Wordsworth Graphic Organizer A PDF

Title Wordsworth Graphic Organizer A
Author Hannah Keiling
Course Old English 1
Institution West Virginia University
Pages 2
File Size 128.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 52
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This is for module 6 of the Hon English in the Florida Virtual School Program....


Wordsworth Graphic Organizer A Directions: Fill in the chart using complete sentences. • • • •

Provide a summary of each stanza. Explain what Wordsworth accomplishes in each stanza (think of the mood, tone, or images created). Locate at least three phrases that Wordsworth uses to describe nature in each stanza. Discuss what his words reveal about his relationship with nature. Graphic Organizer


What does Wordsworth accomplish in the stanza?

Stanza 1 Wordsworth feels lonely until he comes across a sight of many daffodils.

He shows how his

mood shifts from lonely to hopeful in the company of the daffodils.

Stanza 2 Wordsworth describes the scene of daffodils in detail.

Quotations: Select phrases Wordsworth uses to describe nature in the stanza. He describes floating like a “lonely cloud”.

Wordsworth was able to use his imagination and imagine that the daffodils were millions of stars in the Milky Way, stretching out endlessly and swaying back and forth as if they were dancing.

Then, he sees and is uplifted by the "golden daffodils," "fluttering and dancing in the breeze." Wordsworth uses the stars as comparison to the thousands of daffodils he saw and as well says how they look like, " Ten thousand saw I at a glance, Tossing their heads in a sprightly dance." “And twinkle on the milky way,”

How do his words show his relationship with nature? This stanza shows that Wordsworth appreciates the beauty in nature because he details the beautiful daffodils that helped bring him out of his somber mood.

Wordsworth compares nature to another magnificent sight in this stanza to describe how he perceives it and how he can truly appreciate its beauty.

“Along the margin of a bay” “Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.”

Stanza 3

Wordsworth begins by describing how

He describes how the daffodils stood out

Wordsworth expresses his feelings towards

Wordsworth continues describing the daffodils, but also describes their effect on him.

the Daffodils bring him joy and that he cannot be sad when he sees anything like this, and that it wasn't because he had money, but because he had nature.

Stanza 4 In this stanza, Wordsworth explains how meeting these flowers shifts his mood and makes him happy.

from all other things occurring around him. as well as how happy he was; "A poet could not but be gay,

being around flowers in this stanza, describing how he concentrates solely on them and ignores anything else.

In such a jocund company" He describes his mood as vacant and pensive.

He explains how when he is feeling lonely and depressed on his sofa, he only thinks about the day he saw those daffodils and his heart is filled with joy. Since he has the sacred memory, he reveals that he can be jocund when he's lonely.

He also describes how he feels when he thinks of the flowers; "And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils" “Which is the bliss of solitude;” “And then my heart with pleasure fills,” “And dances with the daffodils.”

The stanza demonstrates Wordsworth's appreciation for nature's beauty by stating that the daffodils are what raises his spirits and are his refuge....

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