Workshop 24 PDF

Title Workshop 24
Course Clinical Practice II Part 2
Institution University College Cork
Pages 16
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Summary of the pre reading requirements for workshop 24- involves the summary 8-12 scientific papers ...


18 year old female purchasing facial scrubs and sudocrem and no medical history of note → N.B for exam ○ Acne, moderate to severe ○ Retinoids topical or oral ○ Benzoyl peroxide available in benzicide OTC ○ Hormones trigger acne - Androgens cause sebum production - hormone treatment and retinoids ○ Benzoyl peroxide can stain your sheets

42 year old male with lesion on leg. No medical history and was previously prescribed

calcipotriol and betamethasone ○ Psoriasis ○ Referral to get steroid treatment ○ Emollient ○ Usually not an itchy condition

46 Year old female with no other symptoms ○ Rosacea ○ 90% of physical examinations are due to rash ○ Refer - nothing to do OTC ○ Metronidazole gel, Ivermectin (kills mite) ○ Metronidazole + Alcohol reaction - avoid ○ Azelaic acid can also be used ○ Triggers for rosacea - smoking, sunlight sometimes (suncream), hot drinks, alcohol.

36 year old male with no medical history of note ○ Wart ○ Salicylic acid ○ Freezing method can also be tried - useful in children ○ Duct tape

5 month old baby boy ○ Nappy rash ○ Ammonia reaction from faeces and urine ○ Treat ○ Calcium powder ○ Fungal infection often times - antifungal cream can be used

Change nappy frequently and apply barrier to skin when changing

Swims regularly ○ Verruca ○ Treat ○ Highly contagious ○ Must wear socks and flip flops

Athletes foot ○ Terbinafine (fungicidal) and Miconazole (fungistatic) ○ So for miconazole you must continue to use after the infection is cleared ○ Lamisil (Terbinafine) once is new treatment where you apply it once a week and it slowly release

53 Year old male ○ Fungal nail infection ○ Refer - Oral antifungals - Terbinafine or Metroconazole ○ Contagious and will spread to other toes

3 month old girl ○ Cradle cap ○ Capisol - coconut oil, salicylic acid and coal tar ○ Treat with salicylic acid and emollients

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26 year old male Rash in groin area ○ Jock itch ○ Fungal infection ○ Treat - Lamisil is only licensed for athlete's foot otc ○ So use miconazole - must use for 7 days after infection clears because it fungistatic ○ Don't share towels, shower regularly

22 year old male reported tingling prior to blister developing ○ Cold sore ○ Refer if going up nose or in eye ○ Highly contagious - drinking from same glass, pillowcase, kissing lol ○ Aciclovir or patches

2 year old male had a spot on his cheek going to bed. He’s in a creche ○ Impetigo ○ Spread quickly, really contagious ○ Refer: Flucloxacillin

73 year old grandmother with these spots on her back ○ Tingling, then pain then a rash ○ Cannot catch shingles from someone else - but can catch chickenpox from someone with shingles ○ Shingles is reactivation of the chicken pox virus in their own body ○ Antiviral prescribed + codeine

Business man looking for relief of itch. No time to go to doctor ○ Irregular mole ○ Refer for melanoma

23 year old female with this itchy rash - ate strawberries yesterday ○ Hives ○ Antihistamine - Piriton

Back the hand and very itchy ○ Scabies - not an infection but an infestation ○ Treat → Lyclear ○ Highly contagious ○ Mites burrowed into the skin ○ Itch caused by mites saliva

3 year old boy appeared this morning while out for walk in buggy ○ Heat rash

Dermatitis ○ Emollients and hydrocortisone OTC

21 year old man with this rash that appeared after wearing new watch ○ Contact dermatitis ○ Antihistamine to treat itch and lotion ○ Hydrocortisone cream also can be used

32 year old male with this itchy lesion on his leg ○ Ringworm ○ Fungal infection

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9 month old child was with doctor with upper respiratory infection Started on Pinamox 125/5ml ○ Penicillin rash ○ Second dose is where the anaphylaxis can occur as the antibodies have been built up in the body ○ Replace with macrolide - clarithromycin

2 year old has had mild fever for past few days ○ Slap cheek or 5th disease ○ Prodromal period followed by rash on face then spreads to stomach ○ Treat with paracetamol and ibuprofen

Chlamydia ○

27 year old taking tetracycline for acne went on a sunbed ○ Phototoxic rash ○ Painkillers and withdraw the tetracycline

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4 year old girl, rash appeared overnight on stomach Has been out of sorts for a few days Temperature spiked last night Chicken Pox ○ Spread through coughs and sneezes ○ Most contagious before rash has appeared ○ Contagious until last spot has disappeared ○ Never used NSAIDS of any sort with chicken pox ■ Cause virus to go deeper into the skin ○ Give paracetamol ○ Calamine lotion

blepharitis ○ Cleanse the eyelid

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47 year old male on inner thigh Folliculitis or abscess caused by staph infection ○ Cyst, boil, carbuncle ○ Refer or treat

12 year old was playing outside in the grass and got this itchy rash

10 year old with no other symptoms ○ Viral skin infection ○ Maluscum contagiosum ○ Will clear up itself in around 18 months ○ no treatment available...

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