposed by interaction (Lumen Learning, n.d.). The way you dress, your hairstyle, and your make-up tell others your gender. If a man wears a dress, he rejects his gender role, while if a woman wears pants, it would seem normal. Our body language may determine how our gender is perceived. The social conflict theory posits that gender is a structural system that distributes power to some, and others are disadvantaged (Lumen Learning, n.d.). It is patriarchal, where men are the dominant force, and they get higher education and more rights than women and assume leadership positions. What can be done to lessen the effects of gender stratification in the workplace? Gender stratification is based on social ranking, where men are seen as the dominant of the sexes and inhabit higher positions. In the workplace, men, on average, receive more pay than women and enjoy more social freedom. According to Lumen Learning (n.d.), when women are marginalized, the opportunity to reduce poverty decreases. To lessen the effects of gender stratification in the workplace, we would have to take a gender transformative approach and bridge the gaps to access to resources between men and women in a lasting manner. For change to happen, both men and women must be

involved. There need to be programs that promote gender equality, productivity, and balancing incomes in the workplace. Therefore, policies that will increase women's access to services and resources are needed. When women's success is celebrated and brought to the fore, we will have a chance to experience gender equality. How does gender stratification harm both men and women? Gender refers to personal and social characteristics, not biological traits. Gender stratification is the unequal distribution of wealth and power, including the right to vote. Before 1918, Canada did not permit women to vote (Little et al., 2014), and it was not until 2015 that women in Saudi Arabia were allowed to vote. This kind of disenfranchisement is more dominant in a patriarchal society. The anticipation is that men will be the breadwinners, while women are expected to take care of the home and children. Women also do more housework while men are more likely to have leisure time. Owing to gender stratification, women may not consider advancing in their careers. It also affects men and their behaviors, which leads to higher rates of suicide, which are linked to financial problems or divorce and are more likely to be incarcerated and engage in criminal activities. References Li t t l e ,W.&Mc Gi v e r n ,R.( 2 0 1 4 ) .I nt r o d uc t i o nt os o c i o l o g y . 1 s tCan a d i a nEd i t i on.Ho u s t o n . Op e n St a xCol l e g e ,Ri c eUni v e r s i t y ,&B. C.Ope nTe x t bo o kPr o j e c t . h t t p s : / / o p e n t e x t b c . c a / i n t r o d u c t i o n t o s o c i o l og y / c h a p t e r / c h a p t e r 1 2 g e n d e r s e x a n d s e x u a l i t y / # s e c t i on 1 2 . 1 .

Lumen Learning (n.d.). Sociology. Lumen Learning. https://courses.lumenlearning.com/alamo-sociology/chapter/reading-gender-inequality/....

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