2. Enzymes (Table) - Notes taken from the lecture of Mr. Mikhail Valdescona, RMT, MPH PDF

Title 2. Enzymes (Table) - Notes taken from the lecture of Mr. Mikhail Valdescona, RMT, MPH
Author Joyce Ann Magsakay
Course Clinical Chemistry 2
Institution Our Lady of Fatima University
Pages 8
File Size 190.7 KB
File Type PDF
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OXIDOREDUCTASE LACTATE DEHYDROGENASE (LD) 1.1.1 - Tissue Sources:  High: Heart, Liver, Kidney, Skeletal muscles, RBC  Less: Brain, Lungs, Smooth muscle - Increase during AMI: rise @12-24hrs, peak @48-72hrs, normal @10 days - during AMI, it will show LD FLIPPED PATTERN (LD-1 > LD-2) ...


OXIDOREDUCTASE Normal Range: 125-220 U/L

LACTATE DEHYDROGENASE (LD) - Tissue Sources:  High: Heart, Liver, Kidney, Skeletal muscles, RBC  Less: Brain, Lungs, Smooth muscle - Increase during AMI: rise @12-24hrs, peak @48-72hrs, normal @10 days - during AMI, it will show LD FLIPPED PATTERN (LD-1 > LD-2) ISOENZYME LD-1 (HHHH) LD-2 (HHHM)



Lungs, Pancreas, Spleen, Lymphocytes




Skeletal Muscle


CONDITION Myocardial infarction Hemolytic Anemia Megaloblastic Anemia Acute Renal infarction, Hemolyzed specimen Pulmonary embolism, Pneumonia, Acute Pancreatitis, Lymphocytosis, Carcinoma Hepatic injury/Inflammation Skeletal muscle injury


CONCENTRATION 14-26% 29-39%

Pulmonary Involvement & Carcinoma


8-16% Hepatic disorder Grave prognosis, Impending death


ASSAY METHODS: 1. WACKER METHOD (Forward/Direct Reaction) - reaction @ 8.8 pH - most commonly used method because it produces a positive rate & not affected by product inhibition 2. WROBLEUSKI LA DUE (Reverse/Indirect Reaction) - reaction @ 7.2 pH - reaction is 2x faster as the forward reaction - preferred method for Dry Slide Technology 3. WROBLEUSKI CABAUD 4. BERGER BROIDA SOURCES OF ERRORS:  Hemolysis results to falsely ↑ LD levels  RBC contain 100-150 more LD  Stored @25°c within 48hrs



Normal Range: Males: 46-171 U/L Females: 34-145 U/L

CK-MB: 320 mg/dL Hb results to interference  Serum must be stored in a dark place because CK is inactivated by light  Stored @4°c for 7 days & -20°c for 1 month



Normal Range: - a.k.a “Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase” (SGOT) - Tissue Sources:  High: Skeletal muscle, Cardiac tissue, Liver  Less: Kidney, Pancreas, RBC - limited only to evaluation of Hepatocellular Disorders & Skeletal Muscle Involvement - Increase during AMI: rise @6-8hrs, peak @24hrs, normal @5 days - Peak Elevation during HCD: 24hrs. - not useful in the diagnosis of AMI

ASSAY METHODS: 1. KARMEN METHOD - reaction @ 7.5 pH @ 340nm - uses Malate Dehydrogenase & monitors the change in absorbance @340nm 2. REITMAN & FRANKEL SOURCES OF ERROR:  Hemolysis results to falsely ↑ AST levels AST & ALT:  Rapidly ↑ in almost all Liver Diseases & still ↑ for 2-6 weeks  ↑ level during Viral Hepatitis, Drug-induced Cirrhosis, Hepatic Ischemia  ↑ during AMI, IM, Renal infarction, Progressive Muscular Dystrophy, Diabetic Ketoacidosis, Hyperthyroidism

2 ISOENZYME FRACTION: 1. CYTOPLASM: predominant in serum 2. MITOCHONDRIA: significantly ↑ during Cellular Necrosis



Normal Range: 7-45 U/L - a.k.a “Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase” (SGPT) - Tissue Sources:  High: Liver  Less: many tissues in the body - ↑ in Hepatocellular Disorders than Extrahepatic or Intrahepatic Obstructive Disorders - ALT levels are frequently ↑ than AST & tend to remain ↑ longer because of longer half-life of ALT in the serum - Cardiac tissue contains small amount ALT activity, but serum level remains normal in AMI unless there’s subsequent Liver damage - Peak Elevation during HCD: 16hrs.

