WINT 21 Psych 100 Syllabus FOR Canvas Draft 1-1-1 PDF

Title WINT 21 Psych 100 Syllabus FOR Canvas Draft 1-1-1
Author Peyton Scott
Course General Psychology
Institution Pierce College
Pages 9
File Size 300.1 KB
File Type PDF
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Download WINT 21 Psych 100 Syllabus FOR Canvas Draft 1-1-1 PDF




PSYC Online Syllabus WINTER 21 Draft1

GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY PSYC&100 WINTER QUARTER 2021 Professor: Leon Khalsa Prerequisite:


Contact Information: Office Location: Office Hours: Telephone: Communications:


Credit Hours: 5 units nd

College Center – C-290 D, 2 Floor, East Wing, SE Corner Via Zoom 8-9 AM M-F Use this link: __INSERT ZOOM CODE HERE___________ (253) 840-8313 FIRST CHOICE EMAIL: Through Conversations via the CANVAS Course Inbox Emergency Email: [email protected] Login to Canvas and then select PSYC& 100 W21 General Psychology #11351 or #11352 or # 11353 as per your registration

Catalogue Course Description:

Scientific study of animal behavior and experience. Both biological and social basics of behavior are covered with emphasis on heredity, neurology, motivation, emotion, perception, cognition, learning, and intelligence. Required Materials: Psychology in Your Life (3rd ed.) Grison & Gazzaniga, W.W. Norton Publisher, Required Version: E-Book PLUS InQuizitive Access Key. You purchase it for a significantly reduced price via the REGISTRATION link in Canvas, Module 1, Do NOT purchase a used book without the Access key or it will cost you more money.

Introduction to Your Professor: Psychology and Sociology have fascinated me since I was a teenager in Germany. My journey in the United States started right after high school graduation, when I began my college studies at Canisius College as a psychology major. This was followed by many years at the University of Chicago where I achieved a Masters Degree in Social Sciences, one in Public Policy Analysis and a third in Psychology. I also completed my doctoral program in Developmental Psychology, except for my dissertation. I have been teaching psychology and sociology for many years In California and Washington State. My two greatest professional interests are to understand human beings more deeply using the tools of my two academic disciplines and to develop ever greater competency for fostering student success.

Course Objectives: 1. Provide an overview of psychology, including definitions, history, the 5 major perspectives, ethics, and state of contemporary psychology. (See Ch.1) Understand psychological research and evaluate the quality of research; and, the meaningfulness of results. (See 2. Ch.1)

3. Learn the biological basis for behavior including the brain and nervous system. (See Ch.2) 4. Learn the importance of sleep and dreaming to good psychological health. (See Ch. 4) 5. Understand the importance of environmental influences, through various conditioning and learning situations. (See Ch. 5) 6. Understand the way in which our memory functions. (See Ch. 6) 7. Learn about child development and major approaches to understanding life span development. (See Ch. 9) 8. Understand the psychological concepts of frustration, conflict, stress, and defense. (See Ch. 13) 9. Learn about human sexuality and the importance of the concept of gender. ( See Ch. 10) 10. Become familiar with some of the definitions of intelligence and the difficulties in using this concept. (See Ch. 7) 11. Become familiar with the major theories of personality and some of the ways personality traits are defined and measured. (See Ch. 11) 12. Be able to define psychopathology & become familiar with the major types of disorders. (See Ch. 14) 2

Psyc&100 WINTER 2021 Syllabus Draft 1

13. Become familiar with the major types of psychotherapy. (See Ch. 15) 14. Understand the powerful influence of group dynamics and social settings. (See Ch. 12)

*CH 1,3,4,7,13 as per individual study

Course Guidance 1. Online Elements: All aspects of this course are available online, in Canvas. 2. Course Expectations: As a student, you can expect that, during work days, I will respond to your e-mail within 48 hours and will grade assignments/tests/quizzes within nine (9) days. Please contact me immediately if you have not heard from me within these timelines. 3. Introductions: Students are expected to post a short introduction to DB 0 during the first week of the course. Your instructor will have guidelines within the course for the introduction.

