1524936757819 October in the Chairoctober in the chair PDF

Title 1524936757819 October in the Chairoctober in the chair
Course English
Institution Texas Woman's University
Pages 4
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October in the Chair Name of Author Institution Date


2 October in the Chair

From the short story known as October in the chair by Neil Gamain, months have been given the characters of the human being, several appearances, and personalities linked to the represented months. Runt, who is described as the most build, skinniest and youngest child in the household, does not seem too apt in anywhere (Gaiman, 2010). As life goes on, Runt ideas of escaping from home, and accrues all the items he thinks were necessary for a tupperware vessel: thirty odd dollars, Beef Jerky and Mars Bars. One day when he pulled the tub and realized it was full, thoughts of escaping lingered in his mind. The aim of running away is to enable him to recorrect and make a good life for him. Though Runt had thoughts of being free, his confidence for knowing that he wound not be found on the first day, made him execute his plans of running away (Ripley, 2011). After Runt arrived in a new town, he met dearly, a young boy who knew that he once had another name, yet he could not read it clearly. Runt had no problem meeting, hanging and socializing with this new kid and by so, they spent the night enjoying and having fun of each other’s company (Pratchett & Gaiman, 2011). When the time to part came, Runt wanted to live with Dearly for life but instead, he was shown the direction of a derelict and old house and he was told that they could achieve their dream there. From an analysis of the short story, dearly and Runt met, quickly bonded and became friends (Brownie, 2012). Dearly was accommodative and cool and therefore his personality enabled Runt to feel, secure, fit, and cared for. This was unlike the case of Runt's siblings who used to bully him every time (Abbruscato, 2010). It is clearly said that Runt’s had older twins “who hurt or ignored him, and were popular.” They also said, “But he is the runt of the litter. Look at him. Look at us.” (pg. 14). Also, it’s stated that “if the twins liked the food, they would



steal his; if they did not, they would contrive to place food on his plate and hw would find himself in trouble for leaving good food uneaten.” (pg. 15). Dearly was compassionate, valued and treasured friendship. He clearly illustrated these characteristics when they were together by hanging out and having fun throughout the night. It’s outlined that both “played hide-and-seek. They explored.” And dearly “showed the Runt some pretty cool places, including a one-room cottage that he said was the oldest building in the whole part of the country.” (pg. 30). Dearly was adventurous. “They walked up to the meadow filled with stones.” (pg. 37). Lastly, he was welcoming and understanding because after runt’s escape from home, he told him “that have taken a whole lot of guts.” (pg. 24).


4 References

Abbruscato, J. M. (2010). A tale of Nobody for everybody: The reemergence of the Gothic fairy tale in Neil Gaiman's “The Graveyard Book”. Arizona State University. Brownie, A. G. (2012). An analysis of storytelling With Emphasis on the Role Played by Stories in Life. State University of New York at Buffalo. Gaiman, N. (2010). Fragile things. Hachette UK. Pratchett, T., & Gaiman, N. (2011). Good omens. Random House. Ripley, J. (2011). Looking at listening: Au'oral narrative in theory and practice. Storytelling, Self, Society, 7(1), 1-14....

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