ASSAY METHODS: 1. ELECTROPHORESIS 2. HEAT FRACTIONATION/STABILITY TEST 3. CHEMICAL INHIBITION TEST 4. BOWERS & MC COMB (Szasz Modification) - most specific method - a continuous monitoring technique which required 10.15 pH @ 405nm SOURCES OF ERRORS:  Not affected by Hemolysis  Stable @4°c for 3-4days


ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE (ALP) - Tissue Sources:  Present in all cell surfaces  High: Bone, Intestine, Liver, Kidney, Spleen, Placenta - most diagnostic for Hepatobiliary & Bone Disorders - ↑ ALP activity: Paget’s Disease (Osteitis Deformans) - Other Bone disorders: Osteomalacia, Rickets, Hyperparathyroidism, Osteogenic Sarcoma - Complications: Hypertension, Pre-eclampsia, Eclampsia, or threatened Abortion - Pregnancy: ↑ ALP level is detected 16-20 weeks & persist until labor then returns to normal 3-6 days after delivery - ↓ ALP during Inherited Hypophosphatasia - ALP Isoenzymes: derived in Bone, Intestine, Liver, Placenta ASSAY METHODS: 1. ELECTROPHORESIS - most useful single technique for ALP Isoenzyme analysis - Origin > Intestinal > Bone/Placenta > Liver a. LIVER ISOENZYME a1. MAJOR LIVER BAND: Major fraction which is ↑ a2. FAST LIVER / α1-LIVER: Metastatic Carcinoma & Hepatobiliary diseases b. BONE ISOENZYME - ↑ during Osteoblastic Activity - normally ↑ among Children & Adult (>50 y/o) c. INTESTINAL ISOENZYME - common to those with ABO Blood type “B” or “O” (Secretors) - further ↑ after consumption of Fatty meal - ↑ also during Diseases of Digestive tract, Cirrhosis, & Hemodialysis patients 2. HEAT STABILITY - Origin > Placenta > Intestinal > Liver > Bone - ALP activity is measure before & after heating Serum @56°c for 10mins.  ↑ due to Bone Phosphatase: residual activity after heating is 20% ↓ than before heating  ↑ due to Liver Phosphatase: residual activity after heating is 20% ↑ than before heating 3. SELECTIVE CHEMICAL INHIBITION - used of Phenylalanine to inhibit Intestinal & Placental ALP - however you can’t differentiate Bone from Liver Phosphatase, & Intestinal from Placental Phosphatase

ABNORMAL FRACTIONS OF ALP: Carcinoplacental ALPs 1. REGAN ISOENZYME - detected in Carcinoma of the Lung, Breast, Ovary, & Colon - ↑ in Ovarian & Gynecologic cancers - migrates to the same position of the Bone fraction, Heat stable, & inhibited by Phenylalanine 2. NAGAO ISOENZYME - variant of Regan Isoenzyme - same properties with Regan Isoenzyme - detected in Metastatic Carcinoma of Pleural surfaces & in Adenocarcinoma of the Pancreas & Bile duct SOURCES OF ERRORS:  Hemolysis results to falsely ↑ LD levels (6x in conc)  Diet from Blood type “B” or “O” secretors  25% ↑ following a Fatty meal REFERENCE RANGE:  Male & Female (4-15 y/o): 54-369 U/L  Males (20-50 y/o): 53-128 U/L (>60 y/o): 56-119 U/L  Females (20-50 y/o): 42-98 U/L (>60 y/o): 53-141 U/L


ACID PHOSPHATASE (ALP) - Tissue Sources:  Highest: Prostate  Less: Bone, Liver, Kidney, Spleen, RBC, PLT - originally, it aids in the detection of Prostatic Carcinoma - though newer markers such as Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) are more useful for screening * THYMOLPHTHALEIN MONOPHOSPHATE - most specific substrate for Prostatic ACP (endpoint determination) * A-NAPTHYL PHOSPHATE: can also be used as Substrate * TARTRATE: as inhibitor (may also inhibit Lysosomal ACP) - may also be ↑ in cases of Paget’s Disease, Gaucher’s Disease, Breast Cancer, Thrombocytopenia - for investigation of Rape (proven useful for Forensic Chemistry) - Vaginal washings are examined for Seminal fluid ACP activity which can persist up to 4 days




PNPP Alpha-napthyl PO4

P-Nitrophenol Alpha-Naphtol

Thymolphthalein MonoPO4

Free Thymolpthalein

SOURCES OF ERRORS:  Serum must be separated immediately from the clotted blood to prevent leakage of RBC & Platelets  Prolonged standing @ room temp. ↓ activity as a result of CO2 loss thereby ↑ the pH  Hemolysis must be prevented  If not assayed immediately, serum should be frozen or acidified ↓ 6.2 pH



Normal Range: Males: 6-55 U/L Females: 5-38 U/L - Tissue Sources:  Brain, Kidney, Liver, Pancreas, Prostate - for evaluation of Liver & Biliary disorders - one of the most sensitive enzyme for all Hepatobiliary disorders - ↑ GGT levels: Chronic Alcoholism (2-3 ↑ ULN) - useful for monitoring abstention from alcohol - level return to normal within 2-3 weeks after cessation - may also be ↑ during Acute Pancreatitis, DM, MI - useful in differentiating source of ↑ ALP because GGT remains normal during Pregnancy & Skeletal disorders

SOURCES OF ERRORS:  Not affected by Hemolysis



Normal Range: 7.9-16.3 U/L - Tissue Sources:  Adrenal cortex, Thymus, Spleen, Lymph Nodes, Lactating Mammary Gland, RBC - research focus is on its role for RBC - it maintains NADPH in its reduced form - adequate conc. of NADPH is required to regenerate Glutathione from the oxidized to reduced - protects Hemoglobin from Oxidation & cell membrane damage - deficiency in G-6-PD results to inadequate supply of NADPH; inability to maintain reduced Glutathione levels; Drug-induced Hemolytic Anemia - when exposed to an oxidant drug, affected individuals experience Hemolytic episodes - ↑ levels of G-6PD in the serum have been reported in MI & Megaloblastic Anemia

ASSAY METHODS:  Red Cell Hemolysate is used to assay for deficiency of the enzyme  Serum is used for evaluation if enzyme ↑



Normal Range: Serum: 28-100 U/L - Tissue Sources:  Major: Acinar cells of the Pancreas & Salivary glands  Less: Skeletal muscles, Small intestine, & Fallopian tube * SALIVARY AMYLASE: aids in digestion of Starches, but inactivated by the Gastric juices * PANCREATIC AMYLASE: performs major digestive action of Starches once the Polysaccharide reaches the intestine - Other diseases: Salivary Gland lesions (Mumps & Parotitis), Intra-abdominal disease such as Perforated Peptic Ulcer, Intestinal Obstruction, Cholecystitis, ruptured Ectopic Pregnancy, Mesenteric Infarction, Acute Appendicitis - also ↑ in Diabetic Ketoacidosis & Renal Insufficiency - Employed for diagnosis of Acute Pancreatitis - Increase during AP: rise @5-8hrs, peak @24hrs, normal @3-5days * HYPERAMYLESIMIA: occurs among individual with Neoplasmic disease (AMY is 50x ↑ than ULN) * HYPOAMYLESIMIA: combines with Immunoglobulins that is too large to be filtered by the Glomerulus SOURCES OF ERROR:  Presence of Plasma Triglycerides can suppress of inhibit Serum Amylase (Amylase can be Normal during Acute Pancreatitis & Hyperlipidemia)  Administration of Morphine & other Opiates will lead to false ↑ in Serum Amylase. (Primarily due to constriction of Sphincter of Oddi of the Pancreatic ducts causing regurgitation of Amylase in the serum)



S-TYPE Salivary gland, Fallopian tubes, Lungs S1, S2, S3

P1, P2, P3 Acute Pancreatitis (P3) & Renal failure Salivary Isoenzyme migrate more quickly than the Pancreatic Isoenzyme In normal Serum, IsoAmylases migrate to the A & B Globulin regions of Protein in Electrophoresis where the most commonly observed fractions are P2, S1, S2



DESCRIPTION Measures the disappearance of Starch Substrate Measures the appearance of the Product Measures the ↑ color from production of Product coupled with a Chromogenic dye Coupling of several enzyme systems to monitor Amylase activity


LIPASE - Tissue Sources:  Pancreas  May also be present in the Stomach & Small Intestine - almost exclusively used for diagnosing Acute Pancreatitis - during Acute Pancreatitis, Lipase persists longer than Amylase (2-3 days) - but Lipase remains normal during conditions with salivary involvement - 2 Isoenzymes, in which L2 is the most clinically specific & sensitive - Increase during AP: rise @4-8hrs, peak @24hrs, normal @8-14days

ASSAY METHODS: 1. CLASSIC CHERRY-CRANDALL - Olive oil: as Substrate & measured liberated Fatty Acids by Titration after a 24hr incubation 2. TURBIDIMETRIC METHODS - cloudy emulsion of fats are hydrolyzed by Lipase & the rate of clearing is measured 3. COLORIMETRIC METHODS - based on coupled reactions of enzymes such as Peroxidase or Glycerol Kinase SOURCES OF ERRORS:  Hemolysis must be avoided because Hemoglobin inhibits Lipase Serum Activity...

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