WK. 4 Assignment PDF

Title WK. 4 Assignment
Author Malinda Boutelle
Course  Intergroup Conflict and Peace Building
Institution Walden University
Pages 6
File Size 98.1 KB
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Essay on reducing direct violence...




Reducing Direct Violence Malinda M. Boutelle Walden University


2 Abstract

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3 Reducing Direct Violence

Liberia has been known for its ongoing civil violence for far too long. Some of the reasons for this country’s civil unrest include insufficient resources and/or funding, ethnic discrimination, manipulative politicians, privileged ex-combatants, violations of human rights, and impunity, just to name a few (Amnesty International, 2005). With an upcoming election, political candidates will need to prove - with their actions, rather than words - that they want to execute peacebuilding efforts within the torn country. Furthermore, the following will explain three recommended approaches that can be used to reduce violence and promote peacebuilding efforts in Liberia. Legal and Judicial Systems Liberia could benefit from the implementation of programs that focus on immediate action and decision-making that focus on reducing violence and protecting citizens. For instance, Liberia could implement an international legal and judicial system that enforces laws protecting humans and their rights by restraining and appropriately and justly punishing those who do not want to, or cannot seem to uphold the law (Schirch, 2004). These international systems comply with international humanitarian laws and criminal courts justice (Schirch, 2004). Also, international legal and judicial systems enforce rules and standards of war and violent conflict, in order to deter frequent, or similar incidences that violate the rights of humans (Schirch, 2004). Even more, implementation, or reform of a legal and judicial system would be an appropriate approach to reduce violence protect the citizens of wartorn countries like Liberia. Humanitarian Assistance Humanitarian efforts focus on meeting the basic needs (like food, water, clothes, and shelter) for victims of violence and/or crises (Schirch, 2004). To relieve suffering, humanitarians



also provide medical assistance, as well as advocate for the protection of humans and their rights, and even campaign against unnecessary violence and death in countries like Liberia (Schirch, 2004). Humanitarian assistance, while focusing on meeting victim’s needs and advocating for human rights, also interrupts the cycle of violence; thus, creating a safe place that is essential to building peace (Schirch, 2004). A safe space refers to the violence reducing efforts that provide a “window”, if you will, where negotiation talks become a possibility, as safe spaces also provide a period when violence is not as active, thanks to humanitarian efforts (Schirch, 2004). Early Warning and Response Programs Another way to reduce and even prevent violence would be to know before-hand if a conflict were to erupt or escalate. Early warning and response programs involve the collection of information that allows a better understanding of what the potential warning signs might be that indicate whether a conflict or a violent situation may turn into something worse (Schirch, 2004). For instance, ethnic, religious, and/or political exclusion, relocating soldiers, and/or increasing weapons inventory may all be indicators that a possible war or violent conflict will soon take effect. Early warning and response programs can be beneficial to war-torn countries like Liberia, as knowing the signs that point to possible conflict, especially one that may be violent might allow enough time before-hand to strategize plans, or even prepare for the possibility of negotiation talks and in turn decrease the severity of the situation or even prevent it altogether (Schirch, 2004). Conclusion In summary, Liberia would not benefit much from the use of just one of these approaches. However, implementing a customized system that includes both, an international legal and judicial system and an early warning and response program, supported by humanitarian efforts might be useful, as each approach addresses a different aspect of peacebuilding. For instance, the international legal and judicial system has the authority to restrain defenders that



interfere with the lives of others and/or may be a danger to themselves, or others (Schirch, 2004). Also, all three of the approaches prevent further victimization of Liberian peoples, as well as creates a safe space, increasing the possibility that negotiation talks will take place (Schirch, 2004).

References Schirch, L. (2004). The little book of strategic peacebuilding. Intercourse, PA: Good Books Bantu, I. (2006). Violence in Liberia extends to journalists. Neiman Reports, 60(2), 13-15. Retrieved from http://niemanreports.org/articles/violence-in-liberia-extends-tojournalists/ Amnesty International. (2005). Liberia: Violence, discrimination, and impunity. Retrieved from https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/AFR34/003/2005/en/



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