Why the Future Does Not Need Us PDF

Title Why the Future Does Not Need Us
Course Science, Technology And Society
Institution Technological Institute of the Philippines
Pages 2
File Size 29.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 138
Total Views 501


Why the Fut ure Does Not NeedUs?The article, " Why the Future Does Not Need Us ?" was written by William Nelson Joy, an American computer scientist of Sun Microsystems. In his article, Joy warned against the rapid rise of new technologies. He explained that 21st-century technologies are becoming ver...


Whyt heFut ur eDoesNotNeed Us ? The ar t i c l e," Whyt heFut ur eDoesNotNeedUs?"waswr i t t enbyWi l l i am Nel s onJ oy , anAmer i canc omput ersc i ent i s tofSunMi cr os y s t ems .I nhi sar t i c l e,J oywar nedagai ns t t her api dr i s eofnewt echnol ogi es.Heexpl ai nedt hat21st cent ur yt echnol ogi esar e becomi ngver ypower f ult hatt heycanpot ent i al l ybr i ngaboutnew cl assesof acci dent s,t hr eat s,andabuses.Hef ur t herwar nedt hatt hes edanger sar eev en pr es s i ngbecaus et heydonotr equi r el ar gef ac i l i t i esorev enr ar er awmat er i al s k nowl edgeal onewi l l mak et hem pot ent i al l yhar mf ul t ohumans . J oyar guedt hatr obot i cs,genet i cengi neer i ng,andnanot echnol ogyposemuch gr eat ert hr eat st hant echnol ogi caldevel opment st hathavecomebef or e.He par t i c ul ar l yc i t edt heabi l i t yofnanobot st os el f r epl i cat e,whi chqui c k l yget soutof c ont r ol .i nt hear t i c l e ,hec aut i onedhumansagai ns tov er dependenc eonmac hi nes . J oyal s ov oi cedouthi sappr ehens i onaboutt her api di nc r eas ei ncomput erpower .He wasconc er nedt hatc omput er swi l l ev ent ual l ydy st opi anv i s i ons ,s uc hasr obot r ebel l i ons .Toi l l umi nat ehi sc onc er ns ,Joydr ewf r om Theodor eKac z y ns k i ' sbook , UnabomberMani f es t o,wher eKac z y ns k i des c r i bedt hatt heuni nt endedc ons equences oft hedesi gnandus eoft ec hnol ogyar ecl ear l yr el at edt oMur phy' sLaw:"Anyt hi ng t hatcangowr ongwi l lgowr ong. "Kacz y ns k i ar guedf ur t hert hatov er r el i anc eon ant i bi ot i c sl edt ot hegr eatpar adoxofemer gi ngant i bi ot i cr es i s t ants t r ai nsofdanger ous bac t er i a. Si nc et hepubl i c at i onoft hear t i c l e,J oy ' sar gumentagai ns tt went y fi r s t c ent ur y t ec hnol ogi eshasr ecei v edbot hc r i t i c i smsandex pr es si onsofs har edc onc er n.Cr i t i cs di s mi ss edJ oy ' sar t i c l ef ordel i ber at el ypr es ent i ngi nf or mat i oni nani mpr ec i semanner t hatobs c ur est hel ar gerpi c t ur eors t at eoft hi ngs .Forone,J ohnSeel yandPaul Dugui d ( 2001) ,i nt hei rar t i c l e,AResponset oBi l lJoyanddoomandgl oom Technof ut ur i st s,cr i t i c i z eJ oy ' sf ai l ur et ocons i dersoci al f act or sandonl ydel i ber at el y f oc usedononepar toft hel ar gerpi ct ur e.Ot her sgoasf arasacc us i ngJ oyofbei ng aneoLuddi t e,someonewhor ej ect snew t echnol ogi esandshowst echnophobi c l eani ngs. Asamat er i al ,J oy ' sar t i c l et ac k l est heunpl eas antanduncomf or t abl epos s i bi l i t i est hata s ensel es sappr oac ht os c i ent i fi candt ec hnol ogi c aladv anc ement smaybr i ng.Whet her J oy ' spr opos i t i onsar ear eal pos s i bi l i t yoranabsol ut emoons hot ,i ti sunavoi dabl et o t hi nkoft hef ut ur et hatwi l lnol ongerneedt hehumanr ace.I tmak est hi nk i ngabout t her ol esandobl i gat i onsofev er ys t ak ehol deraneces s ar yc omponentofs c i ent i fi cand t ec hnol ogi c al adv anc ement .I nt hi sc as e,i ti spr eemi nent l ynecessar yt hatt he sci ent i ficcommuni t y ,gover nment s,andbusi nessesengagei nadi scussi ont o

det er mi net hesaf eguar dsofhumansagai nstt hepot ent i aldanger sofsci enceand t echnol ogy .

Summar y I ns ummar y ,moder nt i meshav ev ar i oust ec hnol ogi c al adv ancement si nal l f or msand s i z es . i tmaybei ns i det hehome,offic e,andt hewor k pl ace.I tmak esl i f eeas i er ,howev er , i tc anal s odes t r oyl i f eatt hes amet i mei fnotus edpr oper l y I ns hor t ,t ec hnol ogyhasi t sownadv ant ages,benefit saswel lasi t sdi s adv ant ages .As poi nt edoutbyMcNamar a( 2018)i nt hees s ayent i t l ed" Whyt heFut ur eDoesNotneed Us "t hats c i enc eandt ec hnol ogymaybet hehi ghes tex pr es s i onofhumanr at i onal i t y . Peopl ec ans hapeort heymaydes t r oyt hewor l dt hr oughs c i enc eandt ec hnol ogy ,t oo....

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