Your Spring Syllabus PDF

Title Your Spring Syllabus
Course Academic and Life Success
Institution College of Southern Nevada
Pages 9
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Your Spring Syllabus, 2015
Academic and Life Success
ALS-101-College Success



YourSpr i ngSy l l abus ,2015 Academic and Life Success ALS-101-College Success SEMESTER:

SPRING, 2015 (8-Week Session)


Dr. Robert M. Sherfield


H-212 Cheyenne Campus


702-651-4801 (English Department)


702-260-1222 (Emergency Only)


[email protected]

Emergence E-mail:

[email protected]


In Person



Other Hours by Appointment COURSE DESCRIPTION: Learn strategies for mastering academic and life success. Course topics include change, goals-setting, money and time management, test preparation, note-taking, memory techniques, relationships, communication, listening, wellness, diversity, and personal responsibility. COURSE GOALS: I ti st heobj ec t i v eofALS101t ogi v es t udent st r ai ni ngandex per i enc est hat wi l l al l owt hem t obes uc cess f ul i nt hei rfi r s ty earandbey ond.Topi c st obe c ov er edi nc l udedeal i ngwi t hchange,i nc r easi ngs el f es t eem andmot i v at i on, goal set t i ngsk i l l s ,l ear ni ngs t y l es ,mul t i pl ei nt el l i genc es ,memor ydev el opment , l i s t eni ngs k i l l s ,not et ak i ngs ki l l s ,s t udys ki l l s ,t es t t ak i ng,communi c at i onand s peaki ngs ki l l s ,c r i t i calt hi nk i ngs k i l l s ,andcar eeri s s ues .Thepur pos eoft hi s

c our sei st opr ovi dey out heoppor t uni t yt ol ear nandadoptmet hodst hat pr omot ey ours uc cessi ncol l egeandl i f e. COURSEMi ssi onandOBJECTI VES: Themi s s i oni nALS101i saccompl i s hedbypr omot i ngpr ov ensuccess s t r at egi est hatwi l l as si s ty oui n: Lear ni nghowy ouar er es ponsi bl ef orcr eat i ngy ourowns uc c es s f ul col l ege exper i enc e Di s cov er i ngandpr ac t i c i ngpos i t i v ebehav i or al changes Loc at i ngandut i l i z i ngc ampusandcommuni t yr es our c es                  

I dent i f y i ngandempl oy i ngs pec i ficac t i v el ear ni ngs t r at egi ess uchas : Set t i ngr eal i s t i candat t ai nabl egoal s Managi ngpr i or i t i eseffect i v el y Reduc i ngs t r es s Di s cov er i ngandusi ngone’ sdomi nantl ear ni ngs t yl et obes tadv ant age Readi ngt ex t swi t hi mpr ov edf oc us ,compr ehens i on,andr et ent i on Li s t eni ngandcompr ehendi ngl ec t ur es T ak i ngeffec t i v e,us ef ul not es I mpr ovi ngmemor yandr ecal l t ec hni ques Pr epar i ngf orandt ak i ngt es t ssuc c es s f ul l y Pr esent i ngc l earor al andwr i t t enr epor t s I mpr ovi ngc r eat i v eandcr i t i c al t hi nk i ngs k i l l Loc at i ngandut i l i z i ngav ar i et yofl i br ar yandt echni c al r es our c es I mpl ement i ngpl anst oeffec t i v el ymanagefi nanc i al r esour c es Under st andi ngy ourper s onal heal t handwel l nes si s s ues Recogni z i ngandunder s t andi ngt hev al ueandcompl exi t yofadi v er s e s oci et y Dev el opi ngs t r ongerandheal t hi err el at i ons hi ps Dev el opi ngaper s onal ,uni quecar eerdev el opmentpl an

REQUI REDLear ni ngMat er i al s: TEXT:

Sher fi el d,R. ,& Moody ,P.( 2014)Cor ner st onesf orCommuni t yCol l ege nd Success.2 Edi t i onWI THMySt udentSuccessLab UpperSaddl eRi v er , NJ :Pr ent i c eHal l .

TECHNOLOGY: Awor k i ngknowl edgeofCanv asandMi c r osof tWORDwi l l beex t r emel y hel pf ul .( Hi ghl yr ecommendedandREQUI REDbyWeekTwo) Knowl edgeofMySt udentSuccessLab( Pack agedwi t hy ourt ex t )

RESOURCES: Yous houl dhav eaGener al CSNCat al og/ NewSt udentHandbook .

