Writing patterns - Lecture notes 1 PDF

Title Writing patterns - Lecture notes 1
Author Yoshimitsu Yoshida
Course Secondary Education in English
Institution Isabela State University
Pages 4
File Size 110.1 KB
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This module would like to give brief description of the different writing patterns....


Writing Patterns It is important for a writer to know the types (patterns) of writing. Generally speaking, all writing has been divided into several forms. These are: exposition, description, narration, and argumentation and persuasion. Exposition:In exposition writing, the writer attempts to present the reader with information and at the same time attempts to explain this information. Exposition has several patterns: a- Examples: In the example pattern, the writer makes a statement and then gives examples in an attempt to support his/her statement. By doing this, the writer is helping the audience to understand his/her point of view. In most writing, it is encouraged to give in support of the viewpoint presented. b- Process: The process pattern refers to a series of steps to be carried out in some order; for example, how do you make coffee? With this pattern, the writer describes step by step how something is done, made or repaired, as in a recipe book or a maintenance manual. c- Cause and effect: Using the cause and effect pattern, a writer tries to describe why something happens, or what results of an occurrence are or were. This particular form of writing is crucial because it is integrated in most other forms. d- Comparison and contrast: To compare two things is to find in which way or ways they are similar. To contrast them, on the other hand, is to examine in which way or ways they are different. We sometimes need to compare and contrast two elements or things in order to understand each of the two more clearly. You will often be asked to write paragraphs and/or essays comparing and/or contrasting two things or two people. And you will often find yourself having to compare or contrast two things, ideas, etc., within other writing patterns. e – definition - If we try to explain what we mean by a particular term we use, we are defining it. Although we use definition constantly in our everyday conversations, in writing definition must be more complete and more formal. A written definition typically begins with the meaning of the term, and then details are provided to illustrate our meaning. For example, you may need to define the term intelligence. You will first give your meaning of the term, then illustrate it with as many details as you need. A problem-solution pattern divides information into two main sections, one that describes a problem and one that describes a solution. This pattern is typically used in persuasive writing, where the writer's general purpose is to convince the reader to support a certain course of action. The pattern is designed to compel the reader to make some kind of change in opinion or behavior by establishing that a problem exists, then providing a solution. In the problem section, the writer identifies different aspects of the problem being discussed and offers evidence of these problems. In the solution section, the writer identifies a potential solution and supports the effectiveness of this solution over others. For example, suppose a writer's stated purpose is to persuade his/her readers to ride bicycles as their primary form of transportation. First the writer will attempt to establish that common forms of motorized transportation create compelling problems that require a solution. Then he/she will show how the proposed solution - riding bikes - provides a beneficial alternative to driving. A descriptive essay is a short paper which is all about describing or summarizing a topic. ... It is the simplest academic homework essay. In general, students should illustrate a descriptive essay with words instead of using pictures. Describe whatever you see, feel, touch, taste, or hear about the target topic. Persuasive Essay The term “persuasive” is an adjective derived from verb “persuade,” which means “to convince somebody.” A persuasive essay is full of all the convincing techniques a writer can employ. It presents a situation, and takes a stand – either in its favor, or against it – to prove to readers whether it is beneficial or harmful for them. A persuasive essay, also known as an argumentative essay, is a piece of academic writing where you use logic and reason to show that your point of view is more legitimate than any other. You must expose clear arguments and support them by convincing facts and logical reasons. Cohesion – is the connection of the sentences and ideas in your text. For example, words and phrases used in one statement must stick together or lead to the flow of ideas in the succeeding statements. When a text is cohesive, the sentence appears a single unit, not just as random sequence of sentences or thoughts. Good cohesion leads to coherence. Coherence – on the other hand, is the overall understandability of what you say or write. It refers to the logic of ideas and how such ideas are presented, rather than the language used to explain or express them. It makes sure that each phrase, sentence, and paragraph contribute to the overall meaning of an entire piece. Anaphoric reference is reference to something that has already been mentioned in the text or speech. An example of this refers to the use of pronouns which refer to a previously mentioned noun. Ex: Buddhist do not worship any god. They do not worship Buddha but perceived him as someone who has attained what they are also striving to attain – Nirvana. Cataphoric reference – is reference to ideas or elements introduced later in the text or speech. Ex: They are self-disciplined and practice dedicated meditation. These people are known as Buddhist.

Identification. Read the following excerpts below and identify from the options inside the box which is being used. (2 points for each correct answer) - Definition - Anaphoric reference - Description - Cause and effect - Exemplification/clarification - Coherence - Narration - Cohesion - Problems and solutions - Comparison and contrast 1.