4. Course Extensions are not automatic, are rarely granted, and must be requested from your instructor 5. Student Responsibility: Please remember that it is the student's responsibility to notify faculty of major changes in your circumstances (hospital stay, deployment, jail) that affect your ability to complete all course work within the course timeline 6. Plagiarism software may be in use during your course. If you use another person’s material in a manner as to imply that the thing used was your own; or if you use notes, tests or memory aids during tests when such use was not expressly authorized; or if you steal or knowingly use test master copies to gain information prior to an examination date; or knowingly allow another person to use your work as if it were that other person’s work; or otherwise act in such a manner as to gain for yourself or another an unfair advantage over other students, you may face disciplinary actions as stated in the Student Rights and Responsibilities Policy/Code of Conduct. . You may also be dropped or given a grade of F. 7. Etiquette for classroom and online courses is the same. Treat people as you would like to be treated, respectfully and compassionately while being sure to express your ideas and opinions forthrightly.

Evaluation Components: Each assignment will grade to a percentage grade. Each assignment category carries a percentage of the course grade. Exams (This category is worth 25% of your course grade): Three multiple-choice exams will be given during the quarter. If you miss the time availability window for one of the three exams you should take the OPTIONAL COMPREHENSIVE FINAL. Those who do take the first three exams may also choose to take the Final. You cannot worsen your GPA, as we will only count your three highest exam grades. Again, missing the time availability window of the posted exam is a non- recoverable decision that will adversely affect your grade so be sure to note the exam dates on the calendar page of this syllabus! Quizzes (This category is worth 13% of your course grade): For each chapter a multiple-choice graded quiz will be given. They assist you in preparing for discussion and unit exams. They also provide you with immediate feedback and “distributed practice”. If you don’t take the quiz during the time it is posted, you lose your chance to take it later. NO QUIZ MAKEUP’S! Discussion Boards (This category is worth 25% of your course grade): We will have five Discussion Boards in this course. They open on Thursday at 12:01 AM. DBs have TWO deadlines: Deadline 1 – Your own Posting is due Sunday evening at 11:55PM. Deadline 2 – Your reply to at least three other students is due Wednesday night at 11:55 PM. In order to achieve full points, your posting must be at least 600 words written by you (Quoting from the book or other sources does not count towards the 600. My instructions or prompts do not count towards the 600). It must answer all questions as per DB directions. The last line of your posting must include the word count in the following format: Word Count ###. In other words, if your submission is 699 words long, the last line should read: Word Count – 699. All DBs are in the POST-FIRST format. That means when you first click on the DB you will see only the directions. It is only after submitting your own first response (YOUR posting) that you gain access to what other students have 3

Psyc&100 WINTER 2021 Syllabus Draft 1

written. If you submit an empty comment to unlock the DB and then post your own posting later, I will count your first (empty) response, not your later one. The three student responses must be at least 150 words long (not counting my instructions or quotations from the students you are responding to.) They must include the word count in the last line. Each of your minimum three responses must be posted on DIFFERENT days of the week. In other words, you must participate throughout the week. You can’t come into the conversation on the last evening for 30 minutes, read a little bit, write a little bit, and then check it off. In order to actively participate in the discussions, you need to be involved across time. This requirement may differ from what other instructors have asked you to do, so please note it with care. NOTE: The website includes a full length example of what an A+ DB submission looks like. I urge you to print it out and use it as a template for your own successful submission. DVD Logs (This category is worth 25% of your course grade): We will have 6 DVD Logs assigned in this course. There are also six DVD lessons you may submit as extra credit. The DVD logs must be submitted in a special format and I provide a DVD LESSON JOURNAL TEMPLATE on the Canvas website for you to download and fill out each time. The DVD assignment has three sections, each with a different task: Section 1 summarizes content. It is the easiest but takes the longest time. Section 2 analyzes the content. You need to select three or four key concepts and critically reflect on them. Section 3 relates the video content to your personal life with at least three experiences you have had. The website contains detailed instructions for each section as well as a grading rubric for this assignment. NOTE: The website includes a full-length example of what an A+ DVD submission looks like. I urge you to print it out and use it as a template for your successful submission. Weekly InQuizitive & Practice Quiz Assignment Participation (This category is worth 10% of your course grade): This publisher supported website is specific to our textbook and has one purpose: to help you learn and practice the key concepts from the assigned chapter. These assignments are fully integrated with your Canvas Chapter Modules and Assignment Calendar. The results are shown in your Canvas Gradebook. If you make the effort to participate to

a designated minimum level, your score will be 100% at the end of the quarter even if your actual score is lower. SURVEY OR OTHER ASSIGNMENTS (This category is worth 2% of your course grade): I have a few short assignments, such as the Who Are You Survey, or the DB0, and occasional quick surveys that, together are worth up to 2% of your course grade.