EVALUATI ONANDGRADI NG SCALE: Dur i ngt hecour s eoft hes emes t er ,y ouwi l l hav et heoppor t uni t yt oear na mi ni mum of18gr ades .Fory ouri nf or mat i onandconv eni ence,t hegr adi ng s c al ei spr ov i dedbel ow: 90100

ASuper i orCol l egeLev el Wor k


BAbov eAv er ageCol l egeLev el Wor k


CAv er ageLev el Col l egeWor k


DQues t i onabl yUnacc ept abl eCol l egeWor k

59bel ow

FUnac cept abl eCol l egeLev el Wor k

Gr adeswi l lbeear nedasf ol l ows: Knowl edgei nBLOOM Ac t i v i t i es 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, )

11gr ades( Chapt er s

Mi dt er m Ex am

1gr ade

MySt udentSucces sLab

3gr ades

News l et t erPr oj ect

3gr ades

Thes epr oj ect sandduedat esar edet ai l edi ny ourCour seOper at i onal Cal endar Ther ear eNO c ur v es .Yourgr adei sr efl ec t i v eofy oureffor t sand achi ev ement s .Youroper at i onal c al endardet ai l swhenpr oj ec t sar edue.Iwi l l r emi ndy oui nc hatses si ons ,t her ef or e,t her ei sNO GRACEper i odandl at e wor ki snotacc ept ed. YoudohaveONEgr adef or gi veness.Ir eal i z et hatmanyt hi ngsc anhappen dur i ngt hes emes t er ,t her ef or e,y ouar eabl et oSKI Ponepr oj ect( ot hert han t hefi nalNews l et t er )andnotbepenal i z edf ort hi spr oj ect .YouMUST,howev er , NOTI FYmet haty oupl ant os ki pt hi sass i gnmentBEFOREi ti sdueorwi t hi n8 hour saf t ert heduedat e.I Fy oudonotnot i f ymei nadv anc eorwi t hi n8hour s af t ert heduedat e,t hi spr oj ec twi l l begr adedwi t haz er o. Act i vi t i esandExer ci ses: Pr oj ect sandExer ci ses:Dur i ngt hec our seoft hes emes t er ,eac hs t udentwi l l beas k edt ocompl et eav ar i et yofpr oj ect st hatsuppor tl ec t ur eandr eadi ng mat er i al s .Pr oj ect si nc l ude,butar enotl i mi t edt o:Sy l l abusTes t ,Goal Sheet , GPACal c ul at i onSheet . MySt udentSuccessLab:Eac hs t udentwi l lber equi r edt ol ogi nt oand c ompl et eatl eas et hr eechapt erac t i v i t i esi nMySt udentSucc es sLab ( www. my s t udent suc c es s l ab. com ( Li nk st oanex t er nal si t e. ) ) .MSSLi san onl i necomponentt hats uppl ement st het ext . Mi dTer m Exam:Eac hs t udenti sr equi r edt ot ak eami dt er m ex ami nat i on dur i ngt hes emes t er .Thet es twi l l cov erav ar i et yofmat er i al sdi s c us s edi n c l as sandf oundi ny ourr eadi ngs .Youwi l l begi v enatl eas toneweek s ’ not i ce bef or eanex am.Ex am dat esands t udyques t i onsar eal s of oundi ny our oper at i onal c al endar . Knowl edgei nBLOOM Act i vi t i es:Thes eac t i v i t i esar ef oundatt heendof eac hc hapt er .Theyhel py oumas t ert hemat er i al st udi edi neachchapt er . Somear emor edi ffic ul tt hanot her s .Youroper at i onal c al endardet ai l swhen eac hKnowl edgei nBLOOM i sdue.Youwi l l r ec ei v e13gr adesf ory ourKi B Act i v i t i es Fi nalPr oj ect/Exam:Eac hst udenti sr equi r edt os ubmi tafi nalNewsl et t er Pr oj ect .Thepr oj ecti sdet ai l edi nt heOper at i onal Cal endar .

