20-21 LLM dissertation titles (unnamed) v5 PDF

Title 20-21 LLM dissertation titles (unnamed) v5
Author Eugene Irwin
Course Advanced Legal and Socio-Legal Research Methods
Institution University of Bristol
Pages 14
File Size 438.9 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 51
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Migration, borders and sovereignty • • • • •


Spijkerboer, T. (2018) ‘The Global Mobility Infrastructure: Reconceptualising the Externalisation of Migration Control’, European Journal of Migration and Law, 20(4), 452-469. Lester, E. (2018), Making Migration Law. The Foreigner, Sovereignty, and the Case of Australia, Cambridge University Press., intro and chapter 1. Nita, S., Pécoud, A., De Lombaerde, P., de Guchteneire, P., Neyts, K. and Gartland, J. (eds.) (2017), Migration, Free Movement and Regional Integration, UNESCO, Paris, ch. 1. Joppke, C. (2019), ‘The Instrumental Turn of Citizenship’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 45, 858-878. United Nations. Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 19 December 2018, A/RES/73/195.

Decolonising the Law (Curriculum) and/or Society • • • • •

The DNA of our Legal System | Anna Grear | TEDxBonn. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6-byCZR-AY Gordon, Lewis R. "Disciplinary Decadence and the Decolonisation of Knowledge." Africa Development 39, no. 1 (2014): 81-92. Crenshaw, Kimberlé Williams. "Toward a Race-Conscious Pedagogy in Legal Education." Nat'l Black LJ 11 (1988): 1. González, Aitor Jimenez. "Decolonizing Legal Studies: A Latin Americanist perspective." In Unsettling Eurocentrism in the Westernized University, pp. 131-144. Routledge, 2018. Dolhare, Maria Itati, and Sol Rojas-Lizana. "The Indigenous Concept of Vivir Bien in the Bolivian Legal Field: A decolonial proposal." The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education 47, no. 1 (2018): 19-29

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David Erdal, ‘Recognising Facts in Economic Democracy’, in Nina Boeger and Charlotte Villiers (eds), Shaping the Corporate Landscape (Hart Publishing, 2018) Douglas Kruse et al. (eds), Shared Capitalism at Work: Employee Ownership, Profit and Gain Sharing, and Broad-based Stock Options (University of Chicago Press, 2010) UK Employee Ownership Association, Guide to Structuring Employee Ownership, at https://employeeownership.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/EO-guide-to-structuring-employeeownership1.pdf UK Nuttall Review of Employee Ownership (2012), at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/nuttall-review-of-employeeownership followed by BIS guidance (2013) at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/employee-ownership-company-modeldocumentation


In the wake of #MeToo • •


Alan Bogg and Mark Freedland, 'The Criminalization of Workplace Harassment and Abuse: An Over-personalized Wrong?', in Alan Bogg and others (eds), Criminality at Work (OUP, 2020) Equality and Human Rights Commission, Sexual harassment and harassment at work (2020) https://www.equalityhumanrights.com/en/publication-download/sexual-harassment-andharassment-work-technical-guidance 'New International Labour Standard to combat violence, harassment, at work agreed' https://www.ilo.org/ilc/ILCSessions/108/media-centre/news/WCMS_711321/lang-en/index.htm Sexual harassment and harassment at work: https://www.equalityhumanrights.com/en/publication-download/sexual-harassmentand-harassment-work-technical-guidance

Freedom of Expression in the 21st Century • • • • • •

Seana Shiffrin, Speech Matters (2014, Princeton University Press) (pick and choose from the chapters) Special Edition of Law and Philosophy Journal on Speech Matters: Volume 38, issues 5-6, from page 433 onwards. Barendt, Freedom of Speech (2009) (Pick and choose from the chapters) HM Government, Online Harms White Paper, available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/online-harms-white-paper Brison and Gelber (eds.), Free Speech in the Digital Age (2019, OUP) (pick and choose from the essays) Bernal, Internet, Warts and All (2018, Cambridge UP)

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Christoph Liebscher, ‘Arbitrability and Insolvency’ in Loukas A Mistelis and Stavros Brekoulakis (eds), Arbitrability: International and Comparative Perspectives (Kluwer Law International) 165–178 Stephan Madaus ‘The (Underdeveloped) Use of Arbitration in International Insolvency Proceedings’ (2020) 37(4) Journal of International Arbitration 449–478 Simon Vorburger, International Arbitration and Cross-Border Insolvency: Comparative Perspectives (Kluwer Law International 2014) Stefan Kroll, ‘Arbitration and Insolvency—Selected conflict of laws problems’ in Franco Ferrari and Stefan Kroll (eds), Conflict of Laws in International Arbitration (Sellier European Law Publishers 2011) 211–253 Georg Naegeli, ‘The Capacity of a Bankrupt Party to Be or Remain a Party to International Arbitral Proceedings: A Landmark Decision of the Swiss Federal Supreme Court’ (2013) 31(2) ASA Bulletin 372–382

Foreign Act of State • • • • • •

Ukraine v Law Debenture Trust Corporation (LDT) [2018] EWCA 2026 Belhaj [2017] UKSC 3 Buttes Gas [1982] AC 888 Mann, Foreign Affairs in English Courts (OUP, 1986) McLachlan, Foreign Affairs Law (CUP, 2014) Fuller, “The Forms and Limits of Adjudication” (1978) 92 Harvard Law Review 353


The concept of conscience in Equity • • • • • •

Hudson, Alastair. Great debates in equity and trusts. Macmillan International Higher Education, 2014 (Chapter 1-3) – [Available as an e-book via Bristol Library] Stone, M. The Contradictions of Conscience: Unravelling the Structure of Obligation in Equity. Law Critique 30, 159–178 (2019). Mike Macnair, Equity and Conscience, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Volume 27, Issue 4, Winter 2007, Pages 659–681 Hudson, Alastair. "Conscience as the Organising Concept of Equity." Canadian Journal of Comparative and Contemporary Law, vol. 2, no. 1, 2016, p. 261-300. Irit Samet (2012) What Conscience Can Do for Equity, Jurisprudence, 3:1, 13-35 Aristotle. Nicomachean Ethics. Book V [Casually browse... Available as an e-book via Bristol Library]

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Bussolati, N. (2015) 'The Rise of Non-State Actors in Cyberwarfare' in Olin, J.D. Govern, K. & Finklestein, C. Cyber War: Law and Ethics for Virtual Conflicts, OUP. Kosseff, J. (2020). Hacking cybersecurity law. University of Illinois Law Review, 2020(3): 811850. Walker, C., & Binti Masood, U. (2020). Domestic law responses to transnational cyberattacks and other online harms: Internet dreams turned on internet nightmares and back again. Notre Dame Journal of International & Comparative Law 10(1): 56-81. Kilovaty, I. (2020). Privatized cybersecurity law. UC Irvine Law Review, 10(4): 1181-1218. Daskal, J. (2020). Transnational government hacking. Journal of National Security Law and Policy, 10(3): 677-700.

IP protection of non-conventional works and trademarks •

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BBC ‘The fascinating reason why clowns paint their faces on eggs’ https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20171206-the-fascinating-reason-why-clowns-painttheir-faces-on-eggs Shane Burke ‘Copyright and Conceptual Art’ in Bonadio, Enrico and Lucchi, Nicola (eds) Non Conventional Copyright (Edward Elgar Publishing 2018) Alexandra Sims, ‘The perils of full copyright protection for tattoos’ EIPR 2016 38(9) 570-576 Daniele Fabris, ‘The Food Industry and the fallacies of denying copyright protection to haute cuisine recipes’ EIPR 2019 41(11) 704-713 Poorna Mysoor, ‘Does UK really have a ‘closed’ list of works protected by copyright, EIPR 2019 41(8) 474-479 Irene Calboli, ‘Chocolate, fashion, toys and cabs: the misunderstood distinctiveness of nontraditional trade marks’ International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law IC 2018 49(1) 1-4


Best Interests and Personal Values in the Court of Protection •

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Camillia Kong, John Coggon, Michael Dunn, Penny Cooper, 'Judging Values and Participation in Mental Capacity Law' Laws (2019) 8:1, 3, https://doi.org/10.3390/laws8010003 https://doi.org/10.3390/laws8010003 Mary Donnelly, 'Best Interests, Patient Participation and the Mental Capacity Act 2005' Medical Law Review (2009) 17:1, 1-29 Camillia Kong, John Coggon, Michael Dunn, Alex Ruck Keene, 'An Aide Memoire for a Balancing Act? Critiquing the "Balance Sheet" Approach to Best Interests Decision-Making' Medical Law Review (2020) 28:4, 753-780 Re M [2011] EWHC 2443 (Fam) Briggs v Briggs [2016] EWCOP 53

Standards in private rented housing • • • • •

Housing Act 2004 and Housing (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018 Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2015 R (Peat and others) v Hyndburn DC [2011] EWHC 1739 (Admin) and R (Regas) v London Borough of Enfield [2014] EWHC 4173 (Admin) MHCLG, An Independent Review of the Use and Effectiveness of Selective Licensing, available at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/selective-licensing-review Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, A Licence to rent, https://www.cieh.org/media/2552/a-licence-to-rent.pdf

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Martin Loughlin, ‘The Case of Prorogation’, Policy Exchange, 15 October 2019) John Finnis, ‘The Unconstitutionality of the Supreme Court’s Prorogation Judgment’, (Policy Exchange, 28 September 2019) Paul Craig, ‘The Supreme Court, Prorogation and Constitutional Principle’ [2020] Public Law 248 Mark Elliott, ‘A new approach to constitutional adjudication? Miller II in the Supreme Court’, https://publiclawforeveryone.com/2019/09/24/the-supreme-courts-judgment-incherry-miller-no-2-a-new-approach-to-constitutional-adjudication/

Sex work/prostitution and criminalization •

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Amnesty International (2019) "If they can have her, why can't we?" Gender based torture and other forms of ill-treatment of women engaged in sex work in the Dominican Republic: https://www.amnesty.org/download/Documents/AMR2700302019ENGLISH.PDF Amnesty International (2016) "Amnesty International policy on state obligations to respect, protect and fulfil the human rights of sex workers" Report: https://www.amnesty.org/download/Documents/POL3040622016ENGLISH.PDF Webpage: https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2016/05/amnesty-international-publishes-policyand-research-on-protection-of-sex-workers-rights/ Katie Cruz (2020) "The Work of Sex Work: Prostitution, Unfreedom and Criminality at Work" in A Bogg et al Criminality at Work (OUP) Michelle Madden Dempsey (2020) "Sex, Work, and Criminalisation" in A Bogg et al Criminality at Work (OUP) Elizabeth Bernstein (2010) "Militarized Humanitarianism Meets Carceral Feminism: The Politics of Sex, Rights, and Freedom in Contemporary Antitrafficking Campaigns" (Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society): https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/pdfplus/10.1086/652918


Global supply chains, private codes of conduct, and labour rights. • • •

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The Law and Worker ‘Leverage’ Action and Protest • • • • •


Barrientos, Gender and Work in Global Value Chains: Capturing the Gains? (2019). Bartley, Rules Without Rights: Land, Labor and Private Authority in the Global Economy (2018). Dias-Abey, ‘Using Law to Support Social Movement-Led Collective Bargaining Structures in Supply Chains’ (2019) 32 Australian Journal of Labour Law, 123-145 (please email me if you can’t access this via the library). Locke, The Promise and Limits of Private Power: Promoting Labor Standards in a Global Economy (2013). Locke, Rissing and Pal, ‘Complements or Substitutes? Private Codes, State Regulation and the Enforcement of Labour Standards in Global Supply Chains’ (2013) 51 British Journal of Industrial Relations 519-552.

Ezelin v France (1991) 14 EHRR 362 R (Laporte) v Chief Constable of Gloucestershire [2007] 2 AC 105 Gate Gourmet London v TGWU [20005] IRLR 881 Thames Cleaning v United Vocies of the World [2016] IRLR 695 The Report of the Independent Review of the Law Governing Industrial Disputes https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_da ta/file/363806/Carr_Review_Report.pdf Thornton, The Law of Public Order and Protest.

Recovery of reflective loss following the Supreme Court decision in Sevilleja v Marex Financial Ltd. • • • • •

For background to the rule restricting recovery of reflective loss, see any major textbook on Company Law Sevilleja v Marex Financial Ltd [2020] UKSC 31 Tettenborn (2021) 137 LQR 16 Laing (2020) 79 CLJ 411 Yap Hui Yen (2020) 36

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J Ho an S Bateman (eds), Maritime Challenges and Priorities in Asia: Implications for Regional Security (Routledge, 2013). D Siebels, Maritime Security in East and West Africa: A Tale of Two Regions (Palgrave, 2020). AA Pandya, R Herbert-Burns, J Kobayashi, Maritime Commerce and Security: The Indian Ocean (Stimson Centre, 2011). S Wu & K Zou (eds), Non-Traditional Security Issues and the South China Sea: Shaping a New Framework for Cooperation (Routledge, 2014). N Klein, Maritime Security and the Law of the Sea (OUP, 2010). MD Evans and S Galani (eds), Maritime Security and the Law of the Sea: Help or Hindrance? (EE, 2020).


Evidential Aspects of Undercover Policing • • • • •


How can Law help to solve the problem of Anti-Microbial Resistance? •

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Phipson on Evidence (2018 and updates) Mirfield P. 'Silence, Confessions and Improperly Obtained Evidence' OUP (1998) Ashworth A. and Emmerson B 'Human rights and Criminal Justice' (2012) Archbold: Principles and Practice of Criminal Law, Evidence and Sentencing-online updating Ian Dennis 'The Law of Evidence' 2017

Jasper Littmann, A. M. Viens, The Ethical Significance of Antimicrobial Resistance, Public Health Ethics, Volume 8, Issue 3, November 2015, Pages 209– 224, https://doi.org/10.1093/phe/phv025 Fidler D. P. (1998). Legal issues associated with antimicrobial drug resistance. Emerging infectious diseases, 4(2), 169–177. doi:10.3201/eid0402.980204 Hoffman, SJ, Bakshi, R, Roger Van Katwyk, S. How law can help solve the collective action problem of antimicrobial resistance. Bioethics. 2019; 33: 798– 804. https://doi.org/10.1111/bioe.12597 Hoffman, Steven and Behdinan, Asha, Towards an International Treaty on Antimicrobial Resistance (February 16, 2016). Ottawa Law Review, Vol. 47, No. 2, 2016. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2746854 Shavell, Steven M. and Ypersele, Tanguy van (2001) "Rewards versus Intellectual Property Rights," Journal of Law and Economics: Vol. 44 : No. 2 , Article 8. Available at: https://chicagounbound.uchicago.edu/jle/vol44/iss2/8

International Sale of Goods • •

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Schwenzer, I & Muñoz, E ‘Duty to Renegotiate and Contract Adaptation in Case of Hardship’, (2019) 24 Uniform Law Review 149 Rimke, J ‘Force Majeure and Hardship: Application in International Trade Practice with Specific Regard to the CISG and the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts’ Pace Review of the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods 197 Muñoz, E ‘Software Technology in CISG Contracts’, (2019) 24 Uniform Law Review 281 Saidov, D & Green, S ‘Software as Goods’, (2007) Journal of Business Law 161 Graffi, L ‘Case Law on the Concept of “Fundamental Breach” in the Vienna Sales Convention’ (2003) International Business Law Journal 338 Bridge, M ‘Avoidance for Fundamental Breach of Contract under the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods’, (2010) 59 International & Comparative Law Quarterly 911 Jenkins, S ‘Exemption for non-performance: UCC, CISG, UNIDROIT Principles: A Comparative Assessment’ (1998) 72 Tulane Law Review 2015 Weitzmann, T ‘Validity and Excuse in the UN Sales Convention’ (1997) 16 Journal of Law and Commerce 265 Bridge, M ‘Good Faith, the Common Law and the CISG’, (2017) 22 Uniform Law Review 98 Schlechtriem P ‘Good Faith in German Law and in International Uniform Laws’ available at https://www.cisg.law.pace.edu/cisg/biblio/schlechtriem16.html


Mental health and human rights in the context of Covid-19 •

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Can we regulate to inhibit climate change in England? • • • • • •


Amnesty International, As if expendable: The UK government's failure to protect older people in care homes during the Covid19 pandemic (2020) available at https://www.amnesty.org.uk/files/202010/Care%20Homes%20Report.pdf?kd5Z8eWzj8Q6ryzHkcaUnxfCtqe5Ddg6= Care Quality Commission, Monitoring the Mental Health Act in 2019-20 (2020) available at: https://www.cqc.org.uk/publications/major-report/monitoring-mental-health-act-201920mental-health-act-coronavirus-covid-19 Joint Committee on Human Rights, Seventh Report: The Government's response to Covid-19: Human Rights Implications (2020) available at: https://committees.parliament.uk/work/218/the-governments-response-to-covid19human-rights-implications/publications/ The Government's response to the Joint Committee on Human Rights Report: The Government's response to Covid-19: Human rights implications (2020) available at: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_da ta/file/944103/The_Government_s_Response_to_the_Joint_Committee_on_Human_Rights_R eport_The_Government_s_Response_to_COVID-19_Human_Rights_Implications__CP_335_pdf.pdf S Vicary et al, It's about how much we can do, and not how little we can get away with: Coronavirus related legislative changes for social care in the UK (2020) 72 International Journal of Law & Psychiatry

Climate Change Act 2008 Elizabeth Fisher, Eloise Scotford, and Emily Barritt, ‘The legally disruptive nature of climate change.’ The Modern Law Review 80.2 (2017): 173-201. R. (on the application of Plan B Earth) v Secretary of State for Transport [2020] EWCA Civ 214 (Supreme Court decision expected January, 2021). Sara Priestly, House of Commons Library, Net zero in the UK, Number CBP8590, 16 December 2019 Paris Agreement on Climate Change 2015 Leila Rajamani, ‘The 2015 Paris Agreement: Interplay Between Hard, Soft and Non Obligations’ (2016) 28 JEL 337.

Copyright and Artificial Intelligence • • •

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Amanda Levendowski, ‘How Copyright Law Can Fix Artificial Intelligence's Implicit Bias Problem’ (2018) 93 Washington Law Review 579 Dan L. Burk, ‘Algorithmic Fair Use’ (2019) 86 University of Chicago Law Review 283 Eleonora Rosati, ‘Copyright as an obstacle or an enabler? A European perspective on text and data mining and its role in the development of AI creativity’ (2019) 27(2) Asia Pacific Law Review 198 Jane C. Ginsburg, ‘People Not Machines: Authorship and What It Means in the Berne Convention’ (2018) 49(2) IIC 131 Ana Ramalho, ‘Will Robots Rule the (Artistic) World? A Proposed Model for the Legal Status of Creations by Artificial Intelligence Systems’ (2017) (available at: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2987757)


Regulating university law clinics •

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Companies Act 2006, sections 994-6 Hannigan, B., Company Law (Oxford, 5th edn) Chapter 19 O’Neill v Phillips [1999] 1 WLR 1092 Milman, D., ‘Revisiting shareholder litigation in private companies’ (2020) 421 Co LN 1 Paterson, P., ‘A criticism of the contractual approach to unfair prejudice’ (2006) 27 Co Law 204

The law relating to non-therapeutic medical procedures • • • • •


Elaine Campbell, ‘Regulating Clinic: Do UK Clinics Need to Become Alternative Business Structures Under the Legal Services Act 2007?’ (2014) 20(1) International Journal of Clinical Legal Education 519 Jonathan Herring, Legal Ethics (Oxford University Press 2016), 73-118 Section 43, Solicitors Act 1974 Simpson & Ors (T/A Harrow Solicitors and Advocates) v Godson & Ors [2013] EWCA Civ 1339 04/11/13 Smith, L., Hitchings, E. & Sefton...

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