10 Print Ads & Swot Analysis MCA 376 PDF

Title 10 Print Ads & Swot Analysis MCA 376
Author Isabella Santana
Course Advertising Planning
Institution The City College of New York
Pages 4
File Size 337 KB
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Find 10 advertisements and break them down in a swot analysis (Strengths- weaknesses- opportunities- threats)
All assignments are meant to build us towards the class final project...


Assignment 8: 10 Print Ads & Swot

Due Oct 10, 2019


Isabella Santana MCA 376- Advertising Planning 1.Strengths Brand colors are vivid throughout design Displays several flavors they offer Uses ad to mention their good ethics and quality sourced ingredients Eyes follow the tree from top headline to logo to bottom secondary text Weaknesses Lots of wasted space No store locations, websites, or social media pages are listed Opportunities Create a series of advertisements that use a similar idea (eg: plants & growth) or top-to-bottom layout to raise awareness of their brand and ethics Threats Someone may think this is an ad for recycling Not enough flavor variety displayed Adults may overlook as something specifically geared towards children, as opposed to competitors (eg: skinny cow, hagndaz)

Aveeno is well known as push their social media Limited color usage for printing errors Two versions of their see what they sould look Weaknesses A boring ad to look at, the two bottles listed Small text may be hard to name and “2019 slogan that is not relevant Opportunities Brand “Face” Jennifer consumers Use a similar layout to offer Threats Competitors using a Missing out on targeting younger generations/audiences

2.Strengths a brand, thus theey do not have to harshly makes it easy to look at and less room involving color products on display for consumers to for not much to see besides the model and see and is not as emphasized as brand GOALS:SKIN BLISS”- which is a past the listed year Aniston brings her fans as potential promote other various products they

similar ad style

Assignment 8: 10 Print Ads & Swot

Due Oct 10, 2019


3. Strengths Big logo makes the ad easily identifiable Brand colors of green, yellow, and white are used Promotes their delivery options Displays their sandwiches in an appealing image Weaknesses There us a lot of visual overlapping between logos and imagery, which makes the ad seem cluttered Uses outside delivery apps as opposed to their own delivery service, excluding people who may not use delivery apps. Opportunities Fewer locations needed if the food can be delivered to cover a certain radius of neighborhoods Helps compete with other competitors by making them more easily available Threats “Delivery available in select areas” means potential for some consumers still to not have access to product “Delivery fees, booking fees, and minimum order requirement may apply” will push away people who like the option of free delivery 4. Strengths Phenominal use of space with eyes being drawn towards the center Uses their actual product as a means of communication a message/information Not too much to look at makes it easy to read Colors help viewers eyes travel down page Weaknesses Printing white on yellow is risky depending the quality of the printer Does not mention any social media pages or where the product can be purchased Opportunities Simple layout like this can easily be reused with minor adjustments for other posters, ads, or campaigns They can have a series of ads that show examples of how “everything great starts with M” Threats It is more expensive to print a larger ad and not use every bit of space available They don’t list their packaging or other variety of M&Ms 5. Strengths Simple color usage makes printing easier (and cheaper) Easy message for readers, too much text loses people Weaknesses Not a lot of space usage Someone who is not familiar with tic tacs may not understand the point of the slogans used Opportunities A series of ads in the colors that tic tacs are sold in would be an easy campaign strategy

Assignment 8: 10 Print Ads & Swot

Due Oct 10, 2019


Limited visuals means that the slogan and words used have a lot of importance and wiggle room Threats Expensive to product a larger ad and not use so much space Tic tac only implies that they are for your breath, but some may not understand that from the ad

6. Strengths Uses product and portrays what you can do The slogan at bottom relates to what is shown on ad Eyes fall onto only red thing at bottom, LEGO logo Weaknesses Image being cropped may confuse some users The ad states creativity being the focal, but does not gear towards a specific age or audience, only people with imagination Opportunities You can use this same layout with different images and it would work just as well Opportunity to get creative with models that use product Threats Not much information for viewers to base the product off of


A lot It says Helps one of Easy It does Only

7. Strengths Imagery conveys product usage are easy on the eyes Movement of drops help viewers to look at the entire design Weaknesses of text may be “too much to read” for some viewers a few good drops, but doesnt mention that they are spicy Opportunities build brand familiarity by using their productg and displaying it as the largest objects in their design color usage is good for printing/displayal on various platforms Threats not say space in the larger text, thus a consumer may buy the product thinking it is a condiment like ketchup top of their bottle is displayed, so it may be harder for consumers to know what it looks liike if they go to buy it in store 8. Strengths The color usage of ad relates to the logo design The words used incorporate their product which brings attention to viewers Weaknesses Gradients are often more difficult for printers to do so correctly without some unwanted variations in the color This is an ad that if someone was color blind, they would have trouble seeing because it heavilty relies on color usage for contrast Opportunities Seeing the product may make someone want to taste it Grabs audiences attention by appearing fun Threats This design only works because of the logo, if that were to change, their ads would

Assignment 8: 10 Print Ads & Swot

Due Oct 10, 2019


have to do the same accordingly 9. Strengths Simple design gets the message across easily Water ads do not have to be complicated, they display this successfully Only real color usage is blue, which is associated with water, thus further emphasizing product Weaknesses Boring looking ad, this is one that someone may easily turn the page for something more colorful and exciting White backgrounds show the backpage in a magazine, which interferes with the design Opportunities Brand can make a series of aqua themed posters Threats Competitors like Poland Spring are known for having ads that show instances within nature and convey movement (eg:waterfalls) which is more attention grabbing than a bottle with some accenting bubbles

10. Strengths Good Product is showing playing field Weaknesses Excludes seemingly How can this Overall Threats Competitors there is a being held,

contrast of light and dark presented cleanly with the background and slogan viewers it is for hydration and gives the example of the (eg:football) audiences who may not be looking for a beverage that is geared towards athletes ad be used to promote other varieties within their brand? Opportunities appealing ad grabs the attention of onlookers (Gatorade) usually use people to display their beverage, sense of disassociation with this product since it is not drunk, or used by a person in comparison...

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