Woman empowerment essay PDF

Title Woman empowerment essay
Course Women, Art and Society
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
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An essay regarding women empowerment in modern days. ...


Southern New Hampshire University

Women empowerment


According to the UN human rights, a state should ensure that there is equality toward enjoyment and utilization of social, economic and cultural rights including the right to education for all. From the past, most of the cultures didn’t value the woman as they viewed them as to be subject to man, other communities believed in educating the boy child over the girl child. This are believes that great women have beaten since most of them are achieving more than their male counterparts. In the discussion below were going to discuss what are the effects of not including the woman in the history that we learn, identify a strong woman whom should be included in the curricula and highlight what China, Singapore, and Japan have done towards inclusivity for women in the education curriculum.

What is missing when women are such a small portion of the historical people students are required to study

There have been histories of successful women like Rosa Parks who play a crucial role in motivating other young women whose aspiration is to be great and achieve big. They act as a pacesetter making other women believe that they can to make it in academics or other things that they aspire to venture in. They provide a base for other women to dream; through what they did to achieve, one can relate to what they are doing to achieve that goal that one desires. (Gluck et al 135). They act as mentors by the words they said and books that they wrote. Little representation in the history that the students learn limits them on the information that they should learn about women of prowess. With this little representation of the woman in history,

Southern New Hampshire University

there is an assumption that they are inferior as there is no evidence from the past that a woman could have achieved anything. This can foster a society that discriminates the woman especially in the rural areas where there is an assumption that the man is more superior to the woman. Another issues that arises from the little representation in history for the women is that it presents an incomplete information of what really happened as a result students have little knowledge about of their cultures history or the history of their country

Women to be included

In this context, Billie Jean King should also be included in the curriculum to flesh out female representation. Billie was born on the 22nd of November 1943. She was a professional tennis player who over a career she won several titles with winning 39 grand slams as one of them. She is remembered for her advocacy for women equality and empowerment. She believed in women bravely but not perfection. (Carman and Colin 48). He legacy involves changing and empowering the woman athlete. She brought about the relevance of the idea that not until women are brought out of poverty, and treating them as slaves, and discounting them, humanity could never move forward. She has always been an advocate of gender equality as well as being a pioneer for social justice and equality. It is to be remembered that she won the sexes battle tennis match which she played Bobby Riggs. She founded the association for women tennis and a foundation for women sports. With this, she was representing the voice of women in her country and gave them a chance to exploit their potential through tennis.

Southern New Hampshire University

What other countries are doing in the inclusion of women in the educational curriculum


China is one of the most populous states, they are making a lot of progress in women inclusivity in the education system. They are not only making economic progress but also developing and improving there girls education. To realize an education system that supports the girl child, they began by enacting a law that education was compulsory to its people. A minimum number of years that one could have spent in school are nine. (Lan et al. 56). This law has resulted in an inclusive education system eliminating the gender gap in education. The government and NGOs in the country find solutions to factors that lead to the girl child drop out of school. These factors may include the preference of educating the boy child rather than the girl child in areas that are struck by poverty, the issue of gender segregation for vocational and higher education. To provide a solution to these issues, the state council worked on publicizing their national programme which supports the development of women among the Chinese. This has made education for women one of the areas that the government has prioritized. The country revised its law on compulsory education law and included a clause that providing quality and affordable education to the students living in rural areas. With this, it is easier to send children to school without discriminating.


Southern New Hampshire University

Japanese women are rated to be among the most educated women in the world. Before the countries constitution was drafted, women were restricted by custom and the law to acquire education. The lands constitution provides for a fundamental education law that guarantees equal education rights for all. (Furuki and Yoshiko 123). With such rules, women are entitled to acquire knowledge without being limited. The country also puts U.N human rights at the forefront to support the education of women. There has been an elimination of the stereotype that men are superior and should get educated from there country. As a result of these efforts, there have been admirable statistics on women education level in the country. The gap between the women and men who have acquired education in the country and also to those who are employed have been narrowing down over the years.

Singapore Singapore as a country has been in the past years advocating for gender equality rising to be among the leading countries in gender equality advocacy. It is to be noted that the number of literate women in the country has raises to above 93 percent having more than half of their students being female. (Kaur and Jasbir 100). In ensuring that this was realized, these are some of the measures they took; at first they upheld the sharia rule, this ensured that the religion law was adhered to. With this, they realized a minimum marriage age for Muslim women to be 18 years. They also combated the issue of sexual assault and set up measures to combat women trafficking. Through these measures, the woman is protected and has a chance to seek education without being affected by eternal issues.

Southern New Hampshire University


From the discussion above we realize the importance of including the woman on the history that students should learn. With this, the girl child is empowered to achieve better in their lives by reading what other successful women did. It also encourages a society that accepts the woman as there is evidence that too they can make it. Through the years we have seen women like Billie Jean King who have played a vital role in championing and empowering women. Through her achievements in tennis and her role in the society to fight for the women, she can be a role model and needs to be included in the history. She is among the many who should be involved in the curriculum to be studied. The US should borrow from countries like Singapore, Japan and China that are doing well in terms of empowering their women and supporting them in education and setting up rules that protect women against discrimination in the education sector. The US may try to do or adopt some of their rules to ensure and monitor education for the women. These measures may include financing the education system so as to ensure that all students access quality education all over the country.

Southern New Hampshire University

Work cited :

Carman, Colin. "Billie Jean King's Stroke of Genius." The Gay & Lesbian Review Worldwide 25.1 (2018): 48-49.

Gluck, Sherna Berger, and Daphne Patai, eds. Women's words: The feminist practice of oral history. Routledge, 2016.

Furuki, Yoshiko. The White Plum: A Biography of Ume Tsuda, Pioneer of Women's Higher Education in Japan. University of Hawai'i Press, 2015.

Kaur, Jasbir. "Women and Leadership in Institutions of Higher Education." Global Voices in Education. Springer Singapore, 2017. 99-117.

Lan, Hua R., and Vanessa L. Fong. Women in Republican China: A Sourcebook: A Sourcebook. Routledge, 2015.

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