05.04 Understanding 20th Century Poetry PDF

Title 05.04 Understanding 20th Century Poetry
Author Anonymous User
Course English 2
Institution Stephen F. Austin State University
Pages 1
File Size 78.7 KB
File Type PDF
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Module 5 assignment 4...


05.04 Understanding 20th Century Poetry Decade

Poem/Influential Event


Charles Baudelaire’s Les Fleurs du mal (1857) used correspondence between senses combined with the synthesis of the arts to make it more in touch with the music element. In the early 20th century, symbolists such as Verlaine and Rimbaud adopted the style and it evolved into symbolism.


Poetry: A Magazine of Verse (1912) by Harriet Monroe was a notable magazine created to showcase poetry. This led to the surrounding area of chicago becoming home to three prominent poets Vachel Lindsay, Carl Sandburg, and Edgar Lee Masters.


The Waste Land (1922) by T.S Elliot is a very influential poem written during the early 20th century. This work shows how the modern world has become disillusioned with many biblical and religious references. This work is heavily influenced by WWI, as it was the catalyst for massive change in society, socially and economically.


Carl Sandburg’s The People, Yes (1936) is a book full of references to American culture and history. Though this work was affected by many events in history, one noteworthy one is the Great Depression. There are many references to the strife that the American People went through in this literary work....

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