STUDENTSWI THDI SABI LI TI ES: I fy ouhav eadocument eddi s abi l i t yt hatmayr equi r eas s i s t anc e,y ouwi l l need t ocont ac tt heDi s abi l i t yRes our c eCent erl oc at edi nt heSt udentSer v i ce Cent eroneac hcampus .Chey ennephonenumberi s6514045,Hender son, 6513086andWes tChar l es t oni s6515089.TheDi sabi l i t yCent erdet er mi nes el i gi bi l i t yf orandaut hor i z est hepr ov i si onsofser v i c es .Tol ear nmor eabout t heCSNDi s abi l i t yResour c eCent er ,l ogont o: ht t p: / / www. c sn. edu/ pages / 2566. asp Fort hos est udent st hatwoul dl i k et oear nal i t t l eex t r acash,st opbyt he Di s abi l i t yRes our c eCent ert ofil l outaj obi nt er es tcar d.Thi sofficehi r es s t udent sasnot et ak er s ,r eader s ,pr oc t or s ,s cr i bes ,l abas s i s t ant s ,and r es ear c has si s t ant sasneeded.

NOTESONACADEMI CI NTEGRI TY( CHEATI NG) : Academi cDi shones t yi snev erper mi t t edunderanyc i r c ums t anc eandwi l l be pr osec ut edt ot hef ul l es tex t ent .Youar eex pect edt or eadandunder s t andt he c ur r enti s sueoft heGener al Cat al ogandSt udentHandbookr egar di ngs t udent r es ponsi bi l i t i esandr i ght sr egar di ngwhatc ons t i t ut esaccept abl eoncampus behav i or .Thepenal t i esf orac ademi cdi shones t yr angef r om f ai l i ngt he ass i gnment ,f ai l i ngt hec our se,and/ orbei ngr emov edf r om t hecol l ege.I nt he mos ts ev er ecas es ,y oucoul dbeas k edt ol eav et hec ount yi fy ourSt udent Vi sadependsony ouract i v es t udents t at usandy ouar eas k edt ol eav et he i ns t i t ut i on. I ti si mpor t antt oknowwhatc onst i t ut esdi s hones t yi nanac ademi cset t i ng. Bel owi sal i s tofoffens est hatmos tcol l egescons i derac ademi cmi s conduct : Look i ngonanot herper son’ st es tpaperf orans wer s Gi v i nganot hers t udentans wer sont es t s ,homewor k ,orl abpr oj ect s Usi nganyk i ndof“ c heats heet s ”onat es torpr oj ect Usi ngacomput er ,cal c ul at or ,di ct i onar y ,ornot eswhennotappr ov ed. Di s cus si ngex am quest i onswi t hs t udent swhoar et ak i ngt hes amecl as sat anot hert i me. Pl agi ar i sm,orus i ngt hewor dsorwor k sofot her swi t houtgi v i ngpr opercr edi t . Thi si ncl udest he

I nt er net ! St eal i nganot hers t udent ’ sc l as snot es Usi nganannot at edi ns t r uc t or ’ sedi t i onofat ext . Hav i ngt ut or sdoy ourhomewor kf ory ou Submi t t i ngt hes amepaperf ormor et hanonecl assdur i nganys emest er Copy i ngfil esf r om al abcomput erorbor r owi ngsomeoneel se’ sdi s kwi t ht he wor koni t Br i bi ngas t udentf orans wer sorac ademi cwor ks uc haspaper sorpr oj ect s Buy i ngoracqui r i ngpaper sf r om i ndi v i dual sort heI nt er net As si s t i ngot her swi t hdi s hones tact s L y i ngaboutr eas onsy oumi s s edat es torac l as s

TOP10QUESTI ONSYOUSHOULDASKYOURSELFABOUTACADEMI C I NTEGRI TY 10.I fot herpeopl ef oundoutabouty ourac t i ons ,coul dy oudef endwhaty ou di d? 9.I st heact i ony ouar et aki ngwor t ht her i s kandt hes t r ess ? 8.I si twor t hf ai l i ngt hec our se( orwor se)i ft hepr of ess orknewy ouc heat ed? 7.Howwoul dy ouf eel aboutbei ngex pel l edf r om sc hool f ort hi sact i on? 6.I sy ourdec i si onf ai rt oal l peopl econc er ned? 5.Doesy ourdec i s i onmak ey oupr oudofwhoy ouar easaper son? 4.Hav ey oumadeac ar ef ul l yt hought out ,r es ponsi bl e,mat ur edec i si on r egar dl essofwhatev er y oneel sei sdoi ng? 3.I si tt her i ghtt hi ngt odo? 2.I ft hi sact i onwer et oappeari nt heheadl i nesoft henewspapert omor r ow mor ni ng,woul dy ouf eel pr oud? 1.I fy ourf ami l yknewabouty ourdec i s i on,woul dt heybepr oudofy ou? Asac ol l eges t udent ,y ouwi l lbef ac edwi t ht empt at i onst hatr equi r ey out o mak ehar dc hoi c es .Youhav epr obabl yal r eadybeenf or c edt omak edec i s i ons

