1607247505298 mis -107 PDF

Title 1607247505298 mis -107
Author Rakib Biswas
Course English composition
Institution North South University
Pages 5
File Size 178.2 KB
File Type PDF
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Name: Nanjiba Ismaat Mirza ID: 1931601648 Section: 18 Instructor: Mohammad Yasser Nazeer

Major Challenges in Managing Information System Information systems provide organizations with communication and analytic tools for different important conducting trade and managing businesses on a global scale .It plays a vital roles in business and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of business processes, managerial decision making and workgroup collaboration. In the 21st century almost every organizations have to use IS (information

system) in order to manage their operations, organize and analyze their data so that they can make better decisions in order to get competitive advantages and achieve their goals. Now a days the IS sector is developing day by day and improving their efficiency according to our modern life. In this modern world everyone is depending on this IS service directly or indirectly. For this reason, the main focus of companies are to upgrade their capabilities in IS, so that they can stay competitive and help their companies to enter new markets through E-commerce. In this modern era, Globalization, collaboration and integration have become the new drivers in this competitive arena. For that, now many companies are using “Enterprise Resource Planning” software which not only helps to integrate different functional areas of business but also provide consistent real time data for fast and better decision making which helps a company to manage their works throughout the world. In a sentence, Information system is a major functional area of business, just as important as any business function. From a business perspective, an information system represents an organizational and management solution based on IT (Information technologies) to a challenge posed by the environment. The information systems built today are very important for an organization's overall performance, especially for the highly globalized and information-based economy. Information systems are driving both daily operations and organizational strategy. In order to make the organizations more flexible and profitable it’s really important to make sure to focus on managing information’s. There are two major challenges in managing information system. They are: 1) Operation challenges 2) Technical challenges

1) Operation challenge: A) Communication: Communication is the main life of business. In order to achieve success organization should communicate with upper level to lower level management. Without a good communication it’s a tough job to organize their work let alone to give customer a proper service. So it’s really important to improve communication in order to achieve success B) Recruitment: In order to make a business firm successful it’s really important to appoint the

worthy employs. So the process of recruiting should be clear and transparent C) Maintaining cost: Maintaining cost is one of the major challenges in managing information system. It deduce the profit margin. So MIS have to maintain added labor cost and get the best output from here.

D) Delivering the project on time: In order to protect reputation and give proper customer services a firm have to deliver the project on time. So MIS have to ensure that everything is going per schedule and they finish their projects on time etc.

2) Technical challenges

A) Knowing technical needs: A firm should know their technical needs. MIS have to ensure the investment in a technology, their needs etc.

B) Right decision pattern: The MIS firm should know the problems. Study those problems and come up with a proper solution.

C) Quality control: In order to make good sales it’s really important to provide good products. That will help to achieve a good name and reputation in the market.

D) Security: Without a proper security system it’s really hard to do a business. In order to get proper profit firm should secure their data, upcoming plans, and resources and so on. In order to get success, profit and fame a firm needs to look at these problem and solve them in a require way as soon as possible.

Connection between the Firms, its IT Infrastructure and Business Capabilities Information systems are an essential field in the study of business administrations and management. In this 21st century even an average person knows that information technology is the future each and every sector is becoming more and more IT base. IT (information technology) is creating a huge impact in today’s business

Firm: A firm is a commercial enterprise like a profit business organization which means a company buys and sells their products or services to their customers. IT infrastructure: IT infrastructure includes hardware, software, and services that are shared across the entire firm. IT infrastructure allows an organization/firm to deliver information system or IT solution and services to its employee, customers or partners. In a sentence, it helps to educate, train and consult people of an organization/ firm and helps them to grow and also they provide data to its users A firm, it’s IT infrastructure and business capabilities are all interconnected. Because IT infrastructure not only helps a firm to grow but also provide services to their customers. In two ways we can define IT infrastructure as :

1) Technology 2) Service cluster

Cloud computing in terms of fueling open innovation Cloud computing is the use of hardware and software to deliver a service over a network. Simply we can say that, it delivers the computing services such as database, analytics, storages etc. over the internet. The aim of cloud computing is to allow the users to take proper benefits from all kinds of technologies without the need of deep knowledge’s. Cloud computing aims to cut costs and helps the users focus on their core business. People use cloud computing because of their amazing benefit such as cost saving, ease to use, agility, and flexibility and also for its scalability etc. Because of this, the users of cloud computing from different kinds companies /organization/digital farm are rapidly increasing. A journal says that, the cloud computing industry has grown 300% over the past 6 years and showing no signs of slowing down. For that the IT executives are outsourcing more infrastructure, applications management services and also custom development in order to devote more to their own resources to core business function. The reasons of the exceptional growth of cloud computing in business are quite straightforward. Cloud computing helps an IT organization to become more efficient and reliable. Cloud computing helps in different way to open innovation which are written below:

1) Cloud computing links data storage with engagement services: It’s really important for a company to have data storage .Cause data storage helps to increase engagement both internally and externally. Cloud computing not only helps a company in separate sectors such as HR, finance etc. but also helps to connect with partners and customers which helps a company to be more productive and creative . It helps shine in the tough competition in today’s IT sector’.

2) Allows the merger of goods and services data : We know, in today’s business environment, there is nothing more important than being flexible for that ,almost every companies use an easy software by which they can create infinitely flexible external model for which cloud computing is the best. It allows to intrigued hybrid between data and goods to create innovative new products that serves customers properly and make life much easier.

3) Allow for increase automation: Automation is the way of the future and companies that automate internal processes. Cloud computing not only allows the companies to track the internal and external aspects but also give easier services. Cloud computing helps to save money and being more efficient 4) Create new markets: Every time cloud create or expand something new it also creates a market for services. As it grows, it needs additional people to manage and fill it which is also a cause of creating new market and industries.

5) Make business faster: Because of the cloud, now the companies have achieved a new speed in work. The cloud allow the companies to do experiment with tech, develop new sectors etc. It cut costs so companies can expand their business more ....

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