2007psy Module 3 review questions answer PDF

Title 2007psy Module 3 review questions answer
Course Biological Psychology
Institution Griffith University
Pages 27
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2007psy biological psychology Module 3 and week 3 review practice questions and with marked answer key in pdf form...


1. The ________ branch of the nervous system receives sensory information and controls muscle movements. central autonomic vagal sensory-motor somatic 10 points


1. A ________ section made through a human brain divides the brain like a salami. transverse horizontal sagittal diagonal cranial 10 points


1. The parasympathetic division of the ANS is involved in activities that expend energy. the inhibition of digestive function during a fight. activities that increase levels of stored energy within the body. acceleration of heart rate and increased blood flow to the muscles. the control of the voluntary muscles of the body. 10 points


1. ________ refers to structures that are found on opposite sides of the body. Contralateral Contramedial Ipsilateral Bilateral Parasagittal 10 points


1. A ________ is a large groove in the surface of the human cortex. fissure ventricle cerebral aqueduct gyrus

sulcus 10 points


1. The ________ are formed by four hollow and interconnected spaces within the brain. choroid plexi subarachnoid spaces ventricles meninges aqueducts 10 points


1. Caudal is to rostral as contralateral is to antagonistic. medial is to superior. inferior is to lateral. lateral is to anterior. posterior is to anterior. 10 points

QUESTION 8 1. Damage to portions of the limbic cortex would be expected to alter emotion. job motivation. sleeping. mating. fighting. 10 points


1. Damage to the substantia nigra would be expected to produce difficulties in emotional expression. changes in food preferences and body weight gain. blindness. Parkinson's-like motor symptoms. problems in speech perception. 10 points


1. Which structures below form the autonomic nervous system? sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions spinal and cranial nerves

ventral and dorsal spinal roots dorsal and ventral divisions tectum and tegmentum 10 points


1. The term neuraxis refers to the frontal portions of the brain. a plane that divides the two hemispheres into right and left halves. an imaginary line drawn through the spinal cord up to the front of the forebrain. a plane that divides the brain into top and bottom halves. the diameter of the spinal cord. 10 points


1. Which of the following would be expected as a result of damage to the visual association cortex? problems in recognizing an object by sight an inability to recognize a familiar odor. difficulty in naming an object the person can touch (but not see) problems in naming a song they knew before sustaining brain damage difficulty in playing a tune on a piano 10 points


1. Damage to the ________ would most likely be fatal. hypothalamus cerebellum reticular formation medulla oblongata basal ganglia 10 points


1. The hypothalamus is involved in all of the following except fleeing. mating. feeding. fighting. memory. 10 points


1. In mammals, the superior colliculi are involved in visual reflexes. emotions. taste reactivity. audition. language comprehension. 10 points


1. The brain is cushioned by ________, which is contained within the ________. intracellular fluid; pia mater cerebrospinal fluid; subararachnoid space blood; cerebral arteries interstitial fluid; subararachnoid space extracellular fluid; central core of the spinal cord 10 points


1. A key function of the autonomic nervous system involves control of skeletal muscle. cardiac muscle and glands flow of sensory information to the brain. voluntary movements. control of visual reflexes. 10 points


1. The association regions of the left and right hemispheres are interconnected via the axons of the stria terminalis. cingulate callosum. corpus callosum. medial commissure. fornix. 10 points


1. Regions of the cortex that are NOT directly concerned with sensation or movement are termed the ________ cortex. homuncular association nonspecific

projection undifferentiated 10 points


1. The primary auditory cortex is located within the _____ cortical lobe. occipital frontal temporal insular parietal 10 points


1. Electrical stimulation of the right motor cortex elicits limb movements on the left side of the body, and vice versa. Which term below best describes this organization of the motor cortex and the muscles of the body? contralateral horizontal ipsilateral antagonistic parasagittal 10 points


1. Damage to the basal ganglia would be expected to produce difficulties in speech perception. emotional experience. understanding social rules. motor movements. emotional memories. 10 points

QUESTION 23 1. The formulation of plans and strategies occurs in which cortical lobe? occipital frontal temporal insular parietal 10 points


1. The ________ thalamic nuclei receive input from the ________ and project it to the primary motor cortex. medial geniculate; caudate nuclei ventrolateral; cerebellum lateral geniculate; caudate nuclei ventrolateromedial geniculate; dorsolateral geniculate; cerebellum 10 points


1. CSF is produced from the ________ of the brain. choroid plexus subarachnoid spaces ventricles meninges cerebral aqueducts 10 points

QUESTION 26 1. Damage to the hypothalamus would be expected to produce blindness. impairments in fighting, eating and reproduction difficulties in understanding speech. Parkinson's-like motor symptoms. problems in face recognition. 10 points


1. A ________ is a bulge located between adjacent grooves in the surface of the human cortex. ventricle gyrus cerebral aqueduct fissure sulcus 10 points


1. Which of the following most accurately describes the general functions performed by the left and right hemispheres? The left hemisphere is adept at the serial analysis of information. The right hemisphere is adept at the serial analysis of information.