bas edonet hi c s .DoIc heatandmak eahi ghergr ades oIcanc ompet ewi t h t ops t udent s ?Wi l l c heat i nghel pmeear nhi ghergr adessoIgetabet t erj ob? DoIc opyt hi spaperf r om t heI nt er net ?Whowi l l know?Ev er y oneel s ei s c opy i ng,whyam Inotal l owedt odoi t ?Whyshoul dINOTbuyoneoft het er m paper st hati sfl oat i ngar ound?Whati fIl os emys c hol ar s hi p?Whati fIj us t c opys omeone’ shomewor kandnotc heatonat es t ?Whati fIl i et ot he i ns t r uct orandsayIwassi c ks oIcangetmor et i mef orat es tf orwhi c hIam notpr epar ed?Whati fIl ets omeonel ookonmypaperdur i ngat es t ;I ’ m not c heat i ng,am I ?Thes ear eal l et hi c al ques t i onst hatr equi r ey out ous ey our per s onal i nt egr i t yt omak et her i ghtdeci s i on. I nt egr i t yi spur el yandsi mpl ydoi ngwhaty out hi nki sr i ght .I ti sabout under s t andi ngwhoy ouar easaper s onandmaki ngdeci s i onsaboutwhati s r i ghtandwr ongac cor di ngt oy ourper sonal codeofet hi c s .Whatwi l l y oudo whennobodyk nowsbuty ou?Buti ti sal s omaki ngdec i s i onsaboutwhati s r i ghtandwr ongac cor di ngt oy ouri ns t i t ut i on’ ss t andar ds .Asacol l egest udent , y ouwi l l seemanypeopl edot hi ngst haty out hi nkar enotr i ght .Youhav et o dec i dewhati sr i ghtf ory ouandf ol l owy ourv al uesnomat t erwhatot her smay bedoi ng.J us tbecauseev er y onei sdoi ngi tdoesnotmak ei tr i ghtand c er t ai nl y ,i tdoesnotmak ei tr i ghtf ory ou. TheCol l egeofSout her nNev adar equi r esal l member soft heCol l ege Communi t yt of ami l i ar i z et hemsel v eswi t handt of ol l owcopyr i ghtandf ai rus e r equi r ement s .YOUAREI NDI VI DUALL YANDSOLEL YRESPONSI BLEFOR VI OLATI ONSOFCOPYRI GHTANDFAI RUSELAWS.CSNWI LLNEI THER PROTECTNORDEFENDYOUNORASSUMEANYRESPONSI BI LI TYFOR EMPLOYEEORSTUDENTVI OLATI ONSOFCOPYRI GHTAND/ ORFAI R USELAWS. THI SLI NKwi l ll eadyout oCSN' sNEW ACADEMI CI NTEGRI TYPOLI CY ht t p: / / www. c sn. edu/ pages / 3342. asp( Li nkst oane xt er nals i t e. ) STUDENTS' RI GHTSANDRESPONSI BI LI TI ES: Tol ear nmor eabouty ourr i ght sandr es ponsi bi l i t i es ,l ogont o ht t p: / / www. c sn. edu/ pages / 660. as p NEW STUDENTREFUNDPOLI CYEFFECTI VETHI SSEMESTER CSNhasanews t udentr ef undpol i c yf orcour s ewi t hdr awal :

100% wi t hdr awal fi r s tweekofi ns t r uc t i on

50% wi t hdr awal bef or et heendoft he2ndweekofi ns t r uc t i on;and

Nor ef undaf t ert hes t ar toft het hi r dweekorf orappl i c at i onoradmi s si ons .

