Wk 4 Study Guide Quiz 4 PDF

Title Wk 4 Study Guide Quiz 4
Author Colleen Martin
Course Principles of Biology
Institution Liberty University
Pages 7
File Size 483.8 KB
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BIOL 101

STUDY GUIDE: QUIZ 4 7 7.3 173

174 Def. 174 Def. 174


175 176

176 178 179181 IOW

Quiz Preparation Tasks: Information and Its Expression in the Cell The Expression of Biological Information A Context for Understanding Gene Expression When the organism expresses a set of genes, the result is the characteristics of that organism. These characteristics are called its ____________. The term “transcription” means the process of reading a base sequence in ____________ to generate a complementary base sequence in ____________. Why is the word “translation” used for protein production? Information from DNA is transcribed into mRNA, which is then transported to ribosomes. This phrase describes the role of ____________ in ____________ expression. Describe 2 major problems that transcription solves for the cell. ****cell division is carefully controlled Transcription: Using Some Genes Now and Some Not at All In the process of transcription, the base sequence in the molecule ____________ is read by the molecule ____________, an enzyme that makes RNA molecules. Which RNA product helps the ribosome to recognize how and where to begin working? Following the transcription event, list 4 separate parts of the overall processing of pre-mRNA in the cell’s nucleus.

Your Answers and Notes Information and Its Expression in the Cell Understanding Gene Expression phenotype

DNA RNA It is the process of “reading” the RNA and “translating” or generating an encoded sequence for the protein production. Translate RNA to protein. Life Information

Selectivity- what info to transcribe Limitation of space- for processing information Transcription DNA Polymerase (RNA)

rRNA- ribosomal RNAs 1-capping the transcript (quinine ribonucleotide cap) 2-adding poly-adenine tail (poly(A) tail) at end of message 3-removing all introns (splicing enzyme)

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4-splicing together exons from pre-mRNA message 181

182 F




183 Def 187IOW 185 184

Figure 7.28, pg 187 In the cell nucleus, a pre-mRNA has its introns removed by ____________ enzymes.

Splicing (see definition)

Translation: Making Proteins In the translation process, tRNA molecules are also called “adapter” molecules. Why? What is their function? P 183 Amino acids bond to adaptor molecule to make high energy bond for expressive amino acid polymerization. There are more than four kinds of amino acids in proteins. Each kind of amino acid must be coded for in mRNA. Thus, a short sequence of mRNA bases called a(n) ____________ is used to code for each amino acid in the translation process. What is a general name for a three-dimensional, folded molecule shaped like an “L,” with an anticodon at one end and an amino acid attachment site at the other end? Transferring correct amino acids to the ribosome during elongation is a good description of the role of ____________ in the cell cytoplasm. What is the role of tRNA synthetase in the cell’s cytoplasm? Enzyme to bind tRNA w/ amino acid

Translation *transfer amino acids to ribosome for incorporation into growing peptide chain. (see table 7.1, p 179) Work of a sequence of nitrogenous bases in mRNA to the form of a sequence of amino acids in a protein. **changes languages from bases to amino acids

Peptide bonds are formed during the ____________ stage of translation. The role of the ribosome or its subunits: creating a channel for ____________ to enter and exit.


Codon (short sequence of bases)

***tRNA (translator molecule)- 2nd column Anticodon (sequence of 3 adjacent nucleotide bases in tRNA) tRNA Process driven by GTP (instead of ATP)- phosphate bond energy Each synthetase recognizes just one kind of amino acid and only the tRNAs specific use for that amino acid.

mRNA (2nd column, last sentence)

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The role of the ribosome or its subunits: helping tRNA ____________-codons to bind to mRNA ____________. The role of the ribosome or its subunits: comparing ____________ anti-codons against corresponding ____________ codons. The role of the ribosome or its subunits: binding ____________ ____________ together to form a polypeptide chain. This sequence best represents the overall flow of ____________ in a cell: transcription, pre-mRNA processing, translation, protein processing, export List all of the organelles involved in the flow of information from archival DNA to its expression as a resulting glycoprotein.

Anti, codons (#4)


In order to elongate mRNA, RNA polymerase must unwind and open double-stranded ____________.

DNA helix


In order to elongate mRNA, RNA polymerase must sense correct ____________ and incorporate them into the new RNA strand. In order to elongate mRNA, RNA polymerase must dislodge the ____________ strand from its temporary pairing with DNA. In order to elongate mRNA, RNA polymerase must ____________ the RNA strand to remove and replace copying errors. The Genetic Code The ____________ is often represented as a chart in which a specific sequence of bases in mRNA (a codon) is used to represent each amino acid building block found in the world of proteins.



7.15 7.26 7.28



182 F 7.22

tRNA mRNA Amino acids (2nd column- large subunit)


Nucleus, ribosomes, cytophlasm, ribosome subunits. Protein released to cell membrane, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi



The Genetic Code

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The genetic code is said to be degenerate. What does this mean?


