Ww moodle sitedata temp turnitintool 755942469 PDF

Title Ww moodle sitedata temp turnitintool 755942469
Author fatoom Hassan
Course Research Methods and Skills for Health Promotion, Public Health and He
Institution University of East London
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Health protection is several activities used with public health functions. It includes making sure the quality of foods, air, water as well as the environment are safe. This is to prevent the public’s health from becoming worst and, such as by preventing the spread of communicable diseases by contro...



BTEC level 3 extended diploma in health and social care (health science) Task 1: Part 1

Amylase Amylase is the enzyme present in the saliva that breaks down starch within the mouth. Amylase breaks down the starch molecules into maltose which is a disaccharide. Starch + amylase  maltose. As the amylase reacts with starch molecules, there is less starch present and more maltose molecules are available. There is also a pancreatic amylase which completes the digestion of starch. Due to the enzyme amylase, the maltose is able to be broken further down into Monosaccharides which are simple sugars. These a single units of glucose molecules. Effects of temperature The optimum temperature for α amylase is 37⁰C. This is because it was able to digest the starch at the fastest rate. As our normal body temperature is 37⁰C, I know that starch is able to be digested quickly in our systems as we have the optimum temperature for α amylase to function correctly. When a certain individual becomes ill and has a fever or any other illness, they’re body temperature rises meaning that the enzymes become less efficient. Therefore, they are advised to drink plenty of fluid for homeostasis to occur. Homeostasis allows the body temperature to decrease when it is too high using mechanisms such as sweating to cool the body down. If the body temperature increases or decreases, the enzymes slow down meaning that the chemical reaction occurring within the body are not working at the rate they should be. Enzymes are very sensitive towards the temperature they are in which is why temperature must maintain constant. Therefore, processes such as homeostasis are put in place to allow our body temperature to come back to normal so that enzymes are able to function correctly. Effects of pH The optimum pH for α amylase was pH 5. This is because it was able to fully digest the starch within 2 minutes which was the fastest time compared to the other pH buffer solutions that were also involved in the experiment. This shows that α amylase enzyme works best at a slightly acidic environment. As the optimum pH of the amylase enzyme in my results was 5, it shows that the optimum pH within the mouth and pancreas is also 5 as the enzyme is present in both these areas of the body. Therefore, amylase is active in both areas. As the pancreatic amylase carries out its reaction within the duodenum, the pH in that region will also be 5 due to the results I have received from my experiment. If the pH of the environment of the enzyme increases or decreases, it will greatly affect the enzyme as enzyme are sensitive towards their surroundings. One way in which the pH will affect the enzyme is that if they are very low or very high it will cause the enzymes to change shape. This is because pH has an impact of the 3D structure of acidic and basic amino acids to make it change shape. Enzymes are globular proteins that regulates chemical reactions within the human body. They are the biological catalysts of the human body as they speed up the chemical reactions occurring throughout the body. Enzymes are a 3D tertiary structures that have been held together with both hydrogen bonds and ionic forces. All enzymes have an active site that is able to join to a specific substance depending on its shape. This is because the substance that it joins to needs to be complimentary towards the active site that it is binding to. When the substrate binds to the active site, the enzyme is able to break it up to produce smaller substances. Once enzymes are used to break up substances, they can be reused as they cannot be used up. Enzymes are very fragile as they need a specific pH as well as temperature to be able to function. They are sensitive towards both temperature and pH. Within my experiment, I found out that the optimum pH of amylase is 5. This 1