The right hemisphere is adept at the analysis of information. The left hemisphere is adept in the synthesis of information. The two hemispheres perform identical functions. 10 points


1. A ________ section made perpendicular to the ground and parallel to the neuraxis through a human brain divides the brain into two symmetrical halves. transverse horizontal midsagittal frontal diagonal. 10 points


1. The midbrain is comprised of the dorsal horn and ventral horn. tectum and tegmentum. pons and medulla. thalamus and hypothalamus. superior colliculus and inferior colliculus. 10 points


1. Which term below refers to structures that are found on the same side of the body? horizontal contramedial ipsilateral bilateral contralateral 10 points


1. Which cortical lobe contains the primary somatosensory cortex? occipital frontal temporal insular parietal 10 points


1. A key function of the cerebellum is the capacity to reason. coordination of grammar. performance of coordinated motor movements. ability to read and write. expression of emotion. 10 points


1. Primary visual cortex is located within the ________ cortical lobe. occipital frontal temporal limbic parietal 10 points


1. A key function of the pons involves the expression of emotion. motor coordination. relaying taste information to the thalamus. the ability to read and write. control of sleep and arousal. 10 points

QUESTION 36 1. CSF is reabsorbed into the blood supply via the arachnoid granulations in subarachnoid space. choroid plexus. foramen of Magendie. nodes of Ranvier. cerebral aqueduct. 10 points


1. Destruction of primary visual cortex results in stuttering. total deafness. memory disorder. deficient tactile perception.

total blindness. 10 points


1. ________ fibers "bear away from the brain." Afferent Efferent Projection Somatic Apolar 10 points


1. The red nucleus and substantia nigra are located in the ________ and are involved in ________. diencephalon; the motor system tectum; sleep and arousal tegmentum; the motor system spinal cord; the autonomic nervous system reticular formation; pain perception 10 points


1. Identify the correct pairing of a thalamic nucleus with its projection path to cortex. medial geniculate; projects to primary visual cortex ventrolateral nucleus; projects to primary visual cortex lateral geniculate; projects to primary visual cortex ventrolateral nucleus; projects to primary somatosensory cortex lateral geniculate; projects to primary motor cortex 10 points


1. In the peripheral nervous system, the ________ and the ________ fuse together to form a single sheath that protects the spinal and cranial nerves and the autonomic ganglia. dura mater; pia mater pia mater; arachnoid membrane dorsa mater; pia mater arachnoid membrane; periosteum dura mater; Schwann cells 10 points


1. The brain and spinal cord form the

enteric nervous system. systemic nervous system. peripheral nervous system. somatic nervous system. central nervous system. 10 points


1. The middle layer of the brain meninges is the dura mater. pia mater. dorsa mater. arachnoid membrane. midsagittal sinus. 10 points


1. Which of the following is true of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)? CSF is produced within the venous sinuses. CSF flows from the lateral ventricles toward the fourth ventricle. CSF is produced in the fourth ventricle and flows toward the fifth ventricle. CSF is a waste product generated by nerve cell activity. CSF production is sped up during a seizure. 10 points


1. A ________ section is made through a human brain parallel to the ground. transverse horizontal sagittal frontal parasagittal 10 points


1. The human cerebral cortex has a grayish-brown appearance because the cortex contains many small blood vessels. of the large number of dendrites contained in the cortex. brain nerve membrane is uniformly gray in appearance. many glial cells are located in the cortex. the cortex contains many neuron cell bodies.

10 points


1. Which of the following terms does NOT belong with the others? frontal sagittal horizontal transverse rostral 10 points


1. ________ fibers send their information toward the brain. Afferent Efferent Projection Somatic Apolar 10 points


1. Which structures below comprise the metencephalon? thalamus and hypothalamus tectum and tegmentum pons and cerebellum dorsal horn and ventral horn superior colliculus and inferior colliculus 10 points


1. The ________ is a tough protective sheath that covers the brain and that lies closest to the skull. dura mater pia mater dorsa mater arachnoid membrane midsagittal sinus 10 points


1. The ________ interconnects the third and fourth ventricles. choroid plexus subarachnoid space

corpus callosum arachnoid granulations cerebral aqueduct

Question 1 0 out of 10 points

The ________ branch of the nervous system receives sensory information and controls muscle movements. Selected Answer: Answers:

[None Given]

central autonomic vagal sensory-motor somatic

Question 2 0 out of 10 points

A ________ section made through a human brain divides the brain like a salami. Selected Answer:

[None Given]


transverse horizontal sagittal diagonal cranial •

Question 3 0 out of 10 points

The parasympathetic division of the ANS is involved in Selected Answer: Answers:

[None Given]

activities that expend energy. the inhibition of digestive function during a fight. activities that increase levels of stored energy within the body. acceleration of heart rate and increased blood flow to the muscles. the control of the voluntary muscles of the body.