Once upon a time, there was a princess whose name is Chenes. Chenes got lost in the middle of the forest. Out of her fear she ran and ran and ran until she saw a lovely rabbit. The rabbit talked to her, asking why she was crying. Chenes told that she got lost and the rabbit helped her to find her way home. Chenes became happy again and they became friends meeting outside the forest every single day. 2. "Kramer liked to survey his face and his build in the mornings. What with his wide, flat features, his blunt nose, his big neck, nobody ever took him for Jewish at first. He might be Greek, Slavic, Italian, even Irish - in any event, something tough. He wasn't happy that he was balding on top, but in a way that made him look tough, too. He was balding the way a lot of professional football players were balding. And his build... But this morning he lost heart. Those powerful deltoids, those massive sloping trapezii, those tightly bunched pectorals, those curving slabs of meat, his biceps - they looked deflated. He was ****ing atrophying!" 3. Mainstream marketing and media have effectively brainwashed our society into accepting a false, even potentially dangerous definition of success. Marketers want us to believe that having lots of money, living in a big house, and owning all of the latest cars, fashions, and technology is the key to happiness, and hence, success. This overstated, falsely advertised myth is hardly ever the case in real life. True success requires respect, appreciation, integrity, and patience—all of which are traits that by human nature are genuinely difficult to attain—especially in the face of modern marketers who relentlessly deceive us, control our thoughts, and usurp our independence in order to increase their bottom line. 4. Introduction-Thesis statement: Extensive reading and writing, combined with conversation practice, can help strengthen international students’ grasp of the English language. As the first example: Yuriko practiced reading and writing, but she avoided having conversations with Americans, so her English did not improve very much. Second example would be, Marcus avoided reading and writing, but he did talk to Americans. His speaking confidence and pronunciation improved, but his grammar was still very basic, and last example is Dr. Patricks and Dr. Fillman did a study on the different ways international students can improve their English. Their study showed that international students are more likely to improve their English through a combination of reading, writing, and conversing in English. In conclusion, in order for international students to improve their English, they need to concentrate on reading, writing, and speaking. 5. One of the physiological effects of watching TV in excessive amounts is eye-strain. It is true that there are specifications for watching TV; TV should be 5 m. away from the eye, the room should be adequately lit, TV should be placed at the same height with our eyes, etc. However, these do not prevent our eyes from getting tired if we keep watching TV for a long time. Another effect is obesity, which is widely observed in people who like watching TV and eating snacks everyday (there is even a term “TV snacks” to refer to fast food that is suitable for eating in front of the TV). TV is such a powerful machine that people cannot get away from it – it is addictive. Apart from the physiological effects, TV also causes psychological effects. One is a result of being exposed to violence. After seeing so many violent scenes on TV, people start considering violent actions normal and they lose their sensitivity to their environment. 6. Elementary schools and middle schools have many traits in common. Typically, both are open five days a week for a set number of hours each day. Students sit at desks in classrooms and are expected to listen to and learn from their teachers. However, there are some big changes that new middle school students should be aware of. In elementary school, students usually stay in the same classroom with one teacher for most of the day. That is not the case in middle school, where students typically have a different teacher for each subject. Students must move to a different classroom for each subject too. 7. Consumption of processed and convenience foods and our dependence on the car have led to an increase in obesity and reduction in the fitness level of the adult population. In some countries, especially industrialized ones, the number of obese people can amount to one third of the population. This is significant as obesity and poor fitness lead to a decrease in life expectancy, and it is therefore important for individuals and governments to work together to tackle this issue and improve their citizens' diet and fitness. To support obesity-free, governments could implement initiatives to improve their citizens' eating and exercise habits. This could be done through education, for example by adding classes to the curriculum about healthy diet and lifestyles. Governments could also do more to encourage their citizens to walk or cycle instead of taking the car, for instance by building more cycle lanes. 8. I have a lovely pet. His name is Creamie. One of my favorite colors is cream. When I’m unwinding myself, I usually walk in the park and eat ice cream. Ice cream is my happiness because it is compared to life that you should enjoy it before it melts. But I often got sad and I don’t know why. Today, I’m happy because I hang out with my friends. 9. “Jonard Paul is a loving boyfriend. He exerts too much effort just to make me happy. He is always there when I need him and immediately responds to my necessities whenever I am not capable of doing a lot of things at the same time. He is a perfect boyfriend and a perfect husband to be of my future family”. Using pronoun to refer to a previously mentioned noun. 10. The intangible glue that holds paragraphs together. This means that your ideas stick together and flow smoothly from one sentence to the next, so that readers of your work can easily understand where you are taking them....

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