BTEC level 3 extended diploma in health and social care (health science)

means that and pH that is below or above the optimum pH can affect the enzyme by causing it to change shape. This is because the active site will be affected causing it to change shape. Therefore, the substrate is unable to bind to the active site due to the changes that have been made. The change of pH can also cause the enzyme to stop working and eventually denature. Once the enzyme denatures it is no longer able to carry out its function and the chemical reactions occurring within the body will come to an end. Task 1: Part 2 Protein Within the stomach, there is an enzyme named pepsin that breaks down proteins into polypeptides. Pepsin has a pH optimum of 1.5-2. Within the duodenum, the polypeptides are broken down into peptides using the enzyme trypsin. The enzyme trypsin is secreted by the pancreas and has a pH optimum of 7.8-8.7. Within the small intestines, the enzyme erepsin (also known as chymotrypsin), breaks down the peptides into amino acids. Chymotrypsin has an optimum pH of 7-8. Protein+ pepsin > polypeptides | polypeptides+ trypsin > peptides | peptides+ erepsin > amino acids Carbohydrates Within the mouth, there is an enzyme called amylase which is present within the saliva, which allows carbohydrates/starch to be broken down into maltose and other disaccharides. Amylase is secreted within the salivary glands. Maltose is a disaccharide that consists of two glucose molecules. Salivary amylase has a pH optimum of 6.7-7.5. Within the pancreas, the enzyme pancreatic amylase is secreted and is transported to the duodenum to allow the remaining complex carbohydrates that was left over from the mouth, to be broken down into disaccharides. Pancreatic amylase has a pH optimum of 6.7-7.5. Once maltose and other disaccharides have been formed from the carbohydrates/starch, it is then fully digested within the small intestines through the enzymes maltase, sucrase and lactase. Carbohydrates/starch + salivary amylase > maltose Carbohydrates/starch leftover from mouth + pancreatic amylase > maltose Maltase, lactase and sucrase Maltase, lactase and sucrase are all enzymes that have a specific role of converting specific disaccharides into smaller units called simple sugars. Maltase is the enzyme that specifically converts the disaccharide maltose into two glucose molecules. This is done within the small intestines. Maltase has a pH optimum of 6.1-6.8. Lactase is another enzyme that specifically converts the disaccharide lactose into one glucose molecule and one galactose molecule. As individuals age, they produce less lactase which causes them to become lactose intolerant. Also, people from a Middle Eastern or Asian background are also more likely to be lactose intolerant as they are more likely to have low levels of lactase being present within the small intestines. Lactase has a pH optimum of 6. Sucrase is also an enzyme that is present within the small intestines which allows the disaccharide sucrose to be broken down into smaller units. The smaller units formed by one sucrose molecule is one fructose molecule and one glucose molecule. Sucrase has a pH optimum of 2. All these enzymes are secreted by the cells lining the intestines. The chemical reactions of each of these enzymes take place within the small intestines. The simple sugar molecules produced from these enzymes are then absorbed into the bloodstream to be used around the body as a source of energy.



BTEC level 3 extended diploma in health and social care (health science)

Maltose + maltase > glucose + glucose Lactose + lactase > glucose + galactose

reaction occurring within the small intestines

Sucrose + sucrase > glucose + fructose Fat Gastric lipase is an enzyme secreted by the stomach that digests fats that comes from food and allows foods to be digested easily. The fat molecules produced from larger molecules of fats are needed throughout the body to be used as a source of energy or stored around organs for an extra layer of protection. Gastric lipase has an acidic nature and has a pH optimum of 3-6. The smaller fat molecules are transported to the small intestines. Within the liver, bile is produced and is transported to the small intestines. Within the small intestines, the bile turns molecules of fat into fat globules. Also, within the small intestines, pancreatic lipase which is produced within the pancreas, is used to turn fat globules into fatty acids and glycerol. These glycerol and fatty acid molecules can be widely used within all cells of the body. Pancreatic lipase has an alkaline nature and has a pH optimum of 8. Fat + lipase > fatty acid + glycerol Bibliography (Healthy eating, 2017) enzymes [online] accessed on: 15/01/18 available at: http://healthyeating.sfgate.com/functions-amylase-protease-lipase-digestive-enzymes-3325.html (Ashby M, 2018) assignment 3 [online] accessed on: 16/01/18 available at: https://mycourses.mycandi.ac.uk/mod/folder/view.php?id=133913


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