Mor ei nf or mat i oni sav ai l abl eatwww. c sn. edu/ s uc ces s( Li nkst oanex t er nal si t e. ) ,i ncl udi ng i nf or mat i onabouts hor t t er m cl as sr ef unds .

NEW STUDENTACADEMI CWARNI NG/ PROBATI ON/ SUSPENSI ON POLI CYEFFECTI VETHI SSEMESTER I fs t udent s ’ c umul at i v eGPAf al l st o2. 0orl oweraf t erat t empt i ngatl eas t12 c r edi t s ,t heywi l lr ec ei v eanac ademi cwar ni ng,sot hatt heyhav et i met oseek hel p.Cont i nuedper f or manc eat2. 0orl oweri nf ut ur esemes t ercour s ewor k c anl eadt oac ademi cpr obat i onorac ademi csuspensi on. St udent sonac ademi csus pens i onwi l l notbeabl et oenr ol l i ncl as sesf ora s emes t er .Mor ei nf or mat i oni sav ai l abl eatwww. cs n. edu/ success( Li nkst oan ex t er nal s i t e. ) . NO MORELATEREGI STRATI ONEFFECTI VESPRI NG 2014 St ar t i ngi ns pr i ng2014,CSNs t udent swi l lnol ongerbeabl et or egi s t eraf t er t hes emes t erbegi ns .CSNs t udent swi l lbeabl et or egi s t erunt i l 11: 59p. m.t he daybef or et hes emest erbegi ns .

cs n. edu/ suc c es s( Li nkst oanex t er nal si t e. ) Mor ei nf oatwww. COUNSELI NG/ ADVI SI NG CHANGES I fy ouar eanew st udentorhavenodecl ar edmaj or ,y ouwi l l meetwi t ha CSNsuccesscoachf oral l y ouradv i si ngneeds ,i ncl udi ngcour s epl anni ng andc ar eerex pl or at i ons er vi ces .Succ es scoac hesar el oc at edi ns t udent s er vi c esar easandt hei rc ont ac ti nf or mat i oni sav ai l abl e at www. csn. edu/ succ es s. I fy ouar east udentwhohasdecl ar edamaj or ,CSNhasas s i gnedy oua c ouns el orwhoi sanex per tony ourdec l ar edmaj orandcanhel py ou effect i v el ynav i gat ey ourpr ogr am.

Thi sc ouns el or ’ soffic ei sl oc at edi nt heacademi cs c hool ( i . e.t heSc hoolof Ar t s&Let t er s )i nwhi c hy ourdecl ar edmaj orr es i des .Tofi ndoutwhom y our c ouns el ori sandmak eanappoi nt ment ,got owww. cs n. edu/ s ucc es s(Li nkst oan ex t er nal s i t e. ) ,orcont actt heCSNCal lCent erat7026515555. TUTORI ALSERVI CES/ LEARNI NG CENTERS TheTut or i al Ser vi c es ’mi s s i oni st of os t eraposi t i v eandc ar i ngl ear ni ng at mos pher et hats uppor t sc l as sr oom i ns t r uct i onandov er al l s t udents uc cess . Oneononet ut or i nganddr opi nl absar eav ai l abl e– v i s i twww. cs n. edu/ t ut or i ng( Li nk st oanex t er nal s i t e. )f ormor ei nf or mat i on.Tut or sar e av ai l abl ei nmos ts ubj ect st opr ovi del ear ni ngs uppor tandhel py oui mpr ov e y ourac ademi cmot i v at i onandper f or mance,enhanc ey oursel f es t eem and c onfidenc easani ndependentl ear ner ,andac hi ev ey oureduc at i onal , pr of ess i onal andper s onal goal s .Regi s t erf orFREEandUNLI MI TEDoneononet ut or i ngands c hedul eappoi nt ment satwww. my wco. com/ cs nt ut or i ng(Li nk s t oanext er nal s i t e. )o rc ont actoneofouroffic esat :Char l est onCampus–( Room D203-6515732)–CheyenneCampus( Room S247-6514232) –Hender sonCampus( Room B201-6513125) . SPECI ALNOTE: Thepr of ess orr es er v est her i ghtt oc hanget hi ss y l l abusex ceptf ort hegr adi ng s c al e.Youwi l l benot i fiedofal l c hangesi nwr i t i ng....

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