Extra Credit Extra Credit allows you to earn up to 30 extra points if you submit the maximum of 6 EC lessons. You may achieve up to 5 points by submitting an EXTRA CREDIT DVD LOG for any of the following DVD Lessons: Lesson 1,2 or3 (Ch2) or 4,5,7,13, or 22 (Ch 12), 15 (Ch10), 19 (Ch 14), 20 (Ch 14). The Lesson numbers are printed on the appropriate DVD disc. The format for submission is exactly the same as with the regular DVD log. Two of the lessons need to be submitted prior to the start of exam 1 and 2 and 3. This is to prevent my having to grade an enormous pile of EC lessons during finals week when I focus on getting all the other grades entered.

Plagiarism Policy You are responsible for submitting original work. Any evidence of plagiarism or cheating may be grounds for disciplinary action including flunking the class with or without further notice! For more information please access the current Pierce College Catalog under “Academic Dishonesty”. You should assume as a matter of course that your instructor is HIGHLY familiar with any documents regarding the DVD and Discussion Board (DB) course available on the web. Don’t take a chance using those. You should also assume that you cannot copy or closely re-write a student’s DB posting and then re-post it as your own. 4

Psyc&100 WINTER 2021 Syllabus Draft 1

Only your original work can be submitted! OFFICIAL NOTICE: If a student is found helping another student with any online assessment BOTH students are subject to flunking the class with NO FURTHER W ARNING BEING GIVEN! ALERT: W e use Plagiarism Detecting Software!

GRADING FORMULA: Exams/ DB /DVD – 25%, Quiz-13%, InQuizitive 10%, Surveys & Other 2%, Extra Credit max 30 points. Be sure to read the ASSIGNMENT WEIGHT info in Canvas Module 2, Page 1! Grade Scale: Grade Scale: % GPA 95%+ 4.0 94% 3.7 93% 3.7 92% 3.6 91% 3.5 90% 3.5

Letter A+ A A AAA-

% 89% 88% 87% 86% 85% 84% 83% 82% 81% 80%

GPA 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5

Letter B+ B+ B+ B B B BBBB-

% 79% 78% 77% 76% 75% 74% 73% 72% 71% 70%

GPA 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5

Letter C+ C+ C+ C C C CCCC-

% 69% 68% 67% 66% 65% 64%-

GPA 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0

Letter D+ D+ D+ D D F

E-Mail Policy Because I teach multiple courses on campus as well as online courses keeping my student emails straight is both very challenging and VERY IMPORTANT. Please assist me in this by observing the following points: 1) Because of the huge virus situation I rarely open emails with attachments. Whenever possible, simply paste the information contained into t he BOD Y of the actu al em ail. You may lose some formatting information but it is almost always still very readable. 2) Don’t send me multiple emails in a single day. If I haven’t responded to your original email within 48 hours, do send me a gentle reminder. 3) Pleas e include yo ur cell phone num ber when em ailing m e. Most of the time, I will email you back but sometimes there is an urgent situation or a need for clarification. By including your cell-phone number in the message you will save me a fair bit of time.


Our week = T hursday Wednesday

This is the NUMBER 1 source of confusion and student aggravation! Some of you are masters at time management, some of you are not. For the latter, you can’t have enough reminders of when things are due. Unless otherwise noted ALL GRADED ITEMS IN A Chapter Module are due at the END of the week in which it debuts.

Each week, the chapter folder opens on

Thursday 12:01 AM (= T1)

And you have to complete the graded items before

Wednesday 11:55 PM (= T3)

The major writing assignment of the week (Either the DB or the DVD) is due for posting on T2= Sunday evening at 11:55PM. If you submit after the deadline, I deduct 10% for each late day. The discussion board also has three student replies due no later than Wednesday night.


Psyc&100 WINTER 2021 Syllabus Draft 1

Your Your


Sunday 11:55PM Wednesday 11:55PM

All graded items/assignments will turn on (open) at the beginning of your Chapter Module Assignment Week and will disappear at the end of that week. Remember, the Welcome and Instruction Modules are always on (open).

Support System: Students from all levels of ability are welcome in my class. As your instructor, I am here to assist you as much as I can. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns about your success as a student at Pierce College. In addition, many free services such as tutoring, counseling, library, math or writing assistance lab, are available to support your learning success. Official ADS College Statement: If you have or think you may have a disability that may affect your

work in this class and feel you need accommodations, contact Access and Disability Services at [email protected] or (253) 964-6468 to see if you are eligible to receive services. If you are already approved for accommodations through the ADS, have requested your accommodations for this quarter and would like to use your accommodations in my class please connect with me outside of class time to discuss your needs. Pierce College values diversity and inclusion; we are committed to fostering mutual respect and full participation for all students. My goal is to create a learning environment that is equitable, inclusive, and welcoming. Best Advice for Online Success Being an Online Student can be a lonely experience. You have none of the social cues and motivational support that comes from sharing a classroom with a congenial group of fellow students. Because none of us are good at al l skills the single best piece of advice I have for those of you determined to do well in this course is to PICK ONE OR TW O STUDY BUDDIES. There are numerous ways you can help each other: 1) 2) 3) 4)

Reminder of deadlines, Get feedback if your DVD/DB posting meets ALL the grading criteria for full points, Go over difficult concepts, Someone to study with

TECH–HELP AVAILABLE FOR ONLINE STUDENTS Please be aware that the college hired me for my expertise in teaching Social Sciences. I use the computer but I am NOT a computer expert. If you encounter technical issues when using Canvas or attempting to complete assignments you should know that the help desk (unlike me) is available to you as follows: The IT helpdesk is available 7:30~4:30 M~F. eLearning help is available from 8am ~ 5pm M-F. Sad to say, they will not help you with your psychology issues but they DO help students with computer, Canvas or Internet issues. Also, both Canvas and InQuizitive have 24/7 online help. Academic Dishonesty: If you use another person’s ideas, words, music, artwork, computations, models, etc. in such a manner as to imply that the thing used was your own; or if you use notes, tests or memory aids during tests when such use was not expressly authorized; or if you steal or knowingly use test master copies to gain information prior to an examination date; or otherwise act in such a manner as to gain for yourself or another an unfair advantage over other students, you will face disciplinary actions as stated in the Pierce College Student Rights and Responsibilities Policy & Code of Conduct. You should assume as a matter of course that your instructor is HIGHLY familiar with any documents regarding the DVD AND Discussion Board (DB) course available on the web. Don’t take a chance using those. You should also assume that you cannot copy or closely re-write a student’s DB posting and then re-post it as your own. Only your original work can be submitted! OFFICIAL NOTICE: If a student is found helping another student with any online assessment BOTH students are subject to flunking the class with NO FURTHER WARNING BEING GIVEN! Consent Agreement 6

Psyc&100 WINTER 2021 Syllabus Draft 1

An on-line/distance learning course requires frequent interaction with your instructor. It is, therefore, essential that you agree to the conditions set forth in the course syllabus. After you have read the course syllabus, let us know (do not wait) if you do not agree with the course conditions and requirements. If we do not hear from you within three (3) days from the start of the course, we will assume you agree with the conditions set forth in this syllabus.



Psyc&100 WINTER 2021 Syllabus Draft 1

Required Syllabus Language Note: These items mostly apply to on-campus classes

Faith and Conscience Reasonable Accommodations for Faith/Conscience: Students who will be absent from or endure significant hardship in course activities due to reasons of faith or conscience may seek reasonable accommodations so that grades are not impacted. Such requests must be made in writing within the first two weeks of the beginning of the course. Students should review the Accommodations for Faith/Conscience Policy and follow the procedures:

Emergency Procedure It is your responsibility to know and understand emergency p...

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