Informational Continuity in Cells


A Thin Skin of Life Chasing Death What are the 3 essential resources that a daughter cell must get from a parent cell or from nature in order to succeed in living life? Life perpetuates itself at the ____________ level by acquiring monomers and energy sources at the microscopic level and by carrying out absorption, processing and growing “for” the organism. Cell Division: A Requirement for Life When DNA is replicated, the two strands are first separated through breakage of ____________; each strand then becomes a ____________ against which two new strands are made. Cell Division Is Part of a Cycle: The Cell Cycle List the 4 symbols/names for the 4 stages of the cell cycle.



8.2 217 C2 S1

8.3 220 221


The “S” phase of the cell cycle represents the activity of DNA ____________.

222 F8.8

Moving ahead with cell division is controlled by the interaction of hormones with cell surface ____________ proteins, interaction of receptor proteins with ____________ intermediates, interaction of cyclins with ____________ proteins, and interaction of kinase proteins with inactive ____________ proteins.

Most of the amino acids are specified by more than one codon (see def) Informational Continuity in Cells Life Chasing Death Good supply of monimers Persistent source of energy Continuous source of information to direct growth cellular

Cell Division Bases (hydrogen bonds between bases) template

The Cell Cycle G1 [G0] \ Synthesis (S)phase -> interphase G2 / Mitosis (M) phase Synthesis (it is where all the cell’s chromosome is replicated)

Receptor proteins Regulatory intermediates Kinase proteins Kinase proteins

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8.4 225 F8.7

225 C1 bottom 226 F8.10 127

8.6 233




9 9.1 243

Mitosis List in order the stages of mitosis.

The nuclear membrane of the cell disintegrates during which mitotic period of the cell cycle?

Mitosis Prophase- microtubular connections Metaphase- midline alignment of chromosomes Anaphase- pull apart chromosomes to poles Telophase- back to chromotin fibers Prophase- muclear membrane disintegrates and microtubules extend between chromosomes (makes mitotic spindle)

The mitotic stage of metaphase is most clearly defined by what organelle activity with what result? The de-condensation of visible chromosomes back into chromatin fibers is a defining feature of which phase of the cell cycle? Cancer: Mutation Threatening Design The Unifying Basis of Cancer List the 2 principle characteristics of the disease cancer.

Microtubules (kinetochore binds to chromosomes at middle and provide anchor for kinetochore microtubules) telophase

A ____________ is a mutated form of a gene that normally directs the activation of regulatory pathways moving a cell toward division. What would you call genes that normally direct the inhibition of cell division regulatory pathways?

Oncogene (proto-oncogenes are normal)

A Tale of Two Cancer Genes In healthy cells, what is the normal function of the activated ras protein? Complexity IV: From Cell to Organism

Two Cancer Genes It is a regulatory protein that stimulates a cascade of regulatory alteraltions- moves cell from G1 to S phase (passes checkpoint) Complexity IV: From Cell to Organism

Development: Decoding a Master Plan What Can Be Done with a Fertilized Egg? Information for developing an animal comes from within the animal. This is a major difference between animal development and ____________ development.

Basis of Cancer Mutation (not longer respect role in confinement w/i tissue) Expression (uncontrolled cell division)

Tumor suppressor genes

Fertilized Egg automobile

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248 F 9.6

Getting from One Cell to You or to a Tree List the recognized organ systems to be found within the human body. Summarize the structure and function of the endocrine system.

9.3 259


262 265

267 F 9.24p 268

Development of a Human Being Early Events A sequence of human cell divisions accompanied by some growth and cell differentiation convert an early, solid ball of cells called a ____________ into a hollow ball of cells called a ____________. Embryonic Differentiation of Organ Systems List and distinguish all the terms that would be used to describe aspects of the three-dimensional adult form.

In the three-dimensional form of the adult Dalmatian, what would the “front” end of the animal be named? Your primordial (early) ____________ began as a fusion of two endocardial tubes near your midline. Organogenesis of the Brain List the 5 pre-specialized (early) regions of the brain found in a 7-week-old human embryo.

Nervous sys, Endocrine sys, Muscular sys, Skeletal sys, Integumentary sys, Circulatory sys, Lymphatic/Immune sys, Respiratory sys, Digestive sys, Excretory sys, Reproductive sys Main organs- pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, pancreas, hormone secretory glands Function-works with nervous system to send hormone signals to control the body Development of a Human Being Morula blastocyst

Embryonic Differentiation Anterior Posterior Dorsal Ventral Anterior (+ posterior, dorsal, ventral) heart Organogenesis Telencephalon\ forbrain Diencephalon / Misacephalon- midbrain


Successful differentiation of early brain regions

Metencephalon \ Myelencephalon/ Wnt


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269 270

requires that cells destined to form these regions have surface receptors for both the ____________ and ____________ signal proteins. What is the role of the adult cerebrum?

Heart rate and respiratory inhalation rate functions in the mature human adult are controlled by the ____________ ____________. Which part of the mature adult brain exerts a dominant control over the endocrine system? The brain most directly interacts with and controls the ____________ ____________ and the peripheral ____________.

SHH- brain organization and digit formation

Controls sensory and mother Locus of thought and memory *learning, voluntary movement, and sensory interpretation Medulla oblongata- heatrate and breathing

Htypothalamus (with its pituitary gland) Endocrine sys- hormone signals to control the body Nervous system nerves

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