why is the history of fashion important PDF

Title why is the history of fashion important
Course History Of Fashion
Institution Savannah College of Art and Design
Pages 3
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essay over why knowing the history of fashion Is important ...


Zockoll 1

Chel s eaZoc k ol l Hi s t or yofFas hi on J anuar y5t h,2019

Whyi st hehi s t or yoff as hi ons oi mpor t ant ?

Ther e’ sal ott hatgoesal ongwi t hf as hi on,aswel last hef as hi oni ndus t r yasa whol e.Notonl yi st hef as hi oni ndust r yi mpor t antbec aus ei tpr oduc esc l ot hesf or pr ot ec t i onaswel lasawa yt oex pr es sour s el v es ,butj us tasi mpor t anti st hehi s t or yof f ashi on.Wi t houtt hehi s t or yoff ashi on,wewoul dbeabl et opr edi c tt hec yc l eoft he f ashi onmar k etaswel lasknowi ngt hec ons umer s .AsHy welDav i es ,c our sel eaderf or Cent r al Sai ntMar t i n’ sBAFas hi onCommuni c at i oncour s es ay s ,“ t obec r eat i v eandnew, y ouneedt ok nowwhathashappenedbef or e,andr eactagai ns ti t ,y ouhav et obeawar e ofwhathashappenedi nf as hi ont obet r ul yi nnov at i v e. ”Knowi ngt hi swec angof or war d i nbec omi ngt hemosts uc ces s f ul f ashi ondes i gner swecanbec ome.

Knowi ngt hehi st or yoff as hi onc anbenefits omeonei nal las pec t soft hei rc ar eer . Forex ampl e,i fs omeonehasaj obi nt er v i ewwi t hBal enc i aga,t hent heycoul dt al kabout t hehi s t or yofBal enc i agat os howt hei nt er v i ewerhowc ommi t t edy ouar eandhow ex t ens i v eandt hor oughy ourr es ear c hi s .Wi t hk nowi ngt hehi s t or yofBal enc i aga,y ou wi l lknowt hebr anc hesofBal enci aga,l i k eVet ememnt .Andy ouwi l lbeabl et ot al kabout

Zockoll 2

t hehi s t or yofvet ementaswel l .Thi swa yy oucanunder s t andt hewhoDNAof Bal enc i aga.

YetDani l oVent ur i ,Fr om Pol i modas ay s“ Iam t empt edt os ayt hats omet i mesi t woul dbebet t ernott ok nowany t hi ngi nor dert oc r eat esomet hi ngnew,t oav oi dt he s t eadys t r eam ofquot at i onst hatc har ac t er i z esc ont empor ar yf as hi on.Butt hati st oo i deal i s t i c !I nf ac t ,k nowl edgei sal way si mpor t ant . ”

The Fashion industry as a whole is important because it creates jobs in any type of field, between offices to fashion designer to mass production manufacturers. Thus, with diverse job field it allows the fashion industry to collaborate with other job fields. People say that the fashion industry is a dog eat dog world, and frankly it is. You go to school, with thousands of other kids around the world, that you are competing with for the job of your dreams. With that being said, you have to make yourself stand out from the thousands of other applicants that are competing for the same job as you. And one way to do that is know your history, this will benefit you in two different ways, one by either know the history and not creating anything from the past. This makes your piece one of a kind, never before seen: or the other way would to be to know the past trends and knowing trends can repeat themselves you can use that information to put a fresh modern twist on a well-loved design.

Zockoll 3

Overall the knowing the past trends and history can be very beneficial and will only excel your future career in the fashion industry. At the end of the day, clothes are made to protect and express yourself, so don’t dress for others, dress for yourself....

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