Wills part - The Welding and Fabrication Techniques Ontario College Certificate program provides PDF

Title Wills part - The Welding and Fabrication Techniques Ontario College Certificate program provides
Author Kelsey Ross
Course Global Marketing
Institution Algonquin College
Pages 4
File Size 183.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 60
Total Views 131


The Welding and Fabrication Techniques Ontario College Certificate program provides foundational skills to gain entry-level employment in the welding industry.

Participate in a combination of theory and shop work, and learn metal fabrication techniques and welding, acquiring a solid fou...


3) IMPORT ANALYSIS OF NEW ZEALAND I nJ anuar y 2012,t he v al ue ofex por t ed goods r os e $430 mi l l i on ( 13 per cent ) ,t o$3. 7bi l l i on.I mpor t edgoodsr os e$637mi l l i on( 19per c ent ) ,t o$3. 9 bi l l i on. Mi l k powder ,but t er ,and c hees e,New Zeal and’ sl ar gestexpor tcommodi t y , i nc r eased$261mi l l i on( 25per c ent )i nJanuar y2012.Thei nc r eas ewasl edby uns weet enedwhol emi l kpowder ,up$134mi l l i on( 28per c ent ) .Uns al t edbut t er was up $45 mi l l i on ( 45 per cent ) . Al lt hr ee mai n br oad economi c cat egor i es ( i nt er medi at e,c api t al ,and cons umpt i on goods ) ,i nc r easedi nv al ue i nJ anuar y 2012. I nJ anuar y2012,t her ewasat r adedefic i tof$199mi l l i on,or5. 3per centof t heex por t sv al ue.Ex c l udi ngt heoneoffi mpor t at i onofai r c r af t ,t her ewoul dhav e beenas mal l t r ades ur pl usof$14mi l l i on( 0. 4per c entoft hev al ueofex por t s ) . New Zealand imports include:     

Vehicles Electronics Petroleum and fuels / refined oil Textiles Plastics

Historical (5 years) import performance

4) EXPORT ANALYSIS OF NEW ZEALAND NewZeal andex por t swer ewor t h3. 7Bi l l i onNZD i nJ anuar yof2012.NewZeal and’ s ec onomyi sgr eat l ydependentoni nt er nat i onalt r ade.I t ’ sbeenbas edt r adi t i onal l yon ex por t sf r om i t sv er yeffic i entagr i c ul t ur al s y s t em.Leadi ngagr i c ul t ur al ex por t si nc l ude meat ,dai r ypr oduct s ,f or estpr oduct s ,f r ui tandv eget abl es ,fis h,andwool .Themai n ex por tpar t ner sar eAust r al i a,Eur opeanUni on,Uni t edSt at es ,Chi naandJ apan.Thi s pagei nc l udes :NewZeal andExpor t schar t ,hi s t or i c aldat aandnews .

New Zealand exports include:       

Dairy products (from cattle and goats) Meat (sheep, beef, deer) Hides and leather Fish Wood/wood products, including paper and paper-associated products Tourism Wine

Historical (5 years) export performance

Principal countries of import and export

2011mer chandi s ei mpor t sandex por t s( mi l l i onsofNZdol l ar s ) Count r y I mpor t s Expor t s Aus t r al i a

7, 377

Chi na

7, 439

Ger many

1, 993

J apan

2, 921

Mal ay s i a

1, 478

Qat ar Rus si a

Count r y

10, 858 Saudi Ar abi a

I mpor t s Expor t s 918


2, 163


1, 453

1, 674

1, 330


874 Uni t edKi ngdom

1, 267

1, 544

1, 041

2 Uni t edSt at es

5, 025

3, 997

1, 204

280 Tot al( wor l d)

46, 857

47, 710

5, 887 Si ngapor e 775 Sout hKor ea 3, 439 Thai l and

http://www.tradingeconomics.com/search.aspx?q=new%20zealand %20exports&sa=Search&cx=partner-pub3400948010513654:2035820411&cof=FORID:10&ie=UTF-8


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