Question 4 0 out of 10 points

________ refers to structures that are found on opposite sides of the body.

Selected Answer:

[None Given]


Contralateral Contramedial Ipsilateral Bilateral Parasagittal •

Question 5 0 out of 10 points

A ________ is a large groove in the surface of the human cortex. Selected Answer:

[None Given]


fissure ventricle cerebral aqueduct gyrus sulcus •

Question 6 0 out of 10 points

The ________ are formed by four hollow and interconnected spaces within the brain. Selected Answer: Answers:

[None Given]

choroid plexi subarachnoid spaces ventricles meninges aqueducts

Question 7 0 out of 10 points

Caudal is to rostral as Selected Answer: Answers:

[None Given]

contralateral is to antagonistic. medial is to superior. inferior is to lateral. lateral is to anterior.

posterior is to anterior. •

Question 8 0 out of 10 points

Damage to portions of the limbic cortex would be expected to alter Selected Answer:

[None Given]


emotion. job motivation. sleeping. mating. fighting. •

Question 9 0 out of 10 points

Damage to the substantia nigra would be expected to produce Selected Answer: Answers:

[None Given]

difficulties in emotional expression. changes in food preferences and body weight gain. blindness. Parkinson's-like motor symptoms. problems in speech perception.

Question 10 0 out of 10 points

Which structures below form the autonomic nervous system? Selected Answer:

[None Given]


sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions spinal and cranial nerves ventral and dorsal spinal roots dorsal and ventral divisions tectum and tegmentum •

Question 11 0 out of 10 points

The term neuraxis refers to Selected Answer: Answers:

[None Given]

the frontal portions of the brain.

a plane that divides the two hemispheres into right and left halves. an imaginary line drawn through the spinal cord up to the front of the forebrain. a plane that divides the brain into top and bottom halves. the diameter of the spinal cord. •

Question 12 0 out of 10 points

Which of the following would be expected as a result of damage to the visual association cortex? Selected Answer:

[None Given]


problems in recognizing an object by sight an inability to recognize a familiar odor. difficulty in naming an object the person can touch (but not see) problems in naming a song they knew before sustaining brain damage difficulty in playing a tune on a piano •

Question 13 0 out of 10 points

Damage to the ________ would most likely be fatal. Selected Answer: Answers:

[None Given]

hypothalamus cerebellum reticular formation medulla oblongata basal ganglia

Question 14 0 out of 10 points

The hypothalamus is involved in all of the following except Selected Answer: Answers:

[None Given]

fleeing. mating. feeding. fighting.

memory. •

Question 15 0 out of 10 points

In mammals, the superior colliculi are involved in Selected Answer:

[None Given]


visual reflexes. emotions. taste reactivity. audition. language comprehension. •

Question 16 0 out of 10 points

The brain is cushioned by ________, which is contained within the ________. Selected Answer: Answers:

[None Given]

intracellular fluid; pia mater cerebrospinal fluid; subararachnoid space blood; cerebral arteries interstitial fluid; subararachnoid space extracellular fluid; central core of the spinal cord

Question 17 0 out of 10 points

A key function of the autonomic nervous system involves control of Selected Answer: Answers:

[None Given]

skeletal muscle. cardiac muscle and glands flow of sensory information to the brain. voluntary movements. control of visual reflexes.

Question 18 0 out of 10 points

The association regions of the left and right hemispheres are interconnected via the axons of the Selected Answer: Answers:

[None Given]

stria terminalis.

cingulate callosum. corpus callosum. medial commissure. fornix. •

Question 19 0 out of 10 points

Regions of the cortex that are NOT directly concerned with sensation or movement are termed the ________ cortex. Selected Answer: Answers:

[None Given]

homuncular association nonspecific projection undifferentiated

Question 20 0 out of 10 points

The primary auditory cortex is located within the _____ cortical lobe. Selected Answer: Answers:

[None Given]

occipital frontal temporal insular parietal

Question 21 0 out of 10 points

Electrical stimulation of the right motor cortex elicits limb movements on the left side of the body, and vice versa. Which term below best describes this organization of the motor cortex and the muscles of the body? Selected Answer:

[None Given]


contralateral horizontal ipsilateral antagonistic

parasagittal •

Question 22 0 out of 10 points

Damage to the basal ganglia would be expected to produce difficulties in Selected Answer: Answers:

[None Given]

speech perception. emotional experience. understanding social rules. motor movements. emotional memories.

Question 23 0 out of 10 points

The formulation of plans and strategies occurs in which cortical lobe? Selected Answer: Answers:

[None Given]

occipital frontal temporal insular parietal

Question 24 0 out of 10 points

The ________ thalamic nuclei receive input from the ________ and project it to the primary motor cortex. Selected Answer: Answers:

[None Given]

medial geniculate; caudate nuclei ventrolateral; cerebellum lateral geniculate; caudate nuclei ventrolateromedial geniculate; dorsolateral geniculate; cerebellum

Question 25 0 out of 10 points

CSF is produced from the ________ of the brain. Selected Answer: Answers:

[None Given]

choroid plexus subarachnoid spaces ventricles meninges cerebral aqueducts •

Question 26 0 out of 10 points

Damage to the hypothalamus would be expected to produce Selected Answer